Top 20 Celeb Nepotism Babies Who Deserve the Fame

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welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 celeb nepotism babies who deserve the fame put her away I forget for this list we're looking at the most notable celebrities who grew up with famous parents or relatives but have gone on to forge their own paths which nepo babies do you think deserve the fame let us know in the comments below number 20. jack Quaid maybe you know this actor's mom from When Harry Met Sally or a slew of other rom-coms but when Meg Ryan met fellow star Dennis Quaid they had a son named Jack after rising to fame for his role in The Hunger Games franchise Jack began his career with Indie projects and comedy sketches today he's best known for playing Huey Campbell in the hit TV show the boys I can help with other stuff you know I could I could be like your Tech guy you know like I could be in the van with the thing and like much like his father who's been in everything from The Parent Trap to vantage point the younger Quaid has found success in rom-coms comedies dramas and horror flicks alike in doing so he's shown everyone just how skilled a performer he is Huey you're a good lead number 19. Kiefer Sutherland 747 just blew up over the Mojave Desert preliminary reports make it sound like it was a bomb passenger list get me Walsh on the phone now Kiefer was born to renowned actors Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas but we'd forgive you for forgetting that given all he's accomplished in his own right the actor made his film debut alongside his industry vet father in 1983's Max Dugan returns he continued to work with his parents throughout his career but that isn't the actor's only nepotism connection I told you I'm doing this because ma wanted it what your mother wanted was for you to come back from the war believe it or not the acclaimed 24 star was even reportedly roommates with fellow nepo baby Robert Downey Jr in his early Los Angeles days she's beautiful she wants you why do you think she stopped still there's no denying that he is wonderfully talented and deserves all the success he's achieved number 18 Bryce Dallas Howard by the age of eight Bryce had already made her acting debut as a kid she was also no stranger to having Tom Cruise as a babysitter my brother was just like it's just like all over his like face wow Tom was like but when your father is Academy Award winner Ron Howard that's only natural an industry baby himself Ron also worked with famous parents Gene Spiegel and Rance Howard however the child star soon built an extensive career of his own I just want to say I found my thrill ER as a third generation Movie Maker Bryce has similarly established her own legacy best known for Jurassic world she's also earned recognition for everything from M Night shyamalan's Thrillers to Blockbusters like the Twilight Saga Eclipse and Spider-Man 3. hear it for your one and only friendly neighborhood number 17 Lily Collins and you visiting from the states I live here now wow I just heard myself say that out loud and I don't even believe me while you might know this young actress as Netflix's resident American expat she isn't the only famous Collins indeed Lily is actually the daughter of legendary musician Phil Collins [Music] there is no doubt her family's Celebrity Status assisted her career but the Emily and parastar has shared that she and her father weren't always close though they appear to be on good terms now I forgive you for not always being there when I needed and for not being the dad I expected I forgive the mistakes you made nevertheless the actress has made a name for herself in a space of her own since starring in 2009's The Blind Side Collins has continued to earn Fame and recognition Beyond her father's Shadow number 16 Billy Lord Debbie Reynolds Carrie Fisher and Billy Lord while they don't share a surname each of these actresses ended up following in their mother's footsteps acting means great Parts wonderful lines speaking those glorious words Shakespeare Ibsen Debbie Reynolds the Untouchable Starlet known for Singing in the Rain was honored with a sag Lifetime Achievement Award and her daughter is no less influential Carrie Fisher remains widely beloved for her role as Princess Leia in Star Wars I don't know what you're talking about I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan you are part of the Rebel Alliance and the traitor take it away while Fisher initially resisted being known as Debbie Reynold's daughter Billy Lord thought differently she even talks about the excitement of carrying on the family hairstyle with her own Star Wars role our distress signal has been received at multiple points but no response they've heard us but no one's coming in addition to honoring her mother's Legacy Lord has forged her own career with her performances in Scream Queens American Horror Story and book smart I can't tell anyone not even each other okay Nick's party is that his aunt's house