Top 20 African Countries With The Most Natural Resources

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top 20 african countries with the most natural resources the african continent has always been wealthy in terms of natural resources it has been endowed with lots of natural riches since forever welcome to afropage and thanks for watching in this video we should take you all around africa and shine the light on the richest countries in africa based on natural resources that can be extracted on their territories africa is known to be blessed with numerous natural minerals and rich soils and there are multiple locations in many countries where you can find these minerals in unimaginable quantities in fact africa is a home to the major amount of mineral deposits of the world and this makes room for more natural resource industries in the world located in africa while the continent may not be as rich in other things it is clearly extremely fertile and wealthy in terms of natural mineral resources tracing back in history it is quite obvious that the colonial conflicts between africa and the west were caused by the natural wealth of africa's soil nowadays the governments of those countries which are rich in minerals need to learn how to put them to proper use and boost the economic development of their countries through exports in particular african countries are the leaders in such minerals as diamonds platinum zirconium cobalt bauxite and others now africa has been ranked first in the world in terms of mineral extraction from a variety of or both non-ferrous to ferrous metals diamonds bauxite and gold all these has attracted to the attention of countries internationally which have been interested in these minerals two of the most profitable minerals exports are golden diamonds the continents can produce close to 500 tons of gold a year and it's responsible for a large percentage of the world's diamonds it has approximately 30 percent of the earth's remaining mineral resources if you are new here welcome be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our videos natural resources or commodities are there or inputs that are used to manufacture and produce all products in the world these natural resources would include those extracted from the earth and those that have yet to be extracted these are worth trillions of dollars but not every country in africa has the same amount or type of natural resources or the same potential so in no particular order here are the top 20 african countries with the most natural resources [Music] number 20 morocco morocco is blessed with different types of mineral resources which include phosphates zinc manganese and iron ore tungsten tin cobalt titanium antimony and arable land morocco's phosphate reserves are believed to account for almost 75 of all the phosphate reserves globally the country is the world's third largest producer of phosphates after the united states and china and the price fluctuations of phosphates on the international market greatly influence morocco's economy one of the most important phosphate mines in morocco is balcra which accounted for 10 percent of the country's production in 2011. arable land covered an area of 33 000 square miles of the country's area approximately 14 of the arable land in morocco can be irrigated phosphate minerals agriculture tourism are the major resources of the moroccan economy [Music] number 19 ghana natural resources found in ghana includes bauxite gold diamonds silver ocean salt manganese garner is rich in gold oxides diamonds manganese crude oil silver and salt the country currently won the second largest producer of gold in africa ghana can hold their successes to establishing more gold mines in modern facilities there are about 90 enterprises which specialized in gold mining garner export is gold abroad and this helps to enhance the economy it's now africa's largest gold producer as it overtakes south africa as a continent largest gold producer it has gold output of 4.8 million ounces in 2018 super passing south africa's 4.2 million ounces total for the first time this has made the country to gain international recognition as natural resource particle tree timber gold diamonds bauxite manganese and oil contribute to making ghana among the wealthier nations in west africa number 18 equatorial guinea equatorial guinness major natural resources are timber petroleum and small unexploited deposits of gold manganese and uranium in addition fishing also makes up a major part of the country's resources the discovery of large oil reserves in 1996 and their subsequent exploitation have contributed to a dramatic increase in government revenue as of 2004 equatorial guinea was the third largest oil producer in sub-saharan africa its oil production had then risen to 360 000 barrels per day up from 220 000 barrels per day only two years earlier equatorial guinea has other largely unexploited human and natural resources including a tropical climate fertile soils rich expanses of forest number 17. cameroon cameroon is a lower middle-income country with a population of over 25 million located along the atlantic ocean it shares its borders with chat the central african republic equatorial guinea gabon and nigeria cameroon is endowed with rich natural resources including oil and gas nickel cobalt manganese estimated