Top 10 things Las Vegas first-timers should know. #2 can save your life.

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what is going on everyone it's time to talk about Sin City again this will be the third Las Vegas list we've done we've done the reasons not to move to Las Vegas the reasons to move to Vegas this week I thought we'd go over some things that a first-time visitor should know before they visit Sin City so here's my top 10 things Las Vegas first-timers should know number 10 drinking on the plane your first instinct is to get this weekend rolling on the plane you've been saving waiting dreaming about this trip for some time now you're excited why not squeeze every ounce of fun you can out of this weekend so will you have a couple drinks then a couple more here's the problem unless you're coming from the west coast you're probably in for a very long flight long flights and heavy drinking don't normally mix my aunt was a flight attendant for many years she told me at least a dozen people a weekend would get arrested for shenanigans they caused on the plane they have me made it to their hotel room it was the way worse the 80s and 90s but now to kind of try and slow you down during the flight so that's good and if you don't get arrested or at least get a serious talking-to from the flight crew and nowadays your shenanigans gets recorded and put on YouTube then you go viral trying to dry-hump the drink cart and that's always a good time so you finally get to your hotel room you got a hangover it's 4:30 on a Friday number nine you're not taking Las Vegas by storm so many people get to Las Vegas they think they're the wildest thing this city has ever seen you're not you're really not Skippy you need to tone down the ego a little bit you're one of 41 million visitors that cycle through this heavily illuminated patch of desert every single year when I was in the Army this dude was heading to Vegas he knew I'd been there a couple times and his words I quote were that town ain't gonna know what hit him when we get there he was taking his heavy drinking roommate with him and these two were gonna tear up the town apparently they get there they drink too much on the plane they finally get to the hotel room goes downstairs comes up with three cases of beer strips down to his boxer shorts and lays on the bed and starts drinking the other guy tries to get him go out over and over and over he never leaves the room he stays in the room the whole weekend and racks up a bill of 200 dollars a pay-per-view porn and drinks three cases of beer and then some room service drinks he had sent up meanwhile the guy that was gonna take the town by storm wandered around the casino most the weekend and I think he cried a little number eight stay above ground if for some reason you find yourself out of the hotel room maybe broken down in your car or something like that maybe wandering the desert just wanted to check things out don't go near anything that looks like a tunnel I know this is kind of strange and it seems like something that's very very unlikely and it is I just think everyone should know about this there's miles of tunnels underneath Las Vegas do not go in there people are living in those tunnels there's like a village of destitute people down there it's a sad and dangerous location you can see documentaries on it it's really sad stay away from it I don't know if you see anyone wandering out of there they don't need health coin list slot machines the old days of walking around with a big bucket full of your winnings are long gone maybe not long gone but gone for the most part slot machines are more like giant iPhones these days when you win the machine doesn't drop coins anymore they now they do have these coins sound effects so that's it's not the same instead of coins you get a paper receipt when you want to get your money you hit the cash out button take the piece of paper to cashier it's kind of less dramatic than the old days now if you're sitting there trying to type the most clever response ever to this one on my list stop typing this list is for people that have never been to Vegas or haven't been for a long time leave the keyboard alone number six getting a taxi now the thing is you can't hail a taxi from the street like you do in other cities like New York or whatever it's actually against the law in Las Vegas you have to find a taxi stand if you're on the strip you're near a casino and every casino has one at the entrance and the secondary entrance and sometimes the back there everywhere you just gotta walk up with a casino and here's a tip when the taxi driver asks if this is your first time in Vegas never say yes I don't care if you've just heard about Vegas ten minutes ago and you landed there never say yes they know the town they know the fare system and they know every single way to squeeze an extra buck out of you so if you want to pay extra tell them it's your first time in town see how much it cost you then go back two months later tell them no go to the same spot see how much less it is fact number five Vegas is like fish it starts to stink after three days one night in Vegas is a lot of fun sometimes almost too much fun at a very hurried pace two nights in bloss Vegas is perfect things have slowed down a bit and you can sit back have a couple drinks and enjoy the city three nights in Vegas it starts to wear on anyone that's under the age of 30 you're over the age of 30 you're out on that third night you're thinking you know that bed in that hotel room really was comfortable and it seems like a shame to let all that fluffiness go to waste I should go back that's what you really started thinking now the fourth night in Vegas really makes you get to that point where you never want to go back to Vegas or at least for some time my advice to everyone is keep it on two or three nights four nights