number 15. Nicholas Cage I lost my and I lost I lost his head Johnny has his bride you want me to take my heart break put her away and forget unlike most cases of nepotism Nick Cage didn't rely on his given name to get ahead the actor was actually born Nicholas Kim Coppola yes he's one of those Coppola's cage decided he would go the acting route early on in his life but he also didn't want to be seen as just another nepo baby it's the way I feel look what I want now the decorated actor with a cult following is well loved and respected not because of his family's reputation but for his wide range of iconic roles from a The Godfather Part 3 reject to a National Treasure Nicholas Cage is truly One of a Kind you're still a declaration of independence number 14. Mariska Hargitay I'm a good cop Elliot the daughter of a former Mr Universe and one of Hollywood's most iconic Bombshells it's easy to assume that hargate must have led a life of glamor and ease however that's not quite true sadly her mother Jane Mansfield passed away when she was still a child and mariska's road to stardom ended up being far from typical she actually began her career by following in her father Mickey's pageantry footsteps such an interesting name I've worked on your name all week and I'm so excited that I got it right marushka what type of name is that it is a Hungarian name I was named after my grandmother eventually though she was cast as Olivia Benson in law order SVU which premiered in 1999. the rest is history many seasons later she's still going strong okay so you are the longest running female character in television history [Applause] location to the franchise combined with her brilliant layered portrayal of the character has notably earned her much deserved Awards and a loyal fan base number 13 Drew Barrymore in the 1870s Herbert Blythe began his acting career going by Maurice Barrymore to protect his father's reputation you see Drew doesn't just have a famous dad in the late John Drew Barrymore she comes from a famous bloodline and Maurice was her great-grandpa from Ethel aka the first lady of the American Theater to silent film actor and Drew's Grandpa John the entire Barrymore acting Legacy is unrivaled yet that doesn't overshadow Drew's achievements she Rose to fame as a child star in Steven Spielberg's ET and though her journey from there wasn't easy she's since powerfully reclaimed her career making up a boyfriend so you can get rid of me no I'm not what's his name then Ringo indeed a series of Endeavors including Stellar film and TV performances and a talk show have made her a beloved household name number 12. Emma Thompson from Sense and Sensibility to Howard's end there's no denying that Emma Thompson is an acting Supernova what does it matter who's in love that's all I need to know adored for her impressive resume and Spunky personality alike the writer comedian and actress has never been afraid to be herself but the Dame isn't the first treasure in her family her mom philita law is in the business too and her dad Eric Thompson won hearts for his work on the Beloved kids show the magic roundabout Emma has said that her late father quote represented wit and words and she's certainly taken familiar lessons to create a legacy of her own uh you may be young in years but the heart beats beneath his shriveled as an old maze your soul as dry as the pages of the books desperately leave there's a reason her Cambridge comedy group nicknamed her Emma talented now she has the baftas Golden Globes and Oscars to prove it I've Looked at Love from both sides now from a given take number 11. Vanessa Redgrave thank you for giving me this award I it's so huge well you saw what it did to me I didn't want to cry I really did not as you can imagine the red gray family is so influential that they're considered an acting Dynasty from silent films to Doctor Who their legacy spans British history Vanessa is the child of film and theater actor Sir Michael and Lady Redgrave she's performed in dozens of West End shows and received numerous Academy Award nominations finally there's some real hope in the world do you understand she's also earned the coveted triple crown title for winning an Oscar Tony and Emmy certifying her status as acting royalty her daughter the late Natasha Richardson went on to become a Tony winning actress as well but the family's star power doesn't stop there Natasha's son Michael whose father is Liam Neeson earned his own Rising Star Award in 2022. one thing's for sure don't count on winning charades at a Redgrave family function number 10. Miley Cyrus Miley Rose to fame alongside her dad country music artist Billy Ray Cyrus when Miley was cast in the Disney Channel show Hannah Montana her real-life dad played her television dad Robbie Ray painting this big old smile on my face to hide in my broken heart if only she knew fans of Billy Ray might recognize the character's similarities including the not so fictional reference to the chart-topping song Achy Breaky Heart it's obvious