[Top 10] Proofs of the MANDELA EFFECT [Vol. 1/5]

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The Mandela effect No What if I told you that's wrong? No Not right Oh wow That's bizarre Oh really? Interesting The whole time No way No one could figure it out Sounds weird, right? Very weird Have you ever remembered something so clearly and then all of a sudden find out that it isn't that way at all Did it leave you so confused and shocked that you thought you were losing your mind? You're not alone This is the phenomenon known as the Mandela effect In this episode, we're gonna show you the top examples a few smoking guns That'll convince you that the Mandela effect is actually real and you can decide for yourself whether it's nonsense or whether you're gonna pee your pants The Mandela effect is a phenomenon where things were seemingly undoubtedly one way but now it's changed It was named after Nelson Mandela who people remember dying on July 23rd, 1991 which is even stated in a South African school book published in late 1991 But Mandela didn't die until December 5th, 2013 It caused so much discussion that people collectively started looking into it and started to notice other examples of weird things going on So without further ado, here are the top examples of the Mandela effect Luke, I am your father Everyone remembers it that way Exactly Luke, I am your father So you remember that too I found references to this from two different sources One is James Earl Jones, saying it himself When I first saw the dialogue that said "Luke I am your father" I said to myself, he's lying So in this clip, it was a Saturday Night Live skit done I think in late 90s Right and they're like selling off Mark Hamill Because they're having all these Star Wars stuff or whatever So a caller calls in and then he asks them to say the famous line Yeah, I am your father and here is Mark Hamill's response to that Luke, I am your father Now of course when you watch the movie No, I am your father You hear him, he just says "No, I am your father" Right But everybody remembers it as "Luke, I am your father" No, and I mean it's just it's been on so many shows and in so many movies I mean everybody remembers this and we wanted to start with Star Wars, not just because of this but because there's two in Star Wars C-3PO you know the golden robot never had a silver leg Okay, this is a huge deal because when I was a kid I had all the action figures I watched Star Wars constantly It was on all the time, dude I was wearing a Star Wars shirt, I'm a big Star Wars fan This guy never stops wearing Star Wars shirts but anyway the point is we can show you guys examples of C-3PO action figures from back in the day all have golden legs couldn't have been that it was too difficult to get a silver leg in there Something weird is going on right So just goes to show you the disparity and people remembering one apparent timeline and then a different timeline Do you ever remember that dude having a silver leg No Golden, right Yeah, it's all gold What is the famous line in Forrest Gump about chocolate? Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get Like momma said life is the box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get He says: "Momma always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get." Okay guys, we got something special for you today We managed to find a VCR It wasn't easy We're gonna be showing you guys clips from these movies that could prove our point about the Mandela effect So even on the back of Forrest Gump It even states "life is like a box of chocolates" So let's put this in You want a chocolate I could eat about a million and a half of these Me too My mom always said Life WAS like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get Okay, he just said "WAS" Life WAS like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get No, that doesn't even make sense No, why would it be past tense Yeah, it's past tense, and then it's present tense like that doesn't make sense at all But then everyone, anyone I ask always says life is like a box of chocolates, even the girl that we interviewed Yeah Life is like a box of chocolates You never know what you're gonna get I even found a clip where Tom Hanks even says "life is like a box of chocolates" Roll it Momma always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get I just can't believe this one because I even remember him saying is in the original movie A lot of people do I have another one for you What if I told you everything you thought you knew was true was a lie Did you just hit me with a Matrix line Completely That's from the specific pill scene in the Matrix right Right The part that hit me the most out of any movie in the world, like I memorized that whole sequence It's like my favorite scene of any movie in history Okay, the point I want to bring up here about this We watched this movie, it doesn't happen The weirdest thing about this is one of the most famous memes out there right now is a Morpheus meme where he says what if I told you and then put whatever you want