Top 20 Motocamping Must-Haves & Things I Wish I Packed

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kia ora friends let me just clean up my campsite it's messy all right so i'm on day 175 of a cross-country 48 state america motor camping adventure before i wrap the trip up and put my bike into storage for the winter i wanted to share with you my top 20 items that i found essential during my moto camping trip across america i'm also going to include uh my top five items that i wish i had hopefully this will help you plan for your upcoming motor camping trip first up in no particular order uh we've got the solar power bank so this bad boy i think is about 40 000 milliamps it can charge my phone something crazy like 10 times and it also charges itself in the sun uh and this particular one which i just got off amazon has a crazy strong led light uh so this is multi-functional and this one's kind of bulky so i do keep a smaller power bank in my waist bag uh but this is great to have in case you really get lost and you don't have any other way of charging your devices where the is that here it is okay number two this is my hydra pack i've gone through so many different variations of water bottles and this one has come out on top it is durable straps onto the side of my bike uh now i do have a camelbak as my secondary water source but this one i prefer because the tube doesn't get tangled in anything the mouthpiece doesn't get dirty it has a bunch of different tie down points it has endured a intense heat of being beside the engine uh it does not taint the taste of the water that is an important one it tastes really good it's even dishwasher safe so you can sterilize this it just unscrews and away you go oh that is tasty so number three on my list is the gooseneck gopro mount now this is not a great example to show you because it's broken i've got a couple of different ones would sit like this you put your gopro on top i'm recording with it right now so i can't show you put your gopro on top and then you can clip this onto your handlebars onto your lights onto your luggage and you get some really interesting angles if you are recording your trip now i would have previously recommended you go for the gopro brand but as you can see it's actually not that good um i also got an amazon version now this one is way longer and the cool thing about this is that you can angle it to get even more impressive um types of shots so you can get the whole bike in if you position this correctly the bummer is that it's not very good quality now i have gone through maybe four or five of these on my trip i so wanted to capture the angles that it was worth me just replacing them each time they broke the jumper pack this here will jump your battery if it gets flat i have had to use this about 20 times in the last six months i cannot recommend this enough especially if you have um peripheral accessories attached to your battery so for me i have fog lights and i also run an inverter to charge my phone and things like that uh if i leave my bike on or accidentally put it in park without the key on i got about 20 seconds before that battery is unable to start the bike my next item is my satellite phone so this is a garmin inreach uh i use this to track where i am at all times uh people who have the link can know exactly where i am so i give this to my family and friends i'm also able to use this sos button if i ever i'm in an emergency or i find myself having stumbled upon an emergency uh and it also has maps uh but more than anything it is just peace of mind so this is for a long trip across the country that does have you know patchy service i recommend getting one of these uh and you'll see it is on a carabiner now this carabiner is clipped onto my waste bag it is not going to be on the bike or my bag because i might at some point become separated from the two it needs to be attached to me and my person you'll see i also have my mace and my key next is my butler motorcycle mats so this only applies uh to people traveling around america but i highly recommend if you are taking a motorcycle trip to get the corresponding map to the state you're visiting uh these maps are designed to show you the best possible route to take on a motorcycle uh let's do a little close-up so you'll see here we've got highlighted roads anything that's yellow is the best road in america red second best orange is third best this is exclusively how i traveled and navigated myself um during the first part of my trip where they had mats these maps are only covering the most interesting parts of america so they don't have a map or say nebraska just because there's not a lot of mountains and hills and curbs and views but if you are going to a very scenic state this is the way to navigate i got the whole collection next is my hottie hottie stands for hot water bottle ah now this is definitely a staple in any new zealander's bed on a cold winter night my one has a little sweater so that i don't burn myself but essentially when nightfall comes i'll boil water on my propane stove and i will fill up this it's a rubber bottle i pop the little sweater on and i cuddle it keeps you warm all night amazing okay next is rain gear wow i really got hit hard on this trip with rain i think it's to be expected these are called uh they're called tingly brand and they're actually over boots so i have my riding boots uh and i actually put them inside this rubber boot and it is obviously waterproof uh i love rubber because there's no way that any rain is gonna creep into any fabric crease or anything like that uh this is solid so i'll put this on over