Top 25 Most Ridiculous FAKE LEGO Sets! (Funny Ninjago Knockoffs)

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hey guys what's going on spitbrix here back for another lego video since you all crushed the lycle on my previous video covering fake lego sets today i present you with the top 25 most ridiculous fake lego ninjago sets if somehow we're able to reach 5 000 likes on this video i will attempt to buy and review one of these absolutely absurd fake lego sets and also let me tell you that as we get closer to number one in this video these sets just get even more ridiculous so be sure to stay tuned for the entire video let's start off with this lego set here knocking off the possession season of lego ninjago this one's actually from the world renowned theme called ninjago masters of spinjitsu i mean everyone loves that theme i know this set features zayn in some sort of flying vehicle and honestly i'm not sure whether it's supposed to be more of a dragon hence the head on the very front or some sort of jet or glider that zayn is using here nonetheless at least it's not a blatant rip-off of a pre-existing ninjago set so it has just a tad bit of originality up next is a set that features some sort of beast that i've never seen before in the lego ninjago movie but that's because this is the ninja movie series according to the logo this in front of you right here is what this fake company is calling a giant bog frog beast wow that's a mouthful as you can see the giant bog frog beast here is some sort of creature that is in a like ice biome even i'm not sure where this took place in the movie obviously it didn't but it looks to be at first some sort of rock creature although it has tiny little wings in the back i don't think those are large enough to allow it to fly that's for sure we have two minifigures in it and overall it's just a very confusing set and definitely something we never saw in the lego ninjago movie next up in front of you is a set that probably looks very familiar it's basically a direct rip-off and copy of the firefang set from season 11 of lego ninjago except there is something different and that revolves around the minifigures if you guys look at the minifigures asphyra and the pyrovipers no longer have the pyroviper molded head but instead they are all anacondrai or i guess you could say they have pythor's molded head you'll see this a lot in fake sets and honestly it's just pure laziness that these companies won't try and create any new molds instead we'll just try and use some old ones and hope that people don't notice that it doesn't even look like the real thing now here are some sets that really caught my attention whenever i first discovered them these are basically lego ninjago buildable figures so think like hero factory bionicle and the lego star wars buildable figures that we've received before so if ninjago were to have a line with the ninja in it in this sort of you know larger form and built up with these different pieces this is you know something that may actually be a feasible build for lego to create i actually think that this may be an example of a fake knockoff company doing something innovative that lego hasn't even done before we haven't gotten any sets like this for the ninja but i don't know let me know down below what you guys think of these in particular do you guys like these ninjago buildable figures would you like to see lego do something like this i don't know these really caught my attention whenever i first found them and thought they were definitely worthy to share to you guys in this video all right now we're really getting into some of these weird sets here and we're starting it off with the ninja dragon line and hence there is a dragon in this set but wait there is a name for it they call it the hurricane dumo and yeah i had no idea what that meant whenever i first read it either and dumo after a bit of research means thorny bush yeah i think they use some sort of weird translate thing to think of a name to describe what this looks like because honestly it kind of does look like a spiky plant or you know spiky armor on the back of this sort of lizard dragon creature or some sort so i mean i guess that's something there's also a little like shack you get to build that's just kind of a wimpy looking blacksmith shop or something like that and of course a weird glider for jay because as we all know lego fake sets love to include little weird flyers continuing on here we have a set with some very interesting box art in particular with the minifigure on it over on the right we can see forbidden spinjitsu however if you look closer at the minifigure itself it's legacy zane however he's got a black band on his ninja wrap which is not the correct color and he's seated in this very obscure looking mac i don't know i don't really like the visual appearance of it there's like gears everywhere and kind of bricks just sticking out and then randomly we have cruncher flying in from somewhere above and uh yeah why not just put some you know pinkish flames on him up next we're looking at a relatively recent ninjago knockoff here in particular it takes inspiration for the minifigures at least from lego ninjago season 12 or prime empire the build itself kind of looks like the great devourer back from the serpentine season and of course it's made up of eight tiny little gliders or tiny little like floating things that the ninja can supposedly ride now the minifigures here get kind of interesting we've got unigami on the bottom there with a nice slicked back look of his hair that's a different look for him and then we also have a real bad knockoff of richie up on the top right he's basically turned into a skunk apparently instead of a rat here's an interesting grouping of fake lego ninjago