Top 15 TV Shows of All Time

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[Music] [Applause] what's up everybody and welcome to the latest patreon pick video which is my top 15 tv shows of all time this is actually a topic that's been suggested multiple times within my patreon group but this is the first time that it actually won the polls so i've actually been looking forward to doing this video for a while glad i finally get to do it goes without saying guys these are just my personal favorites these are the shows that mean the most to me there will be shows that you love that are not on this list and there will be shows that are on this list that you have no interest in just the way that it is let me know your favorite tv shows down below also if you want to join in on the fun of being able to to pick these patreon pick videos and help support the channel the link to my patreon is down below help join in the fun down there and you will be able to help pick the next topic which will be next month but just before i get into talking about all these awesome tv shows it's time to talk about the sponsor of this video which is an action fantasy game called hero wars let's try out a real diamond in the rough in the world of mobile games recently i started playing hero wars this is an online role playing action game with a variety of pvp and pve modes and here i can fight against powerful bosses and experience the story this campaign style is great it feels like a classic fantasy action game while completing missions i can collect loot and upgrade my champions this game has more than 50 unique heroes each one having their own unique abilities you can combine and assemble different teams to battle in the arena or traverse the endless tower but the main party happens online you can create guilds fight with other players and constantly rise in rank join the game now and get a super chest with a secret hero as well as 62 emeralds and 30 000 gold to start you off hero wars is available on mobile devices and also runs in a web browser so scan the qr code up in the corner of the video now or download the game from the link in the video description below and i will see you all in the game so starting off with number 15 is gonna be nip tuck now this was one of the first shows that i got into that was more of an adult show i had just moved to georgia i remember we were in our rental house and nip tuck was actually in its second season and we didn't have a whole lot of channels because we were getting everything set up and we finally did i don't know when i just kind of found myself catching a random episode of nip tuck and it was the episode where matt first starts getting seduced by ava his tutor slash teacher and there's a whole history with that character that goes on after that and i was instantly hooked i went to my local video store bought the dvd set of the first season waited eagerly for the second season to come out on dvd so i could watch all the episodes that i missed because that was about halfway through the season and from season three onward i was an absolute addict of the show season three being my favorite with the carver the show did fall off the rails a little bit after season five i think that the first three seasons you know first four seasons are the definitely the most solid nip tuck seasons after that it gets a little bit rocky and it certainly did not end with the best season in the world so if it had ended as good as it started this would have been much higher on this list but even with it having a little bit of a rocky uh road there on the the back half of the show um i think that it's still one of my favorite shows because i love the characters that christian troy that was like my idol i was like i want to beat this guy i want his life uh and it's just a crazy show it was one of the first shows that really felt like it was seriously pushing the envelope number 14 is fringe now this is kind of like the x-files i still have not watched a lot of the x-files my buddy brian lomax's head just exploded from me saying that fringe is kind of like a more scientific a little bit more quantum realm and different universes and different timelines it's a more scientific version of x-files but essentially it's kind of the same type of show you have these people that are put together that's investigating all of these you know freak of the week type episodes where somebody's dead or something's going on or there's a terrorist attack and it all has to do with fringe science so you might have somebody that's a time traveler you might have somebody that is aging rapidly to where he was just born but he's a grown man there's even an episode which is my favorite episode of the show by far with peter weller where he is constantly stuck in this time loop trying to save his wife uh it's called white tulip so if you watch any episode of the show definitely look that up it's just a great show great characters you've got john noble here playing one of the main characters and he's definitely the heart and soul of this just the relationship and the secrets and the reveals that come out regarding walter and his son peter bishop who was played awesomely by uh joshua jackson i mean anna torf this kind of introduced me to her a lot of you seen her on that show mind hunters this is just a great show and it got to the point where it was almost going to be canceled because it was never a ratings behemoth but luckily they gave it a shortened final season that jumped into the future and it actually wrapped up the show in a really good way so if you like x-files if you like science fiction this is one of the best shows out there for that number 13 is going to be hannibal now i louder than anybody screen from the hilltops when they announced it that this show was going to suck i do not like when they take rated r movie properties and put them on the small screen because they always inevitably feel watered down they feel like they're dropped to pg-13 they feel like they lose the edge they lose the magic and they don't really add anything to the character or to the universe that they're talking about all of that proven wrong by