Top 10 Suburbs to Live in Arizona. It doesn't matter who the Governor is.

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Why is everyone moving to Arizona? That's a  really good question because a lot of people   are the Grand Canyon State has been one of the  most moved to states in the U.S for decades   throughout the state's history Arizona has  been a landing spot for people wanting a new   life since the 1870s census Arizona has gained  double digits in population at least every time   the census people pull out their calculators or  or abacuses depending on the decade obviously a   majority of the people moving to Arizona are  finding Landing spots in the various suburbs   around the big cities in today's video we're  looking at the 10 best suburbs in Arizona now   we got our ranking by looking at crime rate  poverty rate Traffic schools and amenities   amenities means things like they got a lot  of stores entertainment gas stations things   like that I'm also going to include some  rankings from ranks it   like the best place to retire best place for  families things like that and I'll include   that so you get an idea of who should move  there got it get it good let's take a look number 10 Carefree Arizona besides sounding like  a great place to live it is a pretty nice place   to retire ranks them the ninth best  place to retire in Arizona some of the other   rankings are about the city but overall in the  state of Arizona this is one of the best place   to retire which is fitting because the town is  called carefree and that just screams retire   here and golf Carefree has a population of almost  3 700 residents and it's on the north side of the   Phoenix Metro Area side note in case you don't  understand what metro area is it's a city that's   normally a major city and the metro area includes  that and all the surrounding communities that   share a border and different Industries with that  major city I had someone email me and let me know   I didn't know what I was talking about because  San Diego is not a metro area it's actually a   city which it is a city but it's also the San  Diego metro area I know I shouldn't assume but   I assume that person was in the seventh grade  or just wandered out of the Amazon after being   raised by an uncontacted tribe Carefree is  a little expense and like most places that   show up on a positive list the cost of living  is almost 50 percent higher than the national   average their crime rates about 80 percent below  the national average which is outstanding and if   you want to buy some real estate here a decent  home starts around 600 000 and goes all the way   up into the two and three million dollar area so  it's a little pricey but it's a great place to   live you like to golf they have at least six golf  courses surrounding the town and one in the town number nine Paradise Valley Arizona Paradise  Valley is in the Phoenix Metro area just north of   Downtown Phoenix the city has a motto that goes  there's a reason we call this Valley Paradise   what is that reason is it the golf courses they  have a couple in town and a bunch in the area   Paradise Valley is also home to eight full-service  Resorts making it one of Arizona's best tourist   destinations Paradise Valley had a population of  almost 13 000 in 2020 and right now it's probably   a little bit over thirteen thousand their crime  rates 34 below the national average and they got   a cost of living that is about 127 percent above ranks them as the third best suburb to   raise a family in the Phoenix area so this one  for I'd say about 99 of us is unrealistic when   it comes to home prices there's nothing below a  million dollars here and I would say a majority of   them are over 2.5 million don't get me wrong these  are beautiful homes I mean some of them are like   20 million dollars 16 million dollars I'm looking  at and they are absolutely beautiful homes they're   just painfully expensive if you could find one  for below 1.5 million dollars it's like a unicorn number eight Gilbert Arizona staying in the  Phoenix Arizona area we have the town of Gilbert   Gilbert is a good sized suburb southeast  of Downtown Phoenix they have about 275   000 residents a little bit below that but  they're getting close they might have passed   that already in 2021 they had 273 000. Gilbert  is an outstanding place if you want to raise a   family actually ranks them as the  best suburb to raise a family in the Phoenix   area Gilbert is on the affordable side they've  got a cost of living that is only like five   percent above the national average which isn't  bad and you can actually find homes here that   are decent livable for about 350 to 500 000 350  000 is kind of rare you're probably looking at   to buy a decent place somewhere over 400 000 to  600 000 that's probably the target area you're   looking for they don't have many that are over a  million dollars but they do have some there that   you know they're getting up there they have  great schools and a crime rate right that's   50 below the national average so those two things  together make it a great place to raise a family   even though it is affordable