Top 10 Reasons Blu-ray Sucks - Cinemassacre

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[Music] this is kind of a strange thing to say for somebody who surrounds himself with VHS tapes but I'm kind of tired of physical media and what ruined it for me was the blu-ray format I blame blu-ray I'm gonna tell you why I don't know if this is the most timely topic since blu-rays have been around for a while but hey complaining about old stuff that's kind of what I do just to clarify I still sometimes buy physical media for collectors purposes and to make videos about as I sit here in my shrine of nostalgic relics but when it comes to watching stuff streaming wins for convenience my complaint with blu-ray is that it came after DVD and should have been a whole lot better and aside from better image quality and probably a whole checklist of technical advantages it offered nothing new to impress me in fact a lot of things about it were worse than DVD yeah blu-ray worse than DVD how is that possible well here's my top 10 reasons blu-ray is worse than DVD number 10 the menus remember when DVDs had awesome menus this goes to show what can get done when somebody thinks hey we have this new technology we can make interactive menus let's get creative with it in Wayne's World it's like you're browsing a cable TV menu you can even click on random things that have nothing to do with the movie some DVDs like house of a thousand corpses would have a character from the movie talking to you you don't quit doing the [ __ ] shuffle and pick one of these goddamn options I'm gonna come over there put my boot up your ass I'll always remember the spinal tap DVD where the band complains the logo is too small oh that's great stop no it's getting too small blow it up Whitaker but I haven't seen that many great menus on blu-ray hardly any in fact I mean it's real bad when you're able to compare the same movie and the DVD menu shows a thousand times more effort the blu-rays are always either just a 10 second loop of the movie or it's the same stock menu yeah I can't even tell you how many times I've popped in a blu-ray and saw that same stock menu that anyone with a computer could make in fact if I opened Adobe Encore right now which is outdated itself I could use one of those templates and make something better in 10 minutes what happened to the art of menus number nine bonus features remember when DVDs were loaded with extras like documentaries trailers TV promos commentaries deleted scenes and bloopers short blu-rays had them too but not as often it seems whenever a blu-ray had a good amount of extras the price was also extra why's it got to be a special anniversary release with DVDs it seemed the idea was always to include as much material as possible to help push the new format but with blu-rays it was just the bare basics at the very least a movie on blu-ray should have all the same bonus features that were on the DVD version even if they're only available in standard def that's no reason to leave them off entirely I'm sure there's copyright reasons and contracts they didn't want to renew and stuff like that and whenever I bought a blu-ray my intention was always to replace the DVD version but instead I have to keep two versions sitting on my shelf because all the same stuff isn't on there number eight oversized cases they overcompensated for sure with blu-rays it's always too little or too much if you want that special edition with all the bonus features you'd better be prepared because it ain't gonna fit on your shelf what am I supposed to do with this when I ordered this on Amazon I had no idea was gonna take up so much space so much for alphabetical order I guess this is going somewhere else number seven the disc holders this is not something I ever thought needed to be discussed the simple invention that existed since the beginning of compact discs CDs DVDs they all had the same thing it was a circle that holds the disc you push it it releases done what's so hard about that it was simple it worked but then blu-ray came along and said hey let's complicate this let's make it a big pain in the ass so they came up with all kinds of new ways to reinvent the wheel like sleeves well that's great now I have to handle the disc in a way that smudges it with my fingers and sometimes the discs fall back in the sleeves and get lost and how about those ones that just hang on to round pegs those don't work either I'll never forget the infamous Back to the Future trilogy set that actually had instructions you need instructions to tell you how to remove a blu-ray and to this day I still can't figure it out you have to like bend to the discs it feels like they're about to break and there's these latches that seem like they're meant to hold it in but it doesn't hold it in anytime I've opened this thing the discs are loose that the person who invented this ever even see a CD number six reconfiguring buttons I have a ps3 which I strictly use for watching movies I have yet to find another blu-ray player with a better remote control than the ps3 the main thing I like about it is that's Bluetooth so I don't have to actually point the remote at the player the ps3 is the only DVD blu-ray player I know that has a Bluetooth remote I'm not saying no others exist I just can't find any and honestly spent a long time since I looked but anyway I love this remote I love that I have no problems using in the dark because I can always feel that round circle in the middle anytime I need to pause and play push the middle for pause and play push the left rewind and the right for fast-forward it's very intuitive and I love it but then blu-ray came along and messed it all up now for most blu-rays not all of them but for most of them the middle circle does nothing now if I want to pause I have to press the dedicated pause button and then to play again I have to press the play button not only is it two separate buttons now but stop button is in between so when I'm in the dark feeling around I have to be extremely careful not to hit the stop button if I do it goes back to the ps3 menu and the entire disc starts over if I was halfway through watching the movie I now have to wait through all the trailers and commercials all over again and then start hunting for that spot in the movie I left off at E just because I hit stop why did the buttons have to change number five software updates to play this BD which is a great abbreviation for blu-ray disc by the way you must renew the encryption key what the hell is an encryption key I need to unlock a movie that I bought perform a system software update to renew the encryption key no no thanks just forget it Wow I don't think physical media is truly physical when you have to connect to the Internet that's a death sentence to physical media right there number four ownership by Sony how do we get so casual about the idea of one company owning an entire format stop and think nobody owned VHS anybody who made video content of any sort could release it on VHS without paying royalties to any one company that's why VHS had more content than any other medium DVD didn't even catch up when you think of all the low-budget indie movies that were on VHS all the 80s workout tapes and instructional videos there was more stuff on VHS than any other format but each time a new format comes out the amount of titles just shrinks and shrinks sure there's new stuff coming out that obviously isn't being released on VHS but the