sets for hunted but i really just want to zone in on one of them here in particular which is lloyd's vehicle now what does this really look like he is driving well i don't know about you but my guy lloyd here is definitely riding in his brand new tractor i mean just look at this thing it's basically like what a combine he's going out to the field he's gonna do some farming he's gonna start harvesting you know his corn in the field and his crops i don't know that's just immediately what i thought of it just looks weird like why would lloyd even be using this he's better off just you know being without a vehicle honestly oh yeah okay so these sets in front of us right now i included because there's just some weird things going on here so first off we have this wu set uh he he's got wings all of a sudden he's he's a flying master now okay cool and then we have jay here and i put this one in here because this is the most concerned minifigure i have ever seen like he is so disturbed looking i don't even know what he's just seen probably the rest of these fake sets to look like that i mean come on this guy he looks like he just got spooked by a ghost or something or definitely these fake sets that would definitely spook you up next is a set that was trying really hard to become a dragon but instead they gave up in the end and just decided to call it a hawk i mean it really just does look like a hawk there is no dragon resemblance really here but i could definitely see this company trying to you know create some sort of really cool dragon and then getting to the end of their you know building and realizing that it doesn't look like a dragon whatsoever and so then they need to shift gears and just turn it into a hawk and say yeah yeah it's a bird all right up next we basically have a legend beast here for lloyd although it's really just some sort of weird dinosaur creature or monster i don't even know what to call this but wait there's more uh jay also has one of these and i need your guys's help down below comment what is this animal what is this that jay is writing what type of creature is this i have absolutely no idea let me know in the comment section down below because it's weird did you know that fake lego companies also create spinners well they do and in fact they had this entire line of air jitsu flyers around the same time that lego released them now what's interesting here is that dareth apparently now knows air jitsu and he has his very own air jitsu flyer it's like a semi-transparent orange color which is kind of cool honestly i don't know i don't really know what to make of this other than the fact that dereth's been training a lot and now knows irjitsu somehow speaking of secondary characters like dareth we also have a vehicle here for ronin this entire set also from the ninjaga line of sets but this set here got some crazy bright blue wheels on this thing it's super bright it's got like a disc shooter in the front and of course yeah it's going up against a sky pirate because that makes a lot of sense and also notice that kai actually has the eyebrows of cole so it's actually cole who's wearing kai's mask for the hands of time look yeah it's very confusing alright i hope you like miniatures because there's a lot of them here this one here we have jay's lightning jet but it's tiny and he is sitting on top of it we also have a very small bike for nia here who appears to have kai's face if i'm not mistaken by looking at this picture he's got the scars underneath that one eye so i don't really know what he's doing and why he's trying to be disguised as nia there's also one of cole here he's got this very pathetic driller with a tiny drill bit in the front no protection whatsoever i mean i'm just imagining cole trying to use this vehicle and trying to drill this into some rock and the rocks just flying right at them doesn't seem very safe there's also this fake set that i found on amazon india yeah that's a site that i don't think i've ever been on before but i was able to find a fake set on it apparently so if you're shopping on amazon and you're from india be careful there's obviously fakes there's also this set that i found with lasha and at first glance you can't really notice anything until you look at the back of the box and notice up on the top right hand corner that lasha is now a sky pirate apparently up next we have an extremely action-packed set here from a scene in season 11 that i do not remember seeing obviously it's not a real scene it's got two big figs in it we got two forbidden spinjitsu ninja minifigures as well but i'd like to focus more on kilo's bike here or i mean it's not really a bike is it kilo here just has a very oversized trike that he's showing off oh but wait it is the new powerful upgraded version so kilo is really over here just trying to flex on us with his brand new powerful upgraded version of his trike here's a fake lego ninjago dragon set that is actually very colorful we have it against a sky pirate here and it's pixel inside obviously the samurai x uh although wait it says it's nia's flying dragon it looks like this fake lego company needs to do a little bit more research and maybe watch a couple episodes or at least read the ninjago wiki before creating a set here's a pretty wimpy helicopter build and this fake set i don't know it just kind of looks like it's missing its entire back build it's just got the cockpit and then behind that you know it's got the propellers and then nothing i don't know what happened to the rest of the build you know if you look at a helicopter usually it has a pretty significant part of it that extends behind it this one just doesn't i i don't know where it went i think this set may win the award for the most aesthetically pleasing box art out of all these