Top 20 rides, attractions, and foods in Disney World 2024 and Best Disney World Park

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[Music] throwing it away hey it's TR and welcome or welcome back to my channel I recently went on a 3-day trip to Disney World at the end of February in 2024 and thought I'd share my top 20 must do for all four Parks so if you think that'll be interesting or helpful just keep watching now a quick disclaimer I was fortunate enough to visit Disney World with my friend who is a cast member which drastically helps with saving costs so I highly recommend making a friend who works there or making one of your existing friends work there ha we were able to park hop all 3 days but we did not purchase the genie plus pass because it's not transferable like it is at the Anaheim Disneyland in California Adventure so in no particular order here are the top 20 things that my daughter and I enjoyed or did during our visit that if we wi again our must do again I'll share my number one favorite Park out of the four and I think you'll be able to guess which one it is as we go through this list but without further delay let's start off this top 20 list with some rides in Magic Kingdom my favorite ride was the Tron ride I'm in my mid-30s and just slightly affected by motion sickness and though I did feel a little sick after the ride it was so fast and so fun and definitely worth it my advice is to start spamming the virtual Queue at 6:58 a.m. and hope that you get it you can also try again at 12:58 p.m. before their 1:00 p.m. virtual queue opening the ride feels kind of like a Tesla taken off and just going with fast so it's just that initial boost of speed and then it kind of you know calms down you go through the ride and it's a lot of fun these next few are also at Disneyland rise of the resistance these next three are those like trackless rides they're like newer styled ones and so we did rise of the resistance from Hollywood [Music] Studios how you Le this one was a lot of fun from beginning to end because when you kind of get into being the um prisoner the cast members are actually a little mean to you um treating you like a prisoner and it's a fun adventure there's a little drop but you can kind of guess where it is and brace yourself for it also in Hollywood Studios there's the Mickey and Min Runway Railway this one is really cute and at the beginning waiting area there is one startling part that it's part of the story and during the ride there are so many different parts and it's just very entertaining in Epcot there's Remy's ride to Adventure it's really cute and fun it's a 3D ride and there was only one part of it that was nauseating for me just a little bit um but the rest of it was really fun and cute and also an Epcot the Frozen Ever After ride uh features some key moments from the first Frozen movie and a little bit of excitement with the giant Sim and chases you but it's just decorated and done so well um with the animatronics the like the newer animatronics and the music and all the decorations if you're enjoying this list so for please like subscribe and share as it helps my little Channel and so I can make more helpful content like this this next section is more of attractions for you to see or do not really rides in Epcot there's I think our number one thing at Epcot was the Journey of water inspired by Moana this is an educational walkthrough Adventure about the water cycle but with an added element of magic as if the ocean chose you there are multiple stations where you could manipulate water my daughter did this twice and wanted to do it a third time but it was getting cold and late so I had to say no also in Epcot there's this mitsukoshi store which if you like Japanese culture and Japanese pop culture you must visit it uh they had so many cute anime game and character merch like Kirby Super Mario San Rio Studio ji stuff uh ggu kaen spy family and others I'm sure and on the other side of the store they also have more Japanese cultural stuff with clothing accessories and then another section for snacks throughout Epcot there's something called kid cot which if you have kids each country has a card and sticker that you can collect and a cute Ziploc bag to store them all in at Japan and Morocco they'll write a phonetic version of your name in Japanese and Arabic so that's kind of a cool souvenir to have and completely free the back side of each card also has a picture that your child could color there um they do have tables with markers or you can save it for later in Animal Kingdom they also have their version of a sticker book for kids called Wilderness explorers and there are several stations around the park for kids to do an activity learn about an animal ask questions if they have any and the cast members were so patient even with my child who um sometimes asked a lot of questions there are quite a few stations though so we only managed to get through a third of it I think um we didn't actually spend too much time at the park but if you're spending a whole day there and you have kids this is a great activity for them also in Animal Kingdom this is I guess a ride it's The kilero Safaris ride and you get on a bus and and you are driven around their preserve I guess to see the different animals and we also got to see their newest baby elephant that I didn't get any footage of it was fun and really cute and now back in Epcot they have like a pretty much full size aquarium uh after the Finding Nemo ride and if you don't want to ride the Finding Nemo ride you can also just get into