Top 20 Funniest Movie Insults of All Time

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yo mama's so<font color="#CCCCCC"> stupid it took her two</font> hours<font color="#CCCCCC"> to watch</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 60</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> minutes</font> yo mama's so<font color="#E5E5E5"> ugly when</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> she</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was born the</font> doctor slapped yo grandma<font color="#CCCCCC"> uh-huh yo</font> mama's so<font color="#CCCCCC"> fat when she steps on the</font> scale it<font color="#CCCCCC"> says to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be continued</font> hey guys i'm rebecca from<font color="#CCCCCC"> watch mojo</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> today we'll<font color="#CCCCCC"> be counting down</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> our picks</font> for<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> top 20</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> insults in movies listen</font> why don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> you just discuss love back to</font> kind<font color="#E5E5E5"> of let them play around with your</font> tea and your cakes<font color="#E5E5E5"> in horse before</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we</font> begin we publish new<font color="#CCCCCC"> content every day</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">so be</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sure to subscribe</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> our</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> channel</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and ring the bell</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to get notified about</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">our latest videos in honor of WatchMojo</font> hitting 20 million subscribers thanks by <font color="#CCCCCC">the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> way we will be serving</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you guys some</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">super-sized lists of 20 for this list</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">we're looking at the most brutal and</font> hilarious insults<font color="#E5E5E5"> ever uttered on screen</font> you're so ugly you<font color="#CCCCCC"> could be a modern art</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">masterpiece</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> number 20 have fun having a</font> baby at your<font color="#E5E5E5"> prom bridesmaids Kristen</font> Wiig<font color="#CCCCCC"> zani is already</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> having a bit of a</font> rough day<font color="#CCCCCC"> so when a teenage girl comes</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">into her jewelry shop looking for a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">friendship necklace Annie can't help but</font> chime in that<font color="#E5E5E5"> sometimes friendship</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">doesn't last forever</font> you're weird<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm not weird okay yes no</font> no and you started it<font color="#E5E5E5"> no you started it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">did you forget to take your xanax this</font> morning the<font color="#E5E5E5"> young girl responds by</font> calling her weird<font color="#E5E5E5"> which kicks off an</font> unforgettable insult<font color="#CCCCCC"> ridden back</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> forth<font color="#E5E5E5"> god I feel bad for your parents</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> feel<font color="#CCCCCC"> bad for your face</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> okay well call me</font> when your boobs come in your call me when yours come in what do<font color="#E5E5E5"> you have for</font> boyfriends<font color="#CCCCCC"> exactly</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah okay it's hard</font> to choose<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> favorite line from</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this</font> hysterical exchange<font color="#E5E5E5"> but when Annie asks</font> about the girls boyfriends<font color="#CCCCCC"> well let's</font> just say<font color="#CCCCCC"> things get pretty inappropriate</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">from then on have fun having a baby at</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">your prom you look</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> like an old mop</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> know what you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> not as popular as you</font> think you are I am very popular this side-splitting argument may have gotten her fired<font color="#E5E5E5"> but</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> kept the audience in stitches</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> gave us some<font color="#CCCCCC"> very quotable moments</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">number 19</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">damnit in the loop</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if you take away</font> nothing else from this<font color="#E5E5E5"> oscar-nominated</font> political satire <font color="#E5E5E5">it's that folks in suits aren't exactly</font> Paragons of virtue<font color="#E5E5E5"> why would I tell you</font> about I've told you of twice and<font color="#E5E5E5"> yet</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you're still here the story follows the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">fevered activities of British and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">American political pundits as they</font> navigate a potential<font color="#E5E5E5"> Middle East</font> invasion one such figure Malcolm Tucker <font color="#E5E5E5">is the director of communications</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the British prime minister</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and boy does</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">he communicate the bulk of his dialogue</font> is profanity-laden<font color="#E5E5E5"> even when</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he's</font> seemingly<font color="#E5E5E5"> not that upset and in one</font> scene<font