Top 20 Things I Want For Splatoon 3

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hello everyone this is char and in today's video  i'm going to be talking about 20 splatoon 3 ideas   and concepts i want to see this can range from  stuff related to single player or customization   to things about weapons and balance so without  further ado i hope you enjoy all right first   up i'm not gonna spend too long on this because  everyone says it but please allow us to skip the   news it has been forever in terms of just having  news that you cannot skip and it just takes the   game to load longer however on top of this i'd  like to add that if they are going to keep the   news then it should at least be something more  informative like they do with the grizzco at the   end maybe there could be an option to add a tip  about a weapon or a map or something like that   though i only want them to do this if the news  is being skippable or else please don't make   it longer this changes more of many things but  i'd love to have more private battle options   there's just so much more they could do with it  to allow custom games to be better i think ideas   like having unlimited ink no main weapons faster  special charge maybe stuff like the octo expansion   where you're stuck in an inkjet or whatever  special they have to replace that stuff like that   would be a very interesting thing i would like to  see but on top of that i would love to see more   just host options please let the host of the room  be able to transfer the host go back after the   weapon select screen of someone disconnected and  kick people who join the room who aren't supposed   to be there just would make private battles a  lot more in terms of what you can do with them   and private battles just add so much for playing  for fun with friends so the more options is really   just the better so one thing i would really like  them to do is to add a league team finder thing   currently leagues are only possible if you have  people on your friends list but if you're like   2015 me and you have no friends then you need  a way to be able to recruit other people to do   league battles being able to search for things  with parameters like having a certain rank   playing a certain weapon or having a certain  special weapon could allow people to queue and   make teams that could turn into friendships  or teams for competitive play it would allow   people to do leak with a set group of people  without having to meet and know those people   basically allowing a lot more opportunity  to find players you enjoy playing with   splatoon is easily more fun with a team than by  yourself so giving away for people to find others   to play with would be a huge asset to the game  this is definitely more of a personal thing but   i would really like them to be careful with their  special balance design a lot of specials in the   game just aren't really that great to play against  splatoon wanted kraken and bubbler which while not   horrible specials were invulnerable but in this  game i'd argue they had things that were worse   stingray is completely not fun to play against and  can shut down objectives and they pretty much had   to make the weapon insanely weak in modes other  than tc and rainmaker in order to even balance   it which has made it less fun for the stingray  user armor takes away a ton of the depth bubbler   had in terms of having to chain to teammates  and bubble blower having an instant combo that   you can pop instantly with bombs makes it just  a not fun instant bubble explosion having more   specials that require more thought or if they do  have positive upsides like health should have huge   downsides to go with it such as booyah bomb being  immobile and taking time to charge another thing   i'd like to see in terms of specials is them  to combine more of splatoon 1 and 2 specials   we can already see this with the new lasers  being a combination of killer whale and stingray   and the inkzooka shooting inkjet like blasts out  of it combining splatoon 1 and 2 special ideas   for a few of the specials could lead to some  really interesting and well-designed specials   i know i'm not the only person who feels like this  but man the splatoon 1 ports for this game were   underwhelming i really hope for splatoon 3 they  choose much more unique levels a lot of them feel   just the same and very bland as well as not being  very good stages at least competitively splatoon 1   had so many unique and cool stages compared to  the splatoon 2 stages that all feel the same i   would really like to see more of the beloved ones  come back mahi mahi with its changing water level   flounder heights with its unique emphasis on  verticality museum with the spinners and just   overall being one of the best maps in either game  bluefin depot with its being split down the middle   splatoon 1 definitely had some bad maps that  should not be included but i think overall   there's a lot more better maps that weren't put in  this game that they should put in the third game   these reports will tune two maps as well obviously  but i think splatoon 1 maps are the main one i'm   worried about them porting over please do some  of the more creative and loved maps in this game   similar to the private battles having more  customization options in the training room would   also be a great idea