Top 10 reasons NOT to Move to Jacksonville, Florida. It's not the worst city, but still.

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Don’t talk bad about my city. But yeah, most of that...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SavimusMaximus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] what is going on everyone let's talk about the great City of Jacksonville Florida Jacksonville is the most populous city in Florida and it is also the largest city by area in the contiguous United States contiguous basically that means the lower 48 just a fancy word to say lower 48 don't know why I used it not the fancy type of talking dude anyway moving on only Alaska has cities with more land Juneau and Anchorage are the big ones and they have a couple other small they're basically towns with like 8,000 people or so but they've got a whole bunch of undeveloped lands so technically they're bigger than Jacksonville but not really this city has a lot of history and things to do Jacksonville's where they filmed the movie that scared the crap out of me when I was like eight or nine it was The Creature from the Black Lagoon when you're eight or nine that's a really scary movie I watched this movie with my uncle and I asked him how did they make creatures like that and he told me well I guess when men live alone in the swamp too long they start looking at alligators the wrong way and nine months later you have a creature from the Black Lagoon that was about 25 when I realized what the hell he was talking about and I laughed all those years later Jacksonville is right here in case you don't know the River City or J Ville as it's called was incorporated in 1832 and consolidated in 1968 the River City is a great city with a lot of history but really wasn't let's say one of the United States better cities until about the mid 80s as it continued to grow and get more known and better in 1993 they actually got an NFL team the Jaguars have played there since they also hosted the Super Bowl in 2005 Jacksonville is a great city with many positives that would make just about anyone want to move there this video isn't about those things this video is about things that might make you not want to move to J Ville so sit back and watch my top ten reasons not to move to Jacksonville Florida number ten racial tension now there's no getting around this one I don't like bringing this type of thing up in my videos but if I didn't I'd be kind of dropping the ball especially for someone that let's say maybe a minority that's thinking about moving to Jacksonville something you should know about Jacksonville has a long history of racial tension residents tried to deny that there's such a problem these days but if you visit the city or live there for any amount of time you will know it's the difference among the residents I haven't visited in five or six years stayed there for a couple months one time I could tell there was a difference also well the friend I stayed with lives just south of Jacksonville I used to live in Jacksonville he lives now in a place called Sawgrass he has some money he said that when he lived in Jacksonville in the 90s and early 2000 it was terribly obvious he went on to say that he thinks things are getting a little bit better especially if the Millennials they just don't really buy into much of the racism like older generations did but he said it's still there maybe if it keeps moving in this direction it won't be a thing in a couple decades or so sadly today it's still a thing number nine education Jacksonville doesn't educate their children too well in some areas of the city the average student to teacher ratio is 18 to 1 while the average across the country is 16 to 1 that isn't the worst but it's not the best either if you have school-aged kids make sure you do your homework on the schools of Jacksonville and can be really hit or miss or take a force and Beach Haven are really good if you can get into those schools that's that's a good plan because they all have really good stats one thing I wish they did have stats on were the PTA I feel like I have PTSD from dealing with one of them once we had this one head of our skid School PTA one time and she went on this major power trip and had to be removed from office a month into the school year she actually sent out a letter telling all the parents that there was a mandatory meeting that all parents from the school had to attend she insinuated that she would look into having your children moved to a different school if the parents didn't attend this was a public school this wasn't like some private school where that kind of insanity might be kind of normal this was a public school she also decided that all events should be professionally filmed she didn't want to risk any amateur video getting on the internet of the kids and making the school look bad so they were gonna hire a company to do all the plays and all that's it was stupid number eight gun laws Jacksonville residents feel very strongly about their guns Florida has always been a gun friendly state because of some recent tragic shootings things are changing but it's still a very gun friendly state people like their guns I'm telling you you should really know this if you're not a fan of guns and the Second Amendment and you're thinking about moving to Jacksonville you will see heated conversations about this eventually this is one of the subjects that peep on both sides are very passionate about the fact is this guns will be around till the end of time or until we all become masters of the flying guillotine whichever comes first so here's my disclaimer on this one I have guns I was the army I know how to use guns I believe in the Second Amendment I also believe that if you have a mental issue or some other reason law enforcement has deemed you unworthy of the Second Amendment that's their right they should be able to do that this one is for people that are moving to the area that aren't fans of guns you should know this about Florida and Jacksonville if you're moving there number seven traffic commuting has been getting worse and worse every year and doesn't seem to be slowing down it's pretty much necessary to have a car in Jacksonville this is in part due to the subpar public transportation system they have on average the typical resident will commute at least an hour normal traffic conditions this is one of those things that's relative to where you're coming from if you're coming from LA New York San Francisco this is a nice relaxing commute that you enjoy if you're coming from someplace like Atlanta it gets bad some days if you're coming from some small town like Medicine Lodge Kansas you will cry five days a week to and from work and feel like you're being held against your will now here's a tip for you the navy and insurance companies get off work early so expect traffic to get busy around 3:00 especially in certain areas number six crime the Jacksonville crime rate is one of the highest in the country for every 100,000 residents there's about 4,000 