Top 30 Best Saw Movie Traps

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he doesn't want us to cut through our chains welcome to watch Mojo and today we're looking at the Saw traps that help Propel the series to such popularity I ask you special agent strong have you learned enough to trust me number 30 the Brazen bow saw 3D jigsaw sure knows his history this trap shows just how Grizzly his throwback to ancient times can be the Brazen bow is bed Bas on an ancient Greek form of punishment Jo Bobby Bobby Bobby I'm here the victim is encased in a platform before being straight up roasted Bobby Deagan's wife Joyce is the unfortunate soul who suffers this fate the Trap itself is something of a one hit kill as there's no way to escape unless Bobby succeeds at his own test the latter must deactivate the Trap by hoisting himself up to the ceiling that's easier said than done considering Bobby has to pull on his pectoral muscles to complete his goal as expected Bobby fails his test and Joyce endures a truly ghastly end right before her husband's eyes number 29 the rack saw three the moment jigsaw admits this trap is his favorite you know poor Timothy isn't walking out of this one the device Timothy has strapped to is my personal favorite although though it chronologically appears near the end of jigsaws life the villain was working on it long before Timothy the young man responsible for accidentally causing the death of Jeff's son is strapped to a mechanism that twists his limbs the longer Jeff takes to free him the more limbs Timothy loses Jeff has to unhook the key from a precariously placed shotgun but takes far too long his slow attempts cost both Timothy and judge Halen their lives with Timothy experiencing a terrible downfall the key the rack is a display of jigsaws ruthless mentality as he considers this A fitting retribution for Timothy's mistake number 28 brain surgery trap saw 10 being one of the more straightforward traps does it make this any less gruesome here Mato has to fish out a part of his own brain to survive bound to a chair Matteo has to remove his cerebral tissue and dissolve it in acid the rules are simple place a big enough piece of your cerebral tissue into the glass enzyme tank failure to abide by the rules incurs electrical shocks meanwhile a mask fitted with steam coils clasp the face once the timer runs out with little to no choice before him Mato starts to play the game too bad for him he wasts too much to get going and fails to finish before the clock stops ticking it isn't great viewing for those who tend to get queasy but considering Matteo's role in jigsaws fake brain surgery the Trap serves as a casee of poetic justice okay great we're going to put you back to sleep I'm going to come down from 10 10 9 number 27 neck tie trap saw five it's always fun to start with a fast-paced trap and the Fatal fives tests begin here the catch is the collar around each victim that retracts into a blade on the wall although five compartments contain a key each a single cable connects them this means only one person can move forward while the rest are pulled back a 60-second timer adds further urgency to the game maybe it's testing our endurance we've got to move babe that time is connected to those jaws with survival in mind each player runs for it initiating a chaotic minute where the slowest or weakest person's death is guaranteed in this case it's Ashley the Trap subtly indicates the Test's theme of teamwork as the characters later realize one person could have gotten everyone's key if they'd worked together it was meant for five people they all were every game we only needed one key in the first room they all worked and any one of them would have opened every collar number 26 Razer wire maze saw among the first traps showcased in the series fans got a taste of just how fear inducing saw could be he was given two hours Paul is captured by jigsaw and Hoffman to learn a cruel lesson the victim is sealed in a basement that he has to crawl through to escape oh and there's a small matter of waiting through countless collections of raiser wires Paul is pretty much set up to fail as the panicked man loses rational thought and tries to speed through the maze it's easy to feel bad for the character considering his history of depression and attempts to seek help still the Trap establishes jigsaw as an absolute force that takes no mercy you're not done yet tonight you will see the difference between between killing and Rehabilitation number 25 steam maze saw six another trap that highlights just how adrenaline pupping saw can be this one also illustrates how quickly a friend can turn into a foe the main test subject William has to redirect Steam from pipes around him to Grant Debbie safe passage below you have seen the flaws in your policy but what you have not seen is the extent some people will go to when faced with death of course since this requires significant pain Williams's assistance comes with its stumbles even after helping Debbie through things are far from over we learn that the key to the device that will kill Debbie is inside William what are you waiting for is it you her decision to kill William doesn't pan out as she runs out of