infinite ink would be super  useful for weapons that run out of ink fast and   are trying to do aim drills like the bamboozler  being able to be in your special forever could   help for things like practicing the brand new  inkzooka and having more variants of dummies or   even playing against bots that could help you  improve your aim could be useful there's a lot   of different things they could do but having the  training room be more customizable to be better   practice while you warm up would be very helpful  currently splatoon only has one type of sub weapon   but i would really love it if they split it into  two this first category would include utility subs   such as point sensor toxic mist or sprinkler and  the second type would include bombs such as the   splat bomb burst bomb suction bomb fizzy bomb you  name it the utility subs could just be a second   sub weapon that you get it could even be mapped  to the left trigger button that's currently unused   not only would this make kits more expansive  now you have two different kinds of sub weapons   but it would greatly improve the quality  of kids as a whole this is because a lot   of weapons benefit from having a bomb and  bombs are useful in a lot of situations   even in both splatoon 1 and 2 so having access to  both would drastically improve the quality of kits   and lead to a lot more viable weapons which would  greatly improve competitive play and ranked next   up i would really like it if they didn't include  another hero mode we've had hero modes for both   splatoon 1 and 2 and while the second one did  improve on it by giving a bit more mechanics and   multiple weapons to choose from it was overall  more of the same thing we've already seen and   having it a third time would be super repetitive  the reason octo expansion was such a good dlc   is because it completely shook up the formula to  give a unique experience it was both different in   terms of the weapons the levels the difficulty  and the story having a completely different   change of pace was exactly what this game needed  and for splatoon 3 i find it even more important   that the base single player is a different  and unique experience from what we've seen   hero mode was a fun experience while it lasted  but now it's time to move on to a different kind   of storyline that can develop the game's lore a  lot further next up i would really like a better   rank system the splatoon 1 ranked system was very  good but the one in this game is just horrible   filling up the bar just as a matter of playing  games and for the most part until the higher   ranks is something you can get just by playing as  for rank x the matchmaking really has nothing to   do with power you can have 2 900 power players  matched with 2100 and it happens all the time   this means not only is there a large skill gap  with all of the players in a lobby but the teams   are often stacked very unevenly on one person's  side more even matches are more fun and are more   helpful for people to improve so i think having a  different rank system that more accurately ranks   people together would be a good option if they  are insistent on keeping the rank x and bar system   i would appreciate it if they made the rank x  power system the entire rank system and then after   that leave an option to wait for longer games  to merge with people closer to your power level   this would just be a simple checkbox and if  you put it you might have to wait a few minutes   but you'll be matched with people within plus or  minus 200 of your power so that way you can have a   more even game if you are okay with the weight and  if you're not you don't have to this is another   really simple one but please have all the main  weapons return it's probably a lot easier to port   main weapons from splatoon 2 to 3 considering  they are on the same console if they could do   it for the entirety of splatoon 1 weapons there's  really no reason not to for splatoon 3. there's no   main weapon that really has a huge problematic  design and all of them are really fun even one   main weapon not being included would mean a lot  of people who enjoy that weapon are no longer able   to play it and especially with another game on  the same console i think it's important to have   all the options and more of the previous game  so i'd really appreciate if they didn't leave   any weapons out i really think it's about time  nintendo gets rid of rotations rotations were a   cool idea and originally i kind of like them but  they're something that's grown really tiresome   over the years there's just so many maps now  that you often don't get to see some at all   and having the maps be random means you get some  rotations that really aren't fun to play on the   way i think it should be is for ranked modes  you can choose the mode you want to play on   and when you get matched in a lobby it will have  a series of five randomly chosen maps and everyone   in the lobby can vote on them the winner of the  map on that vote will be the one that's played on   this is kind of similar to what they have in mario  kart 8 deluxe but without the pure random option   not only do i think this is a good idea in terms  of having more preferred stages be played while   still having enough randomness in the stage pool  selected to where maps aren't completely left out   but it also gives nintendo a