Top 20 Most Surprising Simpsons Predictions That Came TRUE

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let's give the Olympics a miracle but this time on Ice welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most extraordinary times The Simpsons Ed their magical crystal ball to predict real world events to make this list the predictions would have been highly unlikely to take place when the episodes aired yet defied the odds to eventually happen daddy daddy number 20 Cypress Hill and the London Symphony Orchestra back in 1996 The Simpsons aired the episode Homer paloa where Homer tours as a cannonball absorber in a parody of the renowned laapoa Music [Music] Festival while backstage at an event a producer asks the acts who ordered the London Symphony Orchestra perhaps while in an altered state and then looks at hip hop group Cypress Hill after a brief discussion within the band they decide to move forward we get a brief taste of classical insane in the brain which March supports and so do [Music] we now this I like well in 2024 after having performed with classical groups in the US the year before Cypress Hill announced a gig at the Royal Albert Hall in England with the London Symphony Orchestra number 19 Game of Thrones heel turn the final season of Game of Thrones is one of the most controversial last outings for a te TV show in [Music] history one of the biggest problems was Daenerys targaryen's heel turn in the episode The Bells she and her dragon drogon go on a rampage through a surrounded King's Landing setting it Ablaze 2 years before this aired in 2017 The Simpsons released the serfsons which parody fantasy and Game of Thrones Progressive Frozen mortification this can only be the bite of an ice Walker an ice Walker Mom how did this happen Homer revives a dragon before the family heads off when they look back at the Town the dragon is rampaging above it spraying it with fire we can only assume A Game of Thrones writer watched the episode and took detailed notes number 18 Don mingle's hair when fans chitchat about the greatest Simpsons episodes of all time 1992's Homer at the bat is often in the running darl Strawberry yes you play right field yes I play right field too so well are you better than me well I never met you but yes after all it stars a host of famous athletes from the era and is a hot bed of jokes one in particular involved baseball star Don maddingley being constantly harassed by Mr Burns to shave his sideburns even though he doesn't have any and gets benched madingley I thought I told you to trim those sideburns go home you're off the team for good fine I still like him better than Stein Brer in 1991 maddingly ruffled the feathers of the New York Yankees management by refusing to cut his hair he was dropped and fined before being put back in the roster and announcing his intention to get his follicles snipped while The Simpsons episode aired later the recording of it was done before matting Le's real life incident number 17 eating irradiated fish Mr Burns and his sketchy practices with his nuclear power plant came back to bite him in this Peerless 1990 episode after Bart discovers a three-eyed fish nearby Burns runs for a political office to stop his plant from being closed down their job to turn this Mr Burns into this why are my teeth showing like that because you're smiling ah excellent later the resident billionaire eats at The Simpsons house with the Press watching only to be served the three-eyed Blinky while Burns tried to eat it he couldn't keep it down ruin before it hit the ground get me the city D here's your headline Phil Burns can't swallow Own Story fast forward to 2023 and Japan's real life prime minister fumi o kishida did something similar alongside other ministers he proceeded to eat a fish that was caught in the waters in Fukushima to Showcase that it was safe after treated nuclear Wastewater was released from the power plant number 16 Nobel bet predicting the winners of the Nobel Prize seems like an impossible task to do years beforehand after all breakthroughs can happen at any time slingshotting someone into the favorite position in 2010 The Simpsons episode Elementary School Musical aired that used the prestigious Awards as a plot backdrop it's 4 a.m. you kid should have been in bed a half hour ago we're watching the Nobel Prize announcements live from Stockholm at the start Lisa and her friends are watching the ceremony Martin explodes in happiness as his pick in the betting pool wins in economics when he shows the betting table we can see that Milhouse chose banked R Holstrom quiet it's time for the noblest Nobel Prize of all to Peace Prize I would kill for that well in 2016 that blue-haired icon was correct the Finish Economist was awarded the Nobel Memorial prize in economic Sciences alongside Oliver Hart for their work in contract theory number 15 gooda 1972's The Godfather is one of the best films ever made somehow Francis Ford Copa kept nearly the same quality with 1974's The Godfather part two yet 1990s The Godfather Part 3 is pretty much