Top 10 Unscripted Glee Moments That Were Kept in the Show

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brittany take it away take one away show us what you got welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 unscripted glee moments that were left in the show this is who i am and i make no apologies hey wait a minute wait a minute you just got here you want to just hang out for a minute um i mean you've obviously come to jab hey tinkles give me maybe this time and be flat and don't let me catch you snoozing for this list we'll be looking at improvised ad-libbed and accidental moments that made it into the final cut of the show did you know about any of these unscripted moments let us know in the comments number 10 kevin mchale looking into the camera for six years kevin mchale played artie enduring many bizarre and convoluted plot lines throughout the run of the series we didn't think he would take it personally well you're irritating most of the time but don't take that personally many of his co-stars lost faith in the show along the way but mikhail held out until a specific episode in season five and viewers can actually see his breaking point in an interview mikhail stated the performance of what does the fox say was specifically difficult for him to take seriously i held out as long as i could another medley i'm gonna lose him no it was what the fox say was the boiling yeah yeah yeah oh five was really season five was it was really rough for us the fact that he was obviously goofing off throughout filming confirms this at one point he rolls in front of blaine and stares directly into the camera in an unplanned move that hilariously takes the audience by surprise and listening to the song we totally feel his pain number nine choreography mistakes the unholy trinity as fans have dubbed the trio of quinn santana and britney can do no wrong in the eyes of gleeks even when they're totally messing up their choreography so don't be dumb i got 99 problems but you won't be one like why during mustang sally sung by roderick meeks as his audition for the glee club the former cheerios get on stage to sing back up in support of the student the song is fantastic and all four performers sound amazing so much so that the editors must have been distracted getting this scene to its final version in a close-up shot of roderick the three women can be seen breaking character and laughing in the background over naya rivera messing up her choreography [Music] looking back on it now the simple editing flub has become a beautifully candid moment of a beloved actress gone too soon number eight chris colfer crying at kristen chenoweth one of glee's first guest stars broadway legend kristin chenoweth as april rhodes was thankfully utilized to her full potential the tony winner was given multiple show-stopping musical numbers throughout her time on the show [Music] in fact maybe this time sung by both april and rachel was so moving it literally brought chris colfer to tears stick that in your pipe and smoke it kurt's reaction to april's performance was completely real and culver was surprised to see it in the final cut of the episode his emotional reaction to such a heart-rending performance is totally understandable kristin chenoweth's top-notch talents could make even the most cold-hearted audiences weep this [Music] [Applause] [Music] number seven kurt's clairvoyant comeback it seems like chris colfer had an excellent feel for his character right from the beginning of the series judging by how easily he was able to add lib lines when you're different when you're special sometimes you have to get used to being alone it's established from the beginning that kurt receives a lot of negative attention from the jocks at his school in the second episode of glee just before kurt is again thrown into a dumpster by some members of the football team he stops them to deliver an unscripted line that allows kurt to recover some of his dignity wait [Music] one day you all work for me the confidence and certainty with which kulfer says this line is perfectly in line with kurt's character and his big dreams of stardom since his character was actually based on kolfer's initial audition it makes sense he was both able and allowed to improvise some of his lines how come you're never this nice to me when i was your teammate because you were my only real competition don't tell me yeah true number six britney's ad-libbed interjections heather morris was first brought onto the glee set to help with the iconic choreography for single ladies due to her previous experience as one of beyonce's backup dancers morris was also made a member of the cheerios and eventually given her own character brittany pierce however it was morris herself who made britney into the character we all know and love thanks to the improvised non-sequitur she was known to interject into various scenes britney mr shoe is he your son that's right the shocked and surprised faces of the other characters around her were also the real reactions of her actual co-stars who knew none of the content or timing of these lines beforehand ballad from middle english balad knows what this word means it's a male duck this of course led to morris being given more scripted lines and britney quickly became a fan favorite character there's no one like you you're a genius britney number five musical improv in season five of glee blaine is feeling jealous and insecure about kurt spending increasingly more time with his new friend elliot played by adam lambert i may not be a cool steampunk glitterock vampire with like tats