at over 54 million tons reserves of 200 million tons of rich iron and 1.2 billion of poor iron bauxite valued at over 1 billion tons the country also has natural forest and agricultural resources such as plantains cocoa and cotton [Music] number 16. libya despite sitting on unproductive desert land the country is endowed with many natural resources that are vital to the nation's economy and they include oil natural gas gypsum iron potassium magnesium phosphate silica and limestone among others libya has some of the largest oil reserves in the world it is currently ranked ninth highest globally and first in africa the nation is a major petroleum supplier to european countries oil production in the country is currently estimated to be 1.6 million barrels per day but the amount of oil production has been observed to vary due to the current ongoing internal conflict and political instability libya has yojan or deposits in wadi ashati which is near sabha in pheasant libya is ranked 21st in terms of proven reserves natural gas in the world the reserves are estimated to hold up 53 113 billion cubic feet of natural gas number 15 republic of guinea bauxite aluminum iron diamond gold arable land and ocean guinea has abundant natural resources including 25 percent more of the world's known bauxite reserves guinea is a clear leader in bauxite potential and exports producing 95 of the entire bauxite production of africa except for guinea which produces a natural ingredients for aluminum the other countries use a synthetic eliminates product guinea possesses over 25 billion tons of bauxite and perhaps up to one half of the world's reserves in addition guinness mineral wealth includes more than four billion tons of high grade arnold significant gold and diamond deficits and undetermined quantities of uranium possibilities for investment and commercial activities exist in all these areas but gina's poorly developed infrastructure continue to present obstacles to large-scale investments projects [Music] number 14 egypt natural resources found in egypt includes petroleum natural gas iron ore phosphates manganese limestone gypsum talc asbestos lead zinc and arable land egypt is an african nation situated in the northern section of the continent where it spans an area of roughly 390 121 square miles the egyptian economy has had ups and downs although at one time it was one of the best developed in africa which was primarily the result of the country's proper utilization of its natural resources egypt has a wide array of natural resources such as the river now arable land natural gas phosphates manganese limestone gypsum just to mention a few since ancient times the nile has been one of egypt's most essential natural resources because egypt receives limited amounts of rainfall the country is heavily reliant on the nile as a primary source of water the search for petroleum began earlier in egypt than elsewhere in the middle east and production on a small scale began as early as 1908 but it was not until the mid-1970s that significant results were achieved notably in the gulf of susan portions of the western desert the egypt's economy depends mainly on agriculture media petroleum exports natural gas and tourism number 13. botswana botswana is abundant in natural resources such as diamonds silver copper nickel coal soda rash potash and iron ore almost 70 to 80 percent of export earnings are attributed to diamond mining this country's economy highly depends on mining and this is why the mining industry there is in the process of development botswana has huge resources of gem diamonds which is the main focus of its export it has become the large supplier of diamonds which trades with many countries all over the world even though the main competitor of the country in the sphere of diamonds is angola botswana still holds a major place among the known diamond producers in africa except for diamonds the country is also leading in the coal production which in turn is used for the production of the synthetic fuels number 12 angola angola is also rich in several other mineral resources that had not been fully exploited these include manganese copper gold phosphates granite marble uranium quartz lead zinc wolfram tin fluorite sulfur feldspar kaolin mica asphalt gypsum and talc mining in angola is an activity with great economic potential since the country has one of the largest and most diversified mining resources of africa angola is the third largest producer of diamonds in africa and has only explored 40 percent of the diamond-rich territory within the country but has had difficulty in attracting foreign investment because of corruption human rights violations and ireland smuggling [Music] number 11 tunisia tunisia possesses petroleum phosphates iron ore lead zinc salt and arable land a total of 3850 km2 of land is irrigated in tunisia until the discovery of petroleum the principal mineral resource was phosphate of this one-third is exported and the remainder is used by domestic chemical industries phosphates and petroleum products are some of the country's significant exports in 2010 the country was globally recognized as a significant producer of phosphate-based fertilizers and phosphate rock in the same year the country's phosphate rock contribution to the world market was 4.3 percent in 2010 tunisia was the world's fifth