Top 20 Mean Girls in Movies

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we're just gonna have to try something else won't we welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 mean girls in movies i knew it you are a loser you ruined everything no do not deserve to be prom queen i'm sexy i'm cute [Music] the white stone is for cool people only no geeks for this list we're focusing on those particularly nasty female movie characters who use any tactic necessary to climb to the top of the food chain who do you think is the ultimate mean girl let us know in the comments number 20 madison morgan the duff a more modern take on the mean girl trope madison doesn't have a shred of kindness or decency in her heart this wannabe reality tv star is a firm believer that your reputation in high school means everything what happens in high school is gonna stay with us forever most people don't think that but then again most people are losers fascinating people like me matter here people like you will never matter so stop messing it up for those of us who do as such she does whatever it takes to remain popular and is not above manipulating and humiliating others to do so the worst part of all is that she really seems to take pleasure in doing it she is especially cruel towards protagonist bianca who soon starts to develop a connection with madison's on and off boyfriend wesley i couldn't possibly care less caitlyn can you make sure you get a shot of them together please that's what sucking at life looks like simply put she is as shallow as it gets number 19. cokey mason the babysitter's club cokey mason's hated us since the third grade everyone's forgotten why her number one mission in life is to put the bsc out of business straight out of the classic bully trope cokie torments everyone around her because she's insecure she's hardly the nicest friend to the people she supposedly likes and seems to really despise the babysitter's club how's your little day camp going great couldn't be better really well i happen to find a few of these you know flying around main street her pranks are cruel especially when she tries to get between mary ann and logan she's just plain mean and very conceited so we're happy to see her get her comeuppance when jackie radowsky hits a home run which sends the ball hurtling towards cokie as she sits in a tree [Music] number 18 triss nick and norah's infinite playlist alone again hey tris i'm looking for you everywhere this is the one i was telling you about don't you have any friends who'd be into her uh you know what that's okay thanks anyway tris is the chalk to nick's cheese she's mean heartless and dumps the genuinely sweet nick on his birthday and throws out the mixed cds he's made for her hey guys hi hey chris you made another one look at the ridiculous cover art she unintentionally pushes nora and nick together when she taunts nora about being single but the moment she sees their connection jealousy takes over and she decides she wants him back her most scheming moment is when she waits for nick by his car and tries to seduce him with a sexy dance however nick drives off wiping whatever feelings he had for triss away number 17 massey block the click this is our daughter massey hi my parents told me all about you huh mine barely mentioned you oh except to say how fun and cool you are any group arrogantly self-titled the pretty committee is hardly going to be anything but egotistical and anyone who leads them is bound to be the worst of the bunch hey uh do you guys know where room 41 is yeah um turn around and go out these double doors take a cab to jfk and get on the next flight to wherever the hell you came from latte anyone massey was hardly the nicest person to begin with but her ambition to be the queen bee drives her to jealousy when claire unsettles the status quo massie goes out of her way to make claire miserable only to end up having the tables turned on her she's left friendless and learns that it's better to have no friends over many friends that hate you and for the record i pick a2 what's a2 i'd rather be a friendless loser than have a bunch of friends who secretly hate me number 16 christy masters romy and michelle's high school reunion romy and michelle claimed they invented post-its she's the high school it girl who still hasn't grown out of her mean streak can i have the rest of this um [Music] it's good see ya she can be really nice when she wants to be in a series of flashbacks we see the horrible ways christy used to torment romy and michelle in high school and when they meet again at the reunion it seems she's still stuck in the past as she continues to taunt and humiliate them even 10 years on billy always wanted a big family billy christensen [Music] you married billy christensen for almost 10 years now but this time romy and michelle walk away with their heads held high after finally confronting her and exposing her for the high school has been she's become so michelle and i did make up some lame story we only did it because we wanted you to treat us like human beings but you know what i finally realized i don't care if you like us