Top 10 Small Dog Breeds That Don't Bark... Much 📢

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Dogs bark for various reasons. It  could be because they are excited,   frightened, suprised or irritated. Small dogs make amazing pets,   especially when you live in a small space. But  small dogs have the character of being yappy,   barking a bit too much. It can also pose a  problem if done excessively. If you live in   a small apartment, this can become an issue  not just for you, but for your neighbors. In today's video we will be covering the  top 10 small dog breeds that don't bark   much. Make sure you stick around to  the end of the video where we reveal   our number 1 dog that's so silent that  you will never actually hear it bark. Hello everyone, welcome to Dog Oracle.  Before we get started with the video,   make sure to subscribe to the channel for  more great doggy content and to help us grow. Let's get right into it. Number 10: French Bulldogs French bulldogs are happy apartment occupants,  they are known to rarely make noise and don't   need much exercise other than brisk walks.  The Frenchie, as it's commonly called,   is playful, alert, adaptable, and completely  irresistible. Frenchies don't bark much,   but their alertness makes them excellent watchers.  Their playful nature doesn't manifest in barking   either. They don't bark frequently although  they may be exceptions to the rule. They make   good pets and are also good companions. They  make wonderful household pets with amazing   personalities and have good relationships with  children and also other pets. They also enjoy   and cherish contact with humans and, since  they don't bark much whenever they do bark,   something must really have caught their  attention, making them good watchful small dogs. Number 9: Shiba Inu The Shiba Inu is a good-natured  breed and are normally quiet dogs,   making them ideal for apartment living.  They are sturdy muscular dogs with a bold,   confident personality to match. Although they  don't bark much, they can be quite vocal with   a variety of vocal stylings. One of its various  vocal stylings is the Shiba scream. It's a high   pitched scream that can make one's body hair  stand. They do this when either experiencing fear,   anxiety or just general displeasure.  The Shiba Inu is a good family dog,   loyal and devoted and does well with children if  properly socialized. They make wonderful household   pets with less noise. They can be stubborn and  hard to train, but they are good companions. Number 8: Papillon Papillons, also called the continental toy  spaniel, are generally outgoing and happy dogs   that enjoy sitting in laps as much as they like  running around the house. They are quite lively   and energetic, but they do not bark excessively.  Papillons are not typically known as a barking   breed, but when they are left at home all day  alone, they can bark and whine for hours. But   it's not in their nature to bark a lot and they  make good apartment pets that rarely disturb the   neighbors. Papillons have always been bred  to be companion dogs and are used to being   around people. So they would make perfect pets  for dog owners looking for small, quiet dogs. Number 7: Cavalier king Charles spaniel The cavalier king Charles spaniel, unlike  the Basenji, does have normal bark, but they   don't bark much. It does not bark much due to  its docile nature. This breed was a favourite   of British aristocrats. They are gentle yet  athletic. They are absolutely adorable and,   of course, rarely make a peep. They are  easy-going dogs by nature and most owners   agree that they tend not to bark a lot.  They usually bark if they're excited,   because they are dogs after all, but they  don't bark much because it's not their   nature to do so. The cavalier king Charles  spaniel is affectionate and is easy going,   making friends with new people. The spaniel is  superb with children and a pleasurable companion. Number 6: Italian greyhound The Italian greyhound is gentle and sweet-tempered  and makes a great, quiet and good companion dog.   They don't just yap like every other small dog,  it's a normal dog bark. Italian greyhounds are   moderate barkers. They don't bark much. They  may bark to give warning to their owners,   or simply to try to get your attention. They may  also bark if they are experiencing separation   anxiety when being left alone for long periods.  They are, however, not heavy barkers but rather   decorative couch dogs who are rather lazy. Or it  might be that they don't bark much because they   are polite and peaceful with everyone. They  are also generally compatible with children. Number 5: Pug Pug is a breed of toy dog that originated from  China and is known as the breed that knows no   violence. Pugs' tendency to bark and howl is  low, which makes them a quiet breed.Having a low   tendency to bark doesn't mean pugs aren't vocal.  