leading producer of phosphate globally and in africa it was the second leading phosphate producer other than phosphate the country also produced cement aluminum fluoride refined petroleum products gypsum crude oil and common clay number 10 cote d'ivoire cote d'ivoire or ivory coast is located in western africa between liberia and ghana the total area of the country is 322 463 kilometer square with a population of 21 950 2093 as of july 2012 its climatic condition is mostly tropical the country has a variety of natural resources including diamonds petroleum natural gas copper gold manganese iron ore cobalt bauxite nickel tantalum and silica sands however the mining industry does not play a significant role in the economy and the economy relies more on coffee and cocoa production and export since its independence in 1960 cote d'ivoire has witnessed years of civil wars and political turmoil resulting in withdrawal of foreign investment and the slowdown of economic progress many of cote d'ivoire's minimal resources are not exploited due to political instability and lack of direction and investment minable commodities such as bauxite cobalt iron ore nickel copper and silica sand are some of the underdeveloped minerals [Music] number nine kenya kenya lies on the eastern coast of the african continent the equator bisects the country almost two equal parts most parts of the country lie within the sudanosahelian belt it shares boundaries with the republic of uganda to the west and the united republic of tanzania to the south and is also bordering the following countries ethiopia in the north the republic of sudan to the north west and the republic of somalia in the east the indian ocean is in the southeast and serves as an important outlet and means of international maritime contact natural resources that are found in kenya include limestone soda rash salt gemstones fluorescent zinc diatomite oil gas gypsum wildlife hydropower and arable land kenya's natural heritage is globally recognized for its rich biodiversity and iconic landscapes kenya's economy and people's livelihoods are highly dependent on these natural resources and nature-based tourism the 9.8 of the land is arable permanent crops occupy 0.9 of the land and permanent pasture occupy 37.4 of the land number eight tanzania tanzania is very rich in minerals such as gold diamond iron coal nickel tanzanite uranium and natural gas recently natural offshore gas deposits have been discovered and as the name of the country implies tanzania is the only supplier in the world of the rare gemstone called tanzanite except for that the country also produces gold and is the fourth richest country in africa in terms of gold throughout the decades the gold mining industry of tanzania influctuated this was happening until the 90s when some famous foreign companies decided to invest in the tanzanian treasures nowadays they have the standard minds multiplied to enhance investment and development of their resources while agriculture is a large contribution to the economy of the country the golden tanzanite mineral exports really help and boost it until economic conditions number seven mozambique aluminium coal iron oil and gas steel gold gemstones cement marbles arable land and ocean mozambique possesses considerable quantities of natural resources but contrary to many african countries mozambique still predominantly virgin in terms of soil as most of its natural resources are yet to be explored including natural gas coal mineral sense hydropower and most likely oil as well the most natural mineral in this country is without doubt aluminum their annual production of approximately 580 000 tons which is a huge number consequently it forms 30 of the country's exports aside aluminum mozambique also export pirillowim and tantallon all over the world mozambique and soil is rich in limestone cement marbles gemstones coal iron gold oil gas and steel all of these minerals have made the economy of the country more stable and their production have become really active in the past years in 2010 to 2011 in a darko petroleum and annie discovered the mamba south gas field recoverable reserve of 4 200 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the revuma basin off the coast of northern kabul delgado province once developed this could make mozambique one of the largest producers of liquefied natural gas in the world in january 2017 three friends were selected by the mozambican government for the natural gas development projects in the ravuma base number six south africa south africa is rich in platinum diamond gold oil and gas arable land and ocean this is the only country in africa that is recognized as developed because of a variety of economic activities like the extraction and production of oil food chemical goods diamonds gold platinum automobiles and equipment the whole world is aware that south africa's economy has risen in the past couple of decades because of its natural mineral industry especially the natural resources of precious minerals there are large amounts of diamonds and gold deposits in south africa and they have really contributed to the nation's development according to the historical facts and global war broke out because people had discovered huge deposits of golden bore states the mineral industry annually adds 20 to the gdp of south africa and