color="#E5E5E5"> simply discussing departmental</font> responsibilities with his colleague<font color="#CCCCCC"> Judy</font> is enough to send him on<font color="#E5E5E5"> a flowery</font> tirade Malcolm allow me<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> pulp a jaunty</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">little bonnet on your purview</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and run</font> out of<font color="#E5E5E5"> the shitter with a lubricated</font> horse<font color="#CCCCCC"> judy is not impressed though</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> almost outshines him with this effortless<font color="#E5E5E5"> comeback your swearing does</font> not impress NEMA<font color="#E5E5E5"> my husband works for</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Tower Hamlets and believe me those kids</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">make you sound like Angela Lansbury</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">she's married number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> eighteen sherab</font> looking 21<font color="#CCCCCC"> Jumpstreet</font> sir<font color="#CCCCCC"> I know we come off as a couple of</font> lady killers but I<font color="#E5E5E5"> promise you you would</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">be super professional on the job in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> film adaptation of the<font color="#E5E5E5"> popular</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 80's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> TV</font> show Jonah Hill and<font color="#CCCCCC"> Channing Tatum play</font> Schmidt and Jenko<font color="#E5E5E5"> rookie cops who</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> are</font> recruited to<font color="#E5E5E5"> infiltrate a high school</font> and sniff out a drug ring<font color="#E5E5E5"> but before</font> they step foot<font color="#CCCCCC"> onto the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> school's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> campus</font> they have<font color="#CCCCCC"> to get a briefing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from their</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Chief of Police who also happens to be</font> played by<font color="#CCCCCC"> a delightfully angry ice cube</font> when he tries to<font color="#E5E5E5"> warn the undercover</font> cops that<font color="#E5E5E5"> getting romantically involved</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">with the students is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> off limits he's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">obviously targeting Jenko but Schmidt</font> hilariously misunderstands<font color="#E5E5E5"> the captain</font> savagely shuts him<font color="#CCCCCC"> down and throws</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> classic burn his way<font color="#CCCCCC"> clearly I wasn't</font> talking to you big titties<font color="#CCCCCC"> you cherub</font> looking I was talking to your<font color="#E5E5E5"> partner</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">over</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> here there's nothing quite like</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">getting insulted</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> by a former NWA member</font> playing a cop now<font color="#CCCCCC"> you two sons of</font> bitches<font color="#CCCCCC"> in my office</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> now right man</font> number<font color="#E5E5E5"> 17 your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mom's chest</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hair Mean</font> Girls Mean Girls taught us a<font color="#E5E5E5"> lot of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">things</font> I had a properly<font color="#CCCCCC"> catalogue a burn book</font> or like<font color="#E5E5E5"> the rules of feminism</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">ex-boyfriends are just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> off-limits to</font> friends I mean<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> like the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">rules of feminism</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but most importantly</font> it taught<font color="#CCCCCC"> us how to expertly clap back</font> at bullies<font color="#E5E5E5"> thanks to the pure genius of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Janis Ian the resident goth girl and</font> former best friend of popular girl Regina George<font color="#CCCCCC"> Janis</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is frequently the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">target of errant abuse from random</font> students that doesn't mean she can't deliver<font color="#E5E5E5"> in the insult</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> department herself</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">when one student throws a jab at her</font> while she's<font color="#CCCCCC"> having a conversation with</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Katie she does not miss a beat</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> throwing</font> one right back<font color="#CCCCCC"> last week janice</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it made of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your mom's chest hair</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> ease with which she<font color="#CCCCCC"> absolutely</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> destroys</font> this bully<font color="#E5E5E5"> is something we can't help</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> admire number 16</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> take this quarter</font> Uncle Buck<font color="#CCCCCC"> you so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> much</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as scowl at my</font> niece<font color="#E5E5E5"> or any other kid in this school</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and I hear about it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm coming looking</font> for<font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in this classic</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 80s comedy John</font> Candy plays<font color="#E5E5E5"> buck</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a man who's tasked with</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">watching his