hannibal hannibal is not only a very dark basically r-rated gore-filled show but it totally expands on what you think you know about the character of hannibal lecter i mean to the point where and this is an unfair comparison because you have three movies versus three seasons of television i almost prefer mads mikkelson's take on hannibal lecter he's that good the show is written that well and it's such a crazy storyline i mean from season one when you're just getting introduced to hannibal and will graham and how their investigative relationship builds to where their friends and their colleagues when we all know the entire time that hannibal is the one that they're looking for season two where it just goes absolutely nuts and then season three a shocking surprise for me is literally one half a adaptation of the book or the movie hannibal and then one half an adaptation of red dragon and i actually prefer hannibal in the show and red dragon in the show to the versions that we got on the big screen love anthony hopkins he's the one element of those that i'm still like oh maybe i like it but i love the way that they utilize that story within season three and i'm still holding out hope that eventually somebody's going to pick this show up like netflix or someone and give us a season four that's based off of the silence of the lambs then all will be right with the world number 12 is gonna be justified now i was already a big timothy oliphant fan but this is the show that introduced the rest of the world to how awesome this guy is this is basically a western slash cop procedural show there's a little bit of of a storyline going through about season one but it's it's very isolated episodes isolated crimes isolated stories from season two onward this is a full-on drama every single season has its own villain every season has its own little story arc going through and i love this show raylen givens is possibly one of the coolest [ __ ] that have ever walked on tv i mean there's one line in the show where he's got a guy that's just a constant pain in his ass it's like season three or season four and he's got the gun on him he goes let me show you something and he pulls it back and pulls the bullet out and he just throws it on his chest and he goes the next one's coming faster and then they follow it up a couple episodes later when they're kind of taking down uh the internal investigations uh dictation of the situation he's like did you really throw a bullet at a guy and tell him that the next one's coming faster dude you're so cool and let's not forget about the brilliant walton goggins as boyd crowder the the main villain of this show kind of a frenemy of raylen and both of these guys just their back and forth is awesome it's a show that certainly has its its lesser seasons but no season of the show was ever bad or mediocre all the way through to the end it was just a great collection of characters that you loved seeing all the way through and it told a great story of kentucky justice number 11 taking it back to my childhood and that is smart guy yes i know it's going to be an oddball on this list i've got a couple more on here so buckle up smart guy was a show that i was introduced to after it started doing reruns on disney channel and i have loved this show ever since i love the characters i love the humor i mean i literally quote mo all the time like i make my wife crack up because she'll use she'll do something i'll be like hello dear and i just this is one of my comfort shows they put this on disney plus and this was the first thing that i watched everybody else was like oh i gotta go watch the star wars show the mandalorian i gotta watch this i gotta watch marvel shows i downloaded disney plus and put on smart guy and i watched the entire three season run and whenever i i need something to feel comfortable or i want something good in the background while i'm working on or editing on something if i just want to feel good this is one of those shows that just makes me feel comfortable because i have such nostalgic love for this sitcom number 10 is gonna be rescue me now right along with niptuck this was the other show that really turned me on to more adult dramas in my uh teenage years this started right as the second season of niptuck was airing so i actually got to watch this show from the beginning i've always been a huge dennis leary fan i think that he is a genius as far as his writing and his work on not only movies but a couple of tv shows that he has done he's always been one of my favorite actors even though he's never really popped up in a lot i've loved that guy and a lot of his friends from from the stand-up comedy scene and from even movies like the ref show up in the show in various characters some of them recurring some of them just a couple episode characters but this show about post 911 firefighters in new york is a total guy show not that women don't enjoy this because i do know some that thought that it was very good as well but this is a total guy show these are rough rowdy hornball firefighters that are just having the locker room talk every single episode you can start going through all these story lines with tommy's divorce and trying to get back with his wife and his relationship with his kids and every single character in this firehouse you just grow to love i mean there's some of them that are like the macho men like franco you got a couple of them that are just complete dumbasses and their complete comic relief and every situation they get into is more ridiculous than the last but this is a great show that balances comedy and drama very well and it never feels like it's this weird jarring tonal shift i mean you will be laughing your ass off in an episode where a major character dies and it won't feel weird it won't feel like that's written strange and it won't feel like you undercut drama with comedy or vice versa this is just a great show again like nip tuck there's a couple seasons here after about season three it started to dip a little bit came back up ended with a couple of really good seasons there's ones pretty damn good with michael j fox and the guest starring role and i love