- Put out all the content. I have a thought, I make it. Got it. People demonize quality,
people demonize quantity, when it is the singular unlock of an internet infrastructure. (upbeat music) (shouting happily) You got your perspective. (engine roaring)
(bright upbeat music) (crowd cheering) I just wanna be happy. Don't you wanna be happy? (bright upbeat music) - [Andrea] Hey Gary. - How are you? - Fantastic. It sounds like these guys have had a very fruitful
experience already. They had a conversation with Simon Sinek. - That's awesome.
- This morning, yeah. - That's awesome. Well, hello everybody,
hope everybody's well. - Got a whole bunch of folks
coming in, and feel free to, we know this is lunchtime, so don't be, Jim already set the tone, that if you wanna grab
- Yeah. - a little something, feel free. And for the group, it was Gary's birthday on Sunday, right Andrea?
- On Saturday thank you. - On Saturday.
- Happy birthday. - [Sid] So Gary, a belated happy birthday. - Thank you so much. - One of the many things
that we love about Gary is that he loves his birthday. There aren't a lot of
people that celebrate or get that excited, but
we love that about him. - I heard a great guy,
Steve Martin was talking, he's doing some cartoons now. And one of the cartoons
is a baby being born, and the baby, the little
bubble, is best birthday ever. (laughing) It's the first one, of
course it's the best. - That's so good, that's so good. So we know we still have, we're at 30, and I think
we've still got a few more that are coming in, but I'm wondering if we don't, maybe get things started
if that's okay Sid. - That's great, perfect. - Fantastic. So really excited. I'm Andrea Sullivan, the CMO of VaynerX. We're thrilled to be here today, to have an interactive
session with all of you, and talk a little bit more
about marketing for the now, and what it takes to
really accelerate growth. And we're lucky to have Gary
here to spark the conversation. We know that there's a lot
of you on the call today. We typically have people go
around and do introductions, and share different challenges,
and things like that. We wanna make sure that you get the most out of the session today, and get a tremendous amount of value. So we're wondering if folks do
wanna use the chat function, we'll be using that kinda throughout, and would love for for all of you to share different challenges or opportunities that you're thinking about, as you're looking into 2021, and that will help us to
make sure that we're dialing into the kind of key areas
that might be most fruitful for you, and your individual businesses. So with that, I'm gonna
hand it over to you Gary, in part because my new puppy is eating everything in my bedroom. So I'm gonna pick him up, and throw him out the
door if you don't mind, and I'll be back in one second. - Andrea real quick before you leave. Am I doing an opening kind of statement, and then we just go on hardcore Q and A? - Yeah, that's exactly right.
- Awesome. - So I'm wondering if you
can kinda set the tone, share a little bit about
what you're seeing right now, and then we'll start
jumping into the dialogue. - Team. Hi everybody. The reason I was asking about that format is I really wanna get into the details, because what I'm seeing, I don't think is extraordinarily
difficult to understand, but unfortunately, remarkably hard for most organizations to execute. And I think that goes into
HR and human dynamics, more than the information of. What I mean by that everyone, is it's extremely clear to
those who are very narrow in their paying attention, of how money is spent to
make something happen, what's going on? And when I mean money is
spent to something happen, I mean spending money
on media amplification, or spending money on pictures, videos, written words, audio, content, creative, to make something happen,
whether that is to raise money for a nonprofit. Early this year, I don't know if this hit anybody's radar, but I teamed up with Michael
Rubin, the founder of Fanatics, and as soon as COVID hit, we created something called
the all-in challenge, where you could get a role
in a Robert DeNiro movie, or play golf with, it got a ton of money,
but we raised $68 million. And we did it because not
only did we have star power, but everybody had star power, it was unlimited things going
on as I'm sure everyone knows. We understood how to
make pictures, videos, and written words, audio sounds, and how to amplify them on the internet. And then when I say the internet, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, whatever anyone wants to call it. I think that something, and
I look around the room here, and I'm looking at the
faces and I say to myself, okay, this is not an 18
to 25 year old crowd. So I'm gonna make a general statement here that I think is going
to land for a lot of us. For a lot of us, we lived
in the business life, let alone life, prior
to this device existing. And really established the way we worked, the way we thought, the way things worked. This is truly, truly the
remote control of society. It just is. We can sit here and have an hour debate, of do you like that? Are you mad at technology? Did you like how it used to be? That's fine. That's a different conversation. We're here under the context of business, and the individuals,
whether running for office, whether raising money for
nonprofits, and the organizations, whether B2B, how many people
here are B2B, raise your hands. Just so I can get a sense. Wow, quite a bit. This excites me. The great misstep of B2B 2020
marketing, 2021 marketing, is not understanding that everybody that
just raised their hands, in my opinion, one man's point of view, need to be putting out five
to 15 pieces of creative on LinkedIn a day, a day. Excuse me for one second. - Jim, you put out, you put
five or 15 pieces out a day, don't you Jim? - At least.
