Top 10 Unexpected Power Rangers Plot Twists

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bulky has something to say skull and i have decided to enroll in the angel grove junior police patrol welcome to watch mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 power rangers plot twists dad i was vengeance brody i remember now i remember it all for this list we're looking at the most shocking twists and turns from the power rangers franchise expect major spoilers for the series and the comics which did you see as the twistiest twist let us know in the comments number 10 mr hartford's little secret power rangers operation overdrive say what you want about operation overdrive this plot twist definitely caught our attention halfway through the season it's foreshadowed that there's more to mac than meets the eye a secret that not even he knows turns out that mack isn't really human dad he's actually an android that mr hartford had built two years prior and implanted with false memories that's impossible i gotta be dreaming this one he's telling you the truth master max naturally mac is devastated and his relationship with his so-called father is strained beyond belief thankfully it's not enough to make him call it quits as a ranger android or not mac displayed more humanity than most and it was only fitting that he received the real boy ending in the season finale you're alive it's back yeah i'm alive i can feel my heart racing at a mile a minute wait i can feel my heart [Music] number nine the curse of zenaku power rangers wild force xanaku definitely put the wild force rangers through the ringer but it was clear that he was so much more than just a powerful duke org he was actually once human three thousand years ago he was an animarian warrior named merrick who harnessed the power of a cursed wolf mask to defeat the original master org unfortunately the mask took over and turned merrick into the duke org with few memories of his past life but a thirst for answers by using that power i was cursed couldn't remove the mask i became zanaku thankfully the rangers managed to break the curse and merrick was free to fight alongside them as the lunar wolf ranger all right [Music] unfortunately some forces of evil just don't know when to call it quits you so we meet again number eight bowen power rangers mystic force before he became a ranger nick traveled the country never knowing who his real parents were and without a real sense of who he really was meanwhile the ranger's mentor udana was separated from her baby bowen years ago during the great war so your son is alive somewhere yes somewhere have you connected the dots yet yes it turns out that nick is actually bowen meaning that not only was he destined to be the red mystic ranger but also to become the light that can defeat the forces of evil once and for all it's definitely not what nick expected what are you saying you were with me all along and i never knew [Music] it's truly magical but when the fighting's finally finished the ending is all the sweeter for him being reunited with the family he never knew he had ready ready [Music] number seven the peace conference mighty morphin power rangers and sabon's gogo power rangers in the original tv series jason zak and trini left the team in season two to be part of a peace conference in switzerland it was basically just an excuse for the actors leaving the show zach and jason in your hearts you will always carry the spirit of the power rangers but your destinies lie elsewhere you have been chosen to help the world in a different way now the boom studios comics however add a clever twist to this infamous departure there never was a peace conference in reality it was all a cover story concocted by the trio so they could leave on a new quest to protect the universe as the omega rangers it can't have been an easy decision for the young heroes especially lying to their teammates but the lie was a necessary evil for the sake of the entire universe it's so sad that they're leaving bye you guys the alpha it is sad to see him go but on the other hand it's really exciting to have three new power rangers joining us number six frax's backstory power rangers time force i wonder what rantic would do if i told him what a coward you are actually it would be quite enjoyable to watch him tear you limb from limb at first glance frack seemed just like another one of rancic's goons a mechanized genius frustrated with his master's disrespect for robots however there's a dark secret behind that metallic shell frax actually used to be human he was once dr ferrix a kindly scientist who took pity on rancic during his time of need tragically rancic rewarded the doctor by mortally wounding him and stealing his technology i was injured beyond hope barely alive with my life fading fast there was only one way i knew to survive i wouldn't have made it had i remained in my human form so i rebuilt myself using the technology i had pioneered ferric survived and managed to rebuild himself into the robotic mad scientist we know today secretly planning his ultimate revenge on the mutants that destroyed his life and dragged him into the vicious cycle of hatred and despair even more tragically frax's story only gets worse from there wait wait i was long you don't have to hate you can't you can break the cycle of hatred never give up never there number five the 1969 rangers mighty morphin power rangers in the boom studios comics were introduced to grace sterling ceo of promethea and an unexpected ally for the rangers