the way that the show actually ended it's one of the better season finale or series finales that i've ever seen this is just if you want comedy if you want guy humor this is the one to go to number nine is gonna be banshee now talking about a show that was just consistently awesome all the way through to the end and it's a very easy binge this show only went for four seasons and i think the last season might have even been a shortened season this is one of the most kick ass shows that i have ever seen and it never gets talked about it's literally like a hard r violent action revenge thriller for four seasons essentially the setup of the show is you have this guy who used to be a bank robber used to be a thief with his girlfriend they hide these diamonds in this town right before he gets carted off the prison he comes back years later to figure out where his diamonds are sees the brand new sheriff that nobody has met yet get murdered and he takes the identity of that sheriff so that he can stay in this town and figure out where his money is at and from then on it kind of becomes like a cop show but you have a criminal running the police department and it's very cool how you get these different episodes where the cops want to do it a certain way buy the book and him with his criminal street prison smarts wants to do it another way a much more bloody way and his way is always more awesome there is so many awesome action scenes that are so violent so like bone crunching blood curdling real it's gripping all the way through and you have anthony starr at the head of this as the the main character and a lot of you guys know him now as homelander well if you like him as homelander go back and watch him as sheriff hood because banshee was just a kick-ass run of four seasons of television number eight is going to be stranger things now this was like a love letter to me when this came out i love 80s stuff i love nostalgia and that's kind of like the craze nowadays so i'm certainly not alone there's a reason why it's such a popular show but when this came out i just fell in love with it i fell in love with the score the approach the mix of like this amblin entertainment tone with some serious sci-fi horror all the monster and the creature designs all the kids and getting to see them grow up and kind of grow as characters each season it's just an absolute blast season one is still my favorite that one kind of has everything right season two i'll be honest i need to re-watch it a little bit that one kind of took a little bit of a dip for me that was the season where they separated everybody and they lost a little bit of that magic but when they came back together for season three i mean that almost rivaled season one for me i'm so excited about season four and i can't remember if season four is supposed to be the last one or if they have one more but it looks like they have an end in sight so this isn't going to go on until it starts to suck i'm pretty much predicting by the end of season five season four whatever the end is stranger things are going to go down in history as one of the greatest shows of all time and it's certainly the best thing that netflix has given us as far as i'm concerned number seven is sons of anarchy the story of hamlet told through the eyes of a biker gang this was a show i was actually a little bit late to the party on i didn't finish watching the first four seasons until right about the time that season five was about to air it was a show that for some reason i don't know something about it just kind of kept me away from it i don't know if i was busy finally decided to sit down and watch it one day my dad had all the blu-ray sets and became a complete addict and from season five onward i watched every single episode of the show live with all of you freaks so sons of anarchy was a show where you have these great character dynamics not only within the biker gang the biker club itself sam crowe you know their relationships with the sheriffs and the deputies and even other gangs like the mayans that have their own show right now which i have not watched yet and getting into a lot of the secrets that are there before the show even starts where the mom and the stepdad actually kind of planned out the death of the father of the main character jax and throughout the show he starts to learn little by little and when it gets to about season four or so it is just an absolute bloodbath whenever people inside of the club start dying just randomly to where it seems like anybody could go at any moment the tension of this show rises all the way to peak levels i thought that all the acting all around was great from all these characters it's some of the best you'll ever see of ron pearlman i thought that katie seagal was amazing as gemma and i love charlie hunnam a lot of people give him [ __ ] like he's not a very good actor and i don't know maybe i just haven't seen the movies that he's in that he did a poor job in but he was great in this show and he's been great in the movies that i've seen him in so he is awesome and all the side characters like all the minor sam crow characters were so good and so different and you just loved them so much that even after this show ended unlike most shows where you start to decompress and you're like okay they ended good let's leave it there i would have been immediately compelled to keep watching a separate sam crow show with all of the remaining characters this was just a hell of a ride certainly got camping in some spots some seasons were better than others i thought season three was an absolute drag to get through i thought the final season dragged like a son of a [ __ ] as well but ended on a great episode this is one kick-ass ride so if you're not one of the millions of people that have already been infatuated with this show definitely check it out because it's a blast number six going back to my childhood again we've got boy meets world this basically the same story as smart guy this was a show that i did not get introduced to until disney started doing all the reruns and just randomly throwing on the disney channel i probably watched the entire show three or four