Top 10 Reasons NOT to move to Houston, Texas.

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hey what is going on everybody thanks for showing up to my channel today's list has taken us back to Texas home boil cattle and Enron I thought we would head south to one of the biggest cities in the United States Houston now Houston's seen some rough times last year they had a giant hurricane that pretty much devastated most of the city the good news is they are very strong people and they'll get it fixed and that being said I always do a negative version and a positive version about every city I'm doing we always start off with the negative so let's get going here's my top ten reasons not to move to Houston Texas number 10 meat sweats now if you're a vegan Houston may not be for you they do have vegan restaurants but they are few and far between steak houses and barbecue places are not Houston is silly with them this city likes its meat live there long enough and you will achieve meat sweats number nine Comcast that's right if you move to Houston one of the only Internet choices you have is Comcast arguably one of the worst companies ever they're expensive they're horrible to their customers and their employees and they charge Houston residents double for a deposit I'm not kidding Houston residents pay up to $200 cash for deposit just to get serviced if you have bad credit compared to the rest of the Western cities that Comcast has invaded you pay double it used to be $300 but someone found out about that BS and they lowered it to $200 where everyone else pays about a hundred you get to pay 200 aren't you lucky number eight the weather gets nuts it gets hot and it gets muggy for what seems like a whole year in Houston sometimes a/c is not just a luxury it's a life-saving device someone's kind of like a defibrillator but not as exciting and it's prone to hurricanes which sadly just happened last September they're still in the recovery mode in some parts of the city some five months later oh and they do see tornadoes occasionally that's always fun number seven by bug spray this is real people mosquitoes suck in Houston well I guess technically they suck everywhere but it's really bad in Houston the city has to actually drive trucks around with bug spray just to keep them at bay it's insane mosquitoes are serious serious problem in Houston so yeah like I said buy some bug spray number six taxes sales tax and property tax are painfully high in Houston that's a fact the good news is it's somewhat balanced out with Texas not having an income tax still it doesn't lessen that mouth a gaping on your face when you have to write that property tax check number five urban sprawl yeah Houston's a big big city it is actually the fourth largest city in the US and it's all over the place if you were to like take a drop of red paint and drop it on the ground and kind of figure out the pattern that it splashed in and outline it that's how it looks a view google map houston it looks like someone dropped something just spread out everywhere this kind of makes getting around a pain one of the popular pastimes for Houston residents is finding work near home because nobody likes to spend two hours a day trying to get to and from work number four no zoning laws every major city in the US has some sort of zoning laws on their books not Houston they got their own agenda let's say you buy your dream home and two years later someone throws up a 14 story office building behind you nothing like doing a little gardening in your backyard while people in the office above you get to see your plumbers crack while you prune I mean who doesn't want to take their three-year-old root Gymboree class in a mini-mall that sandwiched between a strip club and a place called Chuck's knobby dildos I know I do number three public transit public transit in Houston is bad all reports do say it's getting better so if you're watching this after 2018 keep your objections to yourself as it stands now everyone thinks it sucks I read one article and the person said if you don't have a car the only way to survive in Houston is to work from home and have an Amazon Prime account because you can't get anywhere in the transit system they actually went on to say that the Houston transit system was created by somebody that obviously doesn't like other human beings that's not a glowing review number two more chicks than dudes there was a study in 2015 that said the men to women ratio in Houston was three women to every one man that's like an episode of HBO's Big Love guy had like three wives dating apps suck in Houston they're very lopsided when I first read this I thought I need to move to Houston right now because if you have a shortage of anyone's X that means the sex that's the on the short end they become more in demand and that means they're more attractive than they really are you get two extra points on scale one to ten if there's a shortage that means I'm a six or seven in Houston I was packing my bags then my wife told me I wasn't single and I had gone packing so I unpacked and I made a list and number one you need a car this isn't a walkable kind of city get a car that you like because you're going to be spending a lot of time in it traffic sucks in Houston Texas A&M did a study back in 2016 that said Houston has six of the top ten most congested roads in Texas make sure whatever car you get has good AC and a hands-free option for your cell phone anywhere you want to go in Houston is 30 minutes away with traffic it's an hour and a half and unless you're traveling between 3 & 5 a.m. there's going to be traffic oh and if you're new to Houston and you don't know road rage is not an option everyone in Houston seems to be packing some kind of weapon alright so that's my video I hope you guys enjoyed it now the thing about Houston is they're good people and it's a great city they had a really bad 2017 hopefully 2018 is gonna be so much better form they deserve it this video is just things you should know about before you decide to move there I'll bring up some of the really nice things about Houston in my next video but hey you guys thanks for checking this out don't forget to hit that like button don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you already haven't leave me a comment use any of the links I have down below that help out the channel everybody have a great day be nice to each other [Music] you [Music]
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 520,328
Rating: 3.4001732 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, where to live in America, Graveyard Jim, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, travel Hack, Relocate, Move to, houston texans, Houston texas, move to houston, move to houston texas, Comcast, comcast xfinity, Big city, City of Houston, traffic, traffic stop, cross country moving, state to state moving, worst cities in america, worst cities in texas, America, us cities, america, Rankings, united states, States, H town
Id: wUbt36H12GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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