and guyliner but you know what i love kurt i love him he's my fiance not yours so back off with an admirable understanding of blaine's outburst elliot is able to calm him down and reassure him of how much kurt loves him don't get me wrong i mean he's a he's a cute guy but i don't think of him that way and even if i did kurt loves you i mean he doesn't shut up about you actually like ever part of elliot's method of calming blaine includes letting him hold a guitar for comfort which allowed lambert and darren chris to add their own improvised musical collaboration into the scene the made-up song glitter rock vampire is based on an insult blaine delivered just moments earlier and was completely created on the spot by chris and lambert likely making for a very memorable day on set glitter rock vampire [Music] number four an amusingly clumsy cord over street i'm sorry what are you thinking of trying up the glee club i just saw this stick over the length of the series the glee club was frequently looking for new blood while on a recruiting mission tina puck sam mercedes and quinn speak to the members of the tea party patriot club only to realize they wouldn't be a good fit for the glee club oh no oh hell to the no you know what don't you you or you join the glee club you know we don't need you ignorant backwards lily white gay-hating obama-bashing clubbers anyway they all leave one by one and cord overstreet who plays sam must have been distracted while delivering his last line because he bumped straight into diana agron learn that glee club [Music] this was completely unscripted and accidental but it's obvious from agron's very genuine laughter that she was caught by surprise and didn't expect this shot to make the final cut the mistake in this scene definitely makes it more memorable and gives us a glimpse into the behind the scenes friendships of the cast number three kurt and blaine's elevator ad living in one of glee's stranger episodes we learned that there is no bigger clean shipper than sue sylvester she goes so far as to trap the two in an elevator together in the hopes of rekindling their relationship [Music] if you kiss each other you will be allowed to leave this room that's ridiculous if the conversation between kurt and blaine felt strangely natural and authentic to you that's because it basically was okay if if i was an ironic rapper this would be my name we drank it when we um when we were when we were playing when we were ice skating definitely right um yes yes hot chocolate much of their scene in the elevator was ad-libbed which definitely shows in the final product chris colfer and darren chris had been working closely together for years at this point surely it was no challenge for the two talented actors to channel their characters for some improv despite the truly strange context of the scene you'd be emcee hot chocolate mc hot chocolate oh the life i never lived what a tragedy you're in the wrong profession what are you a teacher now yeah you're blowing it okay empty hot chocolate is cleaner number two copacabana flash mob for sam's guilty pleasure song he chose to perform barry manilow's classic copa cabana i think he's an amazing songwriter performer and i also believe he's underappreciated has amazing hair and has done a hell of a lot of good for this world through his light rock talent in the original script this number was supposed to feature sam singing and dancing solo while wearing the iconic costume during filming however heather morris thought the song was just too fun to not get up and dance and she encouraged the rest of the cast to do so as well [Music] [Applause] the song's lyrics mention various characters in a narrative story and members of the glee cast each assigned themselves a certain character to play while dancing to and acting out the song this made for a fun slightly silly number that looks like it was a blast to film are you guys kidding you guys really like barry huh dude everyone loves barry but thank you for making us finally say it out loud before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you'll have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one ride with me this lighthearted and joyful performance wasn't supposed to be included in this early season one episode and was actually inspired by the cast behind the behind-the-scenes jam sessions i miss us all being together i hope we don't get in trouble for a covert jam session instead of being pre-recorded like many of glee's songs this number was sung live and is one of only five songs in the entire series to be filmed like this for characters like britney mike and santana ride with me was the first to feature their actual singing voices it's easy to pick out the distinctive sound of each cast member's voice [Music] the happy expressions of the singers is obviously more than just good acting it makes it easy to imagine how much fun this series talented cast all had working together do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from msmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 214,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TV, ad-lib, chris colfer improv, comedy, copacabana flash mob, darren criss improv, glee, glee ad-libbing, glee mistakes, glee moments, heather morris improv, improv, improvised glee moments, list, mojo, moments, msmojo, musical improv, ride wit me, top 10, unscripted, unscripted glee moments, unscripted glee moments that were left in the show, watch mojo, watchMojo
Id: Z4K283ab5E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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