- At least. (laughing) - And when you understand
those pieces of content, whether a written word, a
white, as big as a white paper, because you spent a month on
it, or as little as a sentence, when you understand how
to run media on LinkedIn, against the job
descriptions, or job titles, of the decision makers,
or my favorite one, 'cause I'm in 401 land, not 101 land at this point in my career. To put in front of the influencers
of the decision makers, to sign up your SAS product, let you be the service
provider, let you consult. When people start understanding that, this group understands that being great, at LinkedIn pictures,
videos, written words, SlideShares decks, and
running media on LinkedIn, is more important than
knowing how to balance your payroll, and pay your taxes. When people in this room, when this world understands
what I'm saying is true, it changes every behavior. It changes every behavior. If I run every one of the companies that just raised their hands. If I run those, I do things that go against that religion. Let me give you a good real example. Let's talk about this. This is a shockingly bad use of my time, this right now. If I'm being practical, the value of my time, my
business and what I'm doing, this is not good ROI. I have a warm spot for Inc. I love entrepreneurs. I'm a human, but the real
reason I'm doing this is 'cause I'm gonna get content out of it. Literally, the reason
I wanna go to Q and A, is Michelle or Brent, or all of them, are gonna ask me a question, which is gonna require
me to go more narrow, and more detailed, on somewhere where I
wouldn't naturally go myself, which I can then strip the audio, or the video from this,
and then reproduce it, post-produce it, with
copy and distribute it. Whether I wanna distribute
it on a LinkedIn, or on a Facebook. That is the incredible, incredible things. And so I think, it's a huge... I wanna see what Carol said, Carol, I love Q and A. Carol, I saw you wrote something. Can you read this? And we can jam on it. - Yes, it's Carol Culhane. - Hi carol.
- Hi Gary. I'm eating my lunch, which is why-- - Yeah, no worries. - When you said 15 a day,
I just thought, oh no, there's one person in that
sort of our group cluster. And she's on there at least twice a day, and we just tune her out. - Yup. - And so I'm shocked that
you would recommend that. - Let's talk about it. - I might post once a month, and I like what I put up, It's quality. I like the responses I get, but 15 a day. - Let's talk about it. So let's talk about it. So, first of all, I noticed, I listen very carefully, you said a word quality. You're judging the quality Carol, about your own self, you're grading your own homework, right? Also on the other side, you and your colleagues are
judging this individual, and that is a very small focus group of the entire perspective group. Number three, you might be
a hundred percent right. Let everybody be reminded here, that the variable of
success is the creative. So if this creative from
this colleague is poor, self-centered, selfish,
not bringing value, that could also very much make sense to me why it's being tuned out. Now, let's take a step back. You, once a month, this colleague twice a day,
are posting organically, and it's hitting a lot of the same people. When I talk about
everybody's businesses here, and I say 15 a day, I
talk about media planning. So I want you to make a video that might be targeting a certain state, a specific organization, a specific problem, narrow
to one of the business that you're trying to target, may have. When you make that video
of like, hey, are you... I'll give you an example. I'll jam with you Carol. Hey guys, it's Carol,
are you an accountant? That's the first thing you say. Well, good news Carol, we've spent $88, or $400 on LinkedIn, only against people who are accountants. So as you can see where I'm about to go, and I think some people are gonna start picking up the pieces of where I go with that master headline. You're making a piece of
content just for accountants, and why you or your organization
is valuable to them. And then you may be done with that video, or that written article, or the audio clip that
you wanted to distribute. And then you may restart,
and make another video, and say, hey, for all
the real estate agents, let's talk about what's going on. So now all of a sudden you can see how you can get to 15 very easily, because you might be
saying the same thing, slightly different, to 15
different groups of people. So I always say that this
is about Baskin-Robbins, instead of what I think
everybody in the world is doing, which is they're selling vanilla. When you're making one
message for everyone, you're only going to hit a
very small group of people. When you understand how
the internet's structured, and these platforms are structured, you realize that you
don't have to waste money, or time and effort, to distribute messages that don't necessarily hit the mark, for the person that's
on the other end of it. And then to your point,
without knowing anything about the individual that
you guys are razzing, she, or he may not be putting out content, I think one of the biggest
things for everyone here, my career, and the other
things that I've seen that have worked, are predicated
on putting out content that brings value to the audience. It's not a sales call. It's not a right,
- Great. - what I call a right hook. It's a jab. I'm trying to build a brand, and intrigue, and relevance, which then
can create consideration and do something with me. Not trying to close
somebody on my process, or they should hire me immediately on the first thing they see in their feed. So that's where some of the 15 comes from. And then by the way, there's also taking a
video, and posting it, and then stripping the audio
out of it, and posting it, 'cause some people like audio. And then transcribing the written word, because you've realized this all. I'm going to very advanced
places, and I'm coming back down. If everybody here knew that
they could hire somebody from Fiverr, and pay them
$5 to transcribe a video, all of a sudden like, oh, I can? Like there's a stunning misunderstanding, and lack of education, of the production, and distribution of
internet content today. And I come here today openhearted, hoping that I can get one of you to take this way more seriously, because the financial
impacts are extraordinary. They really are, when you really understand brand and sales in these environments. So makes sense to me, it's
what, Carol excuse me, which is why I wanted to call you in here, because she's going organic hitting the same people over,
and over with that organic. Eventually the algorithm will
stop showing that to hurt you, if you stop engaging with it. If you and your colleagues
enjoy looking at it, and then making fun of it, well then LinkedIn is
gonna think you like it, so they're gonna keep showing it to you. So that's kind of how it works, in a little detail Carol. Makes sense? - Yes. Thank you. - And I think team, for everybody here, real quick, B2C companies
