Top 10 Places To Visit in Montenegro - Travel Guide

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what's up guys my name is Ryan and I originally turned from exploring monten negro and I want to share with you my favorite places so here is my Mont negro top [Music] 10 with Adriatic coastlines pristine rivers and mountains comparable to the Alves Montenegro is one of the most underrated places in Europe from the scenic town of harass to the mountains of deror Montenegro has so many incredible places to explore let's start this video off at cotor when people think of Monro cotor might be the first place that comes to mind located in what some consider to be Europe's southernmost F Kotor is one of the most well-preserved medieval old towns in all the Balkans the history of cotor is fascinating from the early 1400s until the end of the 18th century it was part of the Venetian Republic which influenced much of its architecture which stands today it's grown in popularity over the years and it's a popular cruise ship sty now I really enjoyed walking through the medieval Old Town there was lots of beautiful architecture and Alleyways to explore I also enjoyed walking on the boardwalk on kotor's beach I was really nice relaxing area one of my favorite things that I did during my time in cotor is hiking up to the Fortress it's an extremely impressive feat of architecture The Fortress dates back to the 6th century and was added on to throughout the ages now the track up to the Fortress was no joke it cost about 8 to enter and it took me about 45 minutes of walking of 1,350 steps on the way up you get some great views of cotor and the bay I really like this church that was about a fourth of the way up it created a perfect composition with the bay in the background after sweating my guts out I reached the San Giovani Castle on the top I mean the castle itself wasn't anything amazing but the views up there were incredible just be prepared for the workout to get up here now if you're not up for the hike but still want a great view of cotor you can drive up the serpentine road that has 16 hairpin turns it can be a tight drive at times but it's 100% % worth it you just get an incredible Panorama of the beak Couture now if you keep driving in that direction you reach the mausoleum of Neos it's located about an hour draft from cotor and it's this beautiful Memorial where the prince Bishop of Montenegro is buried who passed away in 1851 it cost about €8 to visit the mausoleum you'll have to walk up over 400 stairs to reach the top you'll be greeted with phenomenal views and then there's this really nice Lookout area after we're going to head over to budva located about 30 minutes from cotor budva is this beautiful Town built in the Adriatic it dates back over 2,500 years when a Greek Trading Post was established here in the 6th Century BC making it one of the oldest settlements on the Adriatic Coast my favorite feature of budva is its Old Town similar to