Top 10 WTF Boris Johnson Moments

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welcome to watch mojo uk and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 wtf boris johnson moments release the rings into position now before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos whether you love him or hate him you can't deny that bojo's been in some eyebrow raising headlines so for this list we'll be looking at the most bizarre things the british prime minister has done it was all going well and then not so well let us know in the comments whether you're a bojo lover or a loather [Music] number 10 a low blow as you'll see a couple more times in this list boris is no stranger to the sports field perhaps the most jaw-dropping of all his appearances has to be the football charity game against germany things were looking all fine and friendly until boris like a man possessed aimed his sights on retired player maurizio gordino boris goes in and boris goes for whatever reason instead of a competitive tackle boris decided to go the soul out of him right below the belt and maurizio gaudino will never forget the night he met boris johnson he was trying to make him there at the right moment as well he's waiting for him coming in did he forget he was playing footy and not rugby number nine use the force boris boris is used to having cameras in his face but more often than not he ends up doing something bizarre in front of them anyway on this day during the election campaign trail boris equipped with his high visibility jacket visited a factory when he raised his hand to the cameraman something supernatural occurred the cameraman had supposedly fallen backwards because of the palette behind him but we're convinced this was star wars esque force at play whether he's a jedi or a sith lord is up to you though number eight impossibility of becoming prime minister i've got a match chance of being leaders that beagle has a finding over his prison we were all surprised when boris landed himself in number 10 but the man who seemed to doubt it would happen the most was him a number of times when being interviewed he expressed his disinterest in the role and how unlikely it would be often making the same remark as to what would be more likely he's not going to happen it is more likely that as i say i will be or reincarnated by a flying frisbee he even appeared on american talk shows saying how unlikely it would be of course he did become prime minister and nobody got decapitated by a flying frisbee at least we don't think so my normal answer is all about a champagne court being blinded by a champagne corporal being reincarnated as an olive or locked in a disputed fridge or decaffeinated by a frisbee number seven blowing kisses after the 2017 leadership debates boris johnson had a bizarre clash with labour chairman ian lavery when an argument hid nasty oh what is your mind no just want to know what the answer is claimed that johnson had never used or visited a food bank which the conservative politician strongly objected to telling him what i want to do as the discussion heated up the pair began shouting repeatedly pointing in each other's faces and accusing each other of being rude when the bbc presenter tried to politely bring the interview to an end boris johnson started blowing kisses to ian lavery the whole conversation felt more like a secondary school scrap than a political debate but at least boris was willing to kiss and make up out that nuclear deterrent number six bizarre hobby i i like to paint or i make things boris can sometimes make the most simple question very difficult appearing on talk radio the interviewer tried to get more out of boris's personal life asking him what he does for fun that's when boris came out with this bizarre and convoluted explanation of his hobby making bus models out of crates or something to that effect at least i get i get old um i don't know wooden crates yeah right and then i paint them the interviewer tried to hurry him along to the next question but boris wouldn't stop until he fully articulated his favorite pastime it honestly sounded like he was making it up as he went along you're making boxes you're making cardboard buses okay that's what you do to enjoy yourself no i paint the passengers enjoying themselves okay number five trick shot sports again but this time you're going to be the one who's flawed not one of boris's opponents while helping to promote the euroleague tournament boris took to the south bank in london here he decided to display some of his basketball skills and instead of falling flat on his face this happened [Applause] onlookers couldn't believe their eyes as boris landed an impressive trick shots we think he even surprised himself well let's be very clear i was saving that up i mean i could have done it any time number four hiding in a fridge early one morning on the 2019 campaign trail boris johnson made headlines by hiding inside a fridge to avoid talking to gmb correspondent jonathan swain this was weeks after boris promised to come and talk to piers and susanna morning progress everybody come on good morning britain prime minister [Music] the messi incident also saw one of boris's minders swear at swain live on air as they tried to stop anyone talking to the pm i'll be i'll be with you in a second i'll be within a second yeah i have an earpiece here in my hands ready to go right he's been taken inside into the freezer he's gone into the fridge he says he'll be with swain shortly before vanishing into a large walk-in fridge and closing the door behind him and he didn't re-emerge for some time it became one of the election's most notorious moments prime minister will you deliver on your promise to come on good morning britain of course i will number three elephant trap why on earth boris johnson ever agreed to be on have i got news for you we don't know no he's a school friend wasn't he great chat yep and a great chat despite being a convicted fraudster convicted fraudster they were very obviously going to be on the attack that night but he still came back multiple times one of the most memorable has to be when some very dirty info is brought to light in front of him what are you not ashamed of though boris whatever there is not to be ashamed on the episode they discussed boris's conversation with his once friend darius guppy in which darius allegedly asked boris for the address of a reporter so that he could beat him up i'm way out of my depth yeah i've been totally stitched up i want it on the record i've walked straight into a massive elephant trap i should have spotted fortunately for the reporter in question boris wasn't the best journalist and couldn't provide the address he's quoting verbatim a conversation i had on the phone sort of 10 years ago yeah because it's a terribly funny transcript which i have a copy of number two the zipwhine debacle depending on where you stand this is either boris johnson's most iconic moment or is most embarrassing during the 2012 london olympics he decided to take a bizarre route when celebrating britain's first gold medal win with two union jacks in hand boris went down a zip line expressing his joy over the victory but it didn't go quite as planned it's going well it's very very well organized what they do get me a ladder apparently earlier that day the zip line had been reported as not working but that didn't stop him as he used it anyway and got stuck it's a scene we'll never forget it was wonderful and i thoroughly recommend it i wouldn't want to want to have been on there up there all afternoon number one the rugby game if you thought that boris's illegal maneuver against maurizio was bad then brace yourself when in tokyo japan boris johnson decided to show off his rugby talents against some children you'd think he'd hold back a little bit against the little guys especially in a foreign country but no boris laid little toki sekaguchi out with a big tackle sending the boy crashing to the floor [Applause] it didn't spark any international incidents and toki fortunately wasn't injured at least he shook his hand after it are you okay do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watch mojo uk and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: WatchMojoUK
Views: 224,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Downing Street, Bizarre Boris Johnson, Bizarre Boris Johnson moments, BoJo, Boris Johnson, Boris Johnson Moments, Boris Johnson conference, Boris Johnson news, Boris Johnson rugby, British PM, British Prime Minister, British politics, Carrie Jonson, Carrie Symonds, Celebrities, Funny Boris Johnson, List, Mojo, Politics, Prime Minister, Top 10, WMUK, WTF Boris Johnson, WTF Boris Johnson Moments, Watch Mojo, WatchMojo, WatchMojo UK, WatchMojoUK
Id: W0NZsQld978
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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