after it just to make it funny right So I even know exactly where this is and recently Matrix came on Netflix and I haven't seen the movie in a while So I was like let me watch this I haven't watched this in years and it got to that part I actually thought oh maybe this was edited I even know where it happens It's right when Morpheus sits down to talk to Neo and right before he says let me tell you why you're here I know exactly what you mean Let me tell you why you're here I've come to realize this is a Mandela effect Do you remember watching James Bond Moonraker Oh yeah of course Moonraker had a really famous villain in it his name was Jaws and he had these metal teeth What happens in the movie is Jaws basically was on a tram And he crashes and he gets down and when he gets off of the tram This really sweet pretty girl helps him and there's this really like classic scene that everyone remembers where Jaws sees her and he smiles and she smiles and she has braces Okay but now if you go back and watch it She doesn't have braces So weird I remember little light shining off her braces and the music gets all loud and it's like haha they're falling in love because they both have metal mouths that scene doesn't make much sense anymore and the movie doesn't even make sense anymore either because that's kind of the plot of the movie the guy who plays Jaws gets hired to do an ad after right I think it was it was in a grocery store or some kind of store But it was for maybe Visa or something like that but he goes in there yeah, right, and he's at the cashier He's at the register, and he looks down at the cashier this like young girl, and she looks up at him she has braces and she smiles How could it be changed in the movie and everyone remember it wrong like that if that didn't actually happen in the movie I mean to me, this is just way too crazy What do you think Ben Yeah totally Another crazy one right, did you watch the Mask movie in the 90s Yeah, I mean that was a movie I also kind of grew up with when I was little So one of the ones that we found was of Sally Field at the Oscars and everyone I talked to remembers this very famous quote when she won the Oscar You love me, you really really love me Exactly right And it's in that Mask movie Yeah, exactly, and Jim Carrey says it You love me, you really love me Now what she actually says though is something very different there would be no way that people will remember it that way everyone I talked to remembers her saying it that way now Now she says you like me right now You really like me or something like that And I can't deny the fact that you like me Right now, you like me What? No, at no point was this the Coca Cola logo No, search online, it's not like this The middle for sure What the hell? Oh my goodness I have only been seeing this one I swear Wait, no, there should be a dash in between Right, this is the international one I have been Mandelalized, is that a word? So what is the title of this called is it Sex and the City or Sex in the City So 'and' or 'in' which one? Sex in the City. I mean, I remember this show, it was so super famous When the show was on I was always confused by what it was called because I kept hearing both names I even thought it was changed at one point But it turns out that it according to the producers It's always been 'Sex and the City' It is very strange One of the first instances of all of this is with the famous actors Sinbad in the 90s And he was in a lot of movies in the early 90s Yeah sure So everybody including my brother remembers a movie that Sinbad was in called Shazam where he played a genie And he was kind of like a clumsy genie I remember commercials for this I never wanted to see it, or the knockoff Kazam and everyone's like oh you're gonna get confused with Kazam My brother remembers seeing the trailer a lot of people thought Jonathan Taylor Thomas was the boy in it Okay, so this guy worked out a VHS rental place, He said people kept coming in to return the tape saying it didn't work So he said he remembers watching this movie because he would always check to make sure why it wasn't working and so when he heard it didn't exist like he was just dumbfounded I mean eventually so many people were talking about it that Sinbad keeps coming on Twitter saying he's open to doing one He's like, oh that would have been a great idea Mona Lisa is a really weird one. Okay, here's why it's weird I remember this argument all through the 90s and well into my career as a young illustrator in college where everyone would seek out the Mona Lisa and stare at it for hours and hours because you couldn't tell whether if she was smiling or whether she was kind of like neutral or what So everyone would talk about it at different angles That's right If you look at it from this angle you see her smiling if you look at it from this angle She just has a neutral expression But now she's clearly smiling If you look at it from any angle, she's just smiling Something weird happened there Ben, you watched Toy Story a lot when you were a kid I didn't, what happened