Top 10 Ways to Make Money in Prison - Ex Prisoner Reveals How to Make Money Locked Up | 148 |

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the shanks are flying who pissed me all forget it somebody's getting stabbed you said my buddy and i ron just sit back oh here it goes it's gonna be a fun time today hey everybody larry lawton here for another great edition of ten ways you make money in prison well you're probably saying what do you mean make money in prison it's not like you go out and get a job money is different it's not like money you have in your pocket it's not they don't give you bills or they don't give you change or they don't give you a credit card what they do have in prison is your money comes to your account and your family or somebody sends you your money and the money you earn because there is legal waste but the money you get goes into an account now when you go to the commissary you get to go to the commissary once a week you have a 275 a month spending limit so now when you go to the store they take whatever so if you spend sixty dollars or eighty dollars whatever it is it comes off your account the money you make when it's the legit money goes to that account and when your family sends money it goes to that account so now you know what money is so how do you buy a tomato how do you buy a guy cleaning yourself how do you buy i don't know sex you use stamps what is stamp's value when i was in prison a stamp was a 32 cents a stamp but in prison it's 25 cents a stand so let's do a little math guys 20 stamps at 25 cents is what five dollars so anyway that's what you got that's your money so now you're saying okay let's jump right in top ten how do you make money how do you make money in prison to live because like anything else it's an economy of itself and you gotta have money you gotta for everything you wanna gamble with the bookie to to watch a football game and put five dollars on it or the tickets where you pick three games you put a book to stamp and you'll win five books back anything else you want you want to buy pasta you watched my pasta video all that pasta i had 40 pounds i bought it with books and stamps the first way is actual pay when you go to prison people think oh i'm not going to work i'm going to go lay down with my friends and go sleep in the bunk not can't do that you have to work larry worked in the kitchen in atlanta because that's where all the mobsters went then i i moved from the kitchen to the east yard and when you're on the east yard you might have to pick up uh cigarette butts for an hour a day five days a week so you report to the guard who's in the east yard hey i'm here and then you just walk what did i do there i made it into a hustle since i was allowed to walk around the metal detectors people would put stuff into my little dustpan and i would walk around casually go on the other side you give them their shank give them whatever they want to pass what do you care i don't know i don't know nothing hey lauren here's here's a book of stamps get this through for me done but anyway because i had a job and everybody has a job in prison i got five dollars and 25 cents a month a month think of that people five dollars and 25 cents a month so if you're out there bitching don't [ __ ] to me five dollars and 25 cents a month that's all i made so that's one way and and the kitchen worker might get five thousand twenty five cents and the guy who's on the yard a lot of people they have so many prisons there's not enough jobs they send them to the yard they go there there's people clean there's people who work on what they call cms that's the electricians in it the base pay in prison is 5.25 a month think of that number two prison industries or unicore we had unicore it really disgusts me 60 minutes did a piece on unicorn where they were screwing businesses on the street these are hard-working people on the street and how can a guy and they you could look it up 60 minutes to the piece on a hat factory were put out of business by a prison because how can the guy pay a living wage to his people when the prison is paying them cents prison industries when i was in atlanta they made bdu battle dress uniform for the military they made desks government desks and they're paying these people 10 cents an hour think what i just said 10 cents an hour 60 a month and they put you to work it's like a slave in a factory i think it should be illegal it put not that i don't want inmates to work not that i'm easy on people you know that what it does is it hurts people on the outside and that just pisses me off but it is a legitimate way and it's number two how to make money in prison number three the food hustle what do you say what do you mean the food hustle this is where dudes who work in the kitchen will transport stuff out of the kitchen stole it's such a big part of the prison system the guards the guys who run the kitchens will give inmates food and knowing they're gonna go sell it whatever literally steaks