time and goes out Swinging with limited time and options it's hard to blame Debbie for the way she reacted additionally William learns the desperation one feels when fa with death number 24 scalping seat saw four the person in front of you is in desperate need of help but it is not your job to save them if you've been thinking about getting a haircut then this trap will convince you that it's a good idea Brenda is bound to a seat and has her hair pulled when the timer begins rig has to free her by reading the lock combination revealed through the twisting gears because of the necessary waiting time Brenda's slow torment is inevitable until rig can read the entire combination despite technically saving her life rig gets into a scuffle with Brenda and the ladder dies anyway well it seems unfair the finale reveals that every victim would have been safe if rig had left them alone the scalping seat is the first warning for rig to let people save themselves will you learn how to let go and truly save them number 23 death mask saw two jigsaw targets the authorities of on his Trail and uses Eric matthews's informant Michael Marx to send a message ask who wrote it Michael awakes with a spiky Contraption around his head that will snap shut within 60 seconds the only way to avoid a nasty demise is by removing a key right below his eye performing such a grueling task in such a short period requires a clear mind and willingness to Bear pain Michael isn't prepared for either giving up isn't exactly an option in a jigsaw game so all that waits for Michael at the end is a quick death the death mask is the first to tease the involvement of jigsaws apprentices as Dr Gordon is ultimately revealed to be the co-conspirator of this trap without you my work over the last few years would not have been possible number 22 shotgun Keys jigsaw an underrated aspect of Saw is that the game are just as psychological as they are physical chronologically jigsaw demonstrates this in the final film between Ryan and Anna after making his presence known jigsaw offers the pair their key to Freedom is your key to Freedom unaware of jigs Saw's neack for being literal with his Clues the two assume it's a fight to the death with the gun he leaves Anna is the first to shoot only to perish when the gun backfires Ryan realizes too late that the shotgun shell contains the key for their release it's a clever trap that didn't require any elaborate set designs instead the character needed to Value the other's life in order to leave with their own we could have been free number 21 razor box trap saw two there aren't many jigsaw traps as easy to complete as this one then again jigsaw planned on the nerve gas house victims to be dazed out by the time they got to it you only have 2 hours to live right now you are breathing in a deadly nerve agent you've been breathing it since you arrived here Addison stumbles upon the razor box trap but doesn't bother to listen to the tape seizing her opportunity she reaches for an antidote but gets her hand stuck a simple way out would have been to use the other hand to lift up the blades to release herself unfortunately she goes for the opening next to it and is completely trapped her death is so agonizing that the movie doesn't even play it out it goes to show that even when you think jigsaw is going easy on someone he really isn't oh yes There Will Be Blood number 20 oxygen Crusher saw six after William Easton is abducted he wakes up to find this trap also known as the breathing room as his first test the only Escape is in the other's failure the objective is to outlive the opponent with the victims hook to a machine that detects their breathing and progressively puts pressure on their chest hold your breath it's an effective trap that rules out any chance of cheating as the character's breaths are taken into account no matter how much they try to get away with it the only issue is the unfairness of the situation as William's opponent is a man riddled with heart disease which basically sets him up to fail still the tension felt in this scene is hard to miss especially when the Trap reaches its crushing [Music] conclusion W number 19 pendulum trap saw five hello Seth I want to play a game the fifth movie's opening shows Seth Baxter a convicted criminal LED out on a technicality bound to a metal table when his game Begins the rules seem simple enough with the only way out by activating a mechanism that forces Seth to offer his hands to save his life you must insert your hands and push the buttons to start the devices before you the motivation to complete this painful task is the presence of a pendulum blade that swings closer towards Seth unless he completes the requirement unfortunately this trap is rigged by Mark Hoffman who uses it as a way to avenge Seth's killing of his sister Seth did deserve to pay for his crimes but there's no denying he did win this trap fair and square it also leads to jigsaw capturing Hoffman for copying hiso and setting him up as his Apprentice number 18 horsepower trap Saw 3D hello Heaven I want to play it game appropriately called the horsepower trap this game involves the main subject being glued to a car seat with the goal being to reach