point here is that nobody exclusively own VHS nobody exclusively owned DVD but now Sony owns blu-ray that's why we had the competitor HD DVD which lost but it was the first time in my life being aware that a format war was going on which was basically just one big pissing contest number three the name hmm maybe it's just me but blu-ray is kind of a dumb name it's not the worst name it's just you know it's it's weak I can't believe we're stuck calling it that I mean look at it's not even blue what's next red gray purple ray and it's still a DVD a digital video or versatile disc except it's a high-def DVD yeah I wish HD DVD 1 so we can call it what it is number 2 bookmarking sitting down and watching an entire movie from start to finish without having a stop is a luxury when you got the time it's great but when you can't you just gotta stop and come back to it later on DVD I rarely had a problem I'd stop the movie shut the ps3 down and the next night I'd start it up again and the movie would continue right where it left off but on blu-ray on this newer technology it doesn't work sometimes it does but most of the time it doesn't so I have to start the damn thing from the beginning commercials trailers and all and then go hunting it has a new feature called bookmarks this feature varies depending on what movie it is and what studio released it so you have these obnoxious colored buttons that in theory you're supposed to hit during the movie to leave a bookmark so you got to remember it first of all but most the time I press them and nothing happens I try every color and nothing it doesn't do a damn thing other times it does work I'm able to leave a bookmark but when I come back to the movie I have no idea how to retrieve the bookmarks is there some secret bookmark menu I should know about very rarely have I actually been able to set a bookmark find it and resume the movie like normal and even then why do I have to do that why can't it just work like DVDs and when it comes to technical things like this remember it varies from disk to disk and I'm not the most technologically up-to-date person which you can tell so there's a chance I'm doing something wrong but this is my experience with it it shouldn't be confusing and frustrating and with something that's so similar to DVD why can't it function more like a DVD number one commercials and trailers Wow this is nothing new every video format has had commercials and trailers in the beginning but with blu-ray it's gotten out of control I thought it was bad on DVD because on VHS you could at least fast-forward through them but now with blu-ray it's gotten insane I've seen blu-rays with more than 20 minutes of [ __ ] you can't skip through oh and there's that FBI warning of course that comes on everything all I want is for the movie to start put the disc in push play and go that's a big win for streaming because on streaming you click on it and it just starts that's it so to me blu-ray is much worse than DVD but hey it's 1080p so yeah I'd obviously prefer to watch the movie in high-def as opposed to standard def but to take one step forward why do we always have to take so many steps back I'm not even gonna bother with 4k Ultra blu-ray discs at least not yet I need to hear some good things about it first if you think there's a good reason let me know in the comments but I'm more about streaming right now streaming is so convenient sometimes I'll even rent a movie on Amazon that I already own on DVD or blu-ray just so I don't have to go find it put it in and wait through all the commercials FBI warns and trailers three dollars to rent it instead sure that's worth it that's not to say streaming is perfect it has a long way to go I don't want to get into too much but certain things that could be better first of all browsing through Netflix Hulu Amazon Disney Plus for one movie or program like it could be searchable in an easier way like depending on the device I'd like to see better integration so you can search across all your different streaming services for that one movie or whatever it is things are changing rapidly but what I hope to see soon is a better way to bring all your channels together like TV also I want to see more stuff being added my ultimate goal my dream wish would be to have access to every movie ever made but it seems more often they keep taking movies and programs off of streaming services and if that's going to happen at least like to know when the title is expiring it seems like a courtesy to just say hey this title is leaving on this date which they sometimes do I think that helps to get more people to watch it too if I knew something was leaving I'd make it a priority to watch that another big reason why physical media can't be obsolete yet is because of all the bonus content that exists on DVDs my hopes would be that more streaming services include that type of bonus content to go along with their movies also when it comes to buying movies digitally I'm still unsure what the best option is I've bought a bunch of movies on Amazon but there's no way to organize them and you can only see a few them on the screen at a time because they're in this one horizontal line that you have to keep scrolling through it sucks when I put something on for my kids I'm going through I'm like okay where's lego movie ok wreck-it Ralph secret life of pets leprechaun returns they can't even separate them by genre until there's a better way to organize titles you own I'm not too thrilled and if there is a way please let me know in the comments I also have yet to know any way of migrating my physical media collection into a digital collection I know there exist different ways but I'm not sure which is the best and something that I'd actually have time to do I remember when iTunes came out and imported all my old CDs that was a huge project and that was just audio I can't imagine doing that now with video I know there's some services like Vudu that allow you to scan the barcodes of your DVDs and pay five dollars or something to unlock a digital version but that's got to be a limited library and how expensive could that be for a collection like mine I don't even want to think about that so streaming is not perfect but I think it's better than physical media blu-rays you can just forget about unless you want to buy the angry nerd blu-rays announcing a new AVGN blu-ray boxset available now at screen waste or calm it's AVGN the BFG Oh blu-rays oh yeah this bad boy is one big [ __ ] group of blu-rays containing eight disks that span over the 15 years of the Angry Video Game Nerd whoa and this set is the only way to get x2 and x3 and the latest AVGN seasons as a physical release no sets are extinct baby oh no how much is a 599 us Oh all of these discs would cost you 130 dollars if bought separately but this collection is it 180 or even $69.99 and $79.99 Wow there's also two shiny empty disc slots to pop in future releases or anything else you wants if you know what I mean so head over to screen wave snore calm or find our products on Amazon well now all links are in the description [Music] you
Channel: Cinemassacre
Views: 2,325,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10 blu-ray, cinemassacre, blu-ray, blu-rays suck, bluray cinemassacre, blu-ray movies, blu-ray vs dvds, dvds bluray, bluray collection, james rolfe, sony bluray
Id: tetXKdi9U3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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