crimes reported every single year the crime rate here is 51 percent higher than the national average and it's only safer than 12% of the other cities in this country this place is just depressing when you read their news this is how Google headline news reads for Jacksonville Jacksonville councilman pushing to make runways longer Jacksonville rapper dodges injury in Sunday shooting in Waycross man sought after thief's rates Jacksonville Beach home Silver Alert issued for missing Jacksonville woman two wounded in Jacksonville double shooting killer serving life sentence in Jacksonville teachers murder Jacksonville gets a new movie theater there's a Plus Jacksonville man arrested February 1st for attempted murder and then some dude shaved his neighbor's dog without consent from the dog or the owner so yeah that's just the front page of their news and it's depressing number five natural disasters while the first and last hurricane to hit Jacksonville was 1964 Florida gets hit by hurricanes and wildfires almost every single year and they experience other natural disasters as well three years ago my cousin sex wife visited Disneyworld and scored a lifetime ban over a stale churro be prepared to get good homeowners or renters insurance if you live in Jacksonville flood insurance is a big one here too when hurricane herma Hill or de in 2017 it was bad by the time it got up towards Tampa it was only a category one by the time it got up near Jacksonville it really wasn't even a hurricane anymore but the storm surge still flooded some of the neighborhoods and stayed flooded for days a Times report called Jacksonville the city that would never drain it said in 2013 a Duval County report showed that a category three hurricane could create a 20-foot storm surge along the st. Johns River even a category 1 storm could bring a six-foot storm surge so make sure you have all the insurance you need a bug out bag and some swim fins if you feel they're needed number four the homeless is always sad to see members of your community in need and it's not always drugs and drinking these a lot of times but sometimes it's just bad luck in Jacksonville there's a lot of bad luck going around in a lot of drugs and drinking the city has about 400 chronic homeless residents in downtown Jacksonville alone and about 25 percent of them are veterans and that always sucks when I was in Jacksonville a couple years some years back actually I went to get something to eat with a friend I was there with it was near the football stadium but anyway we saw a young couple out there probably in their early 20s the guy was playing a guitar there trying to make some money they're doing something to make some money I don't like to give them money so I asked them are you guys hungry and I've never seen a girl say yes so quickly so she was definitely hungry I went in and I got him some food we went it someplace else and got something to eat as we were leaving there was another guy at the exit of the mall with a standard sign that read you know the will work for food just like 300 pounds all I could think was this dudes like a workaholic anyway he was pretty sad he looked a little too clean to be homeless and he looked a little too heavy to be hungry that one was weird but still they got a big problem down there number three humidity being that Jacksonville is in Florida you can expect high temperatures and high humidity throughout the year the climate of Florida is called subtropic there's no downhill snow skiing in anything that has the word tropic to it unless of course you've been doing some heavy drugs then maybe you have gone downhill skiing in the Tropic in the coldest months the average temperatures in the mid-50s while the hottest months gets up into the 90s now that's from the Weather Channel so stop typing I always get people wanting to argue weather stats with me and it's always some weak argument like dude it was in the low 50s all the last week not the mid 50s averages averages number to that swamp smell Jacksonville is pretty much one big swamp as is most of Florida as you can imagine the city in areas around the swamp smell awful and not to mention all the bugs that hang out around swamps to get the smell and the bugs how cool is that and it used to smell so much worse in the mid 80s the mayor and city council passed some pretty serious environmental ordinances especially for their time that curbed some of what was being put into the air that when combined with the swamp smell made Jacksonville not very appealing to tourists now you still have the swamp smell which is still bad but not as bad as it used to be but the swamp smell and I hate the swamp smell if you live there you're used to it and so you're not gonna know what I'm talking about but if you're tourists and you go there to visit you'll notice it right away and number one Jacksonville versus Jacksonville Beach tourists and transplants get this one confused a lot and it gets under the skin of almost every local the City of Jacksonville and the City of Jacksonville Beach are two different cities entirely and any local will let you know real quick if you get them wrong one of two things will happen you'll get an eye roll and then they walk away and don't say anything or they get really irritated and explain it to you like you're 6 years old or severely impaired if you are confused at which one you're in just remember Jacksonville Beach has almost no sidewalks it's like the city laid down the streets and said screw them if they want sidewalks in front of their house that they can pay for it and it's kind of what my dad told me about everything too you want that you can pay for it every single thing he also used to tell me when I asked him for something Jim life is a giant sucking void with glimpse the false hope and ever-expanding universe still don't know what that meant anyway so that's my list top ten reasons not to move to Jacksonville Jacksonville's not a terribly bad city so it was kind of hard to find legitimate things wrong with this place I think everyone should go visit Jacksonville see if it is your type of place but if some of these things like the heat and the swamp smelling you know things like that bug you might not be for you but it's a good city alright so don't forget to leave a comment tell me what you thought if you haven't subscribed please do so everybody have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 502,384
Rating: 3.8953633 out of 5
Keywords: Royalty Free Images Stock, Top Ten Lists, travel, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, worst cities to live in, worst places to live, jacksonville florida, worst places to live in america, worst states, worst states to live in america, Worst cities in America, Worst us cities, Worst American cities, geography hub, where i live, where to live, facts about the world, cities in the world, us cities, Rankings, moving to florida from ny, moving to florida pros and cons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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