Top 30 Dangerous Computer Viruses

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this video contains content not suitable for viewers who suffer from cyber phobia viewer discretion advised [Music] created by some of the smartest people out there just to prove their mettle or for the sake of playing pranks viruses have embedded themselves deep into the roots of computing malicious software worms Trojans and computer viruses are on the rise as hackers spammers and identity thieves seek new ways to steal information that can be used to empty bank accounts or spread electronic pandemonium well as of right now there are millions of viruses out there and they get more and more threatening every day here's a look at the top 30 dangerous computer viruses Jerusalem this is one of the first ms-dos viruses in history that caused enormous destructions affecting many countries universities and companies worldwide in 1988 the computer virus managed to infect a number of institutions in Europe America and the Middle East the name was given to the virus after one of the first places that got acquainted with it The Jerusalem University the Jerusalem virus managed to infect thousands of computers and still remain unnoticed back then antivirus programs were not as advanced as they are today and a lot of users had little knowledge of the existence of computer viruses solar sunrise using a computer virus hackers in 1998 penetrated and took control of over 500 computer systems that belonged to the army government and private sector of the United States the whole situation was dubbed solar sunrise after the popular vulnerabilities and computers that ran on operating systems called Sun Solaris initially it was believed that the attacks were planned by operatives in Iraq it was later revealed that the incidents represented the work of two American teenagers from California after the attacks the Defense Department took drastic actions to prevent further incidents of this kind brain brain may not have been the most sophisticated virus but in 1986 it was the first to really target pcs via Microsoft's dos operating system the virus ate up a huge chunk of memory and caused computers to display a message warning that they had been infected it even told them who they should call to get disinfected the original developers claimed they weren't trying to cause trouble they created the virus as a means of copy protection for the medical software but then someone else came along and copied that bit of code and the virus spread explorer dot zip the Explorer dot zip worm appeared in the summer of 1999 following in the footsteps of Melissa the warm deleted Word Excel and PowerPoint files and randomly altered other types of files the most dangerous computer viruses traveled via emails that appeared to be from someone the recipient knew the message included a file that if activated showed a fake error message to the user unlike Melissa this virus did not use Outlook to gather email addresses instead it watched the inbox of the infected computer and then sent automatic replies to senders using the same email subject as the original message autorun this virus primarily targeted us peas and flash drives and established them as a major source of movement and propagation it affected networks and all computers present on them once affected the folder options would be disabled the task manager would be well unavailable and the virus itself would become the systems administrator the virus to replicate itself on all the folders therefore eating up all useful space on the hard disk and making it extremely and evidently slow the loss you may ask was in terms of useful data on millions of computers across the world ficer while phizzer wasn't as fast moving his code read this virus was much more insidious fizzer was the first instance of a worm created for financial gain computers infected with phizzer started sending out pharmacy spam in other words Visser didn't just take over your address book to spread for the sake of spreading it used your address book to send out porn and pill spam fizzer was followed by better known spam inducing worms like so big which became threatening enough that Microsoft even offered a $250,000 bounty for information leading to the arrest of its creator [Music] sirrah camp sir chem is a nasty little virus that appeared in July 2001 on PCs running Windows 95 98 and millennium the worm appeared in emails with an attachment in Spanish or English saying greetings such as hi how are you and como estas if you launch the attachment sur cam it would install itself onto your infected computer would grab random documents and send them out on email addresses captured from your address book it occasionally deleted files on the infected computers hard drive and essentially change them to nothing but gibberish and random HTML code so big so big was a computer worm in the sense that it replicated by itself but also a Trojan horse and in that it masqueraded as something other than malware the so big worm would appear as an electronic mail that would contain the text and see the attached file for details or please see the attached file for details something along those lines the so big worm deactivated itself on September 10 2003 on November 5th of the same year Microsoft announced they will pay 250 thousand dollars for information leading to the arrest of the creator is so big one Magister Magister is one of the most complex viruses and one of the most dangerous out there to hit the Internet its victims users of Outlook Express were hooked by an infected email attachment this virus discovered in mid-march of 2001 sent garbled messages to everyone in the infected users email address book attached where files pulled at random from the infected PCs hard drive plus an executive a file with the Magister code this virus was not as widespread as many others but it still was very destructive Magister would