cause we don't like you you're a bad person with an ugly heart and we don't give a flying [ __ ] what you think number fifteen betty rizzo grease hey zippo i got a surprise for you oh yeah yeah sandy teddy what are you doing here i thought you were going back to australia we had to change a plan okay well that's cool baby i mean you know how it is rocking and rolling and whatnot jenny that's my name don't wear it out rizzo starts off as the quick-witted pink ladies leader and sandy's gentle nature just gets on her nerves she revels in the drama when reuniting sandy and danny and doesn't hesitate to make fun of sandy during their girly sleepover goody two shoes makes me wanna barf [Music] she appears uninterested in sandy's summer love story and interjects with snarky comments before kicking patty off the bench while rizzo comes across as cold and uncaring this bad girl wins major sympathy points when she confesses that she's really just trying to cover up her insecurities a fact i'll bet you never knew number 14 hillary fay saved hillary fay seemed to have a spiritual solution for every problem christian girls have got to know how to protect themselves i mean sure jesus could restore my physical and spiritual virginity especially if i lost it to some rapist but who wants that her holier-than-now attitude might have you fooled but as soon as anyone challenges her faith hilary fay sheds her sheep's clothing and exposes herself for the mean girl she truly is i am filled with christ's love god you are just jealous of my success in the lord self-righteous judgmental intolerant and hypocritical she's an awful friend and an even worse sister with no patience for her brother who she cares for reluctantly when prom doesn't pan out as she hoped she crashes her car into a jesus effigy in a fit of rage causing his head and her world views to come tumbling down [Music] number 13 vivian kensington legally blonde would you support my decision to ask her to leave class and to return only when she is prepared absolutely they say you should never judge a book by its cover but it's elle's shiny pink exterior that rubs vivien the wrong way when they first meet well madden probably that she's warner's ex for most of the film she's pretty nasty to elle excluding her from their study group trying to humiliate her at a party and accusing her of sleeping her way to the top you almost had me fooled what oh maybe you should sleep with the jury too then we can win the case however by the end of the film even vivian can't resist elle's charm and the two become best friends leaving warner a distant memory number 12 jennifer check jennifer's body jennifer isn't just your average selfish narcissistic popular cheerleader i promised chip that i would hang out with him tonight boo cross out needy what time is the show what the camp at 8 30. yeah she may not have been the nicest before being offered up as a sacrifice to satan but once she becomes possessed by a demon she is so much worse are you scared superhuman strength speed and the power of levitation might sound ideal but since she must feed on human flesh to survive no one is safe the film takes the idea of the sexual predator to a new level since jennifer seduces guys before feeding on them to keep herself strong i thought you only murdered boys i go both ways number 11 heather duke heathers i prayed for the death of heather chandler many times and i felt bad every time i did it but i kept doing it anyway now i know you understood everything praise jesus hallelujah just when the students of westerberg thought the tyranny was over heather duke's reign of terror begins she torments everyone verbally and mentally and her cruelty knows no bounds after heather chandler's death she becomes the new alpha ruling with an iron fist and no one not even heather mcnamara is off limits as a victim of her ruthlessness where's heather going she's going to cry as quickly as her hold on the school begins it also ends however as veronica decides to free the school from the hands of the mean girl once and for all veronica you look like hell yeah i just got back veronica what are you doing heather my love there's a new sheriff in town number 10 taylor vaughn she's all that you didn't think you became popular for real did you oh you did that's so sweet in the interest of increasing her own popularity profile this queen bee leaves her boyfriend zach for a sleazy reality star her actions lead the heartbroken zack to bet his friends that he can transform the nerdy laney boggs into the prom queen well that makes taylor jealous with a capital j especially when lainey ends up winning zack's heart and competing against her for the crown you really should be more careful with silk but while all her scheming does briefly tear laney and zack apart and wins her the title she's so desired ultimately this mean girl is exposed for who she really is as for the rest of you okay what were you thinking she may have gotten the crown but laney got the king number nine lana thomas the princess diaries we've seen this trope before many times but it's still just as maddening the cheerleader picking on the geek