Top 10 Reasons Why I Loved Living in Saudi Arabia | Life in Saudi Arabia as an Expat

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel,  the best place to learn about expat life,   intercultural skills, and business abroad. You  may have seen my previous video 10 Questions   about Saudi Arabia: Answered. Now it’s time to  explain specifically why I loved living there.   Keep watching to find out even more info that  you always wanted to know about Saudi Arabia.   Now as you may know from my previous video,  I lived in Saudi for 4 years and worked at   KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science  and Technology). I had an extremely positive   experience, and now I have my own business  helping others to understand different cultures,   including Saudi Arabia. Before we get into  the top 10 Reasons Why I Love Saudi Arabia,   just hit that subscribe button down below to  keep getting informative videos on living,   working and doing business abroad. OK, now for the  reasons. So, of course, as I always tell people,   you don’t love a place because it’s beautiful.  You love a place because of the people,   and the experiences you have with  them. So that’s reason number one:   The people. To say Saudis are friendly is an  understatement. Their hospitality, positivity,   generosity and loyal friendship goes far beyond  your expectations. First of all, whenever you meet   a Saudi or accept a phone call from them, they ask  you 3 times how you are. It gives you the feeling   that they are truly concerned for your well-being.  Also, as my friend Shouq told me, “We Saudis love   a lot and we do everything with love. Shouq also  told me: We love hosting, we love to reflect our   culture. We love to make food. We love to give  gifts. We love to give more than receive. We want   to make you feel you are a part of our family.  It’s almost like their strong family values also   transcend into friendships. Making you feel like  you are part of their family was evident to me in   how my Saudi students and colleagues all called me  “sister” practically from day one. Next, related   to the aspect of relationships with people, is  their communication style. So that’s my number   2 reason. When having conversations with Saudis,  it’s always pleasant and enjoyable. You’ll find   them to be extremely positive and upbeat most of  the time. They are smart and well-spoken, and have   a great sense of humor too. Moreover, I have never  heard a Saudi making sarcastic or snide remarks,   or these annoying perverted comments that are  so common in Western countries. I love that   talking with Saudis is always clean. Finally,  Saudis have a saving face value in conversation,   so they always try to speak diplomatically.  If they have a negative opinion about someone,   they will never say it to your face, and if they  have feedback to give, they will say it in a way   that doesn’t hurt your feelings, or embarrass  you in front of others. This communication style   preserves harmony and good relationships in the  workplace, and speaking of the workplace that   brings me to number 3. Great professional working  environment. You will find state-of-the-art   facilities with modern work environment in most  workplaces in Saudi Arabia. The classrooms I   taught in, for example, were extremely spacious,  they had all the latest technology and equipment,   and it was so comfortable to work there. Then, in  Saudi workplaces there are a lot of opportunities   and also flexibility. I found it really to work  with Saudis and they always find a way to make   the work day fun. Also I found a pretty decent  work-life balance. The typical work week is 40   hours, just like back home. Yeah, sure, you may  work extra hours because of certain projects,   but generally speaking that’s not too often.  Then, every day when you walk out of your office   you find sunshine, which is my reason number 4:  The weather. It’s sunny and warm nearly every day   of the year in Saudi Arabia. The hottest season*  is from May to September, when the average daily   temperature is 102°F / 39°C. Even in the hottest  month of the year, July, when temperatures get   up to 110°F / 43°C the constant sunshine is just  glorious! I would take that heat over cold, gray,   and rainy winters in Europe any day. The cool  season in Saudi is from November to February,   when the average daily temperature is around  75°F / 24°C. Then, speaking of the environment   in Saudi, you will also find yourself amongst  a multicultural population, so that’s my reason   number 5. First of all, Saudi’s culture  itself is so diverse and rich with history,   and very different from region to region. There  are Saudis with roots traceable to many different   parts of the world, from Africa to Uzbekistan,  from India to Indonesia, and many other places.   You’ll find unique foods, dialects, and ways of  living in all the different parts of Saudi. Then,   about 1/3 Saudi population of 35 million is  expat. That means you will have the amazing   opportunity to meet and work with people from all  over the world. At KAUST, for example we had over   120 different nationalities working and living in  the same place. It was the first time in my life I   met people from Kazakastan, for example! Now on to  Reason number 6, on a slightly different note: No   drinking. It’s nice to know that when you go out  and meet people in Saudi, they are not drunk, they   are in a good state of mind. And then you don’t  have that craziness that happens due to drinking   like fights in the street, drunk driving, and  other issues. In fact, speaking if this matter,   that brings me to Reason #7: It’s safe. Saudi  Arabia ranked in the top 10 of the Gallup Law   and Order Index, and in the top 3 safest places  in the world by the Institute of Environment and   Human Security at the UN University. Speaking of  safety, that brings me to the next point: 8. No   guns and gun violence. No average citizen can  obtain a gun license so you can be sure there are   no random shootings in Saudi Arabia. Then, about  Saudi’s location, that brings me to number 9:   Opportunities to travel in the region. Saudi  is located in the Middle East Gulf which means   traveling to many places from here is very easy  and quick. You can travel to Dubai, Qatar, Oman,   in under a couple hours flight. Europe is  also not too far, it’s right next to Africa,   and you can reach Asia is also in reasonable time.  My last, but certainly not last reason to love   living in Saudi Arabia was …drumroll please…the  opportunity to…be part of the Vision 2030. It’s   exhilarating to be a part of the opportunities  that have sprung forth and are still springing   from the Vision 2030. It’s amazing to see  Saudis, with 70% of the population under age 30,   super energetic and engaging with the world in  a way never seen before. It is exciting to be   part of the rebuilding, in a sense, of a nation.  Personally, I have been an expat for the last 20   years and lived in 10 different countries, but  I have never seen the kind of transformation,   ambition and excitement as we are seeing now  in Saudi Arabia. Well that’s all for the 10   Reasons Why I Love Saudi Arabia. Why don’t  you open your mind and think about giving   Saudi a chance? Thanks for watching, I hope you  found it useful, and don’t forget to subscribe   to get more info on expat life, intercultural  skills, and business abroad. Bye for now!
Channel: Cheryl Obal, Cross-Cultural Communication Expert
Views: 89,364
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Keywords: work in saudi arabia, work in saudi arabia for foreigners, life in saudi arabia for a western woman, vision 2030 saudi arabia, saudi video, expats in saudi arabia, expatriates in saudi arabia, life as an expat in saudi arabia, expat life in saudi arabia 2022, expat life in saudi, my daily life in saudi arabia, answers to questions about saudi arabia, what is vision 2030 saudi arabia, saudi arabia life for woman, life in saudi arabia as an expat, expat life in saudi arabia
Id: k8Iz3GRiHuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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