in here, raise your hands. So for the hands that just went up, as you can imagine for you,
15 becomes entry-level, because B2B LinkedIn is a dream. B2C, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you can imagine, these 15 become 113. Now I don't wanna overwhelm
you with the number, back to Carol's point. You know, you're sitting here
eating your sandwich offline, or salad, and you're once a month, and I'm coming in here with
all this energy, 15 a day, oh you're dead. Listen, there's nothing, nobody is going out of business if they don't do this properly. I don't believe overnight,
but I will promise all of you, and it's very clear in the data, you're losing market share by not. This is not about you
going out of business, this is, hey, give 20
hours of your mind time. Nobody got to this call by not
putting in real work ethic. And no matter where
you are in your career, isn't it worth getting 20
hours of education on this, with yourself on Google and YouTube. It's not about paying anybody. This is about getting
your hands dirty learning, at very low costs, about what it takes to
be a good communicator on the internet, because it's wildly playing out, from Netflix to Peloton,
to every election. Like the mapping of
the math is very clear. There is an incredible upside to buying attention at a better price. It worked in radio, it
worked in television, it worked in cable, it
worked in early internet. I'll give you an example. I built my daddy's wine shop. The thing I'm known for,
from a lot of people, when we had no money, I took it from a three to
a $65 million business, with no money, because I knew that Google
AdWords were really cheap. Nobody was buying them, I was the first person to
buy all the wine terms. They were 5 cents a click. And because nobody knew, I was able to build a very big company. Meanwhile, while I was doing that, a gentleman by the name of Jeff Bezos, had a lot of capital, had a lot of talent, and he became by far Amazon. Amazon was Google AdWords
biggest ad spender, for the first six years of that platform, stick with me here now, by a 30 X multiplier against
E-bay, which was number two. That organization
figured out the attention was so under priced on Google search, that they bet the house on
it, and used many things, but that move is a foundational brick to why Amazon is a company that eventually will have to probably be broken up by the government because
of their dominance. There is nothing more valuable my friends, than you being able to get the attention of the person that makes the decision to give you money, right? How one does that? I think about all of the
golfing, and steak dinners, and booths you buy at conferences, and direct mail, and print. And then I think about
the last seven years of people doing some social media, but then doing it with their niece, or a come-by lately person that
says they knew how to do it, because most business owners
didn't know how to judge it. And so I understand why
we sit here today in 2021, with people confused of
is this important or not? Is it good or not? Does it do anything
for my business or not? But I would leave at this, and I'll go into the next questions. Andrea, Caitlin feel free to navigate me by calling on someone. The ROI of a basketball, for Gary Vaynerchuk is
about a negative $150,000 at this point, given the injuries that I've
incurred in last five years, of two torn meniscus and a broken foot. The ROI of a basketball for LeBron James is gonna be North of a billion dollars, when that gentleman goes through his life. This is about knowing how to use the tool. But the ROI is clearly there, and I wanna motivate
people to take a second third, fifth, ninth look, at the content and media
ecosystem for your businesses, because I see it work
every day of the week, every day of the week. - Gary there's an interesting
question from Cory. Cory, I don't know if
you wanna maybe address your question about measurement. - Sure. Hey Gary, it's Cory from J and J.
- Hey Corey. One of the questions I have is just, if you think about the
infinite number of things that you can measure track
of the volume of data, I'm just curious, like what is the, if you had to bring it down to one metric that really matters, like what would you measure
as a leading indicator for whether or not you're
being successful in this space? - I only measure sales. And obviously as you know, because I work with
Fortune 500 CPG brands, everything that that world
does, does not measure sales. Which is why I'm so happy about Amazon and direct to consumer, because
it's gonna bring that DNA into the J and J's of the world. As a leading indicator that
you're on the right path, what we do is we do isolated media spends, and literally show clean and clear. I'm literally working
on this in real time. I'm gonna show clean and clear, that in Chicago at Walgreens,
we're selling more stuff. It took us getting the
clean and clear team, to allow us to make thousands
of pieces of creative, with micro media spends, so
that you can actually measure, because you're isolating. An indicator is qualitative feedback. The number one thing that has shown me actual business results, more
than clicks, follows, shares, is real humans saying things
about the product or service, that not only leads to an indicator, but usually leads to
iteration of the creative, or the product and service, to fulfill the real humans needs, aka insights from the
written words of people when you run the ads. So for example, back to the Carol example, if she gets 29 comments from
those real estate agents, if she reads that and sees an inspiration, or an observation, or gets
positive sentiment from there, it's been a real indicator
for business success. But I suffocate the
media and the creative. You live in a world where, because media and creative are separate, and nobody wants to be accountable, every agency that works with J and J doesn't wanna be accountable, which is why there's no measurement. We come in and wanna be very accountable, and so we suffocate media and creative, to prove sales lift at
steel shelves and retail. - Right, thank you.
- Yeah, of course. - And what did you post there? You have tracer.tech. - This was a company that
we incubated internally. We just took it out of our ecosystem. You should definitely inquiry. I know that Sanofi is a client of theirs. It's part of the VaynerX family, they're a SAS data analytics, almost like Datorama 3.0, of really measuring the true indication of how to measure creative, for a company as global as you, with so many other things
that you'll be activating at the same time. So it might be worth you getting at least a little demo with them. - And Charlie, you might
wanna share your question about how and when do
you jump on new formats that are coming out in the B2C world? Maybe Charlie's not, he's not here.
