Top 20 Powerful Horror Movie Monsters

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[Applause] foreign [Music] welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 powerful horror movie monsters [Music] for this list we're looking at the biggest and baddest creatures to haunt scary films even though some of these movies are almost 100 years old we still feel like a spoiler warning is necessary which movie monsters do you think you have a chance against let us know in the comments below number 20. the creeper the Jeepers Creepers franchise every 23 years for 23 days this creep crawls out of its Slumber to torment innocence he chooses his unlucky victims by using his Supernatural sense of smell to pinpoint the organ or body part he desires and good luck stopping him from following through [Music] people have tried burning impaling and even dismembering him but there seems to be no way to end the creeper for good if it's superhuman speed and strength were not enough this creepy Juggernaut has an arsenal of weapons that includes a medieval ax your best hope for survival is that you're just not around for the Unlucky 23rd year when he roams the Earth number 19 Frankenstein's monster the Frankenstein franchise this classic movie monster has made a shriek in fear and amazement since the 1930s oh long before Myers and Voorhees Frankenstein's monster was the OG when it came to invulnerability he can Traverse large bodies of water run several miles and withstand deadly cold without fatigue also don't let his guttural sounds fool you Frankenstein's monster was also surprisingly strategic and shrewd despite his power he's still a big softy before the public tried to persecute his existence he tried to connect with and help others even though it's sometimes ended in someone accidentally dying in his strong hands it's the thought that counts right you gave me these emotions but you didn't tell me how to use them now two people are dead because of us number 18 death Angels the a quiet place franchise the threat of these creatures was clear from the beginning of the first film in this silent franchise in a short time we learned that the death Angels had already wiped out a significant portion of Earth's population by tracking humans by sound the survivors could do little else but hide in silence to stay alive although people tried to fight back with guns and other Weaponry the extremely Tough Armor the death angels have made Humanity's weapons ineffective to make matters worse the monsters also have Incredible strength and sharp claws the only Silver Lining is that the creatures don't like water and can be stopped with the right sound frequency outside of those conditions they're virtually Unstoppable number 17 creatures of the Mist the Mist where would movie Monsters be without a top secret government project going terribly wrong thanks to the arrowhead project an interdimensional gate opened and allowed bizarre monsters to invade Earth flying scorpions toothy tentacles and giant spiders spinning acidic webs await anybody that's unfortunate enough to cross their paths oh no the most powerful of the creatures we see is the Behemoth with six legs hundreds of appendages and tentacles on its head this Beast stands at over 240 feet tall it seemed very unbothered by the humans scurrying for their lives in the movie in fact it's likely it didn't even notice them while indifference isn't a power it makes a shudder to think of what it's capable of doing if it tried number 16 Pumpkin Head the pumpkin head franchise is Revenge really a dish best served cold perhaps it's better served by summoning a Vengeance demon to obliterate your wrongdoers I think it's here now [Applause] like a heat-seeking missile this bulbous Beast is able to track down anyone it's summoned to kill he also appears to be invulnerable to direct damage additionally it seems to grow in size according to how many people summon him stop [Music] this physical manifestation of Revenge paints an ugly picture of how far we'll go to seek retribution but being an Uber demon has its drawbacks this Monster's Achilles heel is its psychic link to the one who summoned it outside of that there's little that victims can do to stop pumpkinhead's rotten Rampages number 15. The Entity it follows don't open the door see everything's okay this shape-shifting monster thrives off of a curse that would make the most unfulfilling hookups all the more offensive The Entity is sexually transmitted from victim to victim once it acquires a Target the monster disguises itself as a human and hunts looking for help is nearly impossible due to the fact that this creature can only be seen by those it curses perhaps the most unnerving characteristic of this creature is that it doesn't run instead it walks towards its victims incessantly until they reach the point of exhaustion patience and persistence is the deadliest combination a monster could possess and these are defining characteristics of the entity number 14. Clover Cloverfield after lying dormant at the bottom of the ocean for millions of years this monster Rose from the depths to wreak havoc on New York City the massive Clover causes destruction by simply moving its body but to further prove its strength it did things like tear off the head of the Statue of Liberty and destroy the Brooklyn Bridge on top