uh we had a fat big big fat black guy with 600 [ __ ] pounds he couldn't even go through the metal detector i'm not kidding he used to be able to put six cantaloupes under his fat we used to wrap steaks in cellophane and he put steak under his fat because when he went through the metal detector when you go through the metal detectors the guards there shake you down so they get all this food and you know some of them with jerk offs just give it to the guy the guy in the kitchen gave it all give it to the guy but no you got one guy buy the book anyway so here we are with food so we had guys who had that hustle so what what what i mean by hustle they had guys literally bringing sugar sugar is made for wine so they would hustle pounds of sugar out and sell it to the guys making the wine me i love getting pasta and cans of cheese grated cheese used to we used to get them out of the officer's mess we didn't get that [ __ ] as an inmate to eat well they had these big cans of green grated cheese [ __ ] steal a few of those that guy's getting two books of stamps that's ten dollars he's loving it guys are selling me pounds of pasta i used to give a book a book for every five pounds or whatever however i made the deal i used to have so much pasta in the unit it was crazy because i was always getting busted with pasta and i don't want to miss my food don't you look like i [ __ ] want to miss food no so the food hustle is a big hustle in prison not only is it a food hustle when i was in coleman i had my own cook literally my own cook he was a dude frankie that was worked up in the kitchen bring me back a steak bring me back bacon and eggs in the morning he's the cook he was the head cook in the office's mess so when he was in there he did a side hustle the coleman found out about and they thought i was trying to run the prison ah back to the [ __ ] penitentiary anyway that's the food hustle that's the third number four book making my staple as a gangster what's book making we literally had tickets a ticket is a football ticket where you pick three teams you put five dollars on it a book of stamps and you and your stamps guys would be picking six and eight teams and going crazy in the tv room during football season and some of them would hit and sure enough you better have the books to pay them one time i had well over a thousand books of stamps a thousand well over there i know bookies with four or five thousand but we had a problem of where we would hide the stamps because we had so many steps and you sure don't want to get popped with that because that's literally losing cash i had so many stamps i would sell them to people on the out there who wanted to buy stamps and we had such competing because we were making so much money that one bookie will say listen send me a hundred street to street i'll give you 22 books so you get an extra two books for five dollars a book you get extra too got it up there big guy giving you 25 books so you're making juice on your money before starting because when you're a guy like me who goes to a prison i go ask hey who's the guy who's got the stamps listen i'll send you 200 to your street account okay give me 50 books i'm gold man i got 50 books i got cash i can do anything i want one but being the bookie you have to have an operation now so what do you got you got runners usually you had a guy in each unit and during the move they would meet up at the uh the crosswalk and they'd meet near the yard and you have a kid running go get that go get this and he's getting the tickets in and now you're sitting there and just like on the street we had the numbers the little slips we had a guy at the either the unicorn up in the library taking over the copy machine and copying them the lower bookies i had mine tight i literally had to type or make up the sheet because i used to have the thing what was i forgot the name of the the line sheet would come in uh fleece or somebody and they would come and i'd get the lines i'd call get the lines i'd have the whole thing booked written out here i'm making money and i'm telling you bookmaking's a big hustle in prison that was number four number five big hustle the cleaning hustle how you live in your street or how you live you should be clean i lived a very clean life i i smashed the guy's face for shaving into the sink and he wouldn't clean it up i warned him like bam his face goes into the freaking walls blood's poured over he's on the floor to go with what what the [ __ ] you do you going in the hole ah 30 days and all that guy never not [ __ ] cleaned up his [ __ ] shaver and my [ __ ] sink what happened guys is you had cleaners guys could do your laundry guys who would press your clothes for a visit guys would literally come into your cell and buff your floor you now wear concrete floors concrete but they would look like glass guys would work on their floors for hours my shoes i had visiting shoes polished to the nines man well i had a house man they call it or a cleaning lady or a