universally acknowledged as the weakest entry in the trilogy in 2001's worst episode ever The Simpsons took a jokey jab at the latter film whoa comic book ey secret stash look at all these bootleg videos when Bart and Milhouse stumble upon comic book guys SE secret film Vault they discover a bunch of unique movies one in particular was Godfather 3 good version alien autopsy illegal alien autopsy Godfather 3 good version seemingly Paramount took note in 2020 they released The Godfather Kota the death of Michael Corleone a recut version of the 1990 version Copa and star alpacino praised this version and felt it Vindicated the original number 14 Gaga attack Lady Gaga is a very hard person to predict yet someone in The Simpsons writing team somehow defied the odds to foresee her actions in the 2012 episode Lisa goes Gaga the music icon comes to Springfield to lift their Spirits has the lowest self-esteem of any place on the planet really aw that's so sad and as entertainers it is our solemn duty to cheer them up for a little while at one point Gaga performs to the crowd before having a quick costume change while parodying her flaming bra outfit she takes to the sky flying around the stage and the audience with [Music] cables 5 years later the seed of that cartoon interpretation bloomed in Gaga's mind for her halftime performance at the Super Bowl Gaga began at the top of the stadium in a similar silver costume in Boots then she descended onto the stage via cables appearing to soar number 13 late Beetle post in the 1991 episode brush with greatness Marge loses her artistic drive after sending a portrait of The Beatles Ringo Star to the drum icon himself I decided to send the portrait to the only man on Earth whose opinion I could really trust and what was Ringo's response I never got any however after having no response she pauses her painting passion before picking it up nearly 20 years later when Marge has doubts again star goes through his fan mail finds her drwing and sends her a positive response from the desk of Ringo Star dear Marge thanks for the Fab painting of yours truly I hung it on me wall you're quite an artist in real life in 1963 young Barbara bezant and Lynn Jeff sent a message on a tape to The Beatles however the recording never reached them and was later found at a community sale thanks to the one show it was eventually given to Paul McCartney in 2013 who sent the pair a lovely response number 12 HSE meet meal 2013 in Europe was a bizarre time as the horse meat scandal swept the continent an investigation found that various food products claimed to contain beef often turned out to have meat from the eoin species several people responsible for the controversy were sentenced to jail once again the prediction Gods favored The Simpsons in the 1994 episode sweet Seymour Skinner's badass song Santa's Little Helper is at the school after Bart brought him in for showand tell my dog's name is Santa's Little Helper one time he crawled under the house and when he came out he was covered with ants then he ran into a church and drank all the holy water W thank you Bart great job the pup then smells something enticing in the cafeteria Kitchen in a throwaway gag we see lunch lady Doris making a stew we assume and next to her is a big container of horse meat with an emphasis on extra intimate pieces within more testicles mean more iron number 11 Canadian refero in 2005 The Simpsons took aim at us prescription medication costs in the episode midnight RX Homer Apu Grandpa and Ned team up to go north of the border into Canada to get cheaper pills then smuggle them back into the states listen you two I'll tell you who the true God is if you're both quiet the rest of the trip the all right I'm coming back there Ned meets his Maple Leaf doppelganger and the two exchange nonsense for a while but the double quickly falls out of Ned's Grace when he offers him legal refero hey what like to Puff on a refero it's legal here they warned me Satan would be attractive let's go Ned gets all judgy and accuses him of being a satanic Temptation at the time in reality Canada had not legalized marijuana but jumping ahead to 2018 the country formally introduced the Cannabis act which legalized the substance for medical and recreational use number 10 Richard Branson in space in an episode not focused on space travel we get a blink in you'll miss it prediction Homer and Lisa go on an adventure to prove the ownership of a Priceless painting Homer bought from Kirk van hton painting's only 20 bucks oh please homie I'll throw in the tiny violins oh it looks great they travel to Puerto Rico where they encounter an Art Forger named clous zegler who confirms the painting is a forgery he painted when Lisa claims that what he's doing is dishonest zegler counters that his Works bring pleasure to people all over the world beauty is beauty my forgeries give pleasure to people all over the world the only real question to ask about art whether it's in the L or on a freshman's role at Cal State Fon is did it move you during that moment there is a brief