lot of data on what  stages people are preferring to play on on what   modes which means when they go to rework stages  they have a lot of info on what stages people like   and stages people don't like which will allow  them to better design maps for the future all   right hear me out on this one i think it would  be a great idea if you could return to the old   splatoon 1 2 hubs not only would this be nostalgic  for people who've played the games and introduced   the hubs for people who haven't given opportunity  to see the idols but i think they could greatly   implement it to the new gear system what if gear  returning from the first game had to be bought   on the first games shops gear returning from the  second game had to be bought in the second game   shops and new gear on the third game could be  thought of the third game shops you could have   this with weapons as well and maybe accessing  salmon run still has to be done from the second   games hub it would be hard to fit in lore wise if  they're going with the whole inklings transition   from city to city but like with people still  playing splatoon 1 nowadays i doubt all of inkling   society has moved on from the hubs and having  them have their own unique appearances and options   would give them utility it would also make it  a lot easier to buy all the gear in the game   since you would have multiple shops to buy hats  shirts and shoes also you have a really easy way   to get to each hub the trains we've already seen  trains in splatoon 3 and there's a train station   right outside the splatoon 1 hub easy way to  go from hub to hub and even to the other single   player campaign that this game will have i don't  have much to say on this one just nintendo please   make the servers better especially the tick rate  which basically is kind of like a refresh rate   for this game during battles is lower in this game  at 16 when splatoon 1 was at 24. like come on if   splatoon 3 can't at least be the same as splatoon  1 it should be higher for god's sakes nintendo   your internet's so outdated it's about time you  finally redo it if you want this game to have a   better server life at the end of splatoon 1 and  2's lifespan we've seen nintendo add third kits   these are great ways to enhance the options  of this game and the sheldon picks and kensa   collections were great additions however i think  it's about time other weapons stop being left out   i think at the very least every weapon in this  game should have third kits if not maybe even some   having a fourth kit kits are just an overall  great thing to enhance the feel of a weapon   and are really easy to add since you don't add  anything new it's just different combinations kits   are really useful and just give more variety and  options for how people want to play their weapons   i think it's about time we start to get more  than just two this one to me is the absolute   must nintendo needs to do the launch of this game  needs to have more content splatoon's one's launch   was so pitiful i don't even think i need to  mention it but even splatoon 2's was bad it   didn't even have every weapon from the first game  and they rolled out weapons so slowly at only one   a week which was just one kit by the way not even  both kits that it took forever to even get the   amount of content that was in the base splatoon  one there were eight maps in the game on launch   that is ridiculous two of them are ports of  maps that were already available in the first   game content at the start of the game needs to  be much higher splatoon 3 should start with all   of the weapons having at least their two base kits  that were in splatoon 2 and at least 12 maps next   up we need a revamped chunk system trunks were a  unique addition where when you scrub gear you get   little pieces that you could use to make new sub  abilities such as swim speed sub savering saver   main etc while they're a nice addition that does  take away a lot of the randomness from it chunks   can't really be bought and the process of grinding  chunks is still random a lot of players who play   the game actively have a [ __ ] ton of coins  once you've bought in all the gear and weapons   there is literally nothing to use it on besides  scrubbing gear so it'd be great if you could use   coins to purchase chunks or at the very least  to purchase drinks that can help you get chunks   i would like to see them change the gear system to  be less rng based and have more ways of directly   purchasing abilities you could even have a way of  changing the main ability for coins even if it's   a really expensive amount like a hundred thousand  at least you could do it because right now there   isn't a way to change the main ability for free  and you just have to hope that ability exists   because of the splatnet shop having better ways  to customize gear without relying on randomness   is something that's long overdue this next topic  probably deserves its own video and probably with   someone who has a bit more experience when salmon  run than me but i would really appreciate if they   expanded the mode salmon run just feels kind of  unfinished there's a lot of things they could   do such as an endless mode on the waves or being  able to customize the rounds you get for practice   but i think some basic things like a little bit  more than five stages and being able to