nieces and nephew in the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">midst of a family emergency</font> as he adjusts to life<font color="#E5E5E5"> as a temporary</font> parental unit he hits a<font color="#E5E5E5"> few bumps in the</font> road but<font color="#CCCCCC"> I know a good kid when I see</font> one because they're all good<font color="#E5E5E5"> kids until</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">dried</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> out brain-dead Skaggs like you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">drag them</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> down and convince them they're</font> no good<font color="#CCCCCC"> when he's called into a meeting</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the assistant principal</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that his</font> youngest<font color="#E5E5E5"> nieces school their encounter</font> seems doomed from the start as buck<font color="#E5E5E5"> cannot stop</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> referencing the mole</font> on<font color="#CCCCCC"> her chin I'm I'm the warden</font> she's my tumor Mike my growth<font color="#CCCCCC"> my my</font> pimple I'm uncle wart just old buck wart <font color="#E5E5E5">Russell that's what they call me after</font> she<font color="#E5E5E5"> calls his six-year-old niece a bad</font> egg<font color="#E5E5E5"> buck does not hold himself back in</font> defending<font color="#CCCCCC"> Maisie</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and makes a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> comment</font> about the obvious growth protruding from <font color="#E5E5E5">the woman's face</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> take this quarter</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> go</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">downtown and have a rat gnaw that thing</font> off<font color="#CCCCCC"> your face</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the look of utter shock on</font> her face is priceless<font color="#CCCCCC"> and oh so</font> satisfying<font color="#E5E5E5"> number 15 teeth on fire</font> Encino man<font color="#E5E5E5"> a teen movie just isn't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> teen movie<font color="#CCCCCC"> without a bully and this</font> movie does<font color="#CCCCCC"> not fail to deliver No stop</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">stop it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> why</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> do you make me do this while</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> story follows a recently defrosted</font> caveman and his<font color="#CCCCCC"> adventures in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> modern</font> times it also focuses<font color="#E5E5E5"> on the woes of the</font> teenage boy<font color="#CCCCCC"> Dave who befriends him Dave</font> is painfully in love with<font color="#CCCCCC"> Robin but she</font> is<font color="#CCCCCC"> dating the school bully Matt Matt</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">uses Dave's love for Robin as a constant</font> source<font color="#E5E5E5"> of ridicule and his insults are</font> enough to<font color="#E5E5E5"> send</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> even the happiest of kids</font> into<font color="#CCCCCC"> an instant depression some of us</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">punk</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and some of us slump she tried some</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">punk Morgan might clear</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> up your acne</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so</font> when he sees Dave talking<font color="#CCCCCC"> to Robin</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he</font> doesn't hesitate to put him in his<font color="#CCCCCC"> place</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I know about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your stupid</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> palm King</font> bullshit<font color="#CCCCCC"> forget it Robin</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wouldn't piss</font> on your gums<font color="#CCCCCC"> if your teeth</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are on fire</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yes she would number 14</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Michael Bolton</font> office space<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's gotta suck sharing a</font> name with someone you<font color="#E5E5E5"> loathe and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">probably worse if that person happens</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> be<font color="#E5E5E5"> famous Michael Bolton that's me</font> this 90s hit centers on a<font color="#E5E5E5"> group of</font> disgruntled employees and their desire for<font color="#CCCCCC"> revenge on their employer while the</font> plot<font color="#E5E5E5"> focuses mainly on the story of</font> Peter<font color="#E5E5E5"> the emotionally numb protagonist</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's also Michael Bolton who's got</font> his own set of<font color="#E5E5E5"> problems</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with a thankless</font> job that's on<font color="#E5E5E5"> the line at a company he</font> hates<font color="#E5E5E5"> being reminded that he also shares</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">a name with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a famous singer is enough to</font> give him some major resentment<font color="#CCCCCC"> issues</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> at</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">least your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> name isn't Michael Bolton you</font> know there's nothing<font color="#E5E5E5"> wrong</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> name<font color="#E5E5E5"> there was nothing wrong with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> until<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was about 12 years old and that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">no-talent</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ass clown became famous and</font> started winning Grammys<font color="#E5E5E5"> it also leads