cutaway of Richard Branson on a spacecraft this depiction was 7 years before Branson's space FL with Virgin Galactic right everybody look out the window don't miss epy my God Qui number nine tiger attack as a way to improve Springfield's economy the town legalizes gambling and Mr Burns builds a casino welcome to Mr Burns Casino if there's anything I can do to make your visit more enjoyable please just let me know yeah great one of the attractions featured at the new casino is the duo Gunter and Ernst who are magicians performing with a white tiger during one of the performances the tiger named Anastasia has a flashback recalling her capture she loves show so much nicer than the sa of the Jungle [Music] [Applause] yeah hey tiger wake up this causes the big cat to attack the two gter and Ernst are parodies of Sig freed and Roy who were known for performing their magic show with white lions and tigers unfortunately about 10 years following the Airing of this episode Roy was attacked by a tiger during a performance when in the middle of a performance at the MGM Grand a 400b Siberian tiger named manacor pounced on the magician he survived but had to retire due to extensive injuries suffered in the attack number eight faulty voting machines in the opening for the annual Halloween episode Homer goes to vote for Barack Obama for the 2008 United States presidential election I can't fit in the booth use to double v oo one of those electronic voting dealies while in the voting booth Homer selects Obama as the machine continues to register his vote as one for John McCain the machine ends up sucking Homer in this machine is rigged must tell president McCain this doesn't happen in America maybe Ohio but not in America of course in real life voting machines don't do that yet but during the 2012 Presidential election footage was captured of a person trying to vote for Obama but the machine would select Mitt Romney many couldn't help but notice the Eerie similarity between the two moments number seven smart watches and video calling while at a Renaissance Fair Lisa encounters a fortune teller who says she'll tell the young girl her future and the story of her true love the cards are vague and mysterious they seem to be revealing the story of your first love do you want me to continue in the vision we see Lisa as an adult in the year 2010 where she meets Hugh and the two fall in love aside from the prevalence of robots and new airplane designs communication tools have improved when Lisa makes a call to Marge she does so on a video phone which seems to have been adopted recently as Marge forgets she can be seen by Lisa oh don't worry honey I get guarantee your father will behave Mom it's a picture phone this this oh no I I just got a touch of the rooma is oh mom pick your phone earlier in the episode when Hugh is proposing to Lisa he speaks into a smart watch the episode aired in 1995 and both of these tools would be popularized in the 2010s so you've taken up running Apple watch has taken up a few new things as well number six Disney buys Fox while Homer is par sailing he accidentally discovers the vacation home of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin you think you could slide over a little I am a married man you're crushing my husband Billy Baldwin I'm Alec Baldwin could you get off me he forms a close relationship with the couple and Ron Howard becoming their assistant he would run errands for them so they can keep a low profile while in Springfield he also pitched a screenplay starring Baldwin with Howard to direct it's got the per part for you either one of you it's about a killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason Ron Howard's attached to direct I am not well he expressed an interest no I didn't later in the episode Howard takes the story to his producing partner Brian graser at 20th Century Fox what else you got uh well well there is this one thing it's about a killer robot driving instructor that travels back in time for some reason I'm listening in an a establishing shot of the Fox film lot there's a sign for the studio indicating it's a division of Walt Disney Co in 2019 Disney would in fact buy Fox and would become the owners of The Simpsons number five NSA spying once the town's folk discover that Homer was responsible for the EPA enclosing the town under a large Dome an angry mob forms to confront the Simpson family they're able to escape through a sinkhole and go on the lamb what do we do no we run they end up in Alaska but after several months away Marge and the kids can no longer stay and head back to save Springfield while on their way back it's revealed that the NSA has a large Network dedicated to listening to people's Communications oh Lisa it's not like the government is listening to everybody's conversation if that isn't scary enough in 2013 Edward Snowden came forward revealing the nsa's surveillance programs NSA and the intelligence community in general uh is focused on getting intelligence wherever it can by any means possible that it believes on the grounds of sort of