my boot and then i'll put my rain suit over the top now this rain suit please keep in mind i've been on the road for six months it did do a good job but it is mostly duct tape at this point you get a one piece rain suit that way there's less cracks for that rain to drip down into here she is so you'll see around the crotch area is where it rips the most because you're sort of you know hi yaying your leg over the bike and rip there we go it's the worst possible time for it to happen too now the only other thing you had to think about is how to keep your hands dry i bought waterproof gloves and they weren't waterproof uh that is something that is well and truly worth the investment so next up is compression bags now i have a lot of clothes with me cramped into my bag it's actually kind of incredible how much i can fit and the secret is compressing them getting that air out so in this bag i have all of my t-shirts my sweatshirts and uh they've got two zips so once you've got all your things packed up you just zip it closed this double zip system it presses all the air out and there you go and that there is the best way to utilize that precious real estate in your bag uh it also uh helps you to organize your clothes so i have three of these i've got one for under clothes i've got one for tops and i got one for bottom so i'm not digging around through my you know my leggings to try and find my tops they're all separate i use suited nomad they've been really good uh this whole trip next up water wipes oh my gosh these are so good so i started the trip using baby wipes and you use this to sort of clean your face clean your body and also you can clean your pots and pans or any utensils you use now baby wipes have got some chemicals in them which i didn't really like the thought of um so i started buying these water wipes and these are 99.9 water which means a lot safer especially if you're cleaning up you know your coffee cup in the morning or whatever my next thing is a tripod and bluetooth remote so if you're traveling solo and you want to capture your adventure the best way to do this is by setting up a tripod and doing either a self timer or a bluetooth remote so you can get these on amazon essentially you push the button and it tells your camera to take the photo so you can set yourself up in the exact position you want to be in and not have to race back for that 10 second timer uh one thing i will say is that the bluetooth remote that i got broke pretty quickly so thanks amazon um if you got a good quality one i think it'd be well and truly worth whatever it costs now i would show you my tripod but i'm currently recording on it um so just imagine a tripod here it collapses to about that size i strap it to the outside of my bags because there's often moments where i want to pull over and capture a moment i don't want to dig through my bag for my tripod so i keep it handy on the outside next up is my chair i'm sitting in it right now i cannot recommend this chair enough you might think oh i want to save space on my motor camping trip i'll just sit on the ground no trust me after a long day's riding the last thing you want to do is eat your dinner on the dirt forget it this one collapses into a tiny little bag it's only this big uh and it's super comfortable so definitely bring a chair you will not regret it so this one is just on amazon i think it was like 40 bucks um i love the design it's sort of like a little banana hammock a little banana hammock wait that's a it is a speedo that's not what i meant it's like a hammock a regular hammock not a banana you can already see there is some wild design going on here all right that one little guy there needs help cool so the frame is really lightweight and it's made of the same sort of style as um tent poles and then you just put on this little um fabric chair cover and boom you are comfortable yeah hello next up is my pacsay oh my gosh it's got my purpose okay my pack safe i bought a 125 liter one uh now what it does is it actually sits over top of my main bag and i tighten it and then i um put a lock on it and that means that all of my um my gear in my big bag is protected from theft now conceivably you could put your hand through and dig something out but literally that is the size of the thing that the thief can pull out it's not cuttable this helps me to feel peace of mind when i'm going on a hike or i'm parked in a public area with a lot of traffic or i'm trying to run into a store really more than anything is a great visual deterrent my next item is my beanie now this here obviously serves as a hat so it keeps my head warm but more importantly i think is that it keeps the sunlight or the moonlight out of my face so when i go to sleep i put this on i pull it down over my eyes and i can fall asleep so quick okay next up is my handlebar bag now i picked this up halfway through my trip uh that is precious real estate just sitting in front of your handlebars and this is the perfect place to put your uh inverter if you're charging things so my cigarette lighter is right up on my handlebars this allowed for me to put my inverter and whatever i was charging in the front pouch uh also you know gopro batteries are charging anything that i need quick access to i also have a tank bag uh but it's a lot smaller so this was just sort of like a supplementary um place to pop things that i needed to grab quickly built well x-fil seven next up my emergency information so in this piece of paper which is in a zip lock bag and is covered by clear tape i have all the most important information that someone would need to have about me should they find