override hard drives and erase emotions and the flashable BIOS preventing systems from booting it also contained anti debugging features making it very hard to detect and destroy it storm storm tricks users into downloading it through email messages that seem to be about current news events users called it this because one of the messages had the subject 230 dead as storm batters Europe storm operates as a Trojan horse program carrying a variety of different programs that can do different nasty things to a user's computer such as making it vulnerable to remote control it turned out to be a mother virus instigating numerous hidden programs in the background which made the PC vulnerable and enticing to hackers poison ivy poison ivy is a computer security nightmare this virus allows the attacker to secretly control the infected users computer malware like poison ivy is known as a remote access trojan because it provides full control to the perpetrator through a backdoor once the virus is installed the perpetrator can activate controls on the targeted computers system to record or manipulate its contents or even use a computer speaker and webcam to record audio and video once thought is a tool for simple amateur hackers poison ivy has been using sophisticated attacks against dozens of Western firms including those involved with the defense and chemical industries Metropolitan Police virus this virus blocks targeted computer systems and tries to get money from their users it's a scam that uses the name of Metropolitan Police and blames users for breaking the law by watching and distributing pornographic content files it changes their Windows registry and adds its and malicious files to run its startup thus whenever they try to log into their Windows operating system or even in Safe Mode they'll get a virus page instead of the desktop icon saying that your personal computer has been blocked it also shows some screenshots from the webcam on the virus page and makes users into thinking their actions can be recorded and transferred to the police database it can also display an infected computers IP address host name and even turn the webcam on automatically without their permission this tricky viruses program with a single goal swindle the person who trusts this fake alert it asks users to pay a fine of 100 pounds within 48 hours of you cash or paysavecard payment system however users should know these systems are based on payments using prepaid cards and police would never use such methods to collect fines [Music] nimda nimda spelled backwards is admin it was a worm that had the record of being the fastest ever virus to spread it targeted internet servers and web sites creating a mass crater through which thousands of computers were affected at the same time once infected the systems became exposed to open attacks by the outsiders this virus debuted itself in 2001 immediately a week after the attack on the World Trade Centers some media began speculating a link between the virus and the attack on the World Trade Centers which hasn't been proven yet the virus spreads through the email and browsing of compromised websites SQL slammer it was a worm that basically slowed down the Internet traffic and crashed multiple servers the worm infected the server is over UDP and fit themselves into a single packet thereby slipping through all the ports in spite of the Internet traffic and routers not functioning this worm created major problems during that year and resulted in the worst case scenario in the tech field among its list of victims Bank of America's ATMs a 911 see response system in Washington State and perhaps most disturbingly a nuclear plant in Ohio [Music] alluring on illyrian also known as t DSS is a Trojan and boot kit designed to steal data by intercepting a systems network traffic and searching it for usernames passwords and credit card data pcs usually get infected by manually downloading and installing trojan software in Alor ian has been seen bundled with the rogue security software security essentials 2010 when the dropper is executed it first hijacks the school's V Exe to write a filesystem boot sector at the end of the disk and changing the Master Boot Record to execute this bootstrap routine it also manipulates the Windows registry to block access to Windows task manager and the desktop blocking access to Windows Update and attempting to disable some antivirus products Stuxnet Stuxnet was the very first computer virus designed specifically to cause damage in the real world on the virtual world like we said previous viruses before Stuxnet only caused physical problems indirectly by causing problems in the virtual world first what Stuxnet it was designed to target software systems controlling industrial systems which can then cause damage to all the machinery controlled by those systems it was created to damage Iran's uranium enrichment facility in non tones and data from the International Atomic Energy Agency revealed that Stuxnet caused a large number of Iran's centrifuges to go nuts and self-destruct the virus was discovered in 2010 but experts believe that it had infected computers in Iran since 2009 many speculate that the u.s. government and Israel worked together to create Stuxnet class Klaus gave the antivirus programs a real problem by simply disabling them and making them look like a joke after it was thought to be defeated it was taken over decoded and customized by hackers who specialized in unauthorized penetration its ability was enhanced by providing it with the capability to spoof from the user's address book and make it look like an email from them increasing the chances of the receiver opening the email and becoming the next casualty the class virus was known to affect Window System eclipsing the anti virus in the systems and posing itself as a virus removal tool it again spread in the conventional way of attachments and sent itself to various contacts