for the lever to free not only himself but a number of his friends the price of failure is the result resulting chain of deaths as the car is intended to release and cause a painful end to these characters true to its nature the Trap carries a sense of urgency as the man literally tears himself apart to pull the lever unfortunately the timer runs out anyway spelling everyone's Doom as in the end his efforts don't matter considering so many lives are on the line here this game represents how jigsaw considers life to be a Race Against Time number 17 drill chair saw awake already Jeff I need more powerful tranquilizers next time the drill chair is a simple but terrifying game as the victim is left at the mercy of another person to prevent a truly awful demise now you'll make a choice in 20 seconds the life of this man will be ended shut up and get down here what you do turn it off it's not known what the actual game was meant to be here as jigsaw activates it to distract detectives away from him tell them about of stuff it ass key will unlock it where is it when sing and tap find the hapless Jeff strapped to this chair they have precious few moments to figure out how to save the man their attempts to use the keys to unlock his binds is never really an option however not with the drills approaching dangerously close to Jeff in the end sing cleverly shoots the drills instead providing a rare example of a character quick thinking their way out of a game number 16 classroom trap saw three Troy finds himself chained to a chair in a classroom where he receives instructions that the only way to be free is to pull on the chains pierced into his body more comfortable in Chains than you are in Freedom as expected this is far from an easy task although Troy does muster a remarkable level of willpower to come close all he had to do was release himself me to the chains however certain chains are pierced in vital areas that can be ripped open leaving Troy at the hands of death this is one of the traps executed by Amanda Young Who developed a habit to make them inescapable the impressive aspect of this is the symbolism it carries as Troy had to break himself apart from the criminal lifestyle that had Shackled him for years number 15 needle pit saw two the nerve gas house has several traps specifically for certain characters with the needle pit being a representation of beating addiction I will give you just one hint as to where that key is originally meant as a test for Xavier it takes a different turn when he forces Amanda to do it instead there isn't just one needle but several hundred that form a pit where the key is hidden unlike most jigsaw traps this one doesn't carry any lethal consequences but that doesn't make the process of sifting through hundreds of stabbing needles any more pleasant for a man hand up her succcess points towards her survivalist attitude and would have been a success had it not been for Xavier's Butterfingers no no no number 14 pound of Flesh saw six the game's become more brutal with each film and the sixth installment begins with Eddie and Simone being selected for a test where only one can survive the devices on your heads are symbolic of the shackles that you place upon others you recklessly loan people money this is based on who can provide the most flesh before the timer runs out losing means getting one skull drilled in by the mechanism on their head who will offer the most flesh in order to save their life the choice is yours with a distinct Advantage Eddie immediately begins handing out his offerings prompting Simone to think of drastic measures with seconds left she Braves through the fear and offers up her arm to win as a horrified Eddie meets his end as having worked as lone sharks the two are given a gruesome realization that feeding on others miseries entails a vivid lesson from jigsaw number 13 Angel trap saw three this one is designed for those with the bravest of spirits as sufficient pain needs to be incurred to escape Allison Cary wakes up to a trap fixed around her ribs as jigsaw explains the cost of failure will be Carrie experiencing a terrible fate you will have one minute to find a way out she under goes the test by plunging her hand into acid and retrieving the key at the bottom remarkably achieving the goal with time to spare unfortunately it turns out to be Amanda's inescapable trap meaning Carrie has to suffer a tragic end to her life despite winning the game the angel trap test the victim's mental resolve as much as their willpower as it tested car's willingness to live compared to her capacity for pain number 12 grain silo trap jigsaw the games in jigsaw vary in complexity ranging from simpler tests like the bucket room and needle trap to brain teasers like the cycle trap and the shotgun keys in the film's climax is your key to Freedom the grain silo trap technically shouldn't have been played as Ryan begins it by trying and failing to escape things get worse when Anna and Mitch are trapped in The Silo as it's up to Ryan to free them at a great personal cost if he PS the lever before you buried alive you will live brillian free yourself to free them this trap stands out in the movie for presenting a direct consequence