- I think you're on mute. - [Charlie] How's that? Is that better?
- There you go Charlie. - Fantastic.
- Wow, I was on mute. - No worries brother. There's an explosion, I'm Charlie Harte, I'm with LEDVANCE,
better known as Sylvania. that's the brand, we sell in the B2C space.
- Yeah. - And my question is there's
an explosion of platforms. You can interface with cost consumers over what appears to be a
myriad of different platforms. The last one that came
to my attention was Pala. - Correct. - When do you know when
you need to jump on? You just jump on as soon as you can, is it splash, paint on every one, or what? - I'm a big fan that this is all about consumer insights Charlie, and so for me Pala is
the greatest indication of how to understand the psyche of conservative point of
view Americans right now. And so I'm on it, watching
and listening, and learning, as a human, but to be
frank as a businessman. And so I believe that people
think of these platforms as I have to go on there
and sell, make money. This has to be worth my time. To me going on these platforms early, the worth my time is
getting early indications of the psychology, and the
anthropology of how humans think, which then I factor into
how I create and do. So I don't see how, in any shape or form, when everybody here is selling
to at least 50% of humans, that think the way that Pala does, why that's not a good use of two hours. Even if you're the most liberal
left person in this room. When you put on your business hat, the insights are very important. And so, but you also have
to know the demo, right? I know that that skews dramatically far right to middle right, and that's the psyche,
and why they're there. I know that TikTok was
young girls at first, now it's a 30 and 40 year olds, all of a sudden may hit the radar here. The reason when I saw so many, all I'm doing is listening all the time. The reason I asked how
many people here are B2B, and I see 80% of the hands go up, now all of a sudden I'm gonna
talk a lot about LinkedIn, because I wanna bring as
much value to this audience right now when I'm with you. So I think it's context, distribution, things of that nature. You gotta know who you're
selling to, what you're selling. And then there's, so if
you're a consumer product, you have to have a massive
Facebook and Instagram, strategy and execution,
because it consumes, it takes up so many
people's hours of mind time. It's like, Facebook
and Instagram combined, is like running commercials
on MASH in the eighties, everyone's seeing it if you're good at it. And so that's how I
think about that Charlie. I think for everybody
here if you have ambition, if you have professional ambition, every one of these things that pop up, are worth five hours of your time. If you're a private person,
create a fake account, make it about your business, not you. Create a fake person, I don't care. But learn what people are doing on it, and how they're thinking
when they're in that room. Because once you understand that Charlie's a different person when he's going through his LinkedIn, than he is when he's going
through his Facebook, once you understand that,
you're gonna put out different videos and
pictures on those platforms. This is real creative strategy. And that's something that a lot of people miss the mark on as well. Everybody just wants to
use all these platforms as distribution Charlie. Everybody's looking for efficiencies. Hey Gary, can I just make one
video and post it everywhere? No, you cannot. Do you act the same way
with your grandchildren that you act with your boss, that you do with your girlfriends
on your 50th anniversary, meet up in Las Vegas? No. You have different angles
to your personality. Why would you put the
same video on TikTok, that you're gonna put on LinkedIn? You couldn't be more different with the potential people that
are gonna be consuming that. You have to make your product, service, and what you're trying to accomplish, completely contextually
different in those environments. But people value scale, and lower (indistinct), versus relevance. Corey, back to your world, this is my biggest problem
with big corporations. They value potential reach,
over actual consumer relevance, which is why you get one commercial, and you get one big media spend, and then you get a little bit of bullshit matching luggage for digital, that's usually done on
programmatic garbage inventory, and you call it a day, and then everybody's trying to figure out why we're losing market share. It's 'cause we're not consumer centric. Putting the same video on
LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, is not being consumer friendly. It's being efficient
for you on distribution, but you're actually wasting your time more than you're winning, because you're not getting to anybody, back to the vanilla
analogy that I told Carol, 'cause nobody gives a shit. - The reason for that though, is they're trying to be
brand consistency, right? So they're doing the same
thing across multiple platforms to be consistent across your brand. - But that's a thing that's taught at business school, and
taught at university. It doesn't play out to real humans. Nobody walks around and talks
about brand consistency. Nobody. - No, but that promise of the brand needs to be relevant in whatever space. - Yes, but think about it. If I said to everybody right now, everybody write down
what Nike means to them. Everybody write down what
Coca-Cola means for them. You're gonna get different answers. They may be some thematics, but you're gonna get different answers. And until we as companies understand that, that it's more about relevance, this brand consistency
that big companies play on, is academia, it's corporation
talk, it's politics. It doesn't manifest in true practicality on the consumer level. - [Charlie] Okay. Think about even back to the B2B people, what you might say to
the actual CFO or CIO, may be very different than somebody you would say two layers down if you're a salesperson in here. And you have to replicate
that in the content that may inspire them
to bring the awareness to the decision maker. Context, it's incredibly important. It's how you get to 15 pieces of content. If you're religious about
context, you now understand 15. If you're thinking about
efficiencies for distribution, you're thinking one piece of content. - [Standabic] I had a question if I can. - Please. - It was just on content. But actually before I ask the question, my 17 year old daughter
was walking by my office, and said, "Is that Gary V, online?" And I honestly didn't know,
I mean I did look you up. She goes, I follow him on TikTok. I watch the YouTube videos, and so I'm clearly out of touch. - But you're not out of touch, what's your name my friend? 'Cause I can't see basically. - Stan from Toronto. - Thank you my friend. Stan, what you just did, is the greatest thing that
any teacher ever wants, which is you just gave affirmation to everything I've just
been talking about. My ability to have 17
year old girls in Toronto know who I am, and 64 year old business
men and women on LinkedIn, like I am cross-platform and
what I put out on TikTok, as you can imagine, let me
say, hi, what's her name? - She's like wow. - Hello.