that outside of the family name Billy Ray's passion for music massively influenced Miley's career the Disney Channel star continued to forge her own path in acting philanthropy and music with multiple chart Toppers of her own and a diverse discography Miley's vocal talent and Stage presence are undeniable foreign Number Nine Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal for the gyllenhaals the film business truly is a family trade you are too much for me yes son of a horse I wish I knew how to quit you while Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal are both well known for their careers as popular actors with multiple Blockbusters between them their parents are also prominent industry figures their father Stephen Gyllenhaal has directed award-winning film and television while their mother Naomi foner is an award-winning screenwriter while their kids careers in the industry might seem natural Jake said his parents initially made him turn down roles so he could experience life as a normal kid but these days you can be the smartest guy in the room the most qualified and no one cares unless you're flying around with a cape or shooting lasers from your hands no one will even listen yet Maggie still said her mother played a large role in encouraging her creativity growing up in passing on their wisdom it's clear that the Gyllenhaal's influence paid off in the long run for The Talented celebrity siblings tax man number eight Tracy Ellis Ross Dr Reagan showed me everything and it was actually kind of like going back to med school but without the bloody noses because I used to put so much pressure on myself while it might seem daunting to live up to the legacy of a supreme Tracy Ellis Ross didn't feel like her mother's celebrity status was ever overwhelming rather than feeling like she was trapped in Diana Ross's Shadow Tracy felt like she lived in Diana's quote Embrace Tracy has established an impressive career of her own between working as an actor helming a beauty business and still Making Waves as a model and style inspiration Tracy has said her mother always gave her and her siblings who have all worked in the industry the freedom to dream up their own unique Futures in response to her unique opportunity and position Tracy has worked to make a valuable and meaningful impact through her public influence looks like [Music] R7 Dakota Johnson what do you do sister monitor or something not that it's any of your business but I care about him and he's alone and I want to find him maybe maybe maybe what While most people grew up with their parents old Sports trophies on the Shelf Dakota Johnson's parents actors Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson are both Golden Globe recipients Dakota is the third generation of a matriarchy of Hollywood success to her Tippy hedron the legendary star of Alfred Hitchcock's the birds is Grandma [Music] thank you [Music] however Dakota has said that her parents initially discouraged her from acting yet after growing up on film sets she couldn't imagine herself choosing a different career path now Johnson is best known for her leading role in the 50 Shades series or maybe her Infamous Ellen interview but I did invite you and you didn't come so this time you invited me yeah are you sure yeah how do you know I don't think so ask everybody as she continues to rack up acting credits after capturing the Public's attention in a bold fashion I just wonder if perhaps your heart might be a bit bigger than you want to let on number six Michael Douglas Sun Tzu The Art of War every battle is won before it's ever fought think about it in some instances nepotism extends Beyond industry names to Hollywood royalty while Kirk Douglas may have had a less than Savory reputation in Hollywood his impact on the industry has been recognized by both the academy and the American Film Institute he was a star of the 1950s Silver Screen with several box office smashes under his belt I apologize sir for not telling you sooner that you're a degenerate sadistic old man and you can go to hell before I apologize to you now or ever again Michael has followed in his Father's Footsteps as a modern day movie star and even directly borrowed from his father's Legacy by taking on his rights to develop a film adaptation of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest outside of his father's Legacy Michael is well known for being an Emmy winner an Academy Award winner and an MCU star you need to be skillful agile and above all you need to be fast you should be able to shrink and grow on a dime number five Laura Dern I think we're back in business while the connection between Laura Dern and her father actor Bruce Dern is fairly obvious many were surprised to learn that Laura Dern's mother is actually famous actress Diane Ladd together the derns made history as the first family to have neighboring stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame flora and her mom then made Academy history when they were both nominated for Academy