for breaking jigsaws rules and giving a selfish character like Ryan a morally conscious decision to [Music] make it's also fun to see how overboard jigsaw went with placing dangerous weapons in The Silo bringing in an element of dark humor number 11 shotgun Carousel saw six please please get please jigsaws practice of giving everybody a chance to live takes a Twist in this trap as the possibility to stay alive for each participant is extremely thin six ride the carousel but only two can get off William is given a choice to save two out of six people strapped to a carousel while the others can do nothing would stare down a shotgun barrel in their last moments along with the Creative Design of the carousel the Trap is a good depiction of how williams insurance policies appear if they're shown in the flesh as the person who comes up with the best argument gets to live despite racking up a high kill count the carousel's scary quality comes with a certainty of death involved please number 10 Pig vat saw three this trap is relatively lower in intensity compared to the others although it's ultimately a stomach churning one get me out of here Jeff finds the judge who only gave the man that accidentally killed his son a short sentence at the bottom of a vat now you have the power to sentence his soul Straight to Hell or you can forgive the key that will free him is hidden inside your son's possessions it's hard not to Grimace when several pigs pulped remains begin flowing into the vat and nearly drown the judge Jeff's task is simple enough as he needs to burn the belongings of his son to retrieve the key to save the judge's life however there's a certain level of pain involved as the morose Jeff is forced to let go of his son's memory this trap proves jigsaw is a master of doing out out both physical and emotional pain number nine knife chair saw four jigsaw considers every trap he designs as his form of poetic justice and the knife chair is where he wrote his first verse let me go I could let you go that wouldn't serve you after losing his unborn child due to Cecil jigsaw then known as John Kramer loses his sense of morality and takes Justice into his own hands I want to play a game upon capturing Cecil John informs him that the key to Cecil's Redemption is to press his face against the set of knives before him thereby cleansing him of his sins just lean forward having always played against the rules in life Cecil is forced to comply for once and gets a painful lesson on the consequences of his actions the knife chair is definitely crude and exec ution but its success is what led to Jon turning into jigsaw number eight Jeff's final test saw three using his penchant for double meanings and Hal truths jigsaw gives Jeff the option to forgive the killer for all the things he's done I forgive you Jeff thinks he has no way to lose and takes it upon himself to end jigsaws life unfortunately he's unaware that jigsaw survival is connected to his wife Lind whose shotgun collar will go off when jigsaw dies a horrified Jeff learns that his test isn't only centered around forgiveness but also holds the fates of other characters now I will give you something to live for the Brilliance of this trap is how it goes directly in with Peter stm's own test who arrives moments later as we see in the next film the result of Jeff's test is also the key to Hoffman's Escape as he uses Jeff's daughter to Brand himself as a hero in the fifth and star it number seven public execution trap Saw 3D somebody help us by the events of Saw 3D jigsaw no longer has any issue with going public with his traps hello Brad hello Ryan I'm going play a game this one was basically a way to end a love triangle as the Trap involved two men fighting for their romantic interest if you wish to save her then the saws must be pushed all the way to one side one person has to die by directing the saw in the other's Direction while Ryan and Brad start off by taking their rivalry to lethal degrees they come to realize the girl they're fighting over doesn't have genuine feelings for either of them you love him no you loveing more than me no I had to say deciding to literally cut their losses the boys turn the blade towards her instead the remarkable aspect of this trap is how so many people are present but are completely helpless proving how there are no boundaries where jigsaw is concerned I think we're breaking up with you Tina number six maoam trap saw four this trap doesn't start off with any instructions for the victims talk to me we watch art blank come to and realize he's had his mouth stitched while Trevor his fellow participant has had his eyes sealed off the two have collars attached to their necks that pull them toward a certain Doom art figures out the key to his victory is placed on Trevor and the two battle it out before time runs out while it seems unfair to Trevor the true way to win was for art to communicate with Trevor since he ended up opening the stitches on his mouth anyway the mausoleum trap also signifies how ruthless jigsaw can be as it eventually becomes a straightup deathmatch number five glass coffin saw five nothing could have confirmed Hoffman's inheritance of jigsaws tactics better than