to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">some</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> pretty</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hilarious insults especially</font> when he discusses<font color="#E5E5E5"> the issue with a</font> co-worker<font color="#CCCCCC"> why don't you just go by Mike</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">instead</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of Michael no way</font> what should<font color="#E5E5E5"> I change he's the one who</font> sucks<font color="#E5E5E5"> number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> thirteen get out</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of the</font> road<font color="#E5E5E5"> the 40 year</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> old virgin</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sometimes</font> when you've<font color="#CCCCCC"> just chased your fleeing</font> girlfriend across town and crashed through<font color="#CCCCCC"> a moving billboard in the middle</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> traffic</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you'd like a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> moment of</font> privacy<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm a virgin I always have been</font> it is that what all<font color="#CCCCCC"> this was about</font> unfortunately for Steve<font color="#CCCCCC"> Carell's</font> character Andy he's afforded<font color="#CCCCCC"> no such</font> courtesy<font color="#E5E5E5"> after he and his girlfriend get</font> into an<font color="#E5E5E5"> argument that sees her bolt from</font> his house<font color="#E5E5E5"> and he follows her on his</font> bicycle<font color="#CCCCCC"> and winds up flat on his back</font> following<font color="#E5E5E5"> a tumble through a two-sided</font> sign on the back<font color="#E5E5E5"> of a truck</font> he finally<font color="#E5E5E5"> gains the courage to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> inform</font> his girlfriend that all of their troubles have been<font color="#E5E5E5"> connected to his</font> virginity<font color="#E5E5E5"> Oh scared and just when you</font> think<font color="#E5E5E5"> they're approaching a moment of</font> intimate honesty a random dude<font color="#E5E5E5"> in a car</font> hurls this unforgettable<font color="#E5E5E5"> insult their</font> way number<font color="#E5E5E5"> 12</font> really thirsty<font color="#CCCCCC"> Conair event CD conozco</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the anteater escargot stevia lassi on</font> when you're a convict who's done<font color="#E5E5E5"> his</font> time<font color="#E5E5E5"> and is just trying to get back to</font> his wife<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a strange daughter the last</font> thing you want is<font color="#CCCCCC"> to be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> caught</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> some<font color="#CCCCCC"> plain bound criminal shenanigans</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Nic Cage</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as character Cameron Poe has</font> boarded a plane with the intention of reuniting with his family<font color="#CCCCCC"> after</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">completing an eight-year stint in the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">clink</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but a few of the prisoners on</font> board have other plans<font color="#CCCCCC"> call me Johnny</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">600 if they knew the truth and doesn't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have quite the same</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ring to it</font> anyway I<font color="#E5E5E5"> despise</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> rapist case in point is</font> Cyrus the virus<font color="#E5E5E5"> who doesn't appear</font> particularly<font color="#E5E5E5"> fond of one of the less</font> savory prisoners<font color="#E5E5E5"> and makes absolutely no</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">pretense</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> about it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">describing this serial rapist</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">most</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> unpleasant way possible for me</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you're somewhere between</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a cockroach and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that white stuff that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> accumulates at the</font> corner in your<font color="#E5E5E5"> mouth when you're really</font> thirsty<font color="#CCCCCC"> hey even murderers have to have</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">standards</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> number 11</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">sheep lying no-good</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> National Lampoon's</font> Christmas vacation<font color="#E5E5E5"> look Frank surely my</font> boss right here<font color="#E5E5E5"> tonight when you spent</font> the bulk of<font color="#CCCCCC"> your professional</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> life</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">working for a boss you can't stand</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> at a</font> company that<font color="#CCCCCC"> you can</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> barely</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> tolerate</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font> might get a little disgruntled<font color="#CCCCCC"> at a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">less-than-stellar Christmas bonus</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">especially when you were planning on</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">using</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it to put in a swimming pool one</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">year membership and the jelly of the</font> Month<font color="#CCCCCC"> Club and this exact situation was</font> precisely enough<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> send Chevy Chase's</font> character on an extended insult<font color="#CCCCCC"> field</font> tirade<font color="#E5E5E5"> aimed at his less than generous</font> employer in this holiday comedy lying lowlife