This girl died horrifically... TWICE

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in 2015 a young man living in honduras made his way to the local cemetery and he found his wife's grave site and he leaned up against it and he quietly began to cry seconds later something would happen inside of that cemetery that would not only cause the young man to go silent get up and start running but it would also be caught on camera but before we get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you've come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload once a week so if that's of interest to you please invite the like button to come to the zoo with you and then cover them in honey and push them into the bear enclosure also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads okay let's get into today's stories [Music] in the spring of 2021 52 year old texas resident karen davis got married and then after the ceremony and after the honeymoon she went through the process of changing her last name from davis to mcbride to match her husband's last name after the change was done the last step was to get a new driver's license with the new name on it so karen emailed the local dmv or department of motor vehicles to set up a time for her to come in and make the change to her license but after she sent that email the local dmv immediately emailed karen back and they told her that they could not help her with this request until she resolved an issue now they didn't specify what this issue was however they very cryptically said it had something to do with the state of oklahoma and then at the bottom of the email there was just a phone number they told her she needed to call in order to resolve this issue and so karen's thinking okay that's pretty weird but i did used to live in oklahoma so that probably has something to do with it and so not thinking much of it she punched this number the dmv had given her into her phone and then she let it rain a few moments later much to karen's shock a woman from the norman oklahoma district attorney's office picked up the phone and said how can i help you karen immediately assumed that the dmv must have made a mistake that maybe they were trying to give karen some other number in oklahoma because this was an oklahoma problem and they had mistakenly given her the number to the da's office but since she had this woman on the phone karen told her you know hey i was just trying to get a new license in texas they told me there was some sort of issue it had to do with me potentially living in oklahoma i don't know what it is but this is the number they gave me so i'm sure it's a mistake but that's why i'm calling the woman from the da's office had no idea who karen was but after taking down karen's information and looking on her computer she discovered karen's so-called oklahoma problem and after she explained to karen what this enormous problem was karen literally couldn't believe it but after this woman went over the details a few more times and really showed karen that this oklahoma problem was very very real suddenly everything in karen's life made sense for the last 22 years karen who was incredibly smart and friendly and polite and never had a problem with anyone had an incredibly hard time getting a job even jobs that she was extremely qualified for she would get turned down for for someone who was way less qualified and then in the rare times that karen did actually get hired she would always get fired for no reason and so karen never understood why she was being treated this way until now it would turn out 22 years earlier which is when karen's hirability issues began she lived in norman oklahoma which is where the da's office was that she would end up calling 22 years later and when she was living in norman she lived with a roommate and this roommate was this nice young man who had a couple of young kids and one weekend he went to the local movie store called movie place and he rented the hit 90s movie sabrina the teenage witch to watch with his kids and after he was done watching this movie he didn't return the vhs tape of sabrina the teenage witch back to movieplace now normally when this happened the movie store would just hit the card holder with lots of late fees which was actually great for the movie store they made lots and lots of money on individual people that just forgot to return their movies and if the card holder just continued to hold on to this delinquent movie at some point the movie store would just hit them with a final fee that basically accounted for the total cost of the vhs tape that they had effectively stolen and then at that point the matter was resolved the cardholder owned the vhs tape whether they knew it or not and the movie store simply moved on but in this case movieplace in norman oklahoma didn't think that was enough and when sabrina the teenage witch was not returned in a timely fashion they pressed charges against the cardholder and the cardholder was karen davis the roommate had just borrowed her card and somehow these charges against karen were never brought up to karen she was never contacted by anyone and so for 22 years she was technically a wanted felon meaning every time one of her employers either during the interview process or after she was hired when they would run a criminal background check on her it would pop up she was wanted for felony embezzlement and so this was the reason she kept not getting jobs and kept getting fired from jobs since discovering these charges karen worked with the norman oklahoma da's office and got these charges dismissed [Music] you know what really makes me want to slap the like button with a tasseled wobble gong inflation prices are going through the roof right now which is why i'm excited to partner with current again so thank you to current for sponsoring today's video also stick around to the end of this sponsored segment because i'm going to be sharing the best like button gags you all sent me a couple of weeks ago on current during our last cash giveaway current is the mobile banking app that unlike boring old banks they actually help you take control of your money which is more crucial than ever right now old banks just like the like button they just charge you fees and slow you down but with current there are no monthly fees and the app is super easy to use and while other banks earn you basically nothing on your savings with current you can earn over 40 times the national average because of the strain inflation is having on all of us current and i are giving away 2 500 to you all for a chance to win part of the 2500 giveaway all you have to do is click the link down