me in an accident or unconscious or unable to communicate to them so this has my emergency contacts any allergies any medication my insurance details uh my blood type anything that i could think of that might be important i wrote down and put it on this visible part of my helmet you need your spare keys you always want a spare key there is nothing that will bum you out more than losing a key and your trip being delayed or even ruined uh i not only have a spare set of keys on my person i even stash a ignition key inside my helmet lining i have a friend who puts theirs inside their brake light uh get creative with it next up is a notebook so you might use this to journal your um day-to-day activities but for me because i was traveling across every state in america i found myself frequently getting recommendations from people and at first i saw these in my phone and then i realized no no i would need to do a page per state so this was really helpful in organizing um the things that people had told me where to visit um who to speak to what to eat and also i started documenting where i had slept that night colorado so much to see and do look at this mississippi oh nothing nothing anyway i found some cool stuff there and then we've got the disc brake lock that they will secure my bike and if anyone came around you know sniffing around trying to uh you know touch the bike it would sound the alarm so it always made me feel safe there it goes it works okay and my last item that i couldn't live without is my waterproof bags everything is waterproof i got stuck in oh an insane amount of rainstorms and a couple of snowstorms and the last thing you want to do at the end of your day's riding is to unpack a bag that's full of water no siree a waterproof backpack all the zips are waterproof and my main bag all waterproof this was 75 liters it was just enough for all my crap yes you could pull over and throw on a cover uh but who wants to do that not me so that comes to the end of my top 20 moto camping must-have items what are the five items that i wish i had on this trip so i've compiled a list it's a little bit worse for wear i wish i had a stronger battery uh i needed something that could handle my inverter my fog lights at the same time my battery was uh fairly small i'm not talking about the physical size i'm talking about the um like the ampage the second thing is a louder horn my gosh my horn was pathetic now the amount of dare and wildlife that just springs out in front of you along this trip well i needed something to blast uh also in florida i had many near-death experiences with people just pulling out in front of me i would have loved to have blasted them a train horn to let them know that i was right behind them the third thing i wish i had was a phone mount something that i could pop my phone on that was visible i put it inside my tank bag which had a clear window but that was sometimes fog up if it was raining uh or it would um slip down lower than i could actually see without um you know having to take my eyes off the road the fourth thing i wish i had which to my knowledge doesn't exist is a gopro with a bluetooth external microphone my current setup i had my gopro on a mount and i had a 3.5 mil microphone it was a car microphone uh plugged in to an external adapter which was fifty dollars per adapter and i spent far too much money on adapters because they keep breaking plugged into that external adapter and wired into my helmet now obviously that wire was susceptible to being um snapped to being broken to being burnt to hanging too low that microphone was easily the weakest link now the other problem with having a microphone hardwired in is that when it rains it's not waterproof and i actually had to replace a gopro because of it so uh if there was some way someone at gopro could figure this out uh how hard is it to have a bluetooth external microphone it can't be that hard anyway i'm waiting for that it's really going to be on the gopro 20 or something okay the last thing i wish i had was heated hand grips oh my gosh my hands froze and as a final musing i think uh the thing that was the least durable out of all of the things i've carried with me are zips so zips broke all the time there's something to keep in mind when you're buying gear does it have really good quality zips if not they're going to blow and it's going to totally bum you out so my main bags that broke my boots my harley davidson boots the zip broke these are new boots um my tank bag zip broke uh and my tent my gosh these zips they they keep trying to break but i'm i'm on to them you know how they split you can kind of just zip them back into place they're on their last legs definitely after six months on the road i can say it is far better to spend more money on really reputable gear all right well it has been great having you along for this trip um i hope that you've learned something from my learnings and that will help you better pack for your future motor camping trips
Channel: Lunch Cutter Productions
Views: 67,829
Rating: 4.8988762 out of 5
Keywords: motocamping, Motocamping Must-Haves, Motocamping packing list, Motocamping, Motorcycle camping, What to pack on motocamping trip, Motocamping USA, Motorcycle, Motorbike, Motorbike across America, Kiwi Cruisette, How to pack for motocamping trip, Motocamping 101, Motorcycle camping packing list, Motorcycle camping top items, Favourite Motocamping Items, Favorite motocamping items, Motocamping accessories, Motorcycle camping accessories
Id: vHGGouPBOug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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