of that this deep sea Terror oozes dog-sized parasites from its skin the monster's only goal is to feed on anyone it can gobble up as a deep sea creature it's highly resistant to high temperatures making it invulnerable to average projectile attacks it takes some of the military's most powerful equipment just to take it down number 13. jean jacket nope although it looks like the stereotypical Flying Saucer the unsettling realization that it's actually the monster's body is sure to stay with you the monster initially stays hidden by manipulating clouds to hide as it gets closer to its prey it disrupts electronics and stops vehicles in their tracks the monster then uses powerful tornadoes to suck up anything or anyone that looks directly at it after all that its prey is crushed by Jean jacket's powerful digestive muscles [Music] it's as elusive as it is terrifying and it takes a lot of Ingenuity to defeat this creature in the film The Beast is likened to a wild animal that some try and fail to tame jean jacket truly stands atop the food chain number 12. valik The Conjuring franchise who's that [Music] known in mythology as the great president of hell this manipulative demon is determined to torment and destroy any Soul at once in The Conjuring Cinematic Universe it uses the guise of a nun to mock the Christian faith of its victims perhaps the most terrifying attribute of this demon is its sole intent to cause as much pain and misery as it can it does not help that it has the power to shape-shift thanks to its abilities it can use its Target's worst fears against them and valik is also the master of jump scares [Music] since it can block psychic Visions the Warren family's biggest Advantage isn't as effective valik makes for one hellish Enemy Number 11. The Blob The Blob the deadliest flavor of jello is capable of decimating practically every biological life form on Earth [Music] [Applause] thank you after falling from some unknown location in space the creature started its Feeding Frenzy with one person however with each casualty the blob's mass increased it enveloped and dissolved any victim unlucky enough to fall prey to its mass but don't let its humorous shape or lack thereof fool you its true power lies in its Simplicity all it does is consume and grow there's no way to reason the creature out of annihilating the human race it is invulnerable to most sorts of weapons although you can defeat this monster by freezing and containing it you better hope it hasn't grown too big by the time you figure out its weakness number 10. Xenomorphs the alien franchise when an infant little more than a big worm a xenomorph possesses enough power to burst out of a human's chest ribs and all as the alien matures the xenomorph transforms into the ultimate killing machine one furnished with a highly protective exoskeleton deadly Claws and a tail known for slicing and dicing through flesh without much trouble along with being stealthy enough to give Solid Snake a run for his money Xenomorphs have proven to be rather adaptive and intelligent enough to not rely solely on brute strength then there's the queen a towering entity that amplifies all the strengths of a normal xenomorph your survival is quite unlikely number nine Krampus Krampus Krampus announces his arrival by engulfing a town in a snowstorm because you know shaping the weather is just the opening act for evil Santa krampus's job is to drag people who denounce Christmas to the underworld usually using hook chains some terrifying Claws and potentially some magic please I know you could fix this give them back the movie does not reveal too many of krampus's abilities although it does show enough to suggest that this creature could be Beyond defeat while enough of a threat on his own Krampus is also a team player in fact the nightmarish Santa's ragtag group of Twisted toys elves and confectionary make up a significant part of krampus's Arsenal number eight graboids the Tremors franchise traveling underground and outfitted with three tentacles for that added creep Factor graboids sit at the top of Earth's food chain must be a million of them nope just one resembling worms with a Sprinkle of lovecraftian Terror the American graboid is not only tough as nails but can also grow almost to the size of a bus while in Tremors 5 an African variant is even bigger foreign monsters graboids rely on catching their prey unprepared and the species can outrun and in certain cases out think any human graboids are the ultimate Hunters once they pinpoint a Target nothing is going to get in the monster's way number seven the thing the thing I don't know what the hell's in there it's weird and pissed off whatever it is if this shape-shifting creature had landed somewhere warmer it might have been Unstoppable the thing is an alien that absorbs organic life forms creating a near-perfect replica with identical memories and mannerisms uh what makes this parasite particularly powerful is its ability to divide into numerous cells each functioning individually while still serving the whole this not only makes the alien extremely difficult to kill but the thing could also spread its influence quickly if it could reach a large city filled with clueless victims the thing hides in plain sight turning close friends and family members into monsters which is cunningly terrifying