the aquarium through the back there's also a booklet to go at the aquarium there's a lot of animals to see there we did stop to see the manatees as we've never seen any up close before and we got to catch them feeding the large gray blubbery mamals also in the aquarium area at Epcot there's a turtle talk with Crush which Disneyland does have but we didn't do it last time I'm glad we did it this time because it's actually a lot of fun and entertaining for both adults and kids talk to the dude up front on this side looks like a dark blue shell on top of a white shell to be honest I wasn't fond of the um figment ride in Epcot however after the figment ride and I'm sure you can get through the other side and not do the ride I think it's called image works but there's an area where it's kind of like a children's museum where there's lots of areas for you to interact with it's a lot of fun my last two in this section are the shows so we watched all three but my favorite out of the two were definitely Fantasmic at Hollywood Studios it was actually kind of boring at first because I thought it was just going to be a bunch of animation on like the spraying water but then kind of brought out more actors to play out some of Disney's biggest Classics also very happy to see Mulan in it got to represent and back at Epcot their new show luminous wow this is more of an adult show in my opinion uh not saying it's inappropriate for kids my in my six still really enjoyed it it's more of a story and it's not like a Disney story but it's more of like the story of life with songs and some of them are from Disney movies and others are not or they're kind of like a match of them and there's fireworks and illuminated dancing water in it there aren't like animated pictures I guess so it's a little more abstract in that [Music] sense in this last section of my favorites I'm going to be talking about some of my favorite foods I had in Disney World in Epcot in the Germany area there was this gingerbread salted caramel butter cookie sandwich and I haven't tried too many Disney treats sadly but this is this is an all-time favorite out of all the cookies I've ever eaten in my life the slight spice of the gingerbread and the caramel and the gooey cookie just all work together so well and it surprisedly wasn't too sweet we also got this Snicker doodle caramel cookie which I ate later when I got back home but that one was sickeningly sweet I would not recommend that one in Canada at the refreshment port I got the seasonal beer which at the end of February this year 20124 was a raspberry store bab beer it wasn't too sour not too sweet not too like beer um since I'm not really like a beer connoisseur or anything but I really enjoyed this also in Canada at the refreshment port we got poutine to try it was a little too salty with the gravy but still really good and the cheese curs were good now in Animal Kingdom at flame tree barbecue I think this was the best meal I had during the trip the half chicken was moist at least the thigh and leg that I ate um it was Smoky and playful and not too bad for 1379 the baked beans were good and KLA was Co but you got some veggies right my friend got the ribs and chicken combo and the ribs were also tender and fearful and not dry at all at Hollywood Studios we ate um a meal at Wood's lunchbox and we got the brisket mil here which was amazing and I got the dairy version of it which is still good even with a weird sticky dairyfree cheese texture the brisket was moist and flavorful and even better with added barbecue sauce their tomato soup was also really flavorful and Hearty by the way if you have food allergies or restrictions if you scroll down in the the my Disney app you can select for whatever restriction or L you need to and it'll show you the options that are available for that so those were my top 20 out of all four parks and I did want to have some honorable mentions so the Pandora world of Avatar was cool it was beautiful um during the day time but we didn't get to see it at night which I heard is amazing with the bioluminous and plants but we didn't get to it so if you can you definitely should check it out and the Finding Nemo life show is also a lot of fun it's called the Big Blue World I believe it's like a musical I enjoyed it but wouldn't need to go again he's got a little I'll be probably his lucky so I'm sure you can tell which park I favor based on how many of my favorites were there but if you're planning a trip to Disney World and you can only make it to One Park due to time or budget constraint I feel like Epcot is my number one pick there's a good balance of good food good rides shows and things for kids so it's like a perfect one Park fits all for a family or an adult only trip the decorations and theming are also done so beautifully and there are live performances or demonstrations in each country pretty frequently so that concludes my list but I love to hear about your list have you been before is there anything that you highly recommend people do or if you haven't been is there anything that you're really looking forward to and helping amazes you while you're there please let me know in the comments below thanks for spending some of your time with me and I hope you found it helpful or entertaining see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Tre S
Views: 1,442
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Id: cX5ygnErtho
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Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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