the income per year is approximately 550 billion apart from gold and diamonds which south africa is so popular for there is plenty of all the minerals like platinum copper uranium vanadium coal chromium iron zirconium nickel and many others number five zambia zambia is abundant in copper lead coal zinc gold cobalt uranium silver and gold zambia is located in the place where copper belt the mass copper production region is situated and is rich in copper emerald and cobalt being most effectively one of african greatest natural resource giant it's known for being a number one copper producer and supplier because it produces 77 of african copper also this country has the biggest underground mine on the whole continents which has 10 000 workers generally this mine produce about 300 000 tons of copper annually there are other minerals in zambia the production of which are smaller than copper but still quite impressive these are emerald cobalt silver uranium lead zinc and gold in fact it is one of the main producers of semi-precious gemstones and cobalt the country is also recognized internationally as a major producer of turmeric amethyst and aquamarine zambia is the fourth largest copper producer in the world and holds about six percent of global copper reserves number four namibia the country has plentiful of uranium diamond zinc lead sulfur copper arable land and ocean namibia is a country which is a product of uranium supplier in fact it currently holds the fourth place in the world when it comes to production of uranium uranium was first discovered in the deserts of namibia and its exploration began in 1960 international companies invested in the country's uranium resources for the production of energy china's biggest investments of the african continent is their mining company in namibia which specializes in uranium the estimated of 50 million pounds of uranium oxide can be produced out of namibian resources number three ninja rich in uranium oil coal salt petroleum gold phosphate and iron ninja has some of the largest revenue reserves in the world it also has a good amount of oil reserves rich in uranium coal cement and gold this country has been a haunted largest underground mine in the world where one can extract uranium lately nigeria has received a lot of benefits from selling their or minerals on the world's market even though uranium still brings them the biggest income nietzsche supplies 44 of african uranium all over the world and this makes the country one of the richest in this mineral being a naturally radioactive mineral uranium is useful in producing a nuclear weapon this is why korea and china mostly benefit from nigeria's natural resources and trade with them apart from this material nigeria also has many other useful ones in stock like kaol gold cement orton petroleum molybdenum salt and gypsum number two nigeria nigeria is abundant in oil and gas iron ore coal limestone lead zinc arable land and ocean the country is classified as a mixed economy emerging market it has reached lower middle income status according to the world bank with its abundant supply of natural resources such as petroleum apart from petroleum nigeria's other natural resources include natural gas tin iron ore coal limestone niobium lead zinc and arable land the oil and gas sectors account for about 10 of the gross domestic product and petroleum exports revenue represent around 86 of total exports revenue despite it riches in soil nigeria has long suffered from political instability corruption poor infrastructure and poor economic management one democratic republic of congo the democratic republic of congo is rich in cobalt forest copper iron lithium in 2009 the democratic republic of the congo had an estimated 24 trillion dollars in untapped mineral deposits including the world's largest reserves of colson and significant quantities of the world cobalt the united states geological survey estimates that democratic republic of congo has 1 million tons of lithium resources the country is the world's largest producer of cobalto and the major producer of copper and diamonds which comes from cassaya province in the west by far the largest mines in the democratic republic of congo are located in southern katanga province and are highly mechanized with a capacity of several million tons per year of copper and cobalt ore and refining capability for metal it is the second largest diamond producing nation in the world those are the top 20 african countries with the most natural resources thanks for watching also if you did enjoy the video do well to give it a thumbs up and do not forget to subscribe and share with your friends
Channel: Afro Page
Views: 817,756
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Keywords: Top 20 African countries with the most natural resources, Which country has the most natural resources in the world, richest countries in Africa 2020, Africa natural resources map, poorest countries in Africa, list of natural resources in African, Africa countries owing China, PETROLEUM in Africa, gold production in Africa, diamond, oil and gas, Dr Cong, Nigeria, Niger, Namibia, ZAMBIA, south Africa, Egypt, Ghana 2020, largest economies in africa, african countries, lagos nigeria
Id: gKWFerLzpuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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