starts to be a little bit much unless you're there for business or something like that sometimes in Sin City less is more [Applause] number four room upgrades hotels in Las Vegas are often willing to upgrade you to a suite if there's one available all you gotta do is ask just ask the pros of the front desk if there's any complimentary upgrades most the time they'll give you one no questions asked I've only been told once that they didn't have anything that was during a big convention and I probably asked 40 or 50 times I got one once that had a great hot tub and mirrors on the ceilings sadly I was alone that trip and it was only an overnighter but if this does happen to you and they give you a really cool suite any kind of upgrade whatsoever be sure to tip them well they give you what you're looking for always ask for a room upgrade number three watch all your stuff keep an eye on your luggage your wallet your kid's credit cards everything every second from the airport to the hotel room even in the hotel room make sure you use that hotel safe for all your pricey items it's not the perfect plan but it's better than leaving it in your luggage on the floor when the maid comes in thing is you should always keep your eyes on your bags because in Vegas you could find yourself in a situation when someone actually steals your luggage while you're unloading it it's happened more than once and also be aware of any stand-alone ATM machine in the casinos I read one report that said they're the most skimmed machines anywhere a scam in case you don't know is a device they put on the ATM so as you're withdrawing money it's recording all your information and sending it to someone else a friend of mine went to Vegas about two weeks ago the girl she was with had her card skimmed from inside the casino she wouldn't got money out of her account through one those little ATM machines within 15 minutes her bank called her and asked her if she was trying to withdraw an additional thousand dollars she said no I just took sixty out of my account what are you talking about he said well someone's trying to get $1,000 out while they were talking someone tried to get 500 out so they couldn't give a thousand and they went down to five hundred they're kept trying to get more and more money out of her account my friend who she was with asked her what's going on she said the guy at the bank just saved me from losing $1000 out of my account my friend was drunk she did this cheerleader thing jumped in the air said go nerdy bank dude and when she came down she broke her foot good times spent her second night in the ER number two stay hydrated dehydration is no joke trust me I've had dehydration before I actually had heat cramps it was horrible if you're not from an arid climate like the Las Vegas desert it can sneak up on you in a hurry let's say you're outside by the pool after a good night of drinking which already dehydrated you pretty good the alcohol does drinking some more alcohol and you start to get a little lightheaded then you get some stomach cramps I got bad news for you you now have heat cramps and we'll probably start dry heaving any second if you continue to go this route you're gonna end up with heat exhaustion which could be deadly the good news is the people in Vegas see people heaving up by the pool all the time it's Vegas after all so you won't be terribly embarrassed make sure you drink water all your in Vegas people I know that sounds really weird from some of the things I talk about but that one's really important write that one down if you got to drink water wall in Vegas not from those people on the side of the road with ice chests that's not really bottled water I'll tell you about that in the last one number one street hustlers card slappers are not your friend and they're not the only Street hustles in Las Vegas you have everything from counterfeit show tickets gam Club passes massage girls that don't massage they just rip you off in your room everything common sense tells you to avoid these scams but some people have no common sense people also sell things like nightclub passes counterfeit souvenirs even bald water there have been stories that people selling bottled water have actually taken empties out of the trash filled them up at the gas station and then sell them to suckers for five bucks and people buy it from them remember I told you to stay hydrated don't do it here find a real store buy your water there none of these sidewalk vendors are operating legally and should be avoided at all costs my advice is don't even make eye contact with these idiots avoid conversation eye contact any kind of contact don't think you're gonna outsmart them and screw with them and have a laugh because you're the smartest guy from Pocatello they do this all the time you don't you'll lose some money welp that's my top 10 things Las Vegas first-timers should know I hope you enjoyed it hope you leave me a big thumbs up check out some of my other videos I did two other ones like I said before on Vegas my next ones I'm gonna start doing on Dallas Texas I hope you enjoy them thanks for watching and be nice to each other everyone
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 494,491
Rating: 4.6606526 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, Top Ten Lists, travel Hack, travel, las vegas, las vegas Nevada, Vegas, casino, las vegas strip, las vegas 2017, Vegas Vacation, las vegas strip at night, vegas bachelor party, travel hacks, LAs Vegas, las vegas 2016, las vegas weather, las vegas nightlife, las vegas pool party, las vegas strip 2017, move, LA to Vegas, 10 life hacks, 10 worst, vegas pool party, 10, vegas strip, bellagio, las veghas, vegas tips, slot machine, things to do in las vegas, sunscreen
Id: 2E8efzX_S08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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