TOP 10 SWISS SOUVENIRS: Authentic souvenirs to buy in Switzerland + what NOT to buy!

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hey guys welcome back to the traveling swiss if you are new here my name is alexis and i'm louie and together we make videos all about traveling through switzerland so if that sounds interesting or helpful to you make sure to click the subscribe button to stick around so in this video you saw in the headlines we're gonna give you the top 10 souvenirs that are an absolute must buy in switzerland but we're also going to give you the ones that maybe are a little bit of a tourist trap and the ones that we think you should stay away from so let's get into it so the first one on our list of the must buy when in switzerland is something that you're likely expecting and but it is for good reason and that is chocolate yeah so swiss chocolate is i think a must at the end of your trip maybe so you don't have the chocolate that melts in the summer or stuff like this by the last day for us there are two different kinds of uh swiss chocolates you have the supermarket brands kind of the more well-known one and then you have the very specialized and both are great for different reasons on the supermarket ones the ones that we would recommend is maybe go for cayenne brands you have raguza also that is an interesting one you have ovomaltine villarre some that you don't find necessarily in your countries like linz or tablahan even the vigro brand name frey is really good but a few tips there look for hot chocolate powder i think that's a really good thing to bring back especially if you're traveling in the summer and you're afraid that the chocolate bars are going to melt you can buy the hot chocolate powder that's something that travels really well and it's excellent i recommend kyotina for this and if you want something a little bit different the over melting with kyoto is the way to go and for the specialized brands i want to prepare you that the price point for these is likely maybe more than what you are expecting it can be really really expensive specialized chocolate but it's a nice experience and souvenir while you're in switzerland and also something you can bring home with you there are a few that have multiple stores all over switzerland so you'll see like later rock all over switzerland super expensive experience and it's in a lot of train stations actually toy show is also really expensive they have really beautiful storefronts during the holidays i love springly actually this is linton springer together but friendly is really the specialized one and i would recommend this and in geneva you have our also that sells ammo and princess princess admins that is just amazing in case your engineer we did want to give you the two options because if that is a little bit above your budget or just honestly more than you want to spend on something that doesn't last very long eat it really quickly you can go to different supermarkets in switzerland you can go to negro cup even dinner has lots of chocolate so check them out you can get quite quite a few really good options so the second thing we recommend and we're going to stay in dairyland because we are in switzerland here you can see a lot of these are somewhat related indirectly or directly to cows but it's cheese so this is not the swiss cheese that they sell in the u.s or in different countries which is slice really mild cheese this is all of the amazing cheese that is made in switzerland louie when i first came the first time took me to a local cheese shop and you could try different types of cheeses different ages of cheeses and that's something i really encourage you to do so you can see what your palette is see what you like and get some to bring home so my favorite i think to bring and just for myself is gloria maybe obvious but it is really just uh so good it melts well it eats well otherwise i encourage you to go to a cheese shop and really go try different ones rather than a supermarket maybe just to find some some cool stuff and then one last thing that uh we would recommend really is to bring back a fondue mix that's something that is cool and you might find it in your home country but the ones that you find here are really great so they have the cheese it's fresh and they just have their own type of mix and they sell it and they have it all over at different supermarkets even in the summer whatever time of year you're going i'll put some photos of what it looks like on the screen travel as well also yes so it's a great thing to bring home it's a little difficult to find in your own country and something really good to enjoy okay so the third must buy souvenir in switzerland i think is the swiss army knife it's classic it lasts really well and it's a great gift so for me the brand you have to go for is victorinox this is really the the best it doesn't mean that it's the most expensive you have some pretty cheap options at 20 30 francs if you go to your victoria next store so you can find them all over but if you go to your victorinox store you can actually even engrave your name or anything on the blade and this is a fun thing and this is only like 5-10 francs so yeah not too much but a very cool customized souvenir that i like to bring also it's something that we've given to friends and family it's really quick and easy to customize so we definitely encourage you to do that it's pretty affordable yeah okay so this next one now is a little bit outside of the normal tourist thing or things that you would even associate with switzerland and that is the edelweiss pattern so this is something i didn't even know exist before i met you yes no so that's uh something that is quite typical i think the swiss people don't wear it that much maybe they're actually there and farmers and people more in rural areas do but we really love to to have it still in our closets i have some actually here i have one that was i have this one