Top 100 Legendary Fortnite Dances & Emotes! (Squash & Stretch, Get Griddy, Onda, Shhh, Hang Loose..)
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Channel: Elyp
Views: 9,722,681
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Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, fortnite dance, fortnite emote, dance, emote, dances, emotes, legendary dance, legendary emote, fortnite dances, fortnite emotes, top 100 fortnite dances, top 100 fortnite emotes, fortnite top, top 100 dances, top 100 emotes, new meowscles emote, squash stretch fortnite, fortnite toon meowscles, onda onda fortnite, get griddy fortnite, hit it fortnite, neymar emote fortnite, neymar shh, chicken wing it, leave the door open, fortnite elyp, elyp
Id: WnkBhAvXa4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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