- Hi. Thanks for listening to my
content, I appreciate it. - Yeah, thank you. - What do you like about his content? Honestly, I love how like passionate you feel about your work, 'cause like when you talk
you sound super cool, and it's inspiring. So thank you.
- Thank you for saying that. It's really nice to meet you, thank you. - You too, thank you. - As everybody can imagine, what I'm putting out on TikTok,
to bring that inspiration, that might be talking about
the pressure of parents worrying about grades, or hey, you're 17. I promise you as a 45 year old, you're way younger than you think, you don't have to have life figured out, or hey, try a lot of different things because the world's gonna change a lot. Nobody thought that Esports, playing video games 20
years was a good idea, now those people make tens
of millions of dollars. There's a lot of parents
that are upset that they, Kurt I'll never be able to,
until I buy the Jets Kurt, I won't be able to figure it
out how to, that's my goal. I gotta buy the Jets
to figure that one out. But Stan--
- So my question is on content. Like just this morning, my
head of digital marketing, who's an engineer saying, hey,
you gotta like all this stuff we're doing on LinkedIn, you gotta amplify it, I guess, I mean this is eyeopening to me, is I guess I'm a content, I feel like as the head of the company, that if I'm putting out content, it should be of different
or higher quality. And does that make me a
content snob or should I, am I looking at it differently? I guess the question is that
as a head of an organization, the content that we're putting out, if you're putting out 10
or 15 pieces of content, it's gonna be really hard
for it to all be good, unless someone's doing it for you, but how should we view that? Or I guess I'm looking
at it very differently. - We do this at VaynerX, right? Our company puts out a lot of content, and I put out a lot of content,
and they're very different. Caitlin and Andrea here who
deal with a lot of our business, content is just create, is a video of anything that
you see on a social network, that's content, a video, a picture, a written word, you know, that's content. It's just, it's a print ad, a billboard, a radio ad, a jingle, like
anything that's consumed. Stan back to you. I would argue that some of
the content that I put out, actually makes it hard
for Andrea and Caitlin, to get get our company to get business. Because I curse, because I've got a different edge, and sometimes a very conservative company that really wants to
work with VaynerMedia, may be turned off by a founder, that's a little too Jersey. I would argue that because I'm authentic, and I'm passionate, and it's
not coming from a bad place, that there's a lot of people
that find that refreshing, and want to work. I think the content you need to put out is the content that's true to you. You know, the truth of the
energy of the intent and truth, always over performs, whether
you're very conservative, very silly. Your sense of humor is your
strength not your weakness, this whole notion of suit
and tie, look professional, it's dying by the second, by the second. And we need to recognize that. Now one may think that's
bad, and I understand that, I genuinely do. I just am not in the
business of judging society, I'm in the business of
reacting to society. And I think a lot of people
get caught up in that. And I think your company should be putting out a
certain piece of content, and different kinds of content. And I think you should
be putting out content. You being an avid
fishermen, or loving hockey, or being into a bourbon, or liking golf, may be the connection
point in that one video, or in that one article
that leads to somebody considering to do something with you. - Thank you. - You're welcome, thank you. - Gary, there's an interesting question that might kind of
piggyback off on that theme that comes from, and I apologize, I might mispronounce
this Ruback wealth team, talking about how do they make sure that they're putting out content that can be picked up by
the media, meaning PR. - That takes being PR savvy, understanding what,
understanding that PR is selfish. They're not in the business
of amplifying your business, they're in the business of
getting people to view things. It's why we all get mad at the news for being sensationalism. The problem is they were
forced into it as a business because that's what we react to. We like rubber necking, unfortunately, it's the human spirit. You know it is what it is. I think you need to be clever. You need to understand a different take. I think being very culturally relevant. This is why I like
everybody producing content, because it's gonna teach
you about what's going on. I love Craig earlier for
bringing up Pala, right? Maybe you put out like a post on, for example if I wanted press, I would immediately write
a LinkedIn post right now saying why I'm considering
Pala, and what I see there. I guarantee (snaps fingers) you get somebody reaching out to you wanting to be in an article. 'Cause they all wanna write about it, 'cause it's a polarizing thing right now. I think understanding
that the media is selfish, they're not in the business
to be your publicist, is the biggest mindset that I
see people not understanding. And so that's, you need to
bring them value, not them. They're not there for you. So it's a mindset of what
you wanna talk about, and what you put out there. - There's an interesting
question from Shon Bayer. They're a B2C company, and
they're interested in-- - Let's get Shon here, yeah. - Yeah, we're a B2C company. So we have consumer
services, spot services, but then we also manufacturer
products that are sold - Okay, you're on both sides.
