Top 20 FREE Plugins For 2023

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what up guys welcome back to the channel is she a guy some some something something hit the keys here today with my top 20 free plugins I make sure if you guys do like this content though you drop a whole elbow on that like button hit subscribe and that notification Bell so every time we bring you guys a new video you can be the first to see but with no further delay let's get right into these freebies baby hit the key all right guys so I'm gonna break this video down in two separate parts for you guys today I'm gonna do instruments first and then I'm gonna do effects second so I have six instruments and I have 14 different effects uh the first instrument I have for you guys today is the greatest free Cent that's ever been created and it's called vital uh so when you take a look at Vito it looks like this it is a spectral warping wave table synth it's got three different oscillators the sound level it's got different envelopes it's got different lfos all this other stuff it also has effects on Deck as you can see here from Reverb to EQ to filter so on and so forth it also has a mod Matrix over here too it's pretty solid little synth um as you see here you can easily assign envelopes to wherever you want to so it highlights everything that you can put the envelope on uh the same with your lfos um I have one of the presets loaded up it sounds like this [Music] now we can easily change that sound up by adding different oscillators so I'm going to push play and I'm just going to turn on the different oscillators and the noise down here [Music] so just like that it's very easy to switch up your sound I definitely recommend this one the second free plugin that I have for you guys today comes from Roland and it's called concerto so in order to get concerto you do have to download the Roland Cloud manager and then what you're going to do is once you do that you're going to come over here to software and then you're going to come to discontinued it's only discontinued because this used to be paid in the Roland Cloud manager so you just have to pay for this but now it's free you get all these libraries if you want to so you can download all these libraries they all have like 50 to 100 different presets in them and so on and so forth so let's go ahead and take a look at it in FL Studio so as you guys can see I've got concerto loaded up in FL Studio I'm currently using Terror piano Terra piano is one of my favorite like stage slash concert pianos but it sounds like this foreign easy to load another instrument boom just select instrument click on whatever it is that you have downloaded um I have this Anthology Orchestra as well and as you see here if I come in here these are all the presets just in this one Library so most of those libraries are going to be like this there's going to be a whole bunch of stuff for you to download I definitely recommend checking this one out the next three free instruments I have for you guys are contact player decent sampler and spitfire audio Labs so when you take a look at contact it is going to look like this um the contact 7 player is currently free I just have the six loaded up but you can get a bunch of different libraries for contact there's thousands of free libraries out there you just gotta find them so I have this foundations pulled up by heaviosity it's a very nice sounding nylon guitar it sounds like this [Music] thank you and heaviosity also does have a bunch of free libraries for contact I definitely recommend getting a contact 7 player and then just like contact decent sampler has at least a thousand different uh free libraries that you can get off a piano book I'll leave that link below um so as we took a look here at decent sampler it looks like this this is my favorite saxophone sound of all the vsts of all the plugins and it sounds like this foreign so again with decent sampler there was a lot of sample libraries made by the community people like Venus Theory so on and so forth very solid sample library and then when talking about sample libraries we can't forget about Spitfire audio Labs BBC Orchestra might be the best free Orchestra out there and then we also have all kinds of different sounds like this Uline pipes sounds very nice let's check it out [Music] so some good sounding pipes but they also have soft piano which is a great piano guitars Bells whatever it is that you're looking for Strings you can find whatever it is that you're looking for with Labs um just download the manager and then boom get whatever you need the last free instrument I have for you guys today comes from ik multimedia it's called Moto base 2. so when you take a look at motobase 2 it is going to look like this with this you're only going to get one of the guitars but you get so much with this you're going to get different kind of play Styles so you can finger you can pick or you can slap you can mess with The Strokes you can do a whole bunch of stuff you can mess with your strings whether it's fretted it's unfredded you can mess with the electronics in the in the the guitar um and then they also give you patterns so you get different patterns or different play Styles they'll give you so I'll play one you know what I'm saying so you get different play Styles or obviously you can media your notes in or you can play the notes on your your midi board or your keyboard or whatever it is that you're using all right guys so now it's time to talk about some effects so the first few effects that I want to talk about are cymatics origin Valhalla supermassive crumble delay and Gate lab so as we take a look over here origin is basically a Lo-Fi effect that basically you can add noise you can add saturation you can add some chorus and you can add some movement and it's got a filter on there um so basically the piano sounded like this before I threw origin on there foreign on there we got it to sound like this [Music] so what's cool about this too is you get different noises so you get like cassette vinyl reel to reel all that good stuff um and then you also get like chorus and movement but let's go ahead and check out some of this stuff foreign [Music] so again that's pretty cool you get wearable saturation course all that good stuff next up we have Valhalla super massive so I'm just going to keep building on this chain um so this is what Valhalla super massive sounds like it's a very solid Reverb slash Echo effect um it sounds like this so then you just get a bunch of control over everything you can mess with this warp you can mess with this delay with the mix the width and everything like that to widen out the sound so we're going to turn this mix down just a little bit but this is just a very solid Reverb in my opinion this is the best Reverb out there and there is a ton of factory presets in this one a Next Step this might surprise a lot of people but this plugin is called crumble this delay is super fire because it does a bunch of stuff you