actually   pick your weapons would be a great addition  especially considering you can change your   weapons in land mode which people obviously can't  do right now i just think there's a lot more they   could do with salmon run to make it more fun and  more customizable and i hope they revisit it in   splatoon 3. maybe this is an unpopular opinion but  i actually really like the idea of main power-up   being able to buff the weapon while making it more  gear dependent is a great way of adding balance to   the game in a new way however i think where mpu  did mess up is with damage up damage up is just   not a good mechanic that has majorly reduced the  amount of viable weapons in the frontline category   it makes approaching so much harder to the point  where it really reduces the amount of weapons that   could be played and how aggressively they can  be used the short range weapons that are good   competitively are often ones that can play much  more supportively and don't need to fight as much   it also made a lot of mid-range weapons have  a very fast kill time with the bamboo being   the prime example of killing in one shot when it's  clearly intended to have to kill in two which just   makes the game a lot less fun and a lot harder  to play since you can get one-shotted or killed   fast by weapons that are by nature supposed to  be exchanging their kill time for more range   while the other mpu effects may need some tweaking  as some of them require way too much to even have   a slightly noticeable effect they're not really  a problem and haven't really impacted anything   negatively if anything the other effects have  actually increased the amount of viable weapons   especially the ones that increase range or  painting capability so i think mpu as a whole   is fine but mpu damage up really shouldn't  be something we see again something nintendo   hasn't done yet with the single player is at a  co-op option i think it would be really cool to   be able to pair up with two to four other people  and be able to tackle single player with friends   in a kind of co-op mode being able to use  multiple weapons or work with people could   make the experiences a lot more fun additionally  we have a lot of heroes by now with agent 3 agent   4 and agent 8 and there's probably going to be a  new one for splatoon 3 as well by the looks of it   so it's not like there aren't access to characters  who could be used for this multiplayer campaign   i think having more of a co-op option for single  player would be really good it's just something   that could be an option maybe the levels are  harder or maybe there's specific levels made for   multiple people being able to team up with friends  just adds a lot to the experience and gives more   opportunity to develop the game and its characters  lore wise like they did with agent 3 and octo   expansion and for my final hope i would really  like to see nintendo try out some more hybrid   weapon designs hybrid weapons would basically  be combining two different weapon classes into   one type of weapon a really good example with  this would be the sloshing machine oryx splasher   which are combinations of sloshers and blasters we  could see something like dooley's umbrellas being   able to dodge roland shield a brush with some  kind of roller rolling over capability or maybe   something like the brand new bow being combined  with a blaster explosion or something like that or   combined with a dually class maybe by having some  kind of jump or roll out of the way after shooting   i think there's a lot of potential that could be  done by combining two different weapon classes   that could lead to some really fun and interesting  experiences sloshing machine and x-washer are   really good examples of that but i think they've  barely scratched the surface with weapon ideas   they could do and combining classes would be a  great way to add a lot of new weapons to the game   and there you have it 20 hopes for splatoon 3.  obviously there's probably many more ideas that   i missed but these are just the things i could  think of at the moment there's a lot of different   things nintendo could do with this game and i'm  really looking forward to what they have to show   if you've stayed all the way to the end of this  video and enjoy my content then subscribing really   helps i do my best to put out content for both  competitive splatoon 2 speculation for splatoon 3   and a lot of other discussion and topic  type videos so subscribing helps a lot with   supporting me with that being said thank  you so much for watching and be sure to   let me know your guys's ideas in the comments  below and i will see you all in another video
Channel: ProChara
Views: 87,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon, Splatoon 2, Splatoon Pro, Chara, ProChara, Nintendo, Splatoon 3, Rapid, Octobrush, Bocut Nation, Blaster Splatoon 2, Brush Splatoon 2, NA Championship Splatoon, Climb, Splatoon Team Climb, Competitive, Competitive Splatoon, Splatoon Top Team, Torpedo, Junior, Jr, Armor, Support, Splatoon Scrim, Splatoon Tournament, Splatoon 2 Scrim, Splatoon 2 Tournament, Explosher, Brella, Splatoon 2 Discussion, Top 10 Splatoon 3 Hopes, Top 10 Splatoon 3, Splatoon 3 Predictions, Splatoon 3 Hopes
Id: Og0bChuppTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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