snake licking dirt<font color="#E5E5E5"> eating inbred</font> overstuffed<font color="#E5E5E5"> ignorant this rant seems to</font> go on forever<font color="#E5E5E5"> and we loved every</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> second</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> it dog kissing brainless dickless</font> hopeless heartless<font color="#E5E5E5"> fat ass bug-eyed</font> stiff-legged<font color="#E5E5E5"> spotty lip we're headed</font> sack of monkey<font color="#CCCCCC"> shit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he is but what's</font> most important<font color="#E5E5E5"> is that he got it all off</font> his chest<font color="#CCCCCC"> and we got to laugh heartily</font> at his unhappiness<font color="#E5E5E5"> number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 10 homeless</font> shelter white men<font color="#CCCCCC"> can't jump this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> top</font> class<font color="#CCCCCC"> setup</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and perfect punchline really</font> hit home no matter how good their competition is on the court no one stands a chance against Billy Hoyle sharp tongue a trash-talking<font color="#CCCCCC"> Master</font> Woody Harrelson is the bad cop<font color="#CCCCCC"> - Wesley</font> Snipes good and this public put-down is <font color="#E5E5E5">jail worthy what what are you doing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm</font> making<font color="#CCCCCC"> them mad</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> most guys don't play</font> good<font color="#CCCCCC"> when they're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> man look you know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you're embarrassing me that's what</font> you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> doing yeah well that's the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> other</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">thing I'm doing trying</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> psych-out</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">competition into making a mistake</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Billy accuses his opponents of throwing</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">up bricks and throws out a jab</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that hits</font> way below the belt<font color="#CCCCCC"> let's stop</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right now</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> let's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just gather up all these</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">bricks</font> and let's build<font color="#E5E5E5"> a shelter for the</font> homeless<font color="#CCCCCC"> so that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> maybe your mother has a</font> place to<font color="#CCCCCC"> live we're to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the wise if you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">really want to hit your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> opponent where</font> it hurts<font color="#CCCCCC"> drag his mother and sister into</font> it it<font color="#E5E5E5"> is a priceless play</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and a savage</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">slam dunk it's also one of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> many classic</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yomomma jabs</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in this sports comedy when</font> your love<font color="#E5E5E5"> is so qua Cena kicking can</font> down the street I said what<font color="#CCCCCC"> you doing</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">she said movin gravy poured our</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> number</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">nine but that's an</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ohio</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Revenge of the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Nerds</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">when the nerd faces off against the</font> jerky jock we got a roof for<font color="#CCCCCC"> the underdog and when</font> it<font color="#E5E5E5"> comes to their classic exchange we're</font> sure we pick the right side<font color="#E5E5E5"> when big man</font> on campus Stan<font color="#E5E5E5"> Gable rolls up and yells</font> at em<font color="#E5E5E5"> from his motorcycle</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Dudley booger Dawson casually delivers</font> one of the<font color="#E5E5E5"> greatest lines in insult</font> history to no one<font color="#E5E5E5"> in particular</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">lookin</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> at nerd</font> I thought<font color="#E5E5E5"> I was looking</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at my mother's</font> old<font color="#CCCCCC"> douche</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bag</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's an Ohio he</font> comes up<font color="#CCCCCC"> with this quip so fast it gives</font> us whiplash<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's just a shame Stan</font> didn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> get to hear</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> though maybe it's</font> for the<font color="#CCCCCC"> best because that surely would</font> not<font color="#E5E5E5"> have ended</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for booger number</font> eight<font color="#E5E5E5"> yes it's true</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Ghostbusters this</font> verbal low blow is heard loud and<font color="#CCCCCC"> proud</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">by the mayor of New York no less</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> okay</font> making<font color="#E5E5E5"> the Environmental</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Protection</font> Agency the<font color="#E5E5E5"> bad guy in your movie is a</font> bit of a hot<font color="#E5E5E5"> take but in ghostbusters</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that felon is personified by</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a classic</font> smug<font color="#E5E5E5"> 80s douche everything was mine with</font> our system until the power grid was<font