below download current and then use my code ballin250 and now here are the top five like button gags we received my favorite was from regina please invite the like button to the zoo with you and then cover them in honey and then accidentally push them into the bear enclosure okay back to the stories [Music] in the early evening hours of december 24th 2011 so christmas eve 26 year old zazel preston sat on her bed in her little apartment in anaheim california and wrapped christmas gifts for her children laying next to her was her newest addition to the family her third child a seven week old little boy this christmas was a big deal for zazelle it was also a big deal for her husband 30 year old william wallace not only because it was going to be the first christmas with their new son but also because this was the first christmas after zazelle and william had reconciled their relationship they had been married for the past three years but over those three years their relationship had been very unhealthy and toxic and at times abusive but earlier that year when zazelle had discovered that she was pregnant this baby became kind of like a new anchor point for their relationship it was like suddenly they could put their differences aside and just focus on raising their kids together after wrapping her final present zazelle hopped off the bed she scooped up her little boy and then she headed out into the living room where she met up with her husband and her two older children who were little girls aged three and eight and then they all headed outside and went next door to celebrate christmas eve at a party with their neighbors early the next morning so on christmas day sazel's two oldest children the two girls they got up early and they rushed out of their bedrooms and they ran down the hallway into the living room where their parents were waiting for them on the couch along with their baby brother the living room was completely decked out with christmas decorations that the family had put up over the past couple of weeks the christmas tree was in the corner with bright multi-colored lights and ornaments all over it there were wreaths on the wall and other string lights around the top of the room and then over their fireplace where all of their stockings nailed up stuffed with goodies the little girls squealed with delight and ran around the couch and took up spots right underneath the christmas tree and they grabbed their first present and they turned and looked at their parents on the couch and they saw their dad kind of give them a nod of approval which meant okay you can start opening your gifts and so the girls happily begin tearing into the festive wrapping and then after each of them had their brand new toy in hand they turned around reflexively to show their parents and so william he sees the toys and he says oh they're so great guys and then when the girls they look at their mother and they show her the toys she doesn't even react she completely ignores them and so at some point you know these little kids they start yelling for their mom hey mom check it out look at this new toy but zazelle just sits there she doesn't say a word she's just sitting back on the couch completely ignoring them finally the eight-year-old turns to william and says what's wrong with mommy and at this point william pauses and then he gives zazelle a scathing look before very bluntly saying to these young kids mommy got drunk and now she's ruined christmas the girls knew from william's tone of voice that their parents must be fighting and so they did what they normally did when this happened and that was to just try to ignore it and so the little girls they turned away from their parents and began opening more presents doing their best not to disturb their parents who were sitting silently behind them and then a little after 9am after most of the presents had been opened william abruptly stood up and walked into the other room and placed a phone call and then a few minutes later there was a loud knock on the front door the night before after zazelle and william and their kids had left their neighbor's party and come back to their apartment zazelle and william had gotten into a vicious fight and by the time the kids had all gone to bed the fight between the parents had become very physical neighbors would recall late at night on christmas eve hearing this very loud commotion coming from zazelle and william's apartment and at some point apparently zazelle had tried to run out of the apartment but william had chased after her and hauled her back inside the sounds coming from their apartment would eventually stop somewhere in the wee hours of christmas day and then as the sun came up on christmas day zazelle and william had made their way to the couch and they were sitting there with their seven week old baby waiting for their two oldest to wake up and come open presents except when their two little girls came out of their bedrooms and bombed into the living room to begin celebrating only william was alive zezel had been beaten to death by william and after he had beaten her to death the night before he had dragged her into the living room set her up on the couch to make it look like she was sitting and then put sunglasses on her eyes in order to trick the children and so all morning as this three-year-old and eight-year-old are opening these gifts and turning and showing their mother with excitement she was dead the whole time but at around 9 00 am william realized his charade was not going to last because his kids were really keyed in to there being something wrong with their mother and so that was when he got up and he called 9-1-1 and he told them that his wife had gotten drunk and fallen into a glass coffee table and so she was hurt and so a little bit later the police and paramedics they arrive they go inside and right away they can tell william is lying to them there's more to this story than they're being told and so ultimately william would be convicted of second-degree murder and he would be sentenced to 15 years to life in prison as for zazelle's three children they are now being looked after by her parents [Music] in august of 2015 16 year old nacie perez suddenly woke up in the middle of the night as she lay there scanning around the dark tiny room that she was in it dawned on her that the most likely reason she had just woken up is because she really needed to use the bathroom and so she climbed out of her bed and she began carefully walking across the room where her other relatives were sleeping on the floor as she moved towards the back of the house nacie lived in a town called la entrada which is located in