- B2C and wholesalers. Yeah, I love that.
- What's that? - You're on both sides, B2B and B2C. - Yeah. My question is, we're really trying to ramp up the amount of content marketing that we're doing across multiple channels, but we obviously still have a very large
paid digital budget. What are your thoughts
on how to determine, how do you set your budgets for
resources and time for that? - Yup. I am far more allocated
to content creation, then media amplification,
than almost anything, or anyone I've ever seen. In a world of 80, 20, and I don't know if
you're even more extreme, 'cause big companies will go 80, 20. For everybody to catch
up what we're saying, 80% of the money that
you do for marketing, is spent for placing the ads,
amplifying it, media spending. In the old days it was 80% of the money was to buy the print slot, and then 20% was to make the ad. 80% was to buy the television, and 20% was to make the commercial. 80% is to buy the Facebook ads,
and the Google ads, and 20%. You know I'm more of a, you may be stunned by this,
I'm a 60, 40, content guy, which is just like insanity
for most business people. But I just know the
creative is the variable, and I'm also extremely good at understanding under
priced media, right? So when you're great at the
media planning and spending, when you know how to
go long tail Facebook, when you know that TikTok's grossly under, when you know your shit,
you're able to pour more. Because I know the creative
is the variable of success. Now, I'm the extreme of extremes. I don't even really recommend it, but I think you have to be
somewhere in the 70, 30, 70 media, 30 creative. Do you have a sense of
where you're at right now? - Oh yeah, it's probably like 90, 10.
- 95, 5, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. That's it, knowing that you're a little bit deeper, than some of the quite
like that's the big unlock. Oh, okay. And then by the way, you
gotta really audit that 90. Like what are you doing? Because where I help a lot of people, is when that 90 is bad (laughing)
at what it does. - You can imagine when you take it to 70, and it's better than a 90, and the money goes into great creative. Now you're getting into a real game. - Yeah. - And that's honestly, so
many people are just CAC, they're metrics oriented,
not business oriented. - Right. - You got a good price on our impressions. Or they might be too business oriented. Gary, don't talk to me, I'm
acquiring customers for $210, and I'm making enough profit on that. And I'm like, cool, but isn't acquiring
customers for 130 better. And wouldn't you be willing to
go to 260 for a little while, to find the thing that gets you to 130. So what I've come to learn my friend, is I just can't believe how many people are not business oriented when
they talk about marketing. They either don't understand it, or they don't hold it
accountable to business. I grew up in a family
liquor store business, where we were immigrants
from the Soviet Union, and every dollar I
spent, Sasha Vaynerchuk, really cared if I did good or not with it. So my marketing training
was only business oriented, not going to brand school,
or getting brought up in Procter and Gamble, you see where I'm going. But I'm a brander. I'm a marketer, I'm not a salesman. And I think too many
people give up on branding and marketing because
they're really sales people, and they wanna know
what every single penny does for them right now.
(snaps fingers) And that's why I always beat them. Even though my energy looks
like I'm the hare, the rabbit, my actions are very tortoise, thoughtful insights, slow, learn, pour lighter fluid on what works. My excitement for my model is high, that's what you're feeling right now, but I'm very slow and calculated. As a matter of fact,
I'm building a consumer, I'm building a business right now, and I've been taking the last
11 years running VaynerMedia, to build the bricks and
the steel for the business I'm gonna build, which is I'm building this
entire marketing company, just to buy businesses. The reason I started the Sasha Group, the small business version
of the VaynerMedia, was A, truthfully be told, 'cause I enjoy these
businesses a little bit more. You know it really matters
when you do good work for a small business, you can like, people cry when they talk to me. Immigrant moms hug me, like fun stuff. But I also did it because I
don't know what I'm gonna buy. I might buy a 47 chain
pizza shop in Canada, back to our friend in Toronto. And I wanna be great at
marketing in Calgary. Like this is very calculated for me, and I want it to be for all of you. Because I think social media
or marketing gets a bad name. It is the, the internet
commoditizes everything, but the ability to communicate. All of your businesses will
continue to get pressured by the internet infrastructure. It was the limo services, it was the hotel things. If you're in real estate,
Zillow's coming after you, like everything's gonna
continue to happen this way. And you know, the networks
didn't see Netflix coming, right? Like the car companies didn't see Tesla, Technology and the internet
is gonna change everything, and if you don't know
how to communicate on it, you're not gonna have
a protection mechanism, to when it comes for your business. It's like a tidal, it's like a huge wave. Either everybody here realizes, hopefully this is the serendipitous moment that you decide to build
a great surf board, or that wave is gonna
smash you in the face. - Gary, Jim Schleckser has a question about where there are
media bargains today? - Jim, Jim, where are you brother? There you are brother. So Jim, where's your target? I mean TikTok is by far the one. - So we're B2B management
consulting, CEO advisory work, we spend a lot of time on LinkedIn, variety of flavors in LinkedIn. - Do you spend a lot of
