Top 3 Foods to avoid

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hello my name's Sonia Arkham I'm author of the Harkin diet this short video is going to be all the three foods that I think every person should avoid if they want to lose weight never alone if you want to lose weight if you value your health these three things have no place in any healthy diet number one and people have watched other videos will know how I feel and how this product is sugar I wonder sometimes how sugar even qualifies as a food every single food on the planet contains protein lettuce bread fruit anything that office homes obviously like meat and fish but things that you just wouldn't think of as containing protein like celery or carrots every real food contains protein because it's actually a building book sugar doesn't there are people on this planet who believe that if sugar went back to the Food and Drug Administration today it would not qualify the food because it actually also delivers no vitamins or minerals of any measurable quantity you may as well use something around like this sofa this table around you it will deliver the same kind of vitamins and minerals so it really is a food that gives nothing to our delight other than energy this is why it's often called empty calories now I'm being K and America's is pretty similar she's slightly becoming twitchin is wearing for the UK we eat one point six pounds of sugar per person per average person per week that comes down to four hundred empty calories of sugar a day when you say that to people so many people say don't blow my cereal I don't put it in my tea it is him in just about every manufactured product you can find which is why a fundamental principle of the hawk and diet is don't eat processed food because that is the biggest tip alone to help you avoid sugar if you don't need anything in the package nothing where you actually have to read the label you're almost guaranteed to have a notion and come into your diet so number one don't eat sugar don't go to the process those and you can avoid patterson when your diet the second thing i really think people should be avoiding is transverse I came across a brilliant website recently simply called ban trans fats calm if you want any more information on trans fats go to this website these guys have put together superb information factual evidence on how serious and dangerous trans fats are for our health I won't go into it then just check out their website give those guys some support trans fats are basically manmade for us and the only facts that naturally are solid at room temperature are real facts that's the animal fats like lard butter they are solid at room temperature a trans fat has had hydrogens added to that hydrogen atoms have been added to this substance so that it becomes solid at room temperature and it's been very easy to put in as a filler into processed food as bulk Imus very cheap to manufacturers that manufactures can basically finished products that we're eating with these trans fats and seller small for known nutritional they have great t-shirts on the back Travis that's websites that say please don't partially hydrogenating me I could not support these guys more so watch out for hydrogenated fats trans fats man-made facts in any of those products that you're eating again the hearkened I can cut them out for you naturally because the first bit some of the Harkin diet is only eat real food if you eat food and form that nature intention to eat it you don't need to go into product labels because you won't be consuming any trans fat source or sugars the third one why do you think people should also be avoided is sweeteners people say Oh Cal avoiding the sugar but can I have the sweetener instead my general answer to that is no because again it's delivery no bitterness or minerals okay it's not delivering calories either but I don't want anything lose my body that's actually not going to nourish and give nutrients to my body it also has an artificial sweetener so it just continues our taste buds for sweet things and people who regularly have sweetened products if you give them a real food like a mango or cherry tomato they don't taste it for the sweet incredible sweetness that it actually contains because their taste buds have been desensitized by sweeteners and sugars and all the artificial substances compares raw food so don't go sweetness and they also miss great evidence sweeteners like sugar i should elevate the blood sugar so if you still have a diet drink that's only a lot of sweeteners in it might have no calories at all but it's still going to wake up your pancreas encourage it to lose nice insulin watch the beating on hypoglycemia your blood sugar is going to go lower than it was before you have the diet sweetened drink and that's when you start craving food because your body body tries to get you to eat to raise your blood sugar back to normal so those three foods have no place in our diet give us nothing good and can mess up all other kinds of mechanisms that we want to be working optimally so cut out sugar trans fats and sweeteners and you'll be doing your weight and your health more good than you can imagine thanks for watching hope this has been of interest
Channel: ZoeHarcombe
Views: 58,241
Rating: 4.8508773 out of 5
Keywords: lose, weight, sugar, processed, foods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2009
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