nobody trusts anybody now number six Sadako yamamura the ring franchise like her mother Sadako was born a psychic an incredibly powerful one capable of axing people with her mind that's all before sadiko has thrown down a well becomes an unnerving vengeful Spirit who routinely laughs in the face of physics and begins to spread a videotape that kills viewers after seven days along with high-end x-men-like abilities like telekinesis and telepathy satico can also possess other people to do unspeakable Acts also known to occasionally kill someone with just a gaze because in the case of Sadako looks really can be deadly [Music] Count Dracula the Dracula franchise I am Dracula Vlad the Impaler is movie monster royalty throughout the years Count Dracula has amassed a filmography that surpasses most A-list actors with the two most significant cinematic versions being 1931's Universal monster and Christopher Lee's Hammer horror reimagining while some variants are more powerful than others Dracula is always a threat blending physical Supernatural and psychological abilities that ensure the vampire King remains among the night's most hair-raising ambassadors welcome to my fault along with shape-shifting and being a master manipulator Dracula like most vampires can essentially create an army of bloodthirsty minions even if he mainly limits this power to a handful of chosen Brides where's Charles you don't need child [Music] oh number four Pazuzu The Exorcist franchise although Pazuzu spends his most memorable outings stuck in a bed flinging insults at priests and just being all around disgusting it would be ill-advised to underestimate the demon pazuza's most dangerous weapon is bodily possession as the monster can seize control of both humans and animals twisting the host into a nightmarish version of their former selves I'm only planning to stay in Reagan your arts and lies stinking in the earth Pazuzu has a deranged sense of humor and finds Delight in corrupting seemingly innocent beings with children often being targeted by the demon Pazuzu doesn't even need to be in control to cause Havoc proving as much when the demon transferred a serial killer Soul into the body of Father Charis do you think they will save you now as we forgive us our trespasses well I can pray too that we forgive those who trespass you feel my little auras and is creeping up your spine number three Freddy Krueger the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise known during life as the Springwood Slasher death only served to make Freddy Krueger more dangerous than ever attacking teenagers while they dream by typically bringing to life the victim's deepest fears the legendary movie villain has practically full control and is almost Unstoppable within this realm Freddie's strength depends on the number of people who fear Him and whether the villain has absorbed enough Souls at full potential Freddy becomes powerful enough to directly influence reality it's real a threat in the real world and Godlike in the dream world Freddy is too powerful for hell to hold sticks and stones may break my bones but nothing will ever kill me number two Pinhead the Hellraiser franchise Welcome to Hell Clive Barker's Dark Prince of pain is beyond powerful whether serving Leviathan or flying solo pinhead's abilities are overwhelming the leader of a cenobite army Pinhead is summoned whenever someone solves the lament configuration a box that also serves as the monster's only weakness once summoned Pinhead has access to a myriad of tools to torture any unfortunate victims although the entity's preferred method involves telekinetically controlled chains to a certain extent Pinhead can also distort space and manipulate reality creating allusions to trick humans preferring a hands-off approach Pinhead has also been known to resurrect victims as cenobites further adding to the monster's power before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one it the it franchise where you going merrily known as Pennywise it is a being that cannot be comprehended by an ordinary human as such the villain primarily takes the form of nightmarish Creatures based on a person's worst fears knowledge learned through its telepathic powers that is just the tip of this hellish Iceberg as it can warp reality to bring to life Illusions brainwash entire towns to ignore its existence and drive humans into performing deadly acts of violence make it a wonderful day kill him if Pennywise didn't love eating humans with a healthy seasoning of fear it could just continue killing without ever being noticed kiss me it was the last time did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music] foreign
Views: 180,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Horror, Movies, best horror movies, best movie monsters, best movies, deadliest horror creatures, horror monsters, horror monsters characters, horror movie monsters, list, mojo, most powerful horror movie monsters, most powerful monsters, movie monsters, powerful movie monsters, scariest horror creatures, scariest monsters, scariest movie creatures, scariest movie monsters, scary, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, horror movie, Scary movies, horror movies, horror icons
Id: u2p86A8kyvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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