lady it's not really a lady obviously but it's somebody mine i had goldie so goldie used to take care of myself and this and i'd give her a book a week just to make my bed in the morning do my laundry there's another book to make this she used to make three four books a week she's loving it and come in and i walk in all my shit's clean now that's a way to make money for somebody if they want to hustle listen prison is an environment if you come from the streets and you're a hustler you'll do good in prison it's a lot of new yorkers do go to prison and they're good because they figure out hustles it's like anywhere else but then you get the guy joe schmoe from montana sorry montana but they just don't know to hustle like the guys in new york or l.a or chicago or wherever it is it's just the way it is and you'll figure out awesome but you have to have also if you've got no money coming from the street guys you got to live man you want to buy a hamburger from the street guy from the kitchen guy when he comes in i want a hamburger so you can they're only a dollar so you can force things you know you want to buy fresh fruit fresh fruit was a stamp or if it's real good bananas and stuff it's two stamps depending on what they were in the unit at the time so that's why you need money number six a hustle of mine that i did it not for the money but you can make money and i had no many guys who made a lot of money on this hustle it's called the legal hustle but it's not a hustle in a bad way these are guys who know more about the law like we did than most lawyers do it saved my life if i didn't do legal work i wouldn't be talking to you right now i would be seeing my kids i wouldn't be seeing my mom i would have been in life in prison if i didn't do legal work myself because i beat a gun charge and i didn't get a life sentence but what we do is a guy comes to prison they want to try to get out there's a lot of ways to get back in court in the feds it's called the 2255 which is ineffective assistance of council most lawyers on the street sorry most and i'm not going to say there's some really great lawyers obviously but some of them take your money and they don't have the time that we had to research a case i did the law back when we had what they call shepherd eyes shepardizes separating cases that are like your case bringing case lauder to courts we'd have stacks of books on the law library well if you come to prison and you just got hit with a fresh 10 or a fresh 20 you're [ __ ] in shock so what do you want to do you want to get back into into court you want to say man i got to get off this 20. now this is what they call rule 35 that's the rattan way and 5k1 is before it before being uh going to sentencing that's before sentencing a rule 35 is after sentencing up to a year after you're in prison so a guy comes in with clean paperwork for 20 but really he's now snitching on people to get a rule 35 to go back into court to get a reduction it sends because after a dude gets 20 years in prison the prosecutor comes up to him and says hey listen you just got 20. you want to work for us you're going to this prison you know we know larry lawton's in that prison get him to incriminate himself call us do something you get a rule 35. happens all the time it's a scumbag i never work with those people never didn't wanna i worked with the dudes who wanted to get back in court because their lawyer was a scumbag their lawyer didn't know what he was doing he didn't appeal he didn't know what they called for there for dare is when they you pick the juries and there's jury issues people don't understand the law like we did but we knew it and so by knowing the law we had a hustle you don't think a guy's gonna pay you a hundred dollars 200 hours to research your case i know guys who made careers out of it to this day my friend and good friend and you saw him on this channel paul tulini is still to this day one of the best lawyers i know in certain cases in the feds hell they'll tell you we worked on law cases and he made a living and he's making a real living now even in the system but that's the hustle there it's called the legal hustle number seven one of my favorites the wine hustle come on we used to make wine every week why do you make wine i can't drink 30 gallons of wine and i cook 30 gallons and we cook 15 of it off for every gallon of wine you're gonna get a pint of white lightning it's so good the white lightning that you put it on fire you put a little bit on the table and you throw a match to it show the dude that's good [ __ ] now you buy a soda you have sodas off the commissary or juice put it in there you [ __ ] have it anyway we used to sell what they call a neck a neck of wine which is like a glass which is like a quart for five dollars book of sams that's my great number five dollars booker stamps so here we would we get the wine up on a friday in the afternoon everybody in the unit's up in a house we were in a house every house did it in atlanta we had