was maybe given to you i think that's the grandfather the classic the blue is the classic from this one actually in broken house in zurich which was like for 15 or 20 francs so there are some that are pretty cheap uh over there and we have also for our little dollar not yet but i got this one and not very that's very much but yes i got this one in grindelwald so we're a tourist sometimes too yes so like louis said he got one in a thrift store so that's always a good place to check them out yeah swiss people don't wear them every day day to day but like if it's something like the swiss national day or sometimes it's soccer games and things like that you see people wearing these it's a nice souvenir that's very specific to switzerland so it's this pattern they have it on little girls clothes which i think are super cute like look how sweet this is i remember actually that in this was national day in new york they were like multiple people wearing these uh these shadows it was fun so that blue one the men's shirt is the classic one but they do have different patterns so this is the classic one it's something to look out for they have it that's fun the textile they have it in things other than just shirts but yeah definitely check it out that's cute so the fifth thing to look out for in switzerland is also another kind of pattern textile if you will and it's called poya so you will likely see this all over switzerland and every tourist shop you get but it is something really beautiful unique to switzerland and swiss people love it too so i'll show you what we're talking about so this kind of black and white pattern we have it on a few different things this is like an oven that we have i also have it on a shower curtain in our guest bathroom we have it kind of all over and it's really cute they have it on postcards yeah so it's a traditional actually pattern that uh character has usually the deselp which is when the cows go back from the mountains to the plains in the end of the summer this is yeah something you see in a lot of chalets and uh and a bit everywhere in the mountains and uh but also now more in cities and it's always i think beautiful to have so it's not something that's like a gimmicky thing just for tourists swiss people like it too so if you see it and you like it we encourage you to get it it's really cute number six and again this is something that you likely know switzerland for you can buy all over the world but it's something special to buy in switzerland and that is a swiss watch so there are tons of swiss watch brands but i wanted to draw your attention to one particular one that you will have seen in a certain way during your trip which is the mundane watch this clock is all over the swiss train stations and it's something pretty cool to have on your wrist and you have actually price point that is 200 300 francs so it's not too too expensive and something that will remind you of switzerland and i think it's something that's really unique and will totally remind you of your trip like we said it's on every train station they also have clocks you can buy to put on your wall yes if you really want to do it louie has a month and watch so you don't need to come to switzerland and spend all this money on rolex or things like that if that's not your thing or you're not interested in it you certainly can but there are watches at lower price points and the mundane one is the one we just wanted to point out because it's something unique and likely you've never heard of unless you've traveled to switzerland otherwise you have of course the tiso there's swatch there's login which is the watch that i have which is also kind of a mid-range price point if you don't want to buy like a really expensive watch there's no need to there's something for everybody at every price point there are two stores that we recommend if you don't really know what you want to buy you just want to try them on it there's boucher and leis ambassador that were actually pretty nice experiences also when we try to buy watches and you have a whole range of of cheaper ones and more expensive ones so they'll be able to help you also okay number seven is a little bit of a secret gem of switzerland unless you've traveled here before and that is swiss wine so the surrounding countries of switzerland you've likely had their wine you've likely tried it so you've likely tried wine from italy and germany's riesling in france but switzerland drinks over 90 of the wine they produce so they keep it here because it's good yes we don't really share it with anyone just i would say the french region of switzerland the swiss hormones is really good at winemaking you have to canton off three maybe was geneva that i'm making really good wine you have geneva and vale and i would recommend really trying them on if you can at restaurants rather than taking like an italian wine or french wine we are very good at white wine i would say uh you can leave comments also if you disagree but uh what i really particularly enjoy in terms of swiss wines is petite arvin this is amazing haida so these are from the valet and it's really really it's it's uh yeah it's something really special that you really don't find anywhere else but yes really try to have some wine if you drink wine from switzerland when you are here and then maybe you'll bring one or two bottles okay so this next one is maybe a little bit niche but it's something that i think kids like adults like and it's karen dash it's a company that's based in geneva and they have really really beautiful and high quality writing instruments along with things for art so crayons colored pencils really really great stuff yeah so calendar is kind of the swiss staple everyone in switzerland knows it and uses it from companies to actually schools i used to use to use caramel pencils in schools and i still use them and you can actually have this kind of very sort of on the cheaper side or you have also some