Top 10 Small Cities in Germany

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Germany is such a diverse country when it comes to places to visit that it makes it so hard to decide where to go to First outside the massive cities like Berlin Munich or cologne by some pretty incredible places and with Germany the sizes range so much compared to other countries so I've thrown together my top 10 small German cities that really give you that old world feel but in a new world setting first though make sure to subscribe to my Channel with the button below and then sit back kick your feet up as we count down my top 10 small German cities starting our list off in at number 10 is Bremen located in northeastern Germany Just a Touch south of Hamburg Bremen is known for maritime trade with its connections to the North Sea via the river vaser that cuts right through the center of the city probably one of the larger entries on the list Bremen still keeps a quintessential Germany with its amazing old town and by far the best place to experience this is hitting up the marketplatz for Central Market Square here you can visit the imposing St Peter's Cathedral and climb one of its 89 meter tall towers Marvel at the amazing architecture of City Hall and cabled houses or get your picture taken with a Roland statue though making your way to the Waterfront is an absolute must along its restored Promenade with summer beer gardens and restaurants to fill your belly whichever one you decide is going to be great and you'll see why this city makes my list Hanover takes the number nine spot as the capital of lower Saxony and the 13th largest city in Germany with a splash of modern buildings in the skyline Hanover might be leaning a little more on the not so Queen side but I can assure you that it has its quaint draws just as much as the rest without question the pride of Hanover and the reason it's on my list is the gardens yes that's right the gardens harenhauser Gardens and Georgian Garden are a sight to behold with impeccable Landscaping over 50 hectares loaded with massive Gardens sculptures fountains a hedge Maze and of course a palace to boot it may not look like quintessential Germany but it certainly makes me want to travel here oh and I forgot to mention the massive New Town Hall that literally looks like a palace with a huge Dome an observation deck and a nice little Lake sitting out back coming in at number eight is Leipzig ancient closer to Berlin on the east side of Germany will find one of the more modern entries on the list but I assure you the old town and history really packs a good punch for German Flair located in Saxony Leipzig proudly houses one of the oldest universities in Europe with Leipzig University and without questioned their claim to fame the Saint Thomas Church here you'll find the burial site of Johann Sebastian Bach you know the famous composer you can also check out the choir that sings here which is notably one of the most prestigious choirs in the entire world and if music isn't your thing then by all means take a water down to the Market Square a great place to catch up with friends and enjoy some of the many festivals put on like the Christmas Market or a Medieval Festival complete with actual jousting or if you're keen on architecture the Old Town Hall is also right at the market which is considered to be one of Germany's best examples of Renaissance architecture or hop over to the new town hall and climb the tower for a panoramic view of the city either way I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with this location [Music] number seven is one of the larger cities on the list and this slot goes to Dresden the capital of the Saxony state is less about tall buildings and more about preserving its history you can easily tell by the skyline that Dresden offers some pretty incredible architecture and plenty of attractions to take in which has given this city the nickname The Jewel box much if not all of Dresden was destroyed in the war and along with it some incredible buildings with the frowncarch being one of them rebuilt by 2005 with one of Europe's largest domes it's an amazing piece of architecture to see a day span here will leave any visitor satisfied along with places like the semperoper one of the world's most respected Opera Houses zwinger palace with its Rich Pavilions fountains and Gardens and of course bruised Terrace overlooking the AL river that also connects to the massive Dresden Cathedral located directly between Frankfurt and Nuremberg in the state of Bavaria we find our number six spot of Wurzburg known as the center of the franconian wine country Wurzburg is where we start to jump into what I like to call the more traditional German cities from high up on the hill you can scan the entire city at miriamberg Fortress a castle built in the 1200s that has stood the test of time and a great place to start your adventures and from here you'll easily pick out the ultimate or old main Bridge which is a lovely pedestrian-only bridge that screams medieval Germany and connects the Old Fisherman's quarter with the old town a place where you can walk the old streets or find a fantastic square with cafes in the grand Marian Capelli this place would be an absolute gem to have even a one day stay over in a little further west of Frankfurt we sail up to number five beaupart definitely a smaller town located on the banks of the river Rhine