sets that we'll look at in this video just because of the crazy colors as well as using the og cole logo which i thought was very interesting i haven't seen that logo on anything in a super long time and of course it's a two in one because why not honestly i'd have to say that this is a pretty substantially decent dragon when compared to a lot of other ones that we get to see in these fakes now i placed a couple sets in here just because of the name that they go by and this one definitely takes the cake these are new ninja ninja goingly dragon building blocks yeah ninja goingly what what is that and no it doesn't sound any better if you pronounce it ninjagoingly that's even worse i i don't know what they were thinking they're just taking some suffixes and just putting it at the end of ninjago and boom you have a set name here's a set that just makes absolutely no sense in front of you you have a minifigure that kind of looks like it could be a ghost dressed up as a ninja as if it was trying to disguise itself it's got a ninja wrap on and ninja katanas in the back it's got blue on it is the main color instead of purple and green and so it kind of looks like j in some aspects of it but yet it's also part of the sky pirates apparently because that makes a lot of sense i'm not sure when the ghosts teamed up with the sky pirates but apparently they did all right have you guys seen the brand new season of ninjago yeah they are riding elephants for the entire season this is ninjago season of the elephants and basically the entire season the ninja just ride on their elephants the entire time and it's super exhilarating content now here we can see that we can buy these sets we have the ninja riding on elephants i mean who doesn't want to buy something like this this totally makes a lot of sense we have a fearsome ninja warrior on top of a very slow land animal why did they do this why did the fake company here think that this was a good idea to put ninja on top of elephants here we can see kai you guys would have seen this image if you follow my community posts you would have seen a little bit of a sneak peek for this video here i don't know why kai is riding on a red elephant i mean the fact that they're riding on elephants in general is concerning i guess the only explanation here is that in season 57 of ninjago the ninja will be riding their elemental elephants for the entire season sounds pretty cool can't wait we are now moving into the top three most ridiculous lego ninjago fakes and starting it off here we have this very beefed up ninjago tank and i don't know why the ninja needs such heavy artillery on their tank here and i also have no idea where this tank came from it's got like a mouth on the front yeah that's weird why is their mouth on the front of their tank what's even more concerning is that on the back of the box it almost looks like kai is about to be eaten by the mouth of the tank i don't know why they have the mouth there what is it like a half animal half tank is it an animal with a huge contraption placed on top of it i have no idea it's just so weird coming in at number two we have the line of fake lego ninjago spinners that for some reason are all revolved around hunted i'm not sure why they chose that season but nonetheless they did these are basically replicating the 2012 ninjago spinners we got for the serpentine season they're most certainly a lot more bland than the official ninjago spinners but i mean what do you expect whenever you're buying lele ninja also we get to see skyler get her very first spinner ever so kind of like dareth that got his first air jitsu flyer skyler here actually gets a spinjitzu spinner which is kinda cool except it's not skyler apparently it is kai kai spinjitzu masters i don't recall that looking like kai i don't think that's what kai looks like and now we've made it to number one on this list as the most ridiculous fake ninjago set let's check it out this series is from ninja thunder swordsman but wait it's the clown version that's right all your favorite ninja characters have now turned into very creepy clowns because that's exactly what we all wanted i mean seriously springs who put springs on a mini who thinks of this like who in their right mind was thinking of you know some sort of fake lego set that they could create and try and make money off of and then decided that hey we could put springs on some minifigures and make them into clowns these are the definition of cursed minifigures i mean look at these things who in their right minds would ever want to buy these anyways i mean i don't think possessed clown ninja are on the wish list of any ninjago fan or any lego fan in general there's definitely a reason why lego has never made the ninja into evil clowns for a season i can't imagine that these sell very well and that concludes today's list video let me know down below which one of these sets that we looked at was the most ridiculous to you comment below also leave a like if you guys did enjoy as always i'm spitbrick subscribe for more lego content and i'll see you guys in the next video coming very soon
Channel: SpitBrix
Views: 748,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, SpitBrix, lego ninjago, ninjago, lego ninjago sets, ninjago sets, lego sets, fake lego, fake lego sets, legos, lloyd, ninjago fake, fake ninjago, lego fakes, lego ninjago fakes, lego mystery, ninjago mechs, ninjago season 13, lego ninjago season 13, lego ninjago mechs, lego knockoff, knockoff lego, sets, lego ninjago movie, funny lego, ninjago knockoffs, ninjago lego, ninjago fake sets, new ninjago sets, fake, new, ninjago season 14, ninjago dragons, season 14, dragons
Id: b6eVSgfCcCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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