one of the poorest and most dangerous countries in the world honduras but despite the harshness of her reality macy was pretty happy she had recently married the boy she was in love with his name was rudy and the two of them were both very excited about their first child which was due in a matter of months so nacie reached the back of her house she pushed open the back door and she stepped out into the hot night air and then she made the familiar walk across her backyard toward the outhouse but nacie would never reach the outhouse the next morning nacie's mother woke up first her name was maria and as she passed by the back door she looked outside and she saw nacie lying on the ground and so maria she screams she runs outside to her daughter and she flips her over and she's looking at her and nacie is unresponsive and she's foaming at the mouth now they're in a part of the world where healthcare was not top-notch not even close and honduras is known for being an extremely religious part of the world and so maria did not think oh i should send my daughter to the hospital or i should call a doctor instead maria and the rest of nacie's family who had all streamed outside because of the commotion they decided to call a priest to perform an exorcism because the belief was nasee must be possessed with demons and so a priest was hailed to the residence and the priest would perform an exorcism on nacee but it wouldn't do anything and so at that point maria and the rest of nace's family would take nacie who was still totally unresponsive and foaming to the local hospital but by that point it was too late macy was dead when nacie's family asked the doctors what happened to her they said they didn't know and so heartbroken and confused maria and the rest of naecy's family brought naci back home they had an ad hoc memorial service and then they buried her the following day nacie's husband rudy who was totally distraught because he has not only lost his wife he's also lost his unborn child he got up early and he just had to go to the cemetery to be with his wife and so he made his way over to the local cemetery and he found his wife's gravesite nacie had not been buried under the earth instead she had been placed into a coffin and that coffin had been slid into this big hollowed-out cement block that was as big as a coffin and then once the coffin was slid inside they walled up the opening so basically her gravesite was this kind of freestanding big cement block and so rudy finds nacy's cement block and he goes up right next to it and he leans up against it and he begins to quietly sob but just seconds later he would hear something in that cemetery that would cause him to go completely silent stand up and sprint away the day before approximately one or two hours after nacy's coffin was slid inside of that cement tomb and walled up nacie woke up she was never dead it's unclear what originally caused naci to collapse outside of her house on the way to the outhouse but the two leading theories are one she had a severe panic attack caused by a nearby gunshot or two she had a severe episode of cataplexy cataplexy is the sudden uncontrollable loss of muscle function often brought on by very strong emotions a mild case could be just having your knees buckle for a second a severe case which is what they believe could have happened to nacie would result in basically complete paralysis but whatever the case was the doctors at the hospital got it wrong when nacie was brought to them she was not dead and so when she woke up inside of her coffin that was encased in cement she began shrieking and trying to pound up against the inside of these tight walls that were pressed up against her and at some point she even managed to force her hands up near her head and she shattered the glass window that sat in her coffin that looked right down at her face she broke the glass but it didn't help her at all because again it's just cement on the other side and so glass shards fell into her mouth and into her eyes and so she stayed like that screaming and trying to fight her way out for over 24 hours trying to get anybody's attention but nobody heard her until her husband rudy he leaned up against her tomb and he put his ear right up against the cement and began to cry and that's when he heard through the cement the sound of his wife calling out for help rudy instantly ran and got help and he and his family came back and they broke open the side of this tomb and they pulled nacie's coffin out and even though she was now unresponsive she had a faint heartbeat and so they rushed her to the hospital but by the time she got there she really had died nacee had finally just run out of oxygen likely within minutes of her husband finally hearing her screams so that's going to do it if you got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already please invite the like button to come to the zoo with you and then cover them in honey and push them into the bear enclosure also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss our weekly upload we now have a podcast called the mr ballin podcast that puts out brand new never before heard podcast exclusive stories on monday mornings and then on thursdays we put out the remastered audio from our best youtube videos again it's called the mr ballin podcast and you can find it on spotify apple podcast amazon google basically anywhere you get podcasts you can find this one we also have two additional youtube channels one is called mr ball and shorts and the other is called mr ballen and espanol we post near daily content on our snapchat and facebook pages those are both just called mr ballen if you want to get in touch with me please follow me on any major social media platform my username on all accounts is at mr ballen and i really do read the majority of my dms we also have some really cool merchandise so head on over to to have a look and if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballen it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube facebook other youtube channels the podcast wherever just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 2,791,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, solved mystery, true crime, blockbuster, movie rental, rental, late fee, Oklahoma, district attorney, lawyer, embezzlement, felon, christmas, holiday, mummy, Anaheim, california, honduras, cemetery, tomb, the tomb, buried alive, buried, worst death, scariest death, trapped, claustrophobia, claustrophobic, worst nightmare, nightmare, horrifying, wow, oof
Id: 7JPEtNglQ4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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