Apart from an occasional warning or playful bark,   pugs make other noises like snorts, squeaks  and grunts. Pugs are the ideal house dog and   are happy in the city or country,  with kids or old folks. The pug is   a valued companion dog who rarely barks  much. And because they don't bark much,   they are the ideal apartment dogs and make  good roommates. Pugs aren't "yappy" dogs,   but what they lack in yapping, they make up for  in other sounds like wheezing and snoring. Pugs   bark when happy, to get your attention,  when they are left alone or endangered. Number 4: Japanese Chin Japanese Chin, also known as the Japanese  spaniel, is a lap dog and a companion dog   perfect for apartments. They are known for  their protruding strabismus eyes (eyes that   don't look exactly in the same direction).  This bright and amusing lap dog is graceful,   and generally quiet. Japanese Chin do not  bark a lot. They are known to be great in   condos or apartments because they keep their  thoughts to themselves. Japanese Chin were   bred to be companion dogs and they make the  perfect roommates. They are very playful and   affectionate dogs. They also make good watchdogs  even though they don't bark much. Since they are a   playful breed, the Japanese Chin will join you  in singing( they are quite vocal even though   they rarely bark) and they enjoy dancing  (their popular dance is the "chin spin"). Number 3: Bolognese The Bolognese is the main choice for anyone  in need of one of the quietest dog breeds   that doesn't bark too much, which is  perfect for apartments as they would   rarely disturb the neighbors. Almost  nothing can disturb their quietness,   and they love being part of a family. They may  be a small breed, but they do not have a small   dog "yappy" bark. The Bolognese have a deeper  sound when barking, though they are not known   to be big barkers. They bark occasionally  when they feel lonely and need attention or   are worried about something that they are not  familiar with. They form close relationships   with their owners, can be quite playful  and also get along well with other animals. Number 2: Whippet Whippets are not known to be a vocal breed, and  some hardly even bark at all. They are gentle,   patient and quiet companions. They rarely  make much noise and they never (or at least   rarely) bark. They are perfect for  apartment dwellers who want pet dogs   that don't disturb the neighbors. Whippets  and cats don't see eye to eye sometimes,   and this can make them bark. They may also bark  from time to time as a means of communicating   with us and their fellow dogs. Whippets may also  bark with joy when a member of the family returns   home from work. They get really excited and will  let out a bark. Whippets are also known as velcro   dogs as they tend to stick really close to  their owners. They make good quiet pets. Number 1: Basenji And to our number 1 dog, the famous Basenji  dog that is so silent you hardly hear it.  Basenji is nicknamed the "barkless dog" owing to  the breed's unusual shaped larynx. This handsome   hunting dog originates from Africa. They are known  for their tendency to make little or no noise.  This doesn't mean they don't make noise, they  are rather quite vocal and produce an unusual   yodel-like sound. The ventricle of the larynx is  more shallow in the Basenji and is believed to   limit the ability of the vocal folds to vibrate  sufficiently enough to make a bark. Some believe   the ability to bark was purposely bred out to  avoid attracting predators to villages. Others   think it is a naturally evolved trait that  developed over time. The fact that Basenji   don't bark is thought to be the reason why the  dog survived its semi-wild existence and proved   them useful to African hunters. They are clever  dogs and make great pets and don’t actually bark. I hope you enjoyed this video! Let us  know your favourite dog on the list by   commenting below. Or if we missed any  dog you think should be on the list,   let us know in the comments. Be sure  to like and subscribe to the channel if   you enjoy these videos. Thank you so much for  watching and we'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Dog Oracle
Views: 194,952
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Keywords: dogs, dog videos, cute dogs, dog facts, facts about dogs, dog breed, dog oracle, small quiet dog breeds, small quiet dog breeds that dont shed, quiet dog breeds, small quiet dog, quiet dog breeds for apartments, top 10 most quiet dog breeds, easy small dog breeds, quiet calm dog breeds, small dog breeds that dont yap, top 10 dog breeds, top 10 small dog breeds, small dogs, easy small dogs, most quiet dogs, dogs 101, dogs for children, dogs that dont bark much
Id: LA7AtoV5HY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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