of the victim some variants of the virus created immense damage by rendering ones computer as inoperable cih cih better known as chernobyl virus had an outbreak in the late 1990s that wiped out internal hard drives what made CIA age so dangerous is that shortly after activated it would override the data on the host pcs hard drive rendering it inoperable it was also capable of overriding the bios of the host preventing boot-up because it infected executable files cih wound up being distributed by numerous software distributors including a demo version of an activision game named sin the virus was responsible for around 6 billion dollars damage in total the special thing about this virus was that it was actually an attempt by the creator to test the antiviral efficiency of packages out in the market blaster blaster also known as ms blast was first reported in the summer of 2003 the virus was detected on August 11th and spread rapidly peaking in just two days transmitted via Network and Internet traffic this worm exploited a vulnerability in Windows 2000 and Windows XP and when activated presented the PC user with a menacing dialog box indicating that a system shutdown was imminent although the worm can only spread on systems running Windows 2000 or Windows XP it can cause instability in the RPC service on systems running Windows NT in Windows Server 2003 if the worm detects a connection to the Internet this can even lead to the system becoming so unstable that it displays the following message and then restarts Sasser the Sasser worm exploited the vulnerability in the network ports and infected the host computers the specialty of the Sasser virus was that it didn't spread through email attachments instead it would first scan the IP addresses of potential computers and then infect them Sasser began spreading on april 30th 2004 and was destructive enough to shut down the satellite communications for some French news agencies it also resulted in the cancellation of several Delta airline flights in the shutdown of numerous companies systems worldwide unlike most previous worms Sasser was not transmitted via email and required no user interaction to spread instead the worm exploited a security flaw in non updated Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems when successfully replicated the worm would actively scan for other unprotected systems and transmit itself to them infected systems experienced repeated crashes in instability the virus was actually created by a 17 year old German student but because of his young age he served no jail time he was however sentenced to 21 months probation and some community service Morris this computer virus infected over 6,000 computer systems in the United States alone including the famous NASA Research Institute which for some time were made completely paralyzed due to the erratic code the worm managed to send millions of copies of itself to different networks of computers being able to entirely paralyzed all network resources the damages caused by the Morris computer virus is estimated at about 96 million this virus is also known as the internet worm of November 2nd 1988 it is considered the first worm as well as the first one to gain significant media attention it also resulted in the first United States conviction under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act it was written by a student at Cornell University his name is Robert tap Morris and launched on November 2nd 1988 from MIT agent that BTC agent at btz infected the entire Pentagon and they even had to issue a ban on all flash drives the US Cyber Command Department was created because of Agent b2z military IT experts found the virus on Pentagon computers in 2008 and they suspected it was the work of foreign spies former Deputy Secretary of Defense wrote that agent that btz was capable of creating a digital beachhead which can be used to transfer data to servers under foreign control the worm was pretty sophisticated and it took the Pentagon nearly 14 months to clean it entirely from other systems win32 fake system or Windows 30 to fake system Defragmenter this is a Trojan horse targeting a Microsoft Windows operating system that was first documented in late 2010 it was originally dispersed as an application called HDD Defragmenter hence the name fake sis def or fake system Defragmenter this virus manifest says one or more of an array of programs that purport to scan your computer for hardware failures related to system memory hard drives and system functionality they scan the computer show false hard drive issues and present a remedy to defrag the hard drives and fine-tune the system performance they then request from the user a payment in order to download the repair update and activate the program in order to repair these contrived Hardware issues my doom probably one of the deadliest and most threatening viruses ever created in computer history my doom was a computer virus affecting Microsoft Windows it was first sighted on January 26th 2004 became the fastest spreading email worm ever unlike other viruses my doom attacks the search engines by sending multiple phony requests to them thereby making them slow and causing them to crash it would also duplicate emails and send them over the network causing a lot of damage and loss to various companies my doom appears to have been commissioned by email spammers so as to send junk email through infected computers the worm contains the message I'm just doing my job nothing personal sorry leading many to believe the worms creator was paid to do so early on several security firms published their belief that the worm originated from professional underground programmer in Russia the actual author of this one is on conficker the computer security company f-secure stated that the computer virus had infected 3.5 million computers worldwide this malicious program was able to spread using a patched windows flaw Conficker