color="#E5E5E5"> shut</font> off<font color="#E5E5E5"> by dickless here after</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ray gives an</font> irate Walter<font color="#E5E5E5"> pack an unflattering</font> nickname<font color="#E5E5E5"> Pete Venkman uses his dry wit</font> to go straight for<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> jugular is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this</font> true<font color="#CCCCCC"> yes it's true</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this man has no dick</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">what makes this line especially</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> funny is</font> how<font color="#CCCCCC"> straight-faced Venkman is knowing</font> that the<font color="#E5E5E5"> mayor was most definitely</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">asking about that part of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Ray's comment</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">nothing says screw you like mocking a</font> guy's manhood and<font color="#E5E5E5"> it gets an appropriate</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">response for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mr. pecker</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no Peck sorry if</font> there's something<font color="#E5E5E5"> strange in your</font> neighborhood<font color="#CCCCCC"> insulting its</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> reproductive</font> organs may be a good<font color="#CCCCCC"> idea number seven</font> if my dog was as ugly as you<font color="#E5E5E5"> the Sandlot</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">ah the ugly joke will it ever get old</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">not for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> us and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ham Porter as we</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">learned from</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> white men can't jump</font> there is no better<font color="#E5E5E5"> way to psych out an</font> opponent than to hit him<font color="#E5E5E5"> right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> ego it helps that Porter's delivery is <font color="#CCCCCC">spot-on as he lowers his</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> voice and</font> heightens the hilarity with this classic whip achieve<font color="#CCCCCC"> is but you tell them to</font> walk backwards<font color="#CCCCCC"> a dog can be ugly hits</font> but even more so but<font color="#E5E5E5"> if your face is</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">worse than Fido shorn derriere</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you are</font> doing<font color="#E5E5E5"> something seriously wrong Porter</font> also<font color="#E5E5E5"> goes for another</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> tried-and-true</font> tactic<font color="#E5E5E5"> bringing up your opponent's</font> sister<font color="#E5E5E5"> to great results</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Porter</font> take note<font color="#E5E5E5"> batters and take a look in the</font> mirror<font color="#E5E5E5"> number six</font> motivational insults<font color="#CCCCCC"> dodgeball a true</font> underdog story<font color="#E5E5E5"> an insult spouting legend</font> patches o'houlihan strikes comic<font color="#E5E5E5"> goal</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">during his terrific team pep talks</font> the average<font color="#CCCCCC"> joe's with their less than</font> average performance<font color="#E5E5E5"> are in need of</font> motivation so this<font color="#E5E5E5"> dodgeball legend rolls in to</font> help<font color="#CCCCCC"> are you sure</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that this is</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">completely necessary necessary is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font> necessary for<font color="#E5E5E5"> me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> drink my own urine</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">probably not</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I do it anyway</font> however<font color="#CCCCCC"> patches motivational style</font> involves<font color="#CCCCCC"> breaking his team down and then</font> building them<font color="#CCCCCC"> back up again</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> letting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> them</font> know<font color="#CCCCCC"> just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> how inadequate they really are</font> water fell out of<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> oh it also involves</font> sending them out<font color="#E5E5E5"> into</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> oncoming traffic</font> and throwing wrenches at them if you can dodge<font color="#CCCCCC"> a wrench you can dodge a ball</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">questionable as his techniques may be</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they work one of patches more memorable</font> comments compares the<font color="#CCCCCC"> teams running</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> what happens inside his shorts hey whatever works<font color="#E5E5E5"> number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> five</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Cartman's song South Park bigger Longer</font> & uncut<font color="#E5E5E5"> after mrs. Broflovski complains</font> about the negative influence TV has on kids<font color="#CCCCCC"> and wages</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> war on Terrance and</font> Phillips home country of<font color="#E5E5E5"> Canada</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Eric</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Cartman has had enough when he can't</font> hold<font color="#E5E5E5"> it in anymore</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> his rage bursts forth</font> in the form of<font color="#E5E5E5"> an unforgettable song and</font> dance number<font color="#E5E5E5"> that crosses lines of</font> decency with every verse [Music] it's so catchy <font color="#CCCCCC">Cartman even get some back up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from his</font> schoolyard chums Cartman<font color="#E5E5E5"> stand is</font> hilariously rude<font color="#CCCCCC"> a rise against</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> parents</font> and