this trap hello agent strong if you are hearing this then you have once again found what you are looking for or so you think while agent Peter stom gets closer and closer to figuring out Hoffman's role as jigsaws Apprentice he chases him down to a room containing a glass coffin which he assumes to be a trap for himself I got you however he realizes his mistake upon playing the tape as Hoffman reveals the coffin is the only way out your body will never be found he will simply vanish it's here when we learn the actual trap is in the room's walls which begin closing in as a hapless stom is left with no way out make your [Music] choice what makes this so memorable is how stum was given Clues right from the beginning and that Hoffman had calculated his every move to ensure that he was sealed in this room forever number four furnace saw two Obby is the only person who doesn't panic when the victims of the nerve gas house wake up you are breathing in the deadly nerve agent you've been breathing it since you arrived here later we find out Obby helped apprehend the others and is forced into a furnace to retrieve the antidotes Obby it's my name unfortunately for Obby his overconfident attitude leads him to underestimating jigsaw as he pulls on a chain that activates the furnace and seals him in there this is one of the first instances where the way to escape is answered in the tape itself as the devil mentioned by jigsaw is seen in the furnace while Obby meets a painful end the Trap goes a long way in establishing how jigsaws traps require victims to play by the rues RS number three acid room saw six William Easton is placed in a series of tests where the lives of everyone involved is placed in his hands Let It Go his motivation to see this through is to reunite with his family who are implied to be the mother and son watching him however the film's twist reveals the family Belongs To The Man William denied Insurance to and died as a result you're the man that killed my dad it also turns out that the real trap of this game is this one as the Mother's Son Duo have the option to end William by injecting him with acid or will you dispense the same death sentence he issued your husband this trap represents a perfect piece of irony as William was always responsible for deciding the fate of others only to find himself begging for mercy unfortunately he gets a lethal Taste of his own medicine have mercy please did he show Mercy when my husband was suffering number two reverse bear trap saw as revealed in jigsaw this was among the very first traps the titular villain ever made the original game is more elaborate as Amanda's required to beat the time and fish the key out of her cellmate which is easier said than done there is only one key to open the device it's in the stomach of your dead soulmate ironically despite the reverse bear trap being the most recurring in the series we only see its successful execution in the seventh film although it's well worth the wait what's interesting is how the Trap seems inescapable but can be avoided using clever thinking as later demonstrated by Hoffman even more ironic is that it was only used on jigsaws apprentices and his own wife making it the Trap that truly tested them as jigsaws Legacy before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into into your settings and switch on notifications number one bathroom trap saw rise and shine Adam you're probably wondering where you are the most elaborate trap jigsaw has ever come up with the bathroom trap is arguably the most iconic one to come out of the series your aim in this game is to kill Adam you have until six on the clock to do it with Lawrence's task to kill Adam and the latter's goal to just survive somehow the Trap is filled with numerous attempts by the men to escape with both their lives intact open it [ __ ] the key the one from my envelope where is it with the addition of outside factors like detective Taps involvement and zep's role in the events this is a game that keeps us guessing over what the outcome might be last night I went to your house I watched you me I followed you its minimalist setting allows the mystery of jigsaws identity to remain at the back of our minds and the finale's twist placed the entire trap in perfect context his name is John he has an inoperable frontal Lo tumor it's also fitting that the original series ends right here to bring everything to Full Circle as seen in Saw 3D game Over no which Saw traps left a lasting impression on you let us know in the comments killing is distasteful to me did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 69,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Horror, Movies, best horror movies, best saw movie traps, best saw movies, jigsaw movie, jigsaw traps, john kramer traps, list, mojo, reverse bear trap, saw 2 furnace, saw 3 pig vat, saw 3d, saw 4 acid room, saw 4 knife chair, saw 5 glass coffin, saw bathroom trap, saw movie traps, saw movies, saw reverse bear trap, saw traps, top 10, top 10 horror movies, watch mojo, watchmojo, worst saw traps, best saw traps, watchmojo saw
Id: k0JWXVJc7xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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