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the world of one punch man is one of heroes and monsters it is the hero association sworn duty to protect the populace and eliminate monstrous threats threats that may be furthermore designated specific disaster levels that of wolf tiger demon dragon and finally god and so in turn the heroes also follow along a hierarchical classification system that of c-class b-class and a-class however in recognition of certain heroes being capable of consistently thwarting threats of considerable power that others failed to the designation of s-class hero came to be entities of such reliably considerable strength that the association mostly treats them each like secret weapons reserved for only the most dire of circumstances however as is to be expected from systems like these there are of course faults to be found the ranking of heroes for instance isn't solely based on strength as an amalgam of things are taken into consideration however with this video we instead intend to present you with the actual top 10 strongest heroes in one punch man if you enjoy the content please be sure to let us and youtube know by dropping a comment and subscribing to plot armor if you have not already but with that let us begin number 10 watch dog man if we know one thing about this story it is to not judge a book by its cover and watchdog man is a perfect example of this unlike other s-class heroes watchdog only operates in a single location his home cue city is considered to be the most dangerous city in terms of the number of monsters and their average disaster level yet even when faced by exceedingly threatening circumstances watchdog always keeps things under control and has never actually been known to exert himself in any of his fights we truly don't know all too much about this guy especially now considering he was not involved in the monster association arc really but physically he is an absolute marvel his strength is considerable allowing him to one-shot threat level demon entities with ease when 30 monster association forces ganged up on him he managed to swiftly take them all out emerging victorious without even a single scratch his sense of hearing and smell are so impeccable that he can immediately detect any threats that enter cue city now watchdog's fight against the hero hunter garrow speaks volumes as to just how capable of a combatant he is garrow who prior to this fight had proven his strength against the s-class hero tank top master and several of his comrades simultaneously followed by his fight against the s-class hero metal bat meanwhile when it came to facing watchdog man having even studied his moves prior to their encounter garrow was absolutely destroyed in fact he was played with he couldn't land a single attack and was just getting knocked around only managing to survive because he had fled outside of cue city now certainly garo's strength has only grown with time but for watchdog man to have so effortlessly push this guy around despite him already being a threat level dragon is insane s-class heroes are expected to be able to defeat threat level dragon threats by their lonesome yes but not necessarily with ease number nine drive knight sorry jenos but the strongest cyborg in the hero association is in fact this especially calculated combatant unlike most s-class heroes drive knight is far from overconfident and absolutely knows his own limitations and never underestimates his adversaries that being said he does seem to be pretty lacking in the empathy and morality departments he's a sort of hero to gather sufficient information before ever engaging and refuses to ever allow an enemy that has observed his abilities to survive as to avoid a similar deduction of information against him certainly the most notable aspect of this guy's fighting capabilities may be found is tactical transformations thanks to a shape-changing box drive knight can almost instantly shift his combat style strengths and weaponry depending on the situation knight form sees him shift into a sort of mechanized centaur providing an increase to speed and leg strength chariot turns him into a motorcycle that is of course pretty fast and also sports missile systems anesthetic gas and a corrosive solvent flying chariot turns him into a hefty rocket-powered fighter jet that is ideal for aerial threats and possesses energy blasters along with the ability to detach from the wings allowing them to become energy blasters as well for the sake of supporting fire silver creates a sword of variable length for drive knight which may be used in tandem with his various other forms and may be dual wielded as well bishop is his mostly defensive form that turns him into a bulky robot capable of sustaining heavy damage gold form is one that starts to incinerate adversaries and raises his body temperature to absurd levels and finally there is tactical combination which allows drive knight to fuse with another mechanical entity either a cyborg or a robot that possesses an energy core and hell even his shape-changing box can be used as a weapon itself turning into a saw blade or a cage and there may very well be even more ways to use this stuff that we have yet to see drive night's greatest feat thus far has been his victory over the monster association's executive nion a creature of threat level dragon and nion was no joke but to be fair drive knight admitted that his victory was thanks to the monster's overconfidence and his own prior research but listen man pretty much all of these powerful monsters are full of themselves and studying enemies is what drive knight does he is a master strategist so he's more likely to win a lot of fights than not number 8 super alloy dark shine this absolute unit of a man boasts what is perhaps the greatest physical strength among the s-class heroes not only that but he can withstand the most direct physical punishment as well he is a hand-to-hand fighter that uses his body like a weapon and even with it being as massive as it is dark shine is still incredibly fast with plenty of stamina to boot thanks to dr cuceno simulations we know that at full power after 15 minutes of unending combat dark shine would be able to emerge victorious against carnage kabuto a threat level dragon entity that we know from the early house of evolution arc to this guy jenos was a joke so yeah a very powerful creature indeed now in recent times dark shine hasn't looked so hot and that's because of this fight against garrow during that fight garo evolved and dark shine subsequently degraded now don't get me wrong he's still really strong sure but in the face of a high dragon level threat he for the most part falls