it turns out that she has a bit of history with zordon as his original red ranger back in 1969 she and four others were chosen for a mission to thwart the green psycho rangers evil scheme on the moon while cycle green was dealt with it came with a heavy cost grace was one of the only two rangers to make it out of the mission alive this early experiment became one of zordon's biggest regrets but it nonetheless inspired grace to keep fighting for the greater good even if it means walking into some morally gray areas number 4. dylan's sister power rangers rpm because of his amnesia dylan's past is a complete mystery to him except for one vague haunting memory before his ranger days dylan had a blind sister who he swore to protect but they were separated trying to escape from vengeance given cybernetic implants and had their respective minds wiped shall i initiate the upload on subject d44 of course take his memories what's even more shocking is who turns out to be his sister venjix's human infiltration bot tanaya7 where did you get that you remember it belongs to us you're my sister when she learned the truth she was even more shocked than the fans and she didn't even know she was human dna match confirmed sample is your subject sibling dna match confirmed symbolism d44 tanaya 7 tried to deny the truth and vengex tried to wipe out everything she learned through brainwashing but the past never stays buried forever any crazy why would you protect her because she's my sister number three meet project vengex power rangers rpm when dr k discovered alphabet soup's true nature she planned to shut them down with a self-aware computer virus project vengex unfortunately she was interrupted before she could install a proper firewall you have to let me install the firewall this enabled vengex to spread like wildfire and plunge the world into an apocalypse kaye's backstory is nothing short of tragic she was abducted by a corrupt government facility as a child and forced to live with the fact that she accidentally created the ultimate doomsday device in her efforts to escape you know what could be really fun in the meantime you could try cracking this series of encrypted rocket codes thankfully rather than mope she instead chooses to fight back with humanity's last line of defense the rpm power rangers what happened what just happened is that i entered the base code for the vendex virus i know it because i wrote it i'm the one who released it everything that's happened everything you've all been through it's all my fault number two evox's dark past power rangers beast morphers with his master plan underway evox decides to reveal his origin to the rangers when nate was a child he experimented with morphex and snake dna on a certain cell shift morpher that dna became part of my data and i was released into your system a dead end for you a new beginning for me this meant that not only did nate inadvertently create evox but evox is actually the final evolution of the vengex virus this finally gave us a resolution to the cliffhanger in the rpm finale confirming that venjix was in fact still alive and now even deadlier than ever coupled with the cruel irony of nate having accidentally unleashed their greatest enemy this makes for two huge twists in one thanks to you the entire world is at my mercy and there's nothing you can do to stop me before we unveil our top pick here are a few shocking honorable mentions levi realizes he's brody's brother aiden power rangers ninja steel brody i remember now remember it all message is really anton mercer power rangers dino thunder before he controls me the a squad turns traitor power rangers spd you'll be coming with us commander krueger you have an appointment with emperor grump master org killed cole's parents power rangers wild force what that's right i finished off your parents and i enjoyed every single minute of it ryan is the titanium ranger power rangers lightspeed rescue before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one andros and astronomer power rangers in space when andros was a child darkonda kidnapped his sister coron but the red ranger never gave up hope of one day finding her years later he finally did but not as he expected i can't believe this what are you talking about you're corona my sister she was found and raised by ecliptor into the princess of evil astronomer not only is this the first major ranger villain family plot twist but it also explores a concept barely explored until this point that not all power ranger villains are born evil some of them were never given the choice and something tells me my brother is alive astronomer do not be distracted remember you are the princess of evil fortunately once corona is freed from evil's influence twice she finally gets the chance to choose her own path and make up for all the wrongs she's committed [Music] [Applause] i'll take care of her do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 598,596
Rating: 4.9132452 out of 5
Keywords: power rangers plot twists, power rangers twists, shocking power rangers twists, power rangers shocking moments, shocking power rangers moments, power rangers andros, power rangers astronema, power rangers evox, power rangers venjix, power rangers, power rangers bowen, power rangers zen-aku, power rangers mr. hartford, power rangers rpm, power rangers beast morphers, twists, TV, action, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: t5TUGvobisE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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