Top 10 Scariest Fish

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better cancel that beachside all-inclusive vacation we pretty much guarantee you'll never step foot in the ocean again after this welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 scariest looking fish so you see a big 6 7 8 foot gar hit the surface with these monstrous teeth the first thing that comes to your mind is I'm not getting in the water for this list the fish in question don't necessarily need to be dangerous aggressive or deadly they just need to be terrifying and monstrous to behold schools of juveniles have even been known to attack larger land animals venturing into the shallows number 10 Haku piranhas are scary enough without needing any help but what if we told you there was a giant piranha related fish with wait for it human-like teeth piranhas have a small triangular razor-sharp teeth whereas PACU have teeth that resemble human molars because they're mostly a riverís and our molars are what we use to mostly grind up plant matter large carnivorous fish have an inherent knack for intimidation adding something so human to the faces of these otherwise alien looking creatures is sure to send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned fishermen combine these big square teeth with the fact that they can grow to over 3 feet long and 55 pounds in weight and that is one intimidating River monster although not as aggressive as their piranha cousins they'll eat almost anything this would be a very jagged messy town I think you'd certainly know about this one this beer number nine dragon fish remember that horrifying moment in alien when a chestburster pops out of John Hurt's stomach like some deep space jack-in-the-box releasing a super soaker spray of blood more blood curdling than that is the knowledge that an identical looking creature actually lives on this planet while many varieties exist the deep-sea dragon fish is by far the creepiest with a bioluminescent barbell hanging from its sharp fanged jaw which uses to lure unsuspecting victims it may only grow to about six inches long though sometimes more but this little fish is a fierce predator number eight wels catfish it is that's the fish anyone who says size doesn't matter clearly never encountered this freshwater behemoth your average catfish a little ugly but nothing to be afraid of the wels catfish on the other hand can grow to 13 feet in length and weigh a whopping 880 pounds this is a really rare side that fish is seven foot long it's about 140 pounds at least it's found all over Europe and eats fish and any other small amphibian or mammal with the misfortune of crossing its path there are even stories of wels catfish eating humans this fish is so large that Loch Ness monster hunter Steve Felton believes it to be the true species of the elusive Scottish lake monster I'm saying that looking at all of the evidence the best contender for an explanation currently is a thing called a wels catfish number 7 alligator gar but was an alligator gar really the culprit or with its threatening prehistoric appearance was it just an obvious scapegoat well it has the jaws of an alligator this thing looks more like a dinosaur and that's not far from the truth the alligator gar is often referred to as a living fossil as it retains many characteristics of its ancestors fossils of these fish can be found dating back as far as the early cretaceous period over 100 million years ago at up to 10 feet long and over 300 pounds it's a true prehistoric predator so any other fish you're used to fighting you know you whoop it now you got it tired these fish don't get tired they just take a rest swimming with the fishes already suggests a gruesome fate but how about swimming with the dinosaurs it's very tempting just to keep it out added Marit number 6 tiger fish these our tigerfish Africa's answered to the palapa why do we like to name fish after other animals found on land can't fish be scary in their own right the tiger fish has such a distinct viciousness to its appearance that it needs no help in making a name for itself that will just take lumps out of other fish it will take lots out of crocodiles even and there are stories well-documented about taking lumps out of people it's lean muscular and has disproportionately large teeth found all across Africa the largest and most deadly of the species the Goliath tigerfish calls the Congo River home CSM dissing teeth while other carnivorous fish are known to eat unsuspecting birds resting on the water the tiger fish is known to leap out of the water and trap them mid-flight number 5 gulper eel we can all agree that pelicans are funny-looking up inside my mouth if you want to live the saggy stretchy throat makes them look like a bullfrog now then there are the awkward stubby legs the ungraceful take offs the deep-sea type of gulper eel also called the Pelican eel shares the expanding lower jaw with the Pelican but the comparison ends there but this surely must be the strangest of all the deep sea fish yet discovered rarely seen by humans this creature is truly otherworldly the expanding jaw and matching stomach lets them eat fish and crustaceans as large as themselves which is very useful in a world where you never know when the next meal is coming along small beady eyes evolved to spot the faintest movements in the dark ocean depths while a bioluminescent tail sways to entice its unsuspecting victims sheer terror number 4 lamprey also known as lamprey eels there's something about anything snake-like it just produces that sort of instinctive squirmy reaction by now we shouldn't be surprised by the overlap of classic sci-fi films and the creatures on this list it seems that our oceans are scarier than the furthest reaches of space and the imaginations of monster makers in Hollywood Sarlacc and space slug from star wars and sand worm from dune meet your cousin the lamprey long cylindrical fish of varying sizes they have round funnel shaped mouths filled with row upon row of sharp teeth these unique mouths are used to latch on to moving targets eating away at the flesh until they reach the blood and bodily fluids they crave ah ah come on that is hard to get off that is hard that is hard to get off number 3 cookie cutter shark also known as the cigar shark Isis this resilient toxic exactly more commonly known as cookie cutter shark remember how you used to draw shark teeth as a kid just a giant strip of white with a jagged edge well in a nightmarish turn of events your crude drawing has come to life and swims warm oceanic waters around the world the cookie cutter shark ranges from 17 to 22 inches in length and has a long cigar-shaped body it has sucked Oreo lips that allow it to suck on flesh from this position it slowly spins biting down with its saw like teeth to remove a large oval of flesh often 2 inches in diameter and two and a half inches deep I guess that's why they call cookie cutters number two anglerfish oh my gosh it an anglerfish obvious Pescatore Asst that was my favorite fish's avoid toasty this creature of the deep is pretty much one big mouth with fins like many fish that live near the ocean floor it uses bioluminescence to attract its food unlike many other fish whose lure hangs beneath its lower jaw the angler fish has a fleshy protrusion growing out of its forehead called an Eska it uses it like a fishing rod directing other fish directly into its mouth full of sharp teeth in the darkness of deep water they flash the light to attract prey and draw them near the anglers mouth these teeth are angled inwards so prey can swim in but Escape is rendered impossible this massive mouth also allows it to swallow victims twice its size this far down meals are few and far between so to make the most of every opportunity this angler fish has evolved a distending jaw an expandable stomach before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions just like my favorite Bond villain I filled a small swimming pool with over a hundred red-bellied piranhas and they haven't eaten for days you number one goblin shark Oh horrifying monster clown of the deep we salute you as the scariest looking fish and you were up against some serious competition ready for some night terrors this is how these things bite haha this rare deep-sea shark has pink fleshy skin and looks like some sort of deformed human shark hybrid the elongated snout looks like a long misshapen human nose that paired with a mouthful of thin sharp nail like teeth makes for a haunting sight more terrifying however are its jaws which extend forward and expand when it attacks it happens suddenly when the shock turned to avoid the camera and ran into the divers arm while not considered a threat to humans they have been known to bite and if looks truly can kill then the goblin shark must be deadly do you agree with our list what horrifying fish hunt you and your dreams for more terrifying top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to it seems oh I love this stuff maybe you should have been a deep-sea Explorer Oh No Kaleigh that was a boyhood fantasy I'm an adult now
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, wildlife, fish, scariest fish, scary, creatures, deep sea, wels catfish, dragonfish, pacu, lamprey, gulper eel, tigerfish, anglerfish, cookiecutter shark, goblin shark, piranha, top 10, watchmojo, scary ocean
Id: jBEaHLDc-ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2016
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