in Toy Story? A few years back I used to take care of autistic adults, and they loved the movie Toy Story So you watched it a lot Oh my gosh I watched it so much that I couldn't stand I can't stand watching it anymore I must have seen it a hundred times with them I had the whole movie memorized no doubt Does Woody say, there's a snake in my boot or there's a snake in my boots Well, I never really watched this movie that much but just what makes sense is the snake can only be in one boot can't be in both boots Right, one snake can only be in one boot So I was completely shocked to find out that he now says there's a snake in my boots There's a snake in my boots But if you have the original toy, it still says there's a snake in my boot There's a snake in my boot Apparently the Bible's been changed too Right, one specific part I'm not as familiar with the Bible as my father my father actually was a Baptist minister So I called my father and I said Dad, in Isaiah there's one part where he talks about a certain beast laying down with the lamb and I said to my dad I said which beast lays down with the lamb, and he's like well it's the lion I'm not even a minister And I remember the lion and the lamb that's like a saying right So if you read it now, it says wolf There are some Christian people that I've talked to kind of freaking out about this Weird Some of them relate it back to like work of the devil Other people just don't want to admit to it The thing is man This is serious, if the Bible was changed then it's like Holy cow, what else has changed. Yeah, I mean there's people online saying Some of their photos have been changed So guys we think this one is the smoking gun out of all of these because everybody remembers this What is the famous line that the Witch and Snow White says in front of the mirror that mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all Mirror mirror on the wall Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all I mean everybody remembers that Everybody remembers that Even in Disney books, it says mirror mirror on the wall. Oh wait what did it change to? Let's watch and find out Let me see thy face What wouldst thou know, my Queen MAGIC MIRROR on the wall, who is the fairest one of all Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all That just sounds stupid What do you guys remember Do you guys remember magic mirror on the wall, Or do you remember mirror mirror This is a classic though. Everybody I talked to I asked so many people this everybody I talked to said mirror mirror, nobody said magic mirror When I said magic mirror They're like what you're crazy A lot of people are gonna look at this and be like oh man these guys are crazy You know like how can this stuff doesn't exist like everyone's just misremembering things A huge number of people actually who do believe that something is going on but something has changed their timeline Take it one step further if something is truly happening where things have been changed in our timeline We're trying to figure out the cause because this could be serious who knows Did our anatomy get changed Did our places on the planet get changed We won't know about it, you know, unless we really start getting into it So guys, what do you think Do you think that Mandela effect is real Or do you think everyone's just losing their minds Make sure you click the link below for the causes of the Mandela effect And don't forget to subscribe, we need you until then we'll see you guys out on the edge I'll give a shout-out to my little sister my triplet siblings My mom's a truther so there you go mom And now I want to go learn more, you guys should too Ok, I'm gonna go back, and I'm gonna watch it
Channel: Edge of Wonder
Views: 2,211,189
Rating: 4.4409251 out of 5
Keywords: the edge of wonder, space force, new mandela effect, aliens, disclosure, spiritual awakening, deep state, mandela effect 2019, sinbad, shazaam, mandela effect examples, false memories, mandela effect 2018, the mandela effect, matrix, tom hanks, mona lisa, mark hamill, i am your father, c3po silver leg, star wars, mirror mirror on the wall, magic mirror, timeline, life is like a box of chocolates, forrest gump, toy story, lion and lamb
Id: p9IY58z6qZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
Reddit Comments

Star Wars, I remember it as "Luke, I am your father", but that never existed in the timeline that we are currently in it is "I am your father".

Snow White, I remember it as "Mirror, Mirror on the wall"... but that never existed in our timeline, what exists here and now is "Magic, mirror on the wall..."

Just like with anything else no one really cares, my brother who is a math professor at a University, who I just got off the phone with remembers those lines the same way I do, but he has a bunch of bullshit excuses about how our memories are wrong or someone is trying to trick us by changing things online. I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dustinrag 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
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