a1 a2 and 3. so we were down on a1 in the back in there we had the garbage kill full remember 15 gallons times four that's 16 x of wine 60 that we're selling for five dollars we still selling some of the white lightning and getting [ __ ] up the whole unit hey i want three today i want four they're coming back from unicorn hey it's the weekend people are living in atlanta we had 880 dudes at life sentence they'd have a wife girl wife but he's in prison he get what does he want he wants to drink on a friday night he gets his [ __ ] spends his money on one and the wine was so [ __ ] shitty there'd be bugs there's fruit bugs in it i mean we didn't care we ate we drank it we after a couple of these things oh what a zoo you want to see a prison with everybody [ __ ] up and half of them are crazy to begin with the shanks are flying who pissed me off forget it somebody's getting stabbed you said my buddy and i ron you sit back oh here it goes it's gonna be a fun time today but that's the wine hustle number eight the drug hustle it is what it is i'm telling you the truth the drug hustle the drug hustle is one group might have heroin heroin is the most rampant drunk in prison i saw more overdoses and more people die in prison from heroin overdoses it it's sad i was in a cell when a guy came in and the drug dealer was there and he comes and he says hey listen i need five papers a paper heroine was five dollars five books of stamps paper arrow comes into the guy says listen i need five papers to wear i know the drug deal he looks and goes are you being a smart ass [ __ ] what do you mean you owe me money and you're asking he goes and i'm not going to pay you i said oh [ __ ] this guy's going to get killed what is he trying to do we call i thought he was doing what they call a check-in move do something stupid to get checked in so he goes to the hole he's not going to come back on the yard he's in a duck's day no you know what he did told him i'm checking out i'm listening to this let me tell you something it opened my eyes to to life because a guy just told us he was gonna take these five papers of heroin and go kill himself it's crazy it was the dude looked at him gave him the five books of stamps said you better be dead in the morning the guy was dead in the morning sad as it is but i've seen that listen there's people who run out of hope i was about 50 years old his appeals are up now what it's sad it's very sad it's a very sad place in the depression and and and psychopaths and things run crazy in prison man and that's just the guards not my kid really that's the inmates but guards don't that help we got guards bringing the [ __ ] in but anyway the drug hustle now you don't only have the drug hustle because the guy getting the drugs in he's not slinging the [ __ ] papers of heroin he gets the one junkie says listen here's ten papers i want the money for eight of these papers now he's giving that dude two papers a hero he knows he's a [ __ ] up but that dude wants to do it again and again and again cause that's his hustle just to get [ __ ] stoned he's a junkie but the hustle is very big now you had a weed hustle in prison you had a heroin hustle you had a cocaine hustle acid rampant we had a molly cocaine cocaine was a hundred and fifty dollars for a cat what do you mean cat they used to sell the uh lip balm you know lip balm for your lips well you know the cap that comes off of that that's a cap of weed that little cap of weed might cost fifty dollars just a little thing a weed net now when you start putting bigger drugs in it forget it the numbers go crazy they call it hey i need a cap so that's how the drug so now you have multiple people making money off the drug it's an economy number nine i didn't want to go here but i want i have to because it is part of what prison's about it's the sex hustle there's a multiple ways the sex hustle goes on one it's just usually a junkie he's gonna give blow jobs for five books of stamps or whatever the hell it is for this guy you know used to see him go up to the bathroom they had we had showers up in atlanta big steel doors you see the punk go up with someone else you know what's happening in that [ __ ] shower it's just crazy but it's it is what it is they had the sex hustle you not only had the sex hustle you had the dude who's somewhat of a pimp it could have been that dude's boyfriend it's how it usually works or a girlfriend i don't know how it works but let's say this dude and him hey you claim him and he's yours and whatever that goes now i thought of maximum security prisons i ain't talking to places where oh you ain't mine i'm gonna tell you they'll kill you you don't [ __ ] with a punk in prison they'll [ __ ] kill you it'll stab you i watched a punk take boiling water with a snicker bar and oil and throw it in a dude's face and his whole [ __ ] face was just figured they ain't playing well this punk is with a boyfriend a boyfriend they're usually drug addicts not a drug addict is out there and