SCP Foundation what have you got for us today! At first I was like…arghh…another SCP
video… I cant handle all the world ending drama but
then I realized the title of today’s video is Top 10 SCP that could SAVE the world which
is a relief .. so… hello there I am your host Rebecca Felgate and I hope you like my
list. Before we get deep into this video why don’t
you let me know what you think the cutest SCP is? Let a gal know in the comments section down
below!! I think the cutest issss number ** on this
list! While you are down there in the comments why
don’t you absolute beauts leave me a thumbs up and go tell a friend about me and the channel! Also down there in the description are our
source links and social media links so go crazy… but not literally as that would be bad, 10 - SCP 2558 – J
KITTENS!!!! YEY! I knew it would come down to kittens to save
the world! SCP 2558 J is a specimen of SCP that looks
like a group…yes group of kittens! Weeee! They are very friendly and affectionate and
are observed to make foundation members feel better! When the SCPs are threatened they inflate
into a ball of fluff the size of a football and begin mewing, which tugs on the parental
instincts of all those nearby! All SCP 2558 Js are hypoallergenic too! How can this save the world? CUTE KITTIES! Why not give these as pets to …well.. like
everyone. Get one of this to Kim Jong Un, I’m sure
he’d pipe down… Putin want a little kitty…of course he does! World peace through balls of fluff. The only issue is that they CAN be turned
used as grenades… but like… that’s a separate issue. Meeeewww. 9 - 999
Frown less, smile more! SCP 999 just wants you to be happy, and I
honestly think that happiness can change the world! SCP 999 is a jelly mass of orange slime…. Jelly actually really freaks me out…although
this SCP sounds like a good jelly. The SCP is roughly my size and weight but
can shape shift. It is described as playful and dog like and
can cause immediate mild euphoria to those who are exposed to it! 999 loves to hug and nuzzle …and… I’m not sure how I personal feel about this…. But tickle too! I am ticklish so I don’t know if I am keen,
but other than that this SCP sounds cute. This is the section of the SCP foundation
notes is what I am most interested in – let me read - While the creature will interact
with anyone, it seems to have a special interest in those who are unhappy or hurt in any way. Persons suffering from crippling depression
or PTSD, for example, have reported having a far more positive outlook on life after
multiple interactions with SCP-999. The notes also refer to 999 having a positive
impact on SCP 682, one of the most omnicide of them all! SCP 999 for PRES! 8 - SCP – 458
OKAY I think we can all get on board with this one! SCP 458 is an unwavering and constantly replenishing
supply of your favourite pizza! Although it has to be little Caesars, or so
it seems. So the SCP presents as a pizza box and whenever
a person opens it, it has the uncanny ability to present as a very edible and delicious
pizza of that persons choosing. The notes read that it can generate any type
of pizza a person desires. For me it would be a Little Caesars version
of a Papa Johns veggie pizza with garlic butter…or a legit Italian pizza with tomato sauce, fresh
basil and Mozzerella… yum….what would it be for you? Let me know in the comments section down below. So how can this save the world? Well …. Like… free pizza…… if free
pizza doesn’t save humanity I don’t know what will. 7 - Similar at number we have SCP 294 – the
Vending Machine SCP 294 appears to be a coffee machine but
it can produce any liquid the user requests….which of course kind of makes it dangerous…. Yes, you could ask the machine for a cup of
coffee, a cup of wine, beer, a cocktail, a juice of any variety, pure water, but it can
also pour a fresh cup of blood, pure acid, poison…. Whatever is requested in a liquid state. While this is kind of scary – this could
be used to save the world if and endless supply of fresh water was requested – there are
a lot of thirsty people without access to safe drinking water. Also medicines can be requested – it seems
like one can ask the vending machine for liquid cures and it will oblige. Next up at number 6 I guess this is somewhat
similar to the Vending Machine, but is a lot less novel and therefore more likely to be
used for purpose… we SCP 006 - Liquid Health SCP-006 is a very small spring located 60
km west of Astrakhan - The liquid emitted from the spring has been chemically identified
as simple mineral water in 1902, but has the unusual property of quote un quote health…. The foundation notes seem to suggest that
the SCP has the ability to regenerate DNA, repair damaged tissue, and a stimulated immune
system. If water from this spring was bottled, it
could help fight illness across the world, saving us from plague and pestilence. The only issue would be those in charge of