apart number 7 atomic samurai the greatest swordsman in the world capable of unleashing 100 sword slashes in a second this man can turn a toothpick into a lethal weapon laying out whole mobs of monsters with ease he is damn good and he knows it so much so that he at times refuses to acknowledge those he considers to be weak or beneath him he is even capable of ranged attacks as he motions his blade in a way that sends condensed air towards his opponents his strength is said to be nuclear powered and against most adversaries doesn't even allow enough time for reactions according to darkshine half monster garo would have perished against him before even being able to display his own techniques and now atomic is even more powerful on account of the legendary sunblade a power he has yet to completely master but one that nearly proved fatal for homeless emperor and even severed the arm of the terrifyingly powerful golden s who had previously treated darkshine like a ragdoll number six flashy flash alright so placing flashy flash above atomic was a tough decision for sure but one i definitely have reasoning for and stand behind aside from blast flashy flashes easily the fastest s-class there is i mean even saitama recognized a guy's speed flashy flash is also very tactical being able to determine a person's weight and biological sex based solely on their footsteps and he too was believed by darkshine to be able to take out half monster garo before he could even do much flash wields a sword yes which mind you he is exceptionally capable with but he also attacks by kicking at accelerated speeds now according to the one punch man encyclopedia flashy flashes an eight in stamina a six in intelligence a seven in endurance a ten in power and eight in effectiveness and a nine in fighting ability atomic has the exact same stats with a few exceptions atomic has one more point that flashy flash does when it comes to stamina and endurance with a 9 and an 8 respectively however flashy flash has two more points of intelligence than atomic does and i honestly believe that that intelligence factor cannot be understated as in his arrogance atomic woefully underestimated black s and continued to one trick with his sword despite it clearly not working in his favor now granted this was a horrible matchup for him but even still if he was smart enough to use a blunt side of his sword instead he would have at least had a fighting chance the flame blade is a different story yeah but he can only handle its power for a few seconds at most and flashy flash is way too fast for him to get a hit on but getting back to flashy flash himself this man is truly incredible and that is absolutely made clear to us with his fight against gail wind and hellfire flame two extremely fast ninja combatants who began their fight against flashy flash at the right level demon in their human forms and furthermore it is said that if these two had become heroes instead of monsters then they would have immediately became s-class heroes yet at this level of power flashy flash was having no trouble with them at all later on in the fight however they would unveil their monstrous forms which were both a threat level dragon and mind you all throughout this fight flashy flash was being exceptionally calculated and deductive his opponents continued to shift the terrain and he remained unfazed and adapted immediately he not only held his own but excelled on his own and again thanks to his versatility beyond the blade was able to stun even these raging monstrosities with his kicks alone he concluded the fight in a single strike with his ultimate technique flashy slash a move that outside of entities like saitama was virtually unavoidable and listen the entire fight against these two threat level dragon adversaries flashy flash was simply waiting for an opportunity to kill them both simultaneously which is to say that any point during this fight he could have easily killed either one of them and the reason he didn't was because he did not want them to truly recognize how outmatched they were and flee as otherwise there wasn't another s-class on the mission who could handle their speed that if these two had ganged up on anyone else besides him that person would have more than likely died flashy flash is an absolute beast number 5 silverfang an elderly martial artist that despite his age remains one of the greatest martial artists in the world in the past darkshine convinced bank to face him in a sparring match and despite his best efforts again and again each and every one of darkshine's attacks were deflected and redirected seeing as this was a sparring match bang certainly didn't take it upon himself to harm darkshine but despite shine's superior physicality he was nowhere near a match for bang and pretty much the same was the case when sparring against metal bat as he easily repelled and avoided each swing until metal bat was too tired to keep going metal bat being a hero especially known for his incredible stamina bang is faster than metal bat prisoner and even atomic samurai who is known to kill enemies before they can even realize he has moved at all atomic likes to think of the old man as his rival but he is out of his depth bang is also crazy durable having taken hits from elder centipede a creature that even blast in the past failed to kill and bang emerged with only minor damage he may not be as spry as he once was but this guy's stamina is no joke and most times feels almost endless bang himself is considered to be the greatest treasure of martial arts the man has created two incredibly devastating fighting styles that of the water stream rock smashing fist considered to be the ultimate defensive technique and the explosion release fist an incredibly destructive and aggressive style that bang has since retired and sealed away and if this man's strength was for any reason in question his fight against a fully evolved monster goddarrow should certainly clear that up garo is pretty much a perfect stress test considering all the opponents he has faced at this point including s-class heroes at only the halfway point of his evolution garo dark shine crying and cowering in fear garo who according to one is on par with boros and that statement was from 2016 so it's quite possible that garo has exceeded that level by now to be real with you garo may simply be considered a deviant bang in his prime had his brother not been there to reign him in bang is most certainly about that action number 4. metal knight dr bofoy is an incredibly secretive and mysterious individual but if we are to believe these sentiments of others this man is absolutely dangerous unlike everyone else so far the doctor himself