in this case lana's the popular one and mia thermopolis is the frizzy-haired the spectacled unpopular one but what lana and everyone else at the school don't know is that mia is actually a princess and when the public finds out the genovian royal becomes a media darling would you consider you and the princess best friends um i would definitely say that i mean we do everything together we shop together we get our hair done together we even finish each other's sentences it's very cool but does this mean girl back down no lana only wants to humiliate her more by setting a trap for her with the paparazzi [Music] and while the half-naked tabloid pictures of mia are so embarrassing she considers giving up her title mia musters up enough courage to give lana her just desserts literally that is such a cute cheerleading outfit it's so clean cut i just i bet it goes with anything of course it does number eight tracy flick election tracy flick tracy flick i'd seen a lot of ambitious students come and go over the years but tracy flick she was a special case every school has its overachievers but how far will they go to get what they want reese witherspoon plays the smart but arrogant tracy who'll stop at nothing to become student body president her teacher jim wants her to lose partly because he's upset that her affair with his best friend cost him his job and family and partly because he just finds her annoying now i think the lesson here is that older young we all make mistakes and we have to learn that our actions all of them can carry serious consequences i don't know what you're referring to but maybe if certain older wiser people hadn't acted like such little babies and gotten so mushy then everything would be okay tracy's not your typical movie mean girl because she's not the leader of a specific group of friends but there's no doubt that her actions are self-serving and mean to all involved and unfortunately despite jim's best efforts tracy flick is also proof that mean girls can finish first i'll never know if she saw me probably not but in that moment all the bad memories all the things i'd ever wanted to say to her it all came flooding back number seven lucy tomtom wyman 13 going on 30. hey jenna hi beaver how's everything in the damn she starts off as a bully mean girl and click leader and lucy never grows out of her mean streak in 1987 she pranks the sweet and naive jenna rink at her birthday party this sets off a chain of magical events that leads jenna into the future as a successful magazine editor calm down okay we have a meeting in 10 minutes okay i'm gonna tell you what to do repeat after me somewhat shockingly the girls are best friends and co-workers and jenna's become as mean as tom tom just by association the hottest magazine editor in the world second hottest time for first deal but turns out lucy's still up to her old tricks willing to betray her friend just to climb the corporate ladder lucy is proof that you may encounter mean girls anywhere even at the office old habits die hard you know number six nancy downs the craft how do you enter with perfect love and perfect trust this teen's not just a mean girl she's a real witch nancy comes from a broken home which clearly affects her relationships and views on life however as head of a coven she proves to be more than a little volatile and power hungry casting spells with little regard for human life once she convinces her friends to partake in a ritual called the invocation of the spirit the full extent of her wickedness is revealed all right enough screwing around let's call the corners shall we lives are ruined bodies pile up and the consequences become increasingly negative and nancy is at the center of it all you know in the old days if a witch betrayed her coven they would kill her using physical and emotional torment to defeat those who go against her this is one mean girl that can only be stopped by magic number five courtney shane jawbreaker queen b courtney is the most popular girl at reagan high school as well as the leader of the flawless four and she wants to keep it that way courtney ruled with terror but liz liz ruled with kindness she was like the princess die of reagan high and that pissed courtney off liz prayer was just [Music] well she was perfect so when a prank she plays on her friend liz goes south and ends in liz's death courtney goes to great lengths to cover it up and if that means sullying the innocent and kind-hearted liz's reputation so be it actually even better this is high school after all and nothing's more important than your reputation i taught you to disrespect us you taught me to rule that's right rule [ __ ] but don't forget who made you number four christine chris harkinson carrie what you can't get away with this i'm gonna get her an infamous movie mean girl chris teases the shy but powerful carrie when she gets her first period talk about ruff but at least she doesn't get off scot-free the compassionate gym teacher ends up punishing chris and the rest of the class for what they did to carrie now my idea for this little trick you pulled was three days suspension and refusal of your prom