mass bottling the tonic – if It fell into greedy hands, it could be used to make a lot
of money and only help those who can afford it, which is already a key theme in what is
wrong with the world we live in today. 5 - SCP 1508
While I am pretty wary of SCP 1508, I am cautiously optimistic it could be beneficial to society. 1508 is a wee little robot that wants to assist
humans – it helps tidy and perform tasks as well as engaging in menial activities. My only concern is that the SCP seems to have
been manufactured by the mysterious and untrustworthy Dr Wondertainment. The SCO was found with documentation that
reads: Does doing chores turn into a total drag? Is Mom yelling at you to pick your room up
so much that you called her a hag? Well, my friends, now comes a new friend from
DOCTOR WONDERTAINMENT©, creator of General Beep and ROBO-DUDE! His name is Mikey, the Chore Buddy©! He can do anythingMom and Dad want, so you
can get back to having fun with your friends! - hmmm… still though – task robots could
be used to perform jobs like tidying the streets, recycling and keeping world clean…which
would be useful, right?? My concern was slightly piqued by the small
print… Batteries not included. If your Mikey, the Chore Buddy© begins to
act out, refuse to work, writing funny things, or just plain gets a bad attitude, send him
back to us for a refurbishment! Just pay shipping and handling. 4 SCP 500
SCP 500 is a small plastic bottle containing 47 red pills that can seemingly cure… well
anything within two hours. The pill has been used to cure seemingly incurable
issue and ailments that have arisen with exposure to other SCP. The issue here is that there are only 47 of
these magic pills in the stockpile, so nowhere near enough to save humanity If we all needed
one, but the reason they could in theory be so helpful is if Scientists could study them
and replicate their chemical make up. So far attempts have been unsuccessful but
that doesn’t mean the potential isn’t there. 3 - SCP 2203 – The LOVE TEST
All we need is love! Baaaabaaabbbaaabaa….. Sorry. I had to. So SCP 2203 is a amusement box like you would
find on a seaside pier… It is made of chestnut wood, brass, glass
and seems kind of ye olde. Engraved on a brass plate at the front is
the following: Find the One for you! Test your love, and find that one special
someone you are destined to spend the rest of your life with! Your sweetheart is waiting! With this machine it IS possible to find THE
ONE it seems. The love box dispenses a displaying the name
and address of a person, along with a few words of advice about approaching said person. Those who have sought them out have reported
immediate bonds and in many cases have gone on to live long and happy lives with them. Maybe if everyone could find their someone,
living on planet earth would be a lot easier! 2 - SCP 2000
SCP 2000 is literally a world saver, although the foundation do not want anyone to know
about it. The SCP is disguised as a Park Ranger station
in Yellowstone. The SCP is literally kept there in case if
a K Class scenario – a world ender and is intended to be a reboot of society. The SCP regenerates physical humans and repopulates
the world… It seems that the SCP has been activated at
least twice in the past without our knowing which is….you know…concerning. I guess the SCP doesn’t so much save the
world…but replaces humanity… so that we don’t completely die out. 1 - SCP 009 – J
Let me ready you a little SCP nursery rhyme…. SCP-009-J is missing. Where has it gone?... Is it under the table? Was it sat upon? Is it there on the ceiling? Is it under the rug? Was it gobbled right up by a quantum pillbug? Did it run through the tunnel? Did it fall down the stairs? Was it sent back in time to a carnival fair? Did it get on a train to a far-away place? Is it locked in a falsified beacon from space? Did it fall in the oobleck and [DATA EXPUNGED]? If it clogged up the sink, will it have to
be plunged? Just where has SCP-009-J gotten to? Oh wait, that's right! SCP-009-J is you!.... baaa baaa baaaah! I knew we were SCPs all along…. And we have gotten out of HAND. If anyone can save the world though, it is
you and me! If the 7.5 billion humans on earth are all
SCPs… I can’t think of anyone better to make or
break the planet than SCP 008-J - you. Collectively humans can decide to end war,
hunger and all the other bad stuff… so … better …you know… get our act together. WELL that was that really wasn’t it! What do you think about world saving SCP. Which of these would you give the nobel peace
prize? I am going with the kittens! Comments from: Top 10 Scary Mysterious Skulls
found through history St – Dan said: Hey hey hey Rebecca what
an odly fascinating video. Great as per . X James Fry said: I love all things crystal
skull they are so interesting, also the pixies where is my mind a truly epic bit of music Ananya Singh Said: Early today!! Also nice dress reb. And the pyramid of Giza is impossible to exist
without some extraterrestrial help.