isn't much of a fighter at all however he does possess an absurdly genius intellect and is perhaps one of if not the smartest character in the series the weaponry he has created is incredible and for that matter metal knight was believed by the monster association to be one of only four heroes who could defeat elder centipede by their lonesome yet the full extent of his arsenal's destructive capabilities are unknown even to the hero association and according to child emperor the power of said weapons was well beyond that of any single hero child emperor who happened to be the doctor's former protege the very same genius intellect child emperor whose weaponry was enough to defeat the threat level dragon resurrected phoenix man the doctor is a very same mind behind the virtually impenetrable defenses of the hero association's headquarters he is a man that drive knight fears has the potential to take over the world with his army of robots with presumably a heft of information on most of the hero association's strongest members dr beauford may very well be one of the most dangerous individuals in the world willing to use the threat of the monster association to his own advantage number three tornado of terror tatsumaki is a weapon of mass destruction given tiny form she is considered to be the hero association's ultimate weapon as truly her power is so incredible that virtually no being could ever defeat her with conventional means she is by far the most powerful expert in the series and has such an absurdly vast array of capabilities at her disposal flight telepathy telekinesis expansive barriers tatsumaki has it all every other expert in this series including the mighty s for psychos was pitiful compared to her and even when psychos fused with monster king orochi despite their terrifying might tatsumaki was still able to hold her own and despite sustaining a lot of damage that was for the most part on account of her care for others for most of the conflict tatumaki simply couldn't go all out in fear of killing every other s-class present inadvertently she is so strong that she needed to be handicapped in this way otherwise she would have trivialized the threat entirely by her lonesome in an interview one expressed it in perfect condition tatumaki would certainly have defeated golden s who we know to be way too strong furthermore according to him in most cases tatsumaki would defeat mob the main protagonist of his other series mob psycho 100 and mind you mob in his world is pretty much the saitama of espers however he did also admit that if mob were to get really serious the answer wouldn't be so clear tatsumaki can level whole cities in an instant and at a whim and so in terms of feats that we have actually seen for ourselves tornado of terror is by far the strongest s-class hero number two blast yet another mysterious anomaly and despite not having seen his feats we know he is nothing to play with known as a man that sits atop the hero world blast is the number one hero fabuki even credits blast's power to be on par with kings and whereas king strength is a false exaggeration blasts is the real deal for them to be comparable should express just how strong this man is and with king being essentially the proxy for saitama's power blast is more than likely the closest character aside from maybe god to saitama's strength in fact blast only emerges to aid the hero association when humanity as a whole is in peril what in other words is a threat level god appearance it is speculated that he may possess some degree of psychic and or mind-reading abilities he like saitama is faster than flashy flash and can freely play around with a god cube as if it were a toy despite its uncanny weight which not even flashy flash could lift and finally he has access to dimensional travel we know very little about this man but what we do know is that he is really really strong number one caped baldy as if you didn't already know who the top spot rightfully belongs to this hero for fun is more than just the strongest hero but is also the most powerful being in existence saitama is unfeasibly strong fast and resilient nothing in the series has successfully harmed him physically or been able to withstand a true unrestrained punch from him and live he is simultaneously an unstoppable force and an immovable object that trivializes any and every threat forget nothing being able to take a serious hit from him nothing has ever taken a serious punch directly from him before what they end up being obliterated by is in reality just the aftermath of his fist hitting the air his power is so incomprehensible that most minds immediately attempt to rationalize it as something else as such a realization may be reality shattering i mean even those who somewhat know what he is capable of still have no idea what he is capable of saitama is a defier of logic and cannot be placed on the same scale as any other entity in this world and perhaps if blast hadn't entered the fray when he did he would have very well punched god itself i mean i could go on and on listing this guy's feats but he has too many and considering all that he can do it would be no different from me commending you for surviving your fights against single ants and so there you have it guys the actual top 10 strongest heroes in one punch man i'm really curious what you guys may think about this list of ours if you agree or disagree with anything said we would love to hear it admittedly zombie man's resilience and child emperor's ingenuity nearly got them a spot but really and truly watchdog man is a different breed and so they would really have it rough against him if you'd like to see more one punch man content from us again let us and youtube know by dropping a like and subscribing to paw armor with notifications on because when it comes to bring you some of the best one punch man content on the platform plot armor has you covered as always i'm slice of otaku thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day i love you
Channel: Plot Armor
Views: 1,147,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one punch man, one punch man manga, one punch man anime, saitama, top 10 one punch man, top 10 one punch man heroes, strongest heroes in one punch man, s class heroes, one punch man s class heroes, blast one punch man manga, blast one punch man, blast one punch man powers, how strong is saitama, how strong is one punch man, one punch man strongest characters, one punch man top 10 strongest characters, one punch man top 10 strongest, plot armor, plot armor one punch man, anime
Id: FR3kJ5TT19k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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