times in random order just with how much i used to just turn it on knowing that boy meets was about to be on that day once again disney plus they dropped i watched the entire series in its entirety with my wife and my kids i love these characters i loved seeing them grow up i loved seeing the show evolve from a very you know kid-centric sitcom to definitely a little bit more of a teen drama at times this the way that they had certain episodes that just stick in your mind if you're a 90s kid there is always going to be one or two boy meets world that live rent-free in your head one of them is the halloween episode that i love it's kind of riffing on scream and i know what you did last summer when that was popular uh even the episode where they're all doing the prank war towards the the back end of the show i love that one man eric matthews that that guy is like my spirit animal just like how crazy and goofy he is and the feeney call and all of that i mean i could go on for an entire video on some of my favorite boy meets world episodes and who knows maybe one day we'll get there but this is absolutely again one of my comfort shows one of my nostalgic shows that i continuously go back to and smile and laugh just as much as i did when i was a kid number five is supernatural now before some of you ask no i have not finished the show yet and that shows you how much i love this show that i have yet to even finish it but it's still up here at my number five this is a show that i was an absolute addict with right alongside with my brother we would just watch it continuously once we got on it we were just binging through it and when i got with my wife i was already like nine seasons in so i went back to try to watch it with her to get her caught up and somewhere along the way she kind of fell off and then i got stuck because then two or three seasons went by while she was not caught up and i have not had the time to catch up yet but that might change very soon so supernatural is a show about two brothers that take on the mantle of their father as demon hunters monster hunters and from the very first episode of this show i fell in love with it the concept the characters the tone of the show the soundtrack especially in the first couple seasons was just incredible a lot of classic rock in there i love the relationship between sam and dean they are the heartbeat of this show just the way that they unconditionally love each other and will sacrifice themselves for each other continuously no matter how many bad things come out of it all of the side characters like bobby who's kind of like their surrogate father i mean even some of the characters that you only meet for a couple of episodes are so memorable this is a show that just continues to evolve and every single season you know granted again some seasons better than others i think the first five seasons are absolutely perfect and then beyond that you have your good seasons your great seasons and your not so good seasons hello season seven but even a bad season of supernatural is so entertaining because for a show that has 22-24 episodes a season they always have a nice balance of having story-centric episodes and freak of the week episodes and some of those freak of the week little one-off episodes are some of the most memorable and some of my favorite uh my favorite episode of all time from supernatural is the mystery spot in season three where you get that little groundhog day time loop i think that one's absolutely hilarious i love the scooby-doo episode there was a werewolf episode that was like found footage that i thought was really cool like in season eight season nine i need to finish this show badly and i think me mentioning it here and opening myself up to all of the uh the verbal ass kickings that i'm gonna get down in the comments section for talking about a show that i haven't finished yet is going to motivate me to finally finish it but like i said even only having seen the first nine ten seasons of this show and there's four or five seasons that i've yet to experience this is definitely one of my favorites of all time number four is gonna be the shield now this is a show that i did not watch while it was airing live this was not a show that i watched with all of you i saw this years later i was like 21 22 randomly decided to download an episode of this show watched it loved it bought the whole dvd box set and this is a show that i've watched a couple of times from start to finish and for a cop show it does not get any better than this i'm somebody that's never really been a fan of cop shows i think a lot of them are are very similar especially the ones on a lot of the more main networks it seems like top shows medical shows they're just dime a dozen the shield was the first show that really made a stamp on network tv i mean from the first episode where the first episode ends with the main character shooting a cop in the face and you're like holy [ __ ] these guys are dirty as [ __ ] and that's just how the show starts that's how the show starts like that's how most shows would end or eventually there'd be a storyline about some dirtiness in there having to kill an ia no this is how the show begins and from then on they're getting into drug warfare they're trying to rob gangsters there's double crossing there's murders there's setups and this is just an insane show from start to finish there is no bad season of this show there are certainly ep seasons that are crazier than others the one with forest whitaker is namely the one that i think is the best i believe that's season five but you have from start to finish these characters these these cop characters that are very very bad evil people but you're so compelled by them that they become your protagonists and even though the other people in the precinct are all good cops and they always have their nose turned up at vic mackey because there's just something not quite right about him and there's there's always something somebody there trying to bring him down or trying to get in his way and they're 100 percent right but we always look at them as the pain in the ass and vic mackie is right and this is