Awards for their film rambling Rose I could take that job as a waitress absolutely not Rose I wouldn't hear be working in a honky town place yet Dern doesn't skate by or Fade Into The Shadow over movie star father and bafta award-winning mother Laura Dern is highly regarded outside of her family name for everything from her role in Spielberg's Jurassic Park to her Academy award-winning performance in marriage story can you tell me a little more about what's going on because part of what we're going to do together is Tell Your Story number four Angelina Jolie why did you not tell me about the Illuminati your only child the world might know Angelina Jolie as a popular celebrity and one of Hollywood's highest paid actresses but her short-lived stint as Angelina Jolie Voigt is often forgotten the daughter of Academy award-winning actor John Voight and actress Marceline Bertrand Jolie's initial TV credits are listed under her and her father's shared last name Jolie's complicated relationship with her father has been the source of many headlines over the years and Jolie has openly tried to separate herself from her father's Legacy I'm so happy that I'm not crying just you know you get so happy when you know your parent loves you so much now I'm gonna cry though changing her last name did not magically rid her of nepotism's influence Jolene used her Spotlight to build an influential and award-winning career under her own name now we can only wonder if the Jolie pit children will do the same everyone in Century six is going to die number three Jane Fonda why'd you say you're the best actress in the world because it's an act that's what's nice about it the Fonda family proves that nepotism isn't always one size fits all Jane Fonda countered assumptions about her father Academy award-winning actor Henry Fonda when she revealed that he wasn't much of a quote Hollywood Insider I've been thinking about us too but our people living like pigs and good rich landly and fallow or maybe one guy with a million acres and a hundred thousand Farmers starving there's no doubt that she and her brother Peter who was also an academy award-nominated actor still benefited from their father's status Jane explains he never actively guided her career while Henry Fonda has been recognized as a male screen Legend Jane's diverse and eclectic career has created an impressive Legacy of her own from Broadway acting to television comedies to oscar-winning films she's also collected a slew of awards too long to list along the way plus you cannot forget her famous 1980s workout videos regret CH number two Jamie Lee Curtis [Music] for Janet Lee and Jamie Lee Curtis like mother like daughter means both starring in a famous slasher hit [Music] [Applause] Janet Lee is well known for her legendary role in Hitchcock's Psycho Jamie Lee Curtis Rose to fame with her role in the Halloween film franchise not to mention her father is Tony Curtis another prominent Hollywood actor known for his roles in Spartacus and Some Like It Hot million possible you've seen it in the newspapers or magazines um Vanity Fair unlike many nepotism babies Curtis is open about the impact her parents Fame had on her career admitting she quote clearly had a leg up breaking into the industry but appearing in sitcoms cult classics Christmas movies and the oscar-winning everything everywhere all at once Curtis proves she's more than a shoe-in with refreshing honesty before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Liza Minnelli [Music] when Liza was asked about the most difficult aspect of her entertainment career she replied that it was quote getting to be known as myself as opposed to Somebody's Daughter that's no easy feat when your mother is renowned Starlet Judy Garland and your father is oscar-winning director Vincent Minnelli [Music] however Liza's magnetic star power quickly set her apart the triple threat snagged her first Tony Award when she was a mere 19 years old the hell it was a pine a fail now she's part of a select group of celebrities who have won an Emmy Oscar and Tony while also receiving the Grammy Legend award making her a non-competitive egot winner far more than just a famous name the performer's standout style and incredible Talent have made her a lasting cultural icon [Music] make it anywhere do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Ms Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 177,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angelina jolie, babies, celeb nepotism babies who deserve the fame, celebrity, dakota johnson, emma thompson, fame, human interest, jack quaid, jamie lee curtis, jane fonda, laura dern, list, liza minnelli, maggie gyllenhaal, michael douglas, miley cyrus, mojo, msmojo, nepo, nepo babies, nepo babies who deserve fame, nepotism, nepotism babies, top 10, tracee ellis ross, vanessa redgrave, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: aI3v_eT0mM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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