place to live  they got plenty of golf courses in and around   Gilbert and I would say about 75 percent of the  homes have a swimming pool when you live in the   Phoenix Metro area or all of Nevada and Arizona  you pretty much need a swimming pool unless I   don't know you're half camel or something like  that you can probably get by without having one number seven Oro Valley Arizona Oro Valley is  where all the cool people live at least that's   what a friend told me he also told me the hills  above Oro Valley is where the Lost Dutchman's Gold   is I was like I thought that was outside of Apache  Junction and he said no that is where the mine   is the gold is hidden near Oro Valley now this  was before Google so I trusted him and here's a   lesson never trust a man that drinks grain alcohol  with his dinner he made the whole story up but Oro   Valley is very real and it's a great place to live ranks them as the second best suburb in   the Tucson area just so you know I have called  this Oral Valley so many times while trying to   record this which if it was called Oral Valley it  paints a completely different picture of the place   Oro Valley has a good mix of younger families  and retirees their crime rate is about 46 percent   below the national average their schools get high  marks and they have a cost of living that's 15   above the national average it's above but that's  not terrible if you want to buy a home here a   decent one's going to start off around 375 5000  the nicer ones are around five hundred thousand on   up this is definitely not a bad suburb to live in  they have plenty of golf and resorts in Oro Valley number six Chandler Arizona Chandler Arizona is  southeast of Downtown Phoenix and this suburb   Prides itself on its many parks including the  Desert Breeze Park which has a vintage train   ride you can go on the desert breeze railroad  it's called it's also not too far from the lost   Dutchman State Park which has nothing to  do with the mine or the gold it's that's   just what it's called this is a really nice  suburb in the Phoenix Metro area so much so   that has them at the number one spot  when it comes to Great suburbs to live in in   the Phoenix Metro Area Chandler has a crime rate  that is 12 percent lower than the national average   which is outstanding and their cost of living is  only eight percent above the national average so   you know really not a bad place to live if you  want to get a house here they start around 400   000 maybe a little bit less maybe a little  bit higher those are the decent ones and   they go up if you really want a good house  you're probably looking about 450 to 500   000 we'll get you in something really nice  but they start around four hundred thousand number five Scottsdale Arizona if you haven't  heard about Scottsdale Arizona you're not in   Arizona or you aren't anywhere near the  retirement age Scottsdale is northeast   of Downtown Phoenix and it overflows with  the retirees this has been a hot spot for   the Over the Hill Gang for decades in 2022 raided Scottsdale as the best   place to retire in the United States not just  Arizona but the entire country Scottsdale has   plenty of condos apartments and places for  retirees they also have a crime rate that's   12 percent lower than the national average  and the cost of living that's 22 percent   above when it comes to real estate you  might be able to find something around 550   000 maybe 600 000 but a majority of the homes are  going to be like 750 000 on up into the Millions number four Litchfield Park Arizona Litchfield  Park is on the other side of the Aquafina River   from Downtown Phoenix now if you've ever seen  the Aquafina River you would understand using   the word River they're being very generous every  time I've seen this place it is dry as a bone   Litchfield Park is just south of Luke Air Force  Base and it has a population of just around 7   000 residents it was six thousand nine hundred  and twenty twenty one so I'm sure they're over   it by now because it's a popular place to live  how could it not be they got some golf courses   they got a dry stretch of land posing as a  river to be fair I'm sure during the rainy   season some water runs through there but  honestly every time I've been by there the   amount of water that's going through that thing  uh you probably jump over without even running   starts like a glorified Creek but it's big  enough to keep a river there it just doesn't   have one that's Arizona for you Litchfield Park  has some really good stats their crime rate 60   percent below the national average and their  cost living is only 15 percent above the Nash   average when you look at the real estate you could  find something pretty easy here for four hundred   thousand dollars and it's not a bad place to live  there's several of them like that that's kind of   odd even have some other ones that might need a  little work that are going for 350 so it's not   horrible the stats seem like a place where it'd  be much more expensive but it's not and that's   why ranks them number three for the  best suburb to buy a home in the Phoenix area number three Queen Creek Arizona