a self-certification that they serve the national interest The Simpsons predictive Powers aren't just confined to the TV series number four the higs ban particle feeling as though he hasn't accomplished anything with his life Homer takes inspiration from Thomas Edison after learning of several inventions credited to him look at all the inventions Edison came up with the stock tick the storage battery even wax paper and look at him [Laughter] dance that's great dad Homer dedicates his life to coming up with inventions of course taking up such a task is a lot harder than it sounds we get a brief Montage of Homer hard at work and he has an equation written on a chalkboard during this process what you might not realize is that the equation predicts the mass of the higs boson particle with the result being just a bit larger than the observed Mass the amazing part is that this is 14 years before the particle was discovered so the explosion of the particle broke the original perfect symmetry of this Crystal giving us the broken world we see today of planets Stars galaxies you me even love all of it from this explosion triggered by a Hig like particle number three the Titan disaster Homer finds out that Grandpa might not be his father after a letter to Mona from a former lover is discovered Homer tracks down Mason Fairbanks the man who could be his real dad I think you're my papy who I found this letter you wrote to my mom Mona Simpson dear God I always dreamed this day would come and now that it's here there are so many feelings I Fairbank Spen his time salvaging valuables from sunken ships the two dive into the ocean with submersibles searching for Treasure where Homer's vehicle becomes trapped and his oxygen runs out what do I [Music] [Applause] do in 2023 Ocean Gate submersible Titan went on a voyage to view the wreckage of the Titanic many people noted the similarities between the two situations when the ship was was first reported missing unfortunately the search for the Titan ended in tragedy when the ship imploded and its debris was located a few days later the ship returning today after taking the Titan sub to Sea losing contact an hour and 45 minutes later all five passengers on board instantly killed in a catastrophic implosion number two Trump's election Victory few could have seen Donald Trump winning the White House in 2016 that is except for the Simpsons while at a native American Casino Bart is shown a vision of his potential future if he doesn't change his deceitful ways in it Bart is a 40-year-old slacker rooming with Ralph wigam hey Bart any clean towels nah use this I'm sick of having to dry myself with a newspaper you could at least do some laundry I pay the rent dude you know I'm good for it I'll have plenty of money when my lawsuit pays off Lisa on the other hand is doing quite well for herself as she has become president we get a Reeve scene with Lisa in a meeting to discuss a budget shortfall where it's revealed that it's been inherited from president Trump as you know we've inherited quite a budget crunch from president Trump how bad is it secretary van hton we're broke the episode aired in 2000 and in 2016 Trump would be elected following Trump's election the show had a chalkboard gag stating being right [Music] sucks before we continue continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one USA wins gold in curling Marge and Homer get swept up in the sport of curling accidentally when they plan to go ice skating after Agnes Skinner notices Mar's sweeping Talent she and Homer join Agnes and Seymour to form a team Young woman where'd you learn to sweep like that I've been training all my life I once swept red wine off a white carpet I like your style blue want to join our team if Homer can join with me fine when the ioc announces that mixed curling will be held at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver the forsome end up representing the USA for the event they make it to the gold medal game facing off against Sweden where they take the Gold USA USA oops although it wasn't at the same Olympic Games the USA would go on to win gold over Sweden at the 2018 pyong Chang Winter Olympics if the Simpsons family including the extended members got into a battle royale esque fight who would win Lisa Marge Uncle herb or someone else let us know in the comments stop it stop it stop it stop it mom that is really annoying B started it uh least started it I don't care who started it did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 94,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Higgs Boson Particle, Olympics, Streaming, TV, celebrities, celebrity, donald trump, list, mojo, nsa, politics, pop culture, predict, prediction, predictions, predictions that came true, simpsons, simpsons predictions, simpsons predictions that came true, sports, the simpsons, the simpsons predictions, titan disaster, top 10, true predictions, tv predictions that came true, watch mojo, watchmojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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