can get reverse in this you can pitch up and down so you're the kind of formats the sound and stuff like that get different kind of Reverb delays but let me show you guys foreign so you can hear us add in that little bit of distortion in there or saturation um what's cool about this is that this UI freaks out the more you mess with this stuff [Music] laughs so as you can see there you can get all kinds of crazy tones and noises it's very good on vocals too because like informants the voice and gives you just a little bit more next after that we have another delay plug-in I know you're like why do we need two delay plugins because they're both fire um so this next one is called delay um again I'm gonna go ahead and play this uh piano this is what the piano sounded like without the delay on there all right so now once we throw this delay on there we got it to sound like this foreign so what makes this DeLay So Special is all of the control that you get and you do get this tape you do get this Distortion you get diffusion you get a bunch of different stuff up here um with this they do have some good presets as well but you can do a whole lot with this it's got duck-in features on here as well you can just do a lot with this with this delay um I would definitely recommend checking it out um and then the last thing I have in this group of plugins is Gate lab Gate lab is a very solid gating effect um so basically with Gate lab you get to draw your patterns in so you can draw whatever pattern it is that you want um you have rights you have left so you can make it gate from right to left which is pretty cool um so we'll go ahead and listen to this [Music] and what's cool about this too as well is like you can do stuff like like right here you can barely see the button but you can go um up to triplets and so you can basically uh split up that gate and you can make it stutter so watch it's going to stutter when it gets right here [Music] foreign you know what I'm saying so it's a very solid effect with this tool you have this thing right here to where you can make it change every time it goes around so watch this [Music] so it randomly changes and gives you different Gates um you can obviously go back if you don't like that I mean this button right here randomizes everything so boom you get new different Gates the next three free plugins that I have for you guys today are wave Studio rack finisher micro and expander so when you open up Studio rack it's going to look like this what makes this very solid is that you can do like multi-bland splits where you can split it into four different bands and you can basically throw up to like 47 different effects on just one sound if you wanted to might be CPU intensive might not be but what is cool is just that you don't have to have the effect on every band it could be on your lows or it could be on your mids it could be in your highs it can give you different sounds um so this is what the piano sounded like without this preset I have here for Studio rack thank you all right so now let's go ahead and turn Studio rack on and hear what it sounds like [Music] and there's a few different presets I actually created a bunch of presets for these so I'll leave them down below they're all free um but you know just different kind of sounding stuff so here's another one [Music] so some of the different presets are going to sound different on different things [Music] so it's a pretty solid little free plug-in and up next we got an oldie but a goodie it's called finisher Micro by you jam um so this is just basically a single effect but it has a bunch of different effects you can only use one at a time um it has one knob to just dial The Sound in um this is what it sounds like on that guitar [Music] that to the guitar but you can change it to different presets so let's go ahead and go to a different one we'll go to the space grinder [Music] it has a bunch of different effects in here everything from vibato to Distortion to Rotary all that stuff [Music] so this is a very solid little effect if you just want to throw something on there real quick um you know to get the job done and then following that we have expander um so expander is a widening plug-in but it has Unison it can enhance your sound it can add width um it can add um some chorus effect and stuff like that as well so again this is what the guitar sounded like without the expander on there now once we throw expander on there listen it's going to widen that sound out for us [Music] and what's cool is we can mess with the modulation on this as well so you know we'll have the mod speed about right there and we'll just turn up the size mod and you'll see it's going to start messing with the size over here [Music] so as you can hear there it's detuning it for us and we also have other controls like Unison over here and then you have an enhancer over here um so this is a very solid widening plug-in because it does more than just widen the sound the next plugin I have for you guys today is also a very solid plug-in I use this on every single vocal mix that I make it's called Fresh Air um so when you take a look at fresh air right here basically this is just going to add a little bit of air and some crispiness um to your vocals so I have a vocal plane right now I'll go ahead and play it I just don't know now I'm just going to push play and turn this up a little bit now you don't want to destroy your sound normally I just add a little bit I only add in about 11 at the most and then maybe about five or six over here but if you do add too much of this it's going to give it a nasty high-end sound that you don't want but I'll go ahead and turn it up so you can hear [Music] it [Music] oh [Music] so you can hear their clearest day it's just adding a little bit of extra high end to the vocals to make them stand out a little bit better so typically what I use this on is like a bus or like an insert so I normally route my vocals to an insert and then I put this on that insert to give it just a little bit of crispiness that it needs but you can also use this on instruments or anything like that to brighten them up too so you guys probably didn't think I was going to give you anything for the drums huh wrong you were wrong so the next plug that I have for you guys today is called cashmere essential kicks so when we take a look at cashmere essential kicks um basically this is a very good transient shaper for your drums so again this is something that I send all my drums to an insert and then I put this on the insert and this kind of glues all the drums together and kind of pushes them a little bit more so this is what the drums sounded like without the essential kicks on there [Music] all right so now I'm gonna let you hear what it sounds like with the essential kicks on there but I'm going to turn the essential kicks on um while it's playing [Music] so you can see it gave it a lot more umph you got a whole bunch of controls so you can control the lower uh the lower frequencies