Top 10 Shocking The Twilight Zone Twist Endings

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consider if you will this ordinary list of extraordinary twists welcome to before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at the most shocking and iconic surprise endings to come out of the original run of Rod Serling's influential sci-fi and horror anthology as we're talking endings a spoiler alert is now in effect what number 10 the real monsters the monsters are due on Maple Street when a strange object flies over a suburb knocking out all the power the residents of Maple Street at first assumed it's something harmless but as talk turns to aliens it's not long before the neighbors violently turn on one another they look just like humans and it wasn't until the ship landed that honey don't talk like that the morality lesson about the danger of witch-hunt seems all set up until the twist is revealed aliens are watching and now know that they can exploit human paranoia to take over earth the twist hammers home the message that not only will fear in division destroy us they leave us open to manipulation and coercion a message that remains all too relevant today they pick the most dangerous enemy they can find and it's themselves number 9 playthings stopover in a quiet town it may just be the biggest twist in the series after a night of partying a husband and wife wake up in an unknown house hearing a little girl laugh they leave the house to find the town eerily empty to their horror they soon discovered there now playthings for a giant alien girl at least they might have it better than the guy who wound up in a zoo there are a lot of signs in this episode that something's wrong but who would have seen a super-sized extraterrestrial coming this is a twist right at a left field number 8 dead broke and silenced the silence this is this absolute nonsense silence is golden but can also come at a cost sick of Jamie Tennyson's chatter colonel archie taylor bets him half a million bucks that he can't keep silent for a year Tennyson takes the bet and pulls off the feat returning to Taylor for his money turns out that Taylor lost his fortune years ago however and it was all for naught distraught but still silent Tennyson reveals to the others that he had the nerves to his vocal cords cut the body mutilation horror of this one makes the twist particularly effective especially as Tennyson became a sympathetic figure over the episode don't cheat to win kids you may still lose big [Music] number seven going my way the hitch-hiker man adams is driving across america when she has a car accident while following a mechanic into the closest town for repairs she notices a scruffy looking man hitching on the side of the road she continues on her trip but in the next town sees the same man convinced that he's following her and frightened because no one else can see him she stops and calls her mother but she's instead told that her mother's had a nervous breakdown following the death of her daughter what do you what do you mean session four daughter men didn't survive the accident and the hitchhiker is deaf waiting for her to realize it's a classic bait-and-switch in which were first led to believe that death is the ghost of the tale when in fact it's nan I believe you're going my way number six by fire or ice midnight son [Music] the end is nigh but not the way you think when the earth is knocked out of orbit it drifts closer and closer to the Sun in New York Norma tries to survive the heat along with her landlady as the mercury climbs and the landlady dies from heatstroke Norma panics yet suddenly we cut to a snowy day and Norma is in bed with a fever at first it seems like a cheap it was all a dream trick until it's revealed the earth is moving now past and away from the Sun and everyone is gonna freeze to death the twist pulls the rug out from under our feet at the last second as a relief gives way to chilling horror wonderful that darkness [Music] number five no happy ending now habeeboo also known as an occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge so close but so far during the civil war a civilian prisoner is about to be hung from a bridge at the last second however the rope snaps and he falls uninjured into the water he outruns his captors and escapes making the long journey home to his darling wife but just as they're about to embrace his head snaps back the scene changes to reveal him hanging from the bridge unlike other Twilight Zone twists this twist isn't horror it's straight-up heartbreaking his escape and reunion were just a fantasy before dying as he was dropping at the end of the rope number four it's not fair time enough at last the same place can be both paradise and hell henpecked bookworm Henry Bemis just wants time to read but is always interrupted while taking his lunch break in the bank vault the only place he gets to read a huge blast knocks him unconscious when he wakes he discovers that nuclear war has left him in a post-apocalyptic wasteland the only consolation is that at least he finally has time to read looking forward to the solitary years ahead he picks up his first book and his glasses fall off and shatter the disappointment is so real that we feel his distress like it's our own this is one of the show's most famous and crushing twists it really isn't fair that's not fair it's not fair at all number three how we differ will the real Martian please stand up we're all on the bus 22 state troopers track an alien from a crashed UFO to a diner where bus passengers delayed by the snow wait for the roads to clear when the troopers declare that one of them must be a Martian confusion and tensions mount it seems to be another morality play about witch hunts but after everyone reboard 'he's the bus and it departs one of the passengers returns and we get our Martian after all what are you some kind of magician me it seems all too simple when there's another twist the cook isn't frightened of the Martian or his approaching fleet because he's actually from Venus it's not everyday that you see an alien surprised by another alien number two real beauty the eye of the beholder is not God in an authoritarian state that demands conformity Janet Tyler is desperate to look normal with her face wrapped in bandages we're told only that her faces quote a pitiful twisted lump of flesh the episode does a beautiful job of maintaining this ruse keeping the hospital staffs own faces hidden using shadows and clever camera angles so when the bandages are removed the audience is totally unprepared to see that she's actually beautiful at least by our standards it's everyone else who looks otherwise just goes to show don't believe everything you hear Nadel please [Music] before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions [Music] look we have already begun we never left the earth we just we just crashed package number one double meaning to serve man ladies and gentlemen of the earth we greet you in peace and friendship these aliens find us delightful just not in the way we'd hope when telepathic extraterrestrials arrived promising peace and prosperity it seems too good to be true sure enough however their technologies better the planet their benevolence seems confirmed when the title of an alien book is translated as to serve man relations are so good humans regularly leave earth to tour their planet as cryptographer Michael chambers boards the alien ship however his colleague reveals the awful truth it's a cop book the horrifying double meaning of the title the fact that countless humans have already met this fate and the screams of chambers as he's dragged onto the ship are the stuff of nightmares [Music] do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 1,642,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twilight Zone Twist Endings, Best Twilight Zone Twist Endings, Twilight Zone Twists, The Twilight Zone, Twilight Zone, Twilight Zone Endings, Craziest Twilight Zone Endings, Unexpected Twilight Zone Twist Endings, Twilight Zone Episodes, Twilight Zone Moments, Twist Endings of the Twilight Zone, Rod Serling, Jordan Peele, TV, CBS, Horror, Sci-Fi, Twist Endings, WatchMojo, Viral, Countdown, lists, listicles, top 10
Id: lEFdCUk1deM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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