media money on LinkedIn? - Not a ton. I wouldn't know. I wouldn't say we're at
your ratio on content, but we're a lot of video-- - But you're getting it from the org. You're putting it out. 'Cause LinkedIn also gives
you good organic reach, so you're satisfied, which
makes sense to me Jim, you're satisfied on making the content, and putting it out organically,
not doing what I want, which is you pick four
target clients and you make, I'll give you an example, I want everybody here to this. Jim actually let's play. What would be a company that you would love to
be doing business with? Like you wish they hired
you or used your service. You know, a $200 million valve
manufacturer in Milwaukee would be an awesome
- Beautiful. - client for us. Just being random. - Beautiful. No, I love this. If you and I became partners
tomorrow, et cetera, brother who here can get me the
data on every company in America that looks like that. Then that would come. Then I would go on LinkedIn, me or my, whoever I brought over. And we would look at which companies are registered that are big enough that have enough employees on there, that we can target the employees of. - You gotta do an employee count, 'cause they don't do revenue. - Correct. So, right. So you've gotta look at those things. Once that happens, we
target those companies and we make content that looks like this. Hey, does your CFO, or who's the decision maker
in your, head of procurement, CIO, CFO? - Us, CEO decides. - In your world? - Yeah. - Beautiful. So I would produce content that
literally looked like this. Hey, does your CEO know
that she or he is losing, I don't know your value prop, but I'm sure there's of six of them. If you had dinner with a CEO, right. I would make those six value props, I would make six different
ways, written word, video. Now I have 36 pieces of content, that we're targeting against
the employees of one company, with the hope that one
of them forwards it. Got it? Influence the influencer. - Yeah. - Got it? See where I'm going. - So we gotta get somebody
to put the scope bottle on the desk? - Yeah,
(laughing ) that's exactly right. That's exactly right. And when you, or when you're broad enough and you know it's the, anybody here have an
interesting job title, that is the decision maker
like chief procurement, CIO, anybody here have anything that's not CEO? You can unmute, just trying
to give another analogy. - I'll give you. We have a client that sells
outsource business services. So it would be like
manager of outsourcing, or call center manager,
or something like that. And sometimes procurement,
sometimes VP of procurement. So it could be any of those three. - Yeah, exactly. Like just the sheer technicality that you can get into
a LinkedIn environment. And again Carol, back to you, right? Notice how I just talked
about one company, 36 pieces of content, because
there's six value props. You wanna say it's six different ways. 'Cause you don't know if it's the video, the written word, the picture. And so, I mean this is
real stuff everyone, I'm telling you, this is real stuff. We have a glass manufacturer that wants the industry to use glass, is blown away by what's been going on in the first couple of months with us. We have, we work, right? They have so much
challenges with coworking, and this might like, but we're
blowing B2B companies away with our work in LinkedIn. And by the way, Facebook has been proven to be an incredibly effective
B2B channel as well, when you play on the media
on certain targeting, if you know a certain
thing like universities, there's a lot of different things. Obviously this all goes
on what you can target, and then once you know
what you're targeting, you know what you're gonna say. But Jim I think you've gotta
really rev up the capabilities, whether internally or externally, around media spend on LinkedIn. - Okay. - Now most media-- We do retargeting, sponsored content, that kind of stuff. - Fair enough.
- So we're missing a ton of tricks. - Sponsored content I would get out of. It just makes you feel good
that a lot of people saw it, but they're not the people that you want. Retargeting, I love. Anybody that's come to your website, keep pounding them till they give up, but prospecting where
the content really knows who's seeing it. Got it? - Yeah. - It goes back to Stan's daughter. I know 17 year olds are seeing my TikToks. You can imagine how that
affects what I'm saying, versus what I'm saying to a 58... I'll give you one, as a human, I'm passionate that people
in their fifties and sixties are delusional about how much life they have left ahead of them, but society has convinced
them that they don't. So when I make a video to
talk to those individuals, and I'm running that on
Facebook, 55 to 75 year olds that are entrepreneurs or executives, I may curse less, the answer is I do. I may talk about different analogies. I may make a joke about razzing about, hey you don't want your
daughter making fun of you, let's show her. Like everything that comes
out of my mouth is different. I did it met it in here. I asked, I'm bringing it up again, but I want everybody to really hear me. Once I understood how B2B this is, look how much LinkedIn I'm talking. If this was B2C, I'd be
talking about other stuff. in this time. Context. - Gary, Robin Whalen has a question about auto-generated content. Robin are you, can you shed
a little bit more about that? - Hi Gary, I run an ad agency, social media agency in Toronto.
- Very nice. - And we are, I'm totally hearing you about how important creative is. And I would put it when you look at media, and you look at the offer,
and you look at creative, I would put creative in terms of the element that
drives the most impact. So, sorry.