but really a cool spot to visit known as a tourist spot and a wine growing area beaupart attracts many tourists and clearly the best way to get here is by a river cruise if you can spare the time views of the town are a must and there's no better place than veerson Beach or four lakes view which sits 332 meters above the river offering amazing views and a paved hiking path if you're feeling adventurous though there's a two-seater chair lift that operates from April to October providing some incredible views throughout the 20-minute ride to the top something that I would like to take on the way up and then maybe hike my way down that way you can save your legs for exploring the old town which boasts some incredible streets traditional German architecture fortified medieval walls to explore and of course a great Square to enjoy the afternoon and take it all in let me know in the comments if this place would be a great weekend destination I've set aside number four for Bamberg another Bavarian town just north of Nuremberg laid out over Seven Hills Bamberg has a wide reach but offers a really awesome atmosphere when looking for that quintessential German feel which has labeled it with being one of the most beautiful towns in all of Germany here you'll find Europe's largest intact Old City wall and some amazing medieval streets that are begging for exploration the most popular photo op in the town is the Old Town Hall which is built on its own Island and offers incredible views on the outside but also some amazing frescoes on the inside throw this in with the Bamberg Cathedral with its Priceless pieces of Art and the banks of the river regnets with its lovely Fisherman's quarter and River Cruises and you can't go wrong with a stopover in this location finally we find ourselves at the aforementioned Nuremberg taking up the number three spot second largest city behind Munich Nuremberg still absolutely makes you feel like you're an equate German Village which is likely due to the red colored rooftops that completely cover the city with plenty to see throughout the entire city the old town is what ports Nuremberg on this list with the kaiserberg castle dating back to the 14th century including an amazing observation deck for the perfect vantage point or the awesome hidden Square the trodo market a beautiful area situated on its own island with easily the best views and photo spots for any tourists even just a wander along the canal edges will be enough to keep you happy in this city I mean just look at all those bridges located between Stuttgart and Frankfurt we find our number two spot Heidelberg and you can't tell me this is in classic Germany right nestled on the Necker River Heidelberg is absolutely a place to wind down for a day or two and give you that much needed rest the 14th century Heidelberg University which is the oldest one in Germany and one of the most reputable in Europe and rules roughly a quarter of the entire Town's population which is crazy considering the population is well over 150 000 people Heidelberg is ripe with history and amazing attractions to go along with it 80 meters above the town is the Schloss Heidelberg a castle first constructed in the 13th century that has seen its fair share of Destruction over the years but still offers some incredible history paired with some amazing views don't skip over the river rather take your time on the old bridge which doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary but being 200 years old and actually the ninth bridge to span the River due to poor construction and ice roads of the previous eight it really is a cool attraction finish off your day with time in the downtown court and check out the Church of the Holy Spirit and more notable the all staff which is a lovely square with all the fixings of a great afternoon bite and a few evening drinks as well clearly this is where you'll find me topping off my list at the number one spot is the beautiful town of Rutenberg abdutaba or just simply rotenberg located in Northern Bavaria and situated between Nuremberg and Stuttgart the town is known for its medieval charm and architecture and is one of the smaller entries on the list the old town is one of the best preserved medieval ones around making it a massively popular place for tourists especially because it's also included on the lovely romantic road throughout Southern Germany today it's still one of the only three towns in Germany that have a completely intact City wall with loads of cool Gates strategically placed throughout the town which are awesome to check out by far the most famous photo opportunity here is the pleur line with its incredible Pinocchio Disney Vibe and really gives you that old-school German atmosphere but to get a great feel for the city you have to head to the market square and Town Hall in Old Town this spot is where you're going to remember this town and really enjoy yourself every day you're here okay now that you've got my top 10 let me know what yours is in the comments and don't forget to like And subscribe before checking out another one of my videos thanks so much for watching
Channel: Postcard Travels
Views: 7,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Germany, Bremen, Hanover, Leipzig, Dresden, Wruzburg, Boppard, Bamberg, Nuremberg, Heidelberg, Rothenburg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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