he's [ __ ] you know you listen hey go down that's sell see i know who he needs a blow job give him a [ __ ] [ __ ] we're gonna get [ __ ] paper and two papers heroin and that's what they would do but it's a way they made money now obviously you have to be a different kind of person or whatever it is but it is part of the person hey listen if you gave me life sentence you better not looking good to me but you know it's just the way it is that's prison i mean it is what it is it's an economy just doesn't have a female but it's got a hole and number 10 and the last way and there's multiple ways this is my top 10 is the shakedown hustle i don't like it i didn't use it but i watched it in action how it happens is and i i'm gonna point this out to a lot of young people watching this they go to prison they're gonna go to a real prison they did that county jail time and they got three years they going upstate well here's what happens kids 21 years old he gets on the prison yard and he goes to the unit another guy oh man yeah you [ __ ] philly i'm philly too how you doing bro he started hooking up they're talking to him he's great he befriends the guy not knowing this dude that he just befriended is friends with the head of the gd or whatever group there is the gangsters of the crips the bloods whoever it is a pretty intimidating group and they're in on this scam in the shakedown hustle so here this kid's going he's going for three days he's getting a little bit comfortable in the prison he's going to chow wall with the dude from philly there hey he introduces him around all of a sudden this big mountain comes up through and say hey kid who you wit what do you mean who am i with who you with you're gonna be giving me a hundred [ __ ] dollars a week i'm gonna be [ __ ] you every night the [ __ ] get out of here or you go into the hole how's that the [ __ ] kid is like what the [ __ ] just hit me and this guy is [ __ ] six foot six and trust me if he wanted to [ __ ] him to [ __ ] him all of a sudden this kid tells his friend his new philly friend who unbeknownst to him is in honor with that guy comes and says what do i do because big big al just said to me holy [ __ ] he says i i i better give him a hundred a week i i can't afford arms a week what are you talking about man i don't want to get [ __ ] i like this prison i've been here three days you introduced him what do i do what do i do oh let me go talk to big al hold i got you waits a day gets the heat guys walk down the yard looks at them tough like oh [ __ ] oh man this kid's nervous as [ __ ] he's already thinking of checking in but the hustlers don't push it too much when it gets checked in because that's happened so now they're still walking on the yard he comes up to him in comes philly he's frank hey i gotta talk to pick out here's what we're gonna do listen i i know can you give him 25 hours a week and we're done that's not a big 100 bucks a month don't your family got 100 bucks they just send it to this address you're taking care of you're in the end now everybody does it like that that's how you do it yeah i can afford 100 i'll get my mom my sister to send a hundred and we're done right no more yeah yeah meanwhile big al and philly popping up the 50 a month they do that to three kids that's a hustle sad as it is it's a prison awesome and until you two you're slick to these games you're gonna get hit i mean sometimes they figure them out later after they get fighting or something something happens someone calls them a stupid punk you [ __ ] got hustled by these [ __ ] because this guy owes this guy money for [ __ ] betting or whatever it is so those are the things that happen in prison now notice most of them are illegal couple legal but guess what the legal hustles what would they you were making 5 and 25 cents a month or 10 cents an hour 60 a month to be a slaver what is it teaching everybody how to keep hustling how to be a criminal more when they get out the system's broke everybody we need to fix it we know that so join my action crew but i hope you like this video of larry's 10 best ways to make money in prison have a great day everybody stay strong stay out of trouble please make the right choices i don't want to see you in prison learn from me not what i did learn from me by telling you have a great day everybody stay strong
Channel: Larry Lawton
Views: 257,987
Rating: 4.945291 out of 5
Keywords: prison, prisoner, convict, locked up, how to make money, jail, top 10, inmates, top ten, hard time, lawton, federal prison, sex in prison, prison sex, prison food, prison life, cellmate, prison labor, prison pasta, prison fights, prison showers, doing time, prison info, prison stories, prison money, prison rules, how to survive in prison, prison drugs, ex prisoner, prison convicts, prison job, jail money, prison politics, inmate fights, new top 10, top 10 ways, extortsion
Id: 8h2-N0nYflw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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