Top 10 Scary Ghost Ship Stories

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Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet! I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am talking all about the Top 10 Scary Ghost Ships! Ghost ships are ships that have washed ashore empty or with no living crew aboard. Throughout history, they have cropped up in increasingly mysterious circumstances. Now, I do consider myself a bit of a sea farer! I Love me a good vessel! However these stories have kind of made me want to stay on dry land a little bit! Like and share 10 – The Mystery of the Mannequin Boat Following the category 5 Hurricane Irma in 2017, a ghost ship washed ashore on Melbourne Beach. Mysteriously, the ship was intact – surviving the intense storm. Named Cucki, the 45 foot sailboat seemed to have travelled hundreds of miles before being washed up on the beach. No living soul was found aboard, but two mannequins were found below deck having survived the ordeal unscathed. What they were doing on the ship and what happened to the captain, we don’t know. 9 - The Anonymous Jian Seng In March 2006 a slightly rusty Ghost Tanker Ship was found off the coast of Queensland in Australia. She had a broken tow rope, which suggested that she was being towed by another boat at some point, before she broke loose. There was nobody on board when the Jian Seng was discovered, but no signs of damage or piracy. At first sea officers though the boat had simply got loose and were waiting for someone to claim it. When nobody did, they ran extensive searches of registered ships, but the boat had never been registered. When they checked the ship’s engine, it was inoperable. Other than being identified as Jian Seng, nobody knows where it came from. An Australian Customs Service Spokesman said: It really is a bit of a mystery. I’ll say. 8 - The Mystery of High Aim 6 On January 8th 2003, a Taiwanese vessel, the High Aim 6, was found drifting in Australian Waters. When the ship was broached, there were no souls aboard yet weirdly no signs of distress. The boat was tugged to sure in Broome, Western Australia where a forensic investigation took place, although no sign of the crew was found – all that was discovered were seven toothbrushes and a cargo of rotting fish. The boat’s owner was contacted and he said he last spoke with the Captain in December of 2002. One crew member – an Indonesian man – was later tracked down. He didn’t provide many details on his survival – but he did say that both the Captain, Chen Tai Cheng and the ship’s engineer, Lin Chung Li, had been murdered. Perhaps there was mutiny on board or a hidden motive – but nobody has ever been able to fully explain it. Australian smuggler specialist, Craig Kennedy said: I’ve been working with boats all my life and I’ve never seen anything like this, It’s a bloody mystery. Sadly for the boat, it was sunk off the coast of Broome. 7 - The SV Resolven The Resolven was a Welsh Merchant Brig that was found abandoned between islands in Newfoundland by crew of the HMS Mallard in August 1884. The drifting ship was in a fine condition and initially the Mallard signalled to see if the crew were okay. When they didn’t get a response, they boarded the ship to find the gallery fire was lit and food had been laid on the tables… the only thing was that there was no one there to eat it – the ship had been completely abandoned. The ships lifeboat was gone, as was the captains stash of gold, lending some clues as to what may have happened. The most agreed narrative is that the crew mutinied, however that doesn’t explain why the stove was lit and food was laid out. The seven crew and four passengers were never found, nor was any trace of the missing lifeboat. The Resolven case lay un-resolven to this day! 6 SV Carroll A. Deering After passing Cape Lookout in North Carolina in January 1921, the five mast cargo boat became wrecked and round aground in mysterious circumstances with her crew and log book missing, nowhere to be found. The mystery of the boats final voyage is one of the most discussed and written about maritime mysteries of all time. Weirdly, when the North Carolina Cape Lookout Lightship spotted the boat a few days before she was found abandoned , the captain reported a thin man with reddish hair and a foreign accent acting strangely, along with oddly placed crew members. What happened to these people over the next few days remains a mystery. It is suspected that the ship may have been a victim of Mutiny as it had been reported the crew didn’t very well like the captain, with one worker previously arrested for threatening to get him. Others claim she was the victim of the Bermuda triangle. Five US departments of government ran investigations as the Carrol Deering was one of a number of ships to be wrecked or missing in a short period of time. No information was discovered to explain the wreck and the missing crew. A nice little urban legend for you to pepper the middle of this list! The Ghostly Galleon of Chapel Cove comes in to number 5. I’m a sucker for a good ghost story – especially when it involves pirates and treasure. In 1895, an abandoned ship, dubbed the Ghost Galleon, was reported off the coast of Chapel Cove in Newfoundland; a place I have categorically always wanted to visit. Well, this Spanish Galleon was said to have been blown of course in the early 1700s and taken over by pirates. The pirates were said to have dispensed with the crew and took the treasure the Spanish Ship was hoarding for themselves, burying some of it in Chapel Cove. Newfies, don’t be tempted to go and look for it, though. It is said those that go in search of the gold will see a vision of the ghostly galleon and will be visited by its dead pirates who aim to kill. Yikes. 