you control the mid you can control the highs um you can control your transients right here it gives you some tape so you get a little bit of saturation over here this is two different kinds of compression and then you get width as well so we'll just kind of mess with the controls just a little bit so you can hear [Music] foreign [Music] there in the sub area it added more body to the kick [Music] so if you're listening there you can see that it's adding a lot to the hi-hats it's adding a lot to the snare it's just making it stand out a little bit more in the mix then you have this tape down here [Music] all right and you can hear that drove it a little bit more and added some saturation you have compression and width and all this stuff over here I'll allow you guys to play with this on your own time but this is a very solid transient shaper because it gives you a lot of different uh controls to mess with up next I got three more effects for you guys today uh they're called ozone imager 10. I got Hornet Magnus light and BX Master desk classic let's look at them and then with ozone imager 10 this actually lets you widen your sound as well but this allows you to widen your sound in each band so you have your low you know your low mid you know your mid high and then you have your high and it allows you to use these controls over here to add more you can within it out like this or you can make it more mono like that um so I'm going to go ahead and push play and show you guys and then look right here this is the polar sample and you can see the width here I'm just going to turn these up and you'll see the width change [Music] foreign [Applause] you can see it as well as you can hear it and what's cool about this is you can move the bands over as you want you can take bands out if you want and there's a bunch of different presets in here as well um this is definitely probably the best imager you're going to find out there that's free and next I want to talk about Hornet Magnus light this is a newer plug-in but this thing is the best soft Clipper out there let's take a look at it so when you look at Hornet Magnus light it looks like this um it's got a Clipper it also has a limiter on there and it allows you to boost the signal add a little bit of gain and a little bit of saturation at the same time um so let's go ahead and listen to what the beat sounded like without Hornet Magnus on there it sounded like this and I'm going to turn it on as it's playing so you can hear the difference as it's playing [Music] so this is pretty solid because not only is it a saw Clipper but it adds gain as well and it has a limiter over there too so what I'm going to do real quick is I'm going to push it to the limit so this isn't what I would normally do but I just want to let you guys see it's not going to clip over here so you'll be able to tell if it Clips if it goes over the zero over here um but I'm just going to turn this up so you can hear it it can make it really crunchy so you can put this just on a drum bus you can use this on an instrument bus you can use this on the master track if you want to you can put it wherever you want to but it sounds like this [Music] thank you so that's nice then you have gain and release over here so I'm just going to mess with these real quick foreign [Music] [Applause] so as you can see you can do a whole lot with this it's not just your typical soft Clipper that you just throw on there and then it limits everything you can put this on there to limit everything and then you can use it to boost the sound of everything else as well this next plugin I've talked about a lot on the channel it's called BX Master desk classic um this is basically a quick mastering tool so this isn't what I use to master my tracks but if I was beginning I would check this out because it's just has a few dials it's really easy to control and you can get a nice master with this um so basically again this is what the beat sounded like I'm gonna have the beat on and then I'm going to turn on the BX Master desk so you can hear the difference [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] so what's cool about this as well is right here it has this dynamic range area so it lets you know if it's here in the red you need to work on your mix a little bit better or maybe the dials to get the master a little better and then over here if you go too far over here then obviously the same if you're in the green you're good to go um and so you have volume you have output trim um you have this stereo enhancer so it enhances your stereo signal so it widens it out up here you kind of have like saturation um and then you have tone you have compression and a foundation over here so it'll mess with just a few of the controls so you can hear the difference [Music] there's also a couple of different compression Styles so you can go softer you can go hard on the compression and then you can mess with the tone as well this is a very good mastering tool for somebody who's new or really if you're old you know what I'm saying you just want to throw something on a beat real quick I would recommend using this in the next free plugin that I have for you guys today is an absolute gym as well I don't have it downloaded anymore I know y'all probably gonna roast me for that I just didn't have the space on my computer but it's called tonex by ik multimedia so when you take a look over here at tonex basically tonex models a bunch of different amps so if you get the tone XCS version it's free and then there is a huge community Unity of guitar players that have sent up their emulations and sent up all their models or their amps and and their all their stuff all their cabinets and all that other stuff their effects so yes you may not get all of what ik multimedia is offering because you have to pay for all their models but there is a huge community of players who will give you their real models of their amps and their pedals and all that other stuff the only reason I don't necessarily use this all the time is because I have Guitar Rig so you know it is what it is if I didn't have Guitar Rig though I would use this 24 7 it's very fire you can definitely find some great sounds some great effects some great stuff in the community very good very good plug-in so that's what I got for you guys today my top 20 free plugins let me know down in the comments what you guys think let me know what your favorite five free plugins are and let me know what I missed today uh make sure if you guys do like this content though you drop a whole elbow on that like button hit subscribe and that notification Bell so every time we bring you guys a new video you can be the first to see appreciate you guys this time as always and I'll catch you in the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: SumnSumnSumn HTK
Views: 9,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ouFh8Glnftw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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