was so successful in spreading across the web because it used a flaw that Microsoft patched in October in order to distantly compromise computers that ran unpatched versions of Microsoft's operating system unlike other viruses it doesn't do anything harmful on its own instead it essentially created a massive botnet army of remotely controlled computers these botnets can steal financial data and a lot of other personal information strangely even though conficker had infected millions of computers no one really knew what it was meant to do the botnet army was never activated to be used for any specific purpose the configure virus appears quite high on this list because infected not just commercial entities and individual computers but also computers of various governmental organizations such as the French Navy the UK Ministry of Defence the unified armed forces of Germany and a whole lot more [Music] Zuse this is a botnet toolkit that creates malware and is mainly used to collect data steal identities and bank information how one wheel Zeus is particularly difficult to deal with as it can create others steal any data stored on your computer is primarily spread through drive-by downloads and publishing schemes first identified in July 2007 when it was used to steal information from the United States Department of Transportation he became more widespread in March 2009 Code Red the Code Red virus bloomed into existence during the summer of 2001 and exploited the vulnerability in the indexing software within the iis server in the Internet it caught security experts off-guard by exploiting a flaw in the Microsoft Internet Information server it didn't require you to do anything at all to become infected by this virus all it took was an active internet connection for the virus to take advantage of a flaw in the Windows operating system the virus turns your computer into a slave letting someone off-site operated remotely that means they could steal whatever was on your computer or even use your computer to do terrible things the virus managed to force government agencies to temporarily take down their own public websites as well as infect the web servers in the White House though later worms have since overshadowed code rad it's still remembered by antivirus experts as a turning point for malware because of its extremely rapid spread [Music] Melissa Melissa named after a dancer in Florida is probably one of the most dangerous viruses to have affected computer systems spreading through email attachments the virus replicates itself once activated and dispatches the replicates through 50 of the contexts in the email address book of the user estimates have indicated that this word macro script infected 15 to 20 percent of all business pcs the virus spreaded so rapidly that Intel Microsoft and a number of other companies that use Outlook were forced to shut down their entire email system in order to contain the damage the email messages contained the sentence here is the document you asked for don't show anyone else well ominous right with the attached Word document clicking open on the doc file and thousands of unsuspecting users did so this allowed the virus to infect a host and repeat the replication also adding insult to injury once activated this virus modified the users documents with coats from animated TV shows such as Simpsons it led to the stop in the email system for a while until this virus is stopped though the virus thick crippled the internet networks it definitely caused terror and shock for those in the technological era I love you back in 2000 millions of people made the mistake of opening an innocent-looking email attachment labeled simply I love you once opened the worm over wrote important files as well as music multimedia and more with a copy of itself it also sent the worm to everyone on a user's contact list this particular worm only affected computers running on the Microsoft Windows operating system while any computer accessing the email could receive the I Love You email only Microsoft Windows systems could be infected the virus is known to attack the system's hard drive first and then the registry kinas and all the while it continues to copy itself then trench itself deep within the files and folders of the computer I love you caused a wide-scale of problems for computer users and only took hours for it to become a global pandemic the virus is thought to have originated somewhere in the Philippines and did around eight to ten billion dollars of damage cryptolocker this particularly nasty virus first discovered in September 2013 is a Trojan horse ransomware that targets computers running Microsoft Windows cryptolocker attack can come from various sources one such is disguised as a legitimate email attachment when activated the malware encrypts certain types of files stored on local and mounted network drives using RSA public key cryptography with the private key stored only on the malware's control servers the malware then displays a message offering to decrypt the data if a payment through either Bitcoin or a prepaid voucher is made by a stated deadline it threads to delete the private key if the deadline passes that the deadline is not met malware will then offer to decrypt the data via an online service provided by the malware's operators for a significantly higher price in Bitcoin [Music]
Channel: Tats TopVideos
Views: 3,557,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 30 Dangerous Computer Viruses, Trojan Horses, Computer Worms, Sasser, SQL Slammer, Blaster, CryptoLocker, ILoveYou, Nimda, Jerusalem, Alureon, PoisonIvy, Klez, Metropolitan Police Virus, Sircam, Code Red, Melissa, Magistr, Morris, Solar Sunrise, Brain,, Autorun, Fizzer, Sobig, Storm, Stuxnet, CIH, MyDoom, Agent.btz, Zeus, Win32/Fake/SysDef, Conficker
Id: QIqA66eYpC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 03 2014
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