tickets well as we've learned mean girls sure do like them some retribution so chris enlists her boyfriend to help her exact revenge on carrie in one of the most classic horror film scenes ever and while chris isn't there to see the results of her cruel prank she's still in the thoughts of her former target this isn't over by a long shot number three regina george mean girls regina george how do i even begin to explain regina george her name literally means queen you're like really pretty thank you so you agree what you think you're really pretty the popular regina george is both envied and feared by her classmates one time she punched me in the face it was awesome she isn't above mistreating new girl katie herron her best friends and even her own mom as long as it benefits her rep so not like a regular mom i'm a cool mom right regina please stop talking but before long katie's queen bee and when the former leader of the plastics falls prey to mean girl tactics herself she unleashes chaos on the entire school by flooding it with the secrets that the plastic spent years collecting do not trust her she is a fugly [ __ ] a brush with death finally changes her wicked ways but even so regina george is not only synonymous with the term mean girl she's also a queen bee icon number two catherine murtoy cruel intentions everybody loves me and i intend to keep it that way this evil socialite proves that money can't buy a class or a conscience catherine has her addictions and has an intense flirtation going with her stepbrother sebastian and that's putting it mildly she's really getting new isn't she you must know yes in an effort to put her manipulation skills to good use she bet sebastian that he can't seduce the innocent annette who is a virgin if she wins she gets his jaguar if he wins he gets to sleep with catherine and if i win i'll give you something you've been obsessing about ever since our parents got married but although miss murtoy thinks she's pulling the strings in this scenario genuine emotions get in the way and ultimately her actions backfire and everyone gets to see catherine for who she really is oh and she does not get the jag i hate it when things don't go my way before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions marianne bryant easy a the leader of the cross your heart club can be pretty judgmental listen i'm not the one that you have to answer to for your depraved behavior there's a higher power that will judge you for your indecency tom cruise tania degano muriel's wedding condescending and rude she believes that some people are just not on her level muriel you've got to find friends on your own level like i found chalk he's up on my level crystal allen the women this adulteress feels no shame for her misdeeds and by the way there's a name for you ladies but it isn't used in high society outside of a kennel so long ladies amber von tussell hairspray her criticism towards tracy knows no bounds aren't you a little fat for the show that's enough amber i would imagine that many of the home viewers are also pleasantly plump or chunky oh come on the show's not filmed in cinemascope amber marian's clueless there's a reason why cher can't stand her mr hall how can i answer that the topic is haiti and she's talking about some little party hello it was his 50th birthday whatever if she doesn't do the assignment i can't do mine before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one heather chandler heathers you wanted to be a member of the most powerful clique in school if i wasn't already the head of it i'd want the same thing this croquet loving click leader is as hated as she is popular and she's very popular and although she only appears in a few scenes she definitely makes her mark transfer to washington transfer to jefferson no one at westerberg's gonna let you play their reindeer games heather chandler rules her group with an iron fist so when veronica decides she wants out of the heathers it's not as easy as saying see ya do i look like mother teresa in fact queen heather is the kind of person who tried to ruin your reputation for just such a reason you blow it tonight girl and it's keggers with kids all next year so as you can imagine that inspires such hatred that veronica decides to bring her down by any means necessary even if it means killing her but dead or alive this mean girl will haunt your dreams god veronica my afterlife is so boring if i have to sing kumbaya one more time what are you doing here i made your favorite spaghetti lots of oregano do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from mizmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos um
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 744,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mean girls in movies, movie mean girls, bad girls in movies, movie bad girls, movie queen bees, mean girls, queen b, heathers, cruel intentions, regina george, carrie, jawbreaker, the craft, 13 going on 30, election, the princess diaries, she's all that, film, movies, comedy, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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