(machine whirring) One of the things that bothers me the most is auto-generated creative. And what I'm seeing in the industry where there's clients
are wanting to spend less in the development of the idea, because they can get free creative through Google display
network or whatever. Your thoughts. - My thoughts are, it's a
nice thing to have two, to 3%, of your energy on, but big
companies and clients love it, because they think they're saving money, but they don't realize they're not getting the business results they want. And because they're scoring on costs, not on long-term business results, they think it's a good
thing, but it's a bad thing. - Oh, okay. I totally agree. I just always wondered if there's a different
perspective out there. - You know there's different perspectives when somebody's job in a
big company for marketing is to drive down the cost of creative, and that's their KPI, and
their boss said to them, if you cut this by 20%, I'll
give you a bonus of 10%, and they go and do it. And that's because they play defense, and they're not consumer centric, and they're building their
business in an Excel sheet, and as a CFO, not as a
CEO, that's who likes it. - Amen. No argument here, thanks for that. - Kelvin Johnson, you have a question about a brainstorming process that's gonna lead to the best content. You wanna fill us in a
little bit more on that. - Yeah, you mentioned, I like your ratio. You mentioned you're
over-indexed on content, versus the media spin, and just what tactics tools,
resources, do you really, having a great story, a great
narrative is super important. How can people get better, and what's been your secret
solves that continuously produce that great content? - Kelvin, I'm gonna give
you a crazy off speed pitch. You ready? The complete most important ingredient to the question that
you just asked, is HR. It's culture. The only way you get great ideas, is if people feel safe
to say them out loud. The reason most
organizations and companies struggle with good ideas, is there's usually somebody in the room, that is the killer of ideas, imposing his or her political will against the rest of the crew. Humility, kindness, curiosity, are the elements to
unlock what you're asking, and unless you have a culture of that, if you're the boss or
like, I don't like that, and you make people feel
scared to throw things at you, you're dead. If there's somebody
ahead of your creative, and she or he wields
their political clout, and justify their being based on judging everybody
else's ideas, you're dead. This is a cultural execution. And that is why I think
Vayners world exploded, 'cause we focused on that. We thought that was the seed, and now we're getting the dividends of it because people feel safe on the first day to throw something against the wall, and not have some senior
creative, make them feel little. - And the follow up with that real quick, any like routines that you
do personally, or waltz, or anything? - Yup, yup, I put out all the content. I have a thought, I make it, got it? People demonize quality, people demonize quantity when
it is the singular unlock of an internet infrastructure, and that's why everyone's struggling. For 50 years it was subjective
quality conversation, mad men era. Bosses being bosses. And then the internet came
along, where it would value you, if you could put out a lot of things, because it would give you feedback loops that were clean data. I don't suppress my ideas. I don't need to take a walk,
or exercise, or meditate, or drink tea, when I
feel safe and put it out, that is all that. Those are band-aids to bad human behavior. Hmm, I like that one. (laughing) - Gary, I think we might have one time for one more question. I know you gotta go at 1:35, but there's a question from Boris, who comes from the charitable
sector and fundraising sector. Boris maybe you wanna fill us in. - Yeah, for sure, thanks. It's great to listen to you Gary. Look, I typically meet
with philanthropists, like successful entrepreneurs basically that have made enough money
that they can make a gift at the end of the year, 10,000, $50,000, and I ask very personally, I kind of pitch the organization,
the impact we're having. It's very high touch, and all that is out the
window with the pandemic. - Right. - I wonder if you have any insights on how to tell the, sort of invite people who make significant philanthropic
gifts in a different way than just the high touch relationship. - Well, first of all Boris, and I've been doing it 'cause you know, I'm on Charity Water, and Pencil Promise, and I'm on the board, and a big driver. I converted those drinks,
and cocktail hours into this. And then back to the
point of this whole talk. And after we do this, I asked
sometimes perspective people, if they would allow me
to chop up the video, and use it as content that
I put out on LinkedIn, and target high net worth individuals. I only live in a world where
I want every minute of my life to be recorded so that I
can then post-produce it, for my ambitions. - Yeah, that's cool. - It is cool.
- I'm only starting to do-- - It's very efficient, right? You get four people together, you do your spiel, it's a
good thing, there's a moment. But now you got your spiel on film, and if you get the
permission for those four, and you may or may not, because given the nature of
who those kinds of people are. But guess what? You might not even need them
because it might just be what you said, is what you're chopping. I don't need any of y'all,
for my content here, 'cause I could just use my part of it. - Yeah, that's cool. - I hope everybody enjoyed this and got some value out of it. I wish all of you a really
healthy and awesome holiday. Thank you so much for your time. - Thank you, Gary. - Thank you so much. - Thank you for saying that. - Thanks everyone.
- It was awesome Gary, thanks. - I appreciate that, Jim. Bye everyone.
- Thank you. - Thank you, Gary. - Thank you, it's very good. - Thanks everyone, and if there's anything we can do to help you, if you're looking for
talent, if you're you know, if you have other questions that you just thought
of right now, feel free. I'm gonna put my name in the chat as well, and I'd be happy to have Gary respond to anything else that you might think of, even throughout this summit that you're so lucky to be attending. - Andrea, thank you so much. - Thank you Sid.
- Hey Sid, looking good. - Thanks for helping
us set this up Andrea, it was really awesome, thank you. - Oh, thank you. Thanks for all the participation, that's what makes this, makes
it hopefully more practical, and it gives you a little bit
of inspiration on the side. You guys are great. - Great session, I've a lot of homework. (laughing) - Don't we all. (laughing) Don't we all. I'm just trying to keep up with Gary. Oh my goodness.
- Thank you Andrea. - All right, thanks everybody. Have a great summit. (dramatic music) YouTube watcher what's up, it's Gary V. First of all, thank you so much. I hope you're doing super
well during these times. I also wanna ask you, please subscribe, because my commitment and
exploration of YouTube, is about to explode,
stories, polls, more content, more engagement, more
surprise, and delight. This is the time to subscribe. I hope you consider it,
and I hope I see you soon.