a teenage anthem<font color="#E5E5E5"> to top it all off</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Kyle's mom arrives just in time to catch</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the end of the song</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we can't imagine she</font> loved it<font color="#E5E5E5"> right number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> four</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> questionable</font> living arrangements<font color="#CCCCCC"> Parenthood ah young</font> love<font color="#E5E5E5"> at one moment it can burn as</font> brightly<font color="#E5E5E5"> as the Sun the next moment it</font> can<font color="#E5E5E5"> turn sour but rarely is that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">downward spiral expressed so eloquently</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with such pizzazz is in this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> film</font> after Todd breaks Julie's heart he bursts through the<font color="#E5E5E5"> door to apologize and</font> declare his love<font color="#CCCCCC"> I thought I'd find you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">here</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">what does that make you Sherlock Holmes</font> I live here<font color="#E5E5E5"> however he is quickly sent</font> packing with a<font color="#E5E5E5"> ringing in his ears</font> Julie sums up her<font color="#E5E5E5"> to staying for him in</font> the harshest way possible<font color="#E5E5E5"> live with me</font> with you<font color="#CCCCCC"> flooded with pitch</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and you</font> lived in a tree sharp and with sizzle<font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> is a very harsh<font color="#CCCCCC"> prize</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> put down</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and the</font> fact that<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's sent to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Keanu Reeves</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> just the icing on<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cake</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> three</font> smelly pirate anchorman<font color="#E5E5E5"> The Legend of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Ron Burgundy</font> Ron is furious after<font color="#CCCCCC"> Veronica reads the</font> news while he's trapped<font color="#E5E5E5"> in a glass case</font> of emotion and the two do not<font color="#CCCCCC"> handle</font> their mutual anger<font color="#E5E5E5"> very well it can't</font> seem to<font color="#E5E5E5"> be near each</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> other without</font> verbally sparring when Veronica cuts in on Ron's TV time to watch a tape the<font color="#CCCCCC"> two</font> engage<font color="#E5E5E5"> in war</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of words that has us</font> crying with laughter<font color="#E5E5E5"> mr. burgundy you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">are acting like</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a baby I'm not a baby</font> I'm a man<font color="#CCCCCC"> I am an anchorman you are not</font> a man<font color="#E5E5E5"> you are</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a big fat joke I'm a man</font> who<font color="#CCCCCC"> discovered the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wheel</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and built the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Eiffel Tower out of metal</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> undeterred by</font> the watching<font color="#CCCCCC"> crowd</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the anchorman</font> confidently delivers his zingers with a steely eye and a stiff upper lip mustachioed as it may be I will have you know that<font color="#CCCCCC"> I have more talent</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> more</font> intelligence in<font color="#E5E5E5"> my little</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> finger than</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you do in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your entire body</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sir</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you are a</font> smelly<font color="#E5E5E5"> pirate hooker</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you look like a</font> blueberry<font color="#CCCCCC"> miss Corningstone get some</font> comebacks in there<font color="#E5E5E5"> but we barely heard</font> we were<font color="#CCCCCC"> laughing so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hard at the pirate</font> hooker<font color="#E5E5E5"> thing unfortunately Ron did and</font> let's just say he didn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> take</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it too</font> well <font color="#E5E5E5">well you have bad hair what did you say</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I said your hair looks</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> stupid</font> [Music] number<font color="#E5E5E5"> two may God have mercy on your</font> soul Billy Madison<font color="#CCCCCC"> fresh off a speech that</font> leaves the crowd cheering comes a judicial jibe that cuts deep<font color="#CCCCCC"> Billy at</font> his<font color="#E5E5E5"> moment</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of triumph</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is hit with a long</font> and eloquent<font color="#E5E5E5"> insult so hilariously</font> hyperbolized<font color="#CCCCCC"> it leaves</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> us as</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">shell-shocked to Sandler's character mr.