4 - The SS Valencia In January 1906, the SS Valencia was found wrecked off Vancouver Island in BC, Canada. The ship struck a reef in bad weather. Reversed, the crew noticed a large gash in the hull so order her run aground to prevent her sinking. She was stranded on the rocks in horrible weather – separated from the shore by 50 metres of choppy waves. Six out of seven lifeboats were immediately deployed against the captain’s orders. Three flipped while being lowered, two capsized when in the water and one disappeared. Two groups of survivors made it off the boat, one in the final life boat, and one by facing the tides and swimming. Of the 56 crew and 108 passengers, 136 people died as rescue teams struggled to get to the wreck. The survivors awful tales of the ships floundering. Strangely, as the ship slowly sank, crew of the rescue ship, the City of Topeka reported seeing the shape of the Valencia in the black exhaust. Reports of 8 skeletons dead in a lifeboat stuck in a cave were reported, with some people saying they saw lifeboats being manned by skeletons rowing in the water. A phantom ship was later spotted by sailors some time after the sinking, with reports of human figures holding on to the ships rigging. 27 years after the disaster, one of the lifeboats from the Valencia was found adrift in a food condition 3 - Mary Celeste The Mary Celeste is one of the most discussed abandoned ships of all time and is a key player in maritime folklore. The real life story goes that in November 1872, the merchant ship set sail frim New York. A month later, the boat was found near the Azores Islands, completely abandoned but in a sea worthy condition – ruling out bad weather playing a role in the mystery. The ship was filled with a cargo of alcohol and had food and water for six months, which seems to rule out pirates. Inside the boat, there were no signs of struggle or affray. The lifeboat was missing and the crew were never seen again, including the revered Captain Briggs and his family. Mutiny was considered as a possibility, but seemed unlikely given the ships condition. Other theories included foul play by a giant squid, the Bermuda triangle curse of paranormal intervention. The case of the Mary Celeste was so intriguing at the time that it has frequently been mentioned in literature and pop culture. 2 - The Sayo In February 2016 the private yacht of Manfred Fritz Bajorat was found floating adrift in the Philipppine sea. Sadly, the vessels captain and owner, Mr Bajorat, was found slumped dead at his desk in the boat….but here are where things get very strange indeed. Bajorat’s body was found mummified. People presumed this mummification happened as a result of sea conditions – dry salty air and hot temperatures - which is creepy but explainable. This kind of coincided with the rumour that the German national had been missing since 2009. In the cabin, a letter to his wife who died in 2010 was found. His mummified body was found near the boats telephone system, suggesting he was perhaps trying to make a desperate Mayday call. The plot thickened still when coroners who performed his autopsy said he had only been dead for little over a week. How can we explain his lengthy absence and the fact his body was mummified? There is almost no way that could happen in a week. There are photographs of the state his body was found in, but we can’t show you them in this video. If you do want to know, all you need to do is google this story… but of course, be warned…It isn’t pretty. 1 - North Korean Death Boats Each year it seems that scores of derelict ghost boats wash ashore in Japan. A number of these are thought to be as a result of poor equipment leading to North Korean fishman getting lost at sea and succumbing to the elements. The rest are usually the broken boats of deflectors who died in their attempts to flea the dictator led nation. However since 2015 more and more ghost ships with gruesome cargo began washing up in Japan. The grizzly flotilla of 50 or so ships have washed up in the past few years containing dozens upon dozens of bodies in varying states of decomposition – some arrived skeletal, suggesting they had been dead at sea for a good number of years. On one occasion, the corpses were headless. The boats markings and the clothing of those on board identified the vessels as coming from North Korea. Why they are dead, any more frighteningly, why some of them were mutilated, we just don’t know. So that was the top 10 scary ghost ship stories…what happened to these abandoned boats – we may never know! Which of these did you find the scariest and what do you think happened to the boats? Comments part 2 of the Top 10 scary haunted train urban legends Macho Nacho wrote: could you guys do top 10 scary campfire stories?? Yes! We just did it! Check it out if you haven’t already! Adrian Witherspoon Wrote: I road an amtrak from charlotte NC to Baltimore Maryland it was pretty amazing?. I would lovveeee to do that! I love me a good train! Golden tips for Goldfish wrote: Keep up the good work I’m loving the videos and you are slayyyin your style Thank you! I love your user name! People really underestimate a good goldfish! Am I right? Thanks for all your comments about my hair and outfit, guys, I appreciate the interest!
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Keywords: ghost ship, ghost ships, ghost ship stories, scary ghost ship stories, scary, scary stories, top 10 scary, top 10 scary ghost ship stories, ghost ship stories that are scary, most amazing top 10, top 10, mostamazingtop10, amazing top 10, top ten, most amazing top 10 scary, top 10 amazing, true scary stories, true scary story, true scary stories reddit, true scary stories 2018, scary true stories reddit, creepypasta, true scary stories from reddit, scary true stories
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Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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