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Beato has great content. And Jack Jones and I went to college together in Monroe, LA! Hell of a drummer and cool as the other side of the pillow.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/WhoisJohnGalt2112 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

They cut it off before it was done! The fill that leads into "but change is" is severely underrated and unfortunately missing from every live rendition I've heard.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SnowDog2112 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

ugh, no timestamps?

did that rolling fill in the beginning of Overture make it in?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/hr00ns 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

I disagree incredibly with number 1.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/dazivostri 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

Great video. Of course, we all have our own lists we would come up with but I enjoyed this quite a bit.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Genjuro77 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

That Gino Vanelli song is a banger!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Guypussy 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody I'm Rick piatto in today's everything music it's the top 20 drum fills of all time what I mean by drum fill don't do do-do-do do-do drum fills I've already done the top 20 acoustic intros electric intros drum intros bass intros keyboard intros but now we're getting into the interior of the songs so here is my list of the top 20 drum fills of all time coming in at number 20 is a drum fill up this vans 1993 release entitled undertow check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] drum fill number 19 is off a record released in 1975 the drummer is Tony Williams and on guitar as a young Allan Holdsworth [Music] [Music] drunk pill number 18 is off this man's 1991 release entitled the Black Album you all know this Phil [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] drum bell number 17 is from a record released in 1981 and the song was featured in one of my earliest what makes this song great videos here it is [Music] coming in number 16 is a drum fill from a song by one of the greatest rock guitarists of all time check it out [Music] drum fill number 15 is from a drummer that's played in three of the biggest Seattle bands of all time here it is [Music] drum fill number 14 is from a song that I actually featured the guitar solo in the 20 greatest guitar solos of all time video well there's also a drum and bass solo that you're going to hear right now this particular drummer mark Craney most people don't know him but you should let's check it out [Music] coming in at number 13 is the drum fill leading into the chorus of this bands 1984 release the unforgettable fire check it out [Music] drum fill number 12 was a song that I actually left off the 20 greatest drum intros of all time I actually did it so that people would write comments telling me that I can't believe that you forgot to put it on there but here it is [Music] [Music] drum fill number 11 is actually one of many insane drum fills in this song and the song is off a record called spectrum which was released in 1973 check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming in at number 10 is the song that launched the grunge movement really launched it into the stratosphere and this particular fill is the opening fill of the song here it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] drop bail number nine is from this band's 1983 release entitled frontiers the drummer went on to become one of the most famous fusion drummers but he actually already was at the time and now he's back in the band here it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] drum fill number 8 has everything that it needs it's the actual drum fill into the chorus it happens every time it's always a little bit different and this drummer tragically passed away not long after this record came out this particular song has actually been featured in the 20 grand scoot our solos of all time video as well here it is drunk bill number seven I alluded to at the beginning of the video when I was talking with Jack about how hard some of these drum fills are I actually put the original drum fill that's by Vinnie Colaiuta in here it's from the Buddy Rich memorial concert from 1989 and it's the most insane fills when they're trading he Dave Weckl and Steve Gadd are trading sections where they're soloing and I asked Jackson can you play this and he said yeah I think I can but he said this is unbelievably hard so I'm putting Vinnie's in there so you can hear it and the jacks will come right after it now if this were actually in a song I'd have to say this would be the greatest drum fill of all time let's check it out [Music] don't bail number six is actually from an entire interlude section that the keyboard is playing and then there's drum fills that go through the entire section this particular drummer has one of the most unique styles any other drummer you'd say oh that's way too busy for this song but it never seems to be too busy this is one of my favorite drummers - here it is [Music] okay we're down to the top five now really any of these songs as I always say could have been number one this particular song has been featured in a video already this particular drum solo but this is actually a different section of the drum solo let's check it out [Music] drum filled number four is from my favorite record of all time I always tell people this is my favorite record I know yes get sick of hearing it a lot of people I think would consider him an underrated drummer but I think he's one of the greatest drummers ever because he really knew how to play to the song I also brought in a couple special guests for this particular performance [Music] I know what it's like to be I [Music] [Applause] [Music] well no drum fill video is going to be complete without drummer number three here he's actually in here twice but you're gonna hear him again in a second this particular drum fill I thought well you can't just play the drum fill you have to play what comes around it so we kept backing up the song until we found a good starting spot but I brought red in to play on it I had my daughter Leila filming me play the solo so here this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] song number two I actually debated as whether to put it as number one or number two this is really a drum feature this particular section by one of the greatest trios of all time here it is [Music] okay before we get to number one we're gonna have our honorable mentions now the first in the honorable mentions is a drummer that i've already featured in here the second is a drummer that i've featured in a few other videos he's one of the greatest session drummers and the third is a drummer that we just recently lost from one of my favorite groups of the late 60s here are the honorable mentions for the greatest drum fills of all time [Music] [Music] okay we're finally to number one I have to tell you how long it took me to actually put this video together because I've never worked on a video this long and most of you probably don't even care how long it takes to make a video but there is a lot when I thought of making this video I didn't realize well drum fills are actually in the middle of song so you have to actually create everything that's around it which happens to be a lot of different instruments and you have to film all those so when I was thinking about making this video this is actually the first drum fill that popped into my mind I think most of you already know what it is so here is my pick for the greatest drum fill of all time that's all for now like to thank Jack for being my guest today thank you jack follow Jack on instagram @ J drums 42 follow me on instagram @ Rick be outta one if you're a first-time viewer make sure that you subscribe and ring the bell very very important if you're interested in the Beato book go to my website at and if you want to support the channel even more think about becoming a member of the Beato club thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 1,856,875
Rating: 4.7821403 out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, Top 20, greatest drummers of all time, greatest drum fills ever, List, countdown, Best drum intros, Led Zeppelin, Bonham, neil peart, Rush, Tool, Famous songs, what makes this song great?, top, greatest, jeff porcaro, Vinnie Colaiuta, Ringo Starr, Drum Fills, Danny Carey, metallica, Huge Drums
Id: WPRsLsPzudo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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