some very nice souvenirs that have some swiss patterns for example we have that beautiful little chalet that has and we'll show you uh that has scoops some uh some very nice pens we were talking about the poiya pattern and so these ones have beautiful patterns on them so you can find a lot of nice things with cairo dash so this is something that has a really really wide range of price points from really affordable to really really unique beautiful one-of-a-kind things that are just collected for yourself also so it's something fun that can be used for kids or adults the ninth thing that we recommend that you check out or get in switzerland is a cowbell yes so this is again on the theme of the cow but this is something that is quite nice and unique from switzerland you have these beautiful huge cables on the cows but you have a big range that you can buy you can buy them actually in souvenir shops for sure but also even in bigger cup in cup city for example you have a nice selection that you can see here and this is just something that will remind you of switzerland that you can maybe hang on your whole uh christmas tree or above uh champion or whatever this is just some some nice souvenirs from switzerland that is really feels like switzerland so the tenth and last one again on the count part but this is also something very unique from switzerland that are these wooden carved cows it's something that sort of every swiss kid has a lot of swiss kids have them it is very specific and it's only one or two companies that are doing it that have been doing it for like ages for at least 75 or 100 years these are beautiful little sculptures so it's a nice toy for for a kid but it's also a collectible for for you if you're not a kid and i always encourage people to to get these this is really unique and this is really sort of typical from switzerland so you don't want to be the tourist that buys the thing that is made in china this will be made and carved in switzerland and i i find it pretty cool okay guys so thank you for watching the top 10 things that we recommend that you buy in switzerland before you exit this video and go we want to give you really quickly some of the don'ts of what not to get in switzerland so we'll go through this pretty fast the first one is german chocolate so if you go in um yeah if you go an amigo or a lidl or whatever you might see german chocolate brands a quick way to check this out is just turn it over and see where it is made it will tell you if it is made in switzerland or in germany especially some of those souvenir shops if you see like a big swiss flag on the chocolate and different patterns that doesn't have a name brand sometimes they're made in germany because it's a little bit cheaper so don't fall into that trap yeah stick to the brands that we gave you so the second don't for me is to not buy the fondue set or raclette sets in switzerland for the raclette set because usually you have the plugs that are swiss plugs so you'll have to have an adapter to to make it work it might not work it's also very heavy and you might find them actually pretty easily for example especially in the us at least we could find these things quite easily for the fondue set the reason why is also for weight just for for transport but also you might then buy something that is a little bit on the cheaper size and these break pretty easily and they are not well made the cheaper ones you really should get a well done one which will be very heavy so maybe just buy in your home country okay so the last one that we recommend you don't get and listen for all of these you can get what you want but this is just our recommendations of what to not get or what to not stay authentic yeah to be authentic and this is one that my family has asked me about i see people asking me about in the comments where to buy this a lot and i just wanted to clear it up it is cuckoo clocks kuka hawks are very cute they're very cool they are not swiss they are from bavaria that is the southern part of germany so that is a great souvenir if you are in the bavarian region or anywhere in germany you can buy these but they are not originally from switzerland though you can buy them here you might think they are swiss i see how you can think they are swiss because switzerland makes and watches and they look like they're very swiss but they are not yeah they are german so stick to the mundane clock for example that will remind you of the swiss trains it's also quite tough to to to carry i think and i'm quite expensive but if you want something really swiss maybe don't get that cuckoo clock okay guys so that is it for our top 10 souvenirs that we recommend you get in switzerland and the three that we recommend that you don't get in switzerland thank you so much for watching this video if you liked it let us know in the comments and if you made it this far don't forget to subscribe for more videos like this one if there's anything you'd like to see about switzerland travel living anything like that let me know in the comments we always read them but that is it for us guys we'll see you in the next one bye guys bye hey guys thanks for watching thanks for watching if you want to see more videos like this please make sure to like and subscribe we'll see you soon
Channel: The Traveling Swiss – Alexis & Louis
Views: 70,745
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Keywords: switzerland souvenirs, swiss souvenirs, top swiss souvenirs, authentic swiss souvenirs, what to buy in switzerland, switzerland, swiss, switzerland what to buy, swiss watches, swiss cheese, swiss chocolate, cow bells, how to switzerland, the traveling swiss, traveling swiss, top 10 swiss souvenirs, authentic souvenirs switzerand, life in switzerland, the travelling swiss, travelling swiss, move to switzerland, how to, moving to switzerland
Id: L_UEoM54A4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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