</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Madison what you just said is one of the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">most insanely idiotic things I have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ever</font> heard<font color="#E5E5E5"> at no</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> point in your rambling</font> incoherent response<font color="#CCCCCC"> were you even close</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to anything</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that could be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> considered a</font> rational<font color="#E5E5E5"> thought the combination</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the</font> harsh<font color="#E5E5E5"> words and the ultra-cool delivery</font> ensures that this sentiment shall not be forgotten<font color="#CCCCCC"> the add a touch of may God</font> have mercy on<font color="#E5E5E5"> your soul really pushes</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">this speech over the line making</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all</font> the<font color="#CCCCCC"> more comically harsh everyone in</font> this room<font color="#E5E5E5"> is now Dumber for having</font> listened<font color="#CCCCCC"> to it I award you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no points</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> may God<font color="#CCCCCC"> have mercy on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your soul whoo</font> laughs don't stop there though<font color="#E5E5E5"> as</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Billy's response makes us laugh even</font> harder<font color="#CCCCCC"> okay a simple wrong would have</font> done<font color="#CCCCCC"> just fine but then way to cut a man</font> down in<font color="#E5E5E5"> his moment</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of glory</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> before we</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">unveil</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> our</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> number one pick here are some</font> honorable mentions<font color="#CCCCCC"> last</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> time I saw your</font> ass looks like about<font color="#E5E5E5"> 150 pounds</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">bubblegum</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pile you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know that questions</font> yeah I<font color="#CCCCCC"> got a question it's Barry Manilow</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">know that you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> raid his wardrobe</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> give you</font> the answer<font color="#CCCCCC"> to that question mr.</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bender</font> next Saturday<font color="#E5E5E5"> if Benjamin were an</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ice</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cream</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> flavor</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he'd be pralines</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> dick number one</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> French</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hunter Monty</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Python and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Holy Grail what are you</font> doing in<font color="#E5E5E5"> England</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mind your own business</font> Monty Python's French Hunter has heckled his way to the top<font color="#E5E5E5"> and deservedly</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so</font> a warrior of<font color="#E5E5E5"> words with a certain</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">genesee quoi</font> he sits atop the<font color="#CCCCCC"> castle wall at</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a wait</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to time when he's able to give passing</font> English monarchs what for<font color="#E5E5E5"> ah blow my</font> nose I<font color="#E5E5E5"> do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> scorn but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the cream of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">crop</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> when it comes to his verbal</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">sparring</font> it's a taunt from the turrets<font color="#CCCCCC"> that will</font> stand the test<font color="#CCCCCC"> of time every last word</font> he says<font color="#E5E5E5"> is endlessly quote worthy talk</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> -</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">no now go away</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or I shall taunt you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is</font> second timer decades may have passed since this classic<font color="#E5E5E5"> film came out but we</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">still have yet to hear a better insult</font> then in<font color="#E5E5E5"> your direction</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your mother was a</font> hamster<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your father's mate okay</font> so fun fact when I was<font color="#E5E5E5"> in high school my</font> friends and I recreated<font color="#CCCCCC"> some scenes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font> Monty Python and<font color="#E5E5E5"> the Holy Grail</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so I</font> know<font color="#E5E5E5"> that movie very well and I'm very</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">happy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> number one</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on this list</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">anyway</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thank you guys again for helping</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">us get to 20 million subscribers and</font> thanks<font color="#E5E5E5"> in advance for hitting that like</font> button and if<font color="#E5E5E5"> a super-sized list isn't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">enough for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you check out these related</font> videos
Views: 988,384
Rating: 4.6655812 out of 5
Keywords: funniest movie insults, funny movie insults, funny insults, movie insults, movie comeback lines, comeback lines, best insults in movies, best insults, funniest one liners, best one liners, one liners, best movie lines, funniest lines in movies, memorable movie lines, movie dialogue, monty python and the holy grail, billy madison, anchorman, south park, ghostbusters, mean girls, bridesmaids, movies, funny movies, funny scenes, movie quotes, watchmojo, watch mojo, list, top 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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