Queen Creek  Arizona sounds like it should be called Queens   Creek and to be perfectly honest I'm reading  it right now it says Queen Creek but I gotta   tell you I've been struggling not to call it  Queens Creek this is a strange place they have   good stats and reasonable real estate but they  also have a ton of homes for sale like way more   than almost any place in Arizona when you see  that there's usually something wrong with the   neighborhood I don't see what's wrong with the  neighborhood I mean they have a new stretch   of road Meridian Road now goes to German Road  maybe that's chasing everyone out gonna bring   a bad element in who knows they did have one of  those signs I thought was a little ridiculous of   a bunch of office workers and maybe politicians  I don't know who they were but they're holding   up signs on the road says teamwork gets things  done like they should get an award for this it's   like you people go back to your air conditioning  you don't get to celebrate this the people that   celebrate it are the guys that poured that  Asphalt in 120 degree weather in Queen Creek   Arizona Queen Creek has a crime rate that is 27  percent below the national average and their cost   of living is only 30 13 above the national  average they have Great Schools housing low   unemployment everything's good here I'm not sure  why everyone's selling their homes but I will tell   you does rank them as number four in  the best suburb to buy a home in the Phoenix area number two Anthem Arizona Anthem Arizona is North  of Downtown Phoenix and it's pretty much the last   good-sized city that you'd get to before you reach  out into the desert of Arizona they're ranked as   the sixth best suburb to buy a home in the Phoenix  area now number six doesn't sound that high but   they're also the seventh best place to raise  a family in the Phoenix Metro area and they're   the 10th best suburb in the Phoenix Metro area  one thing that makes this place so appealing is   it's not right there in the middle of everything  it's kind of outside the metro area I mean it's   at the edge it's not outside the metro area but  it's pretty close to it you can still gather kind   of that small town vibe from a place like this  they have great schools and they got about 22   000 people that enjoy a crime rate that's 50  percent lower than the national average their cost   living isn't terrible it's only 17 percent above  not bad at all employment numbers are good next to   no poverty all in all it's a great place to live  and they're number two all right before we get to   number one uh I'm not gonna pump my other channel  or anything like that I just want to stop and tell   everyone thank you for watching my videos and my  channels I really appreciate it it means the world   to me I hope you all learn a little something  and are entertained all right on to number one and number one Catalina Foothills Arizona  Catalina Foothills is a suburb but it's also   an unincorporated Community North of Tucson in  Prima County it is surrounded by Foothills Golf   Courses and the Tucson mall so since this  is on the edge of the town and it has the   Foothills right behind it it sort of has this  rural desert feel to it all the properties are   I should say most the properties have a little  space between them too they're not right on top   of each other a lot of the areas in Arizona  especially around the cities they grade the   land down and they put up these grids of new  housing projects or new housing areas these   places they kind of follow the land so it it's  just kind of it's different well I shouldn't   say different it's just kind of nice it's a  break from what most of Arizona's got going   on in the populated areas Catalina Foothills  have a cost living that's about 27 above the   national average and their crime rates 47 below  the national average so that's pretty good their   schools their schools are great at a plus which  is outstanding very low in employment housing's   a little up there it's not crazy but it's up there  I mean most homes here start off around 550 to 600   000 and they get up into the millions but they're  usually good-sized house on a good sized lot so   you're getting a little something for that extra  money says they are the absolute best   suburb to live in in Arizona not just the Tucson  area they're number one in the state that is great all right that's today's video hope  you guys enjoyed it hope you got some   information out of it now go out have  a great day and be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 348,287
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Keywords: where to live in America, Top 10, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Travel Education, States, USA, US States, Arizona, arizona realtor, arizona real estate 2022, arizona real estate update, arizona sunshine, arizona real estate, phoenix arizona, moving to arizona 2022, arizona real estate market, best neighborhoods in arizona, best places to live in the united states, united states map
Id: Yj218_gLXXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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