honestly one of the shows that have ended the best i was kind of nervous the first time that i watched it because i'm like oh so many shows that i've seen just don't really end right the shield ends brilliantly one of the greatest show finales that i have ever seen and it doesn't leave you in a comfortable place it leaves you satisfied and it leaves you in a spot that feels appropriate for the show but it gives you just enough satisfaction to where you still kind of want more and i still hold out a little bit of hope that maybe one day we'll see vic mackie again but the shield if you love cop shows you need to check out the shield because this is the only cop show that i think is worth definitely watching number three is my good old boy dexter and if you're a fan of dexter be sure to subscribe because i am halfway through reviewing all the seasons leading up to this revival season that we're getting here in a couple of months so if you're a dexter fan jump on the train dexter was the show like i described nip tuck and rescue me about that's the show that really just kind of opened my eyes to adult shows and dramas and everything dexter was the first show that i was legitimately addicted to like a heroin addict i had heard the concept of this show a couple of years back never really got onto it for some reason and very similar to the shield just was bored one day threw on the first episode i think before the first 15 minutes of the show was even over i was on amazon buying the first three seasons on blu-ray which was the only seasons that were available at that time and i watched this every single night after i got off of work until i was caught up and i could not stop i mean i was up to like 3 4 5 in the morning some days just like i can't stop i got to know what happens next huh the concept of a serial killer that has honed his addiction and kind of aimed it at other serial killers is just a brilliant concept in itself but this show is so damn good at taking that concept surrounding it with amazing actors amazing characters and just fleshing out this whole world that this guy lives in to the point where you were just infatuated with his life and yet again character who is bad who is evil who is doing bad things and yet every single person that is technically morally right that gets in his way you think of them as the bad guy because you love dexter as a character so much and michael c hall is just brilliant at bringing this guy to life you have some of the greatest villains in tv history in this show i mean namely the trinity killer but there's certainly two or three others that i could name where this comes in at number three and it's not a hard locked number two for me is the final season for sure which i think is one of the worst if not the worst final seasons of television ever uh and a couple of seasons after season four that certainly have some some mixed elements there to where i like some aspects i think they dropped the ball in some and i'm gonna elaborate on all that very soon when i do my reviews of season five onward but luckily we have this revival coming out and luckily everything that i have seen and heard about it gives me so much hope that when i watch this and when i get to the end dexter is going to feel like it's finally corrected it's finally void of that horrible season eight ending and uh honestly if that revival was not announced this might be a knock down three or four spots but that's how much confidence i have and what i have seen that by the end of that season this is gonna be hard locked at number two for me i absolutely love dexter this is the best time to possibly jump on the dexter train if you have not seen it check it out because we got the new ninth season coming out in november this is the time to join the madness number two is my all-time favorite sitcom of which i am not a very big fan of sitcoms i have a couple of from my my youth here but as you see there's no other ones on this list king of queens i adore this show so much this when i talk about comfort shows this is the ultimate comfort show for me i have the entire dvd box set i downloaded peacock before they announced that halloween kills was going to be on it specifically because i heard that king of queens was on it this is the show that i put on whenever i just need to feel good whenever i need to feel comfortable whenever i want some background noise i've seen every episode numerous times and even though i've seen them numerous times and my wife will tell you i get giddy like a little [ __ ] kid whenever an episode starts and i figure out within the first 10 seconds what episode it is and i'm like oh this is the one where this happens i mean kevin james was never better than when he was on this show this show just harnessed his comedic talent and utilized it every single episode leah remini i am in love with that woman i always have been i always will be but even her comedic talent here it rivals kevin james they have such great comedic chemistry and of course you could not talk about king of queens without talking about arthur spooner without talking about jerry stiller rest in peace that guy for being essentially a side character to the main two characters is such an integral piece to this show and such an integral heartbeat to the comedy on here that some of my favorite moments in this show some of my favorite episodes are arthur centric i got two words for you i'm staying right here that's four words oh is it then i got another four words screw you whoa oh hello dad you can't just come up here i'm in my bra settle down i seem better i mean to him refusing to call the ketchup ketchup and he just calls it catsup until doug coats his burger to the time when he tells him let's order pizza from that little neighborhood joint called d'amino's and he's just sitting there like dominoes even the episode which is one of my favorites would you have deacon who is doug's best friend they want to have their kids watched once in a while so they trade off doug and carrie give arthur to them as like a kid to swap babysitting and they have like a babysitter war that this show is is is life for me it's it relates to life and marriage and things that i experience on a daily basis so well while poking fun at all the right moments that it's to me the greatest tv sitcom of all time i have never watched a sitcom and laughed this hard left us consistently and just fell in love with the characters and the story so much as i have with king of queens so if you have peacock and you haven't uh checked out king of queens i think it's timeless comedy check it out because god i love king of queens and we have number one which should be absolutely no surprise to most of you that have known me for a while and that is breaking bad as much as i have gushed about a lot of the shows on this list breaking bad is like in another echelon like there's a gap about this [ __ ] big between my number two and my number one breaking bad i have no negatives with this show usually i can find something even if i'm like desperately trying to find something negative to say about it i have watched this show start to finish like seven or eight times there is not a single moment in any episode in any season of this show that i think is wasted or is not brought to its full potential or anything like that this show for me personally is absolute perfection from start to finish and again this is a show that i was very late to i watched two episodes when it was like maybe two seasons in and i loved it but for some reason life got in the way and i kind of forgot about it so i went a whole other year and then finally decided to go back and i bought the blu-ray set of the first season just to force myself to watch it and once i got through those first two episodes again reminding myself why i loved it the first time and finally finished that season immediately bought season two and watched it immediately turned on the tv and found out that season three had just ended so i watched all through that season and that was the season with the big cliffhanger at the end and then they had the writer's strike and there was gonna be like a year and a half gap and i was like no basically every season of this show tops the season before it now in my own personal ranking i have season four as the best so season five to me is absolutely brilliant to me at the best final season of television ever but season four just that story line of walt versus gus i just i put it a little bit up there but they're basically neck at neck you watch season one season two is better season three is better than that season four is better than that and the way that they were able to wrap everything up and deliver on everything in such a huge impactful way was just amazing to me i was sweating bullets during the last season of this show because of how tense it was and where they decided to cut certain episodes off and you had to wait a whole week and i was also watching the final season of dexter which was absolutely terrible so the whole time i'm like please end better than that please give me something better than this and they knocked it out of the park i mean you talk about walter white and you talk about brian cranston and how he brought that character to life and then aaron paul and how he brought jesse to life and then even characters like mike which might even be my favorite character of the show the relationship between walt and hank the relationship between walt and skyler who i admit is a very callous character but that's only because we love walt so much she was right pretty much the whole time we all know it we just don't want to admit it every character on the show saul saul a guy that should be this wacky little comedic relief character that just comes in once in a while to crack a dirty joke become such a compelling character by the end that he got his own [ __ ] spin-off and by the end this better call saul that might even make this list i got to see how it ends but i love everything about this just this the tale of a man that is faced with his own mortality and decides to break bad and say [ __ ] it i'm not following the rules anymore time to make that money breaking bad is my life like there will be a breaking bad tattoo on this skin somewhere before i die i can tell you that i adore this show i don't have anything else to say about it absolute perfection number one breaking bad so that's it guys let me know your favorite top 15 tv shows what do you think of my top 15 what show do you think that i should watch if it's not on this list the chances are i either haven't seen it or i just don't like it quite as much as everybody else so let me know down below we'll talk about it be respectful don't be [ __ ] but let's talk about it down below be sure to check out hero wars download that link down below to get that game and check out the fantasy adventure that is hero wars be sure to check out my patreon page so you can join in with everybody and help choose next month's video we always have some really cool debates and some cool polls on what everybody wants to see that month so joining the funds a good way to support this channel as well which i greatly appreciate and you can also support this channel by supporting this video itself by liking it and sharing it around so more people can get eyes on it be sure to hit that subscribe button so you can check out more rankings like these as well as the rest of my dexter reviews and any other shows that i decided to start doing some reviews or rankings on because i'm sure i will get to most of these at some point thank you for watching guys and as always remember opinions are like [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Leach
Views: 45,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cody Leach, Top 15 TV Shows, Top 10 TV Shows, Top TV Shows, Top TV Shows of All Time, Top 15 TV Shows of All Time, Top 10 TV Shows of All Time, Greatest TV Shows, Greatest TV Shows of ALL Time, TV Shows, TV Shows of All Time, Best TV Shows of All Time, Greatest TV Shows Ever, Best TV Shows Ever, Best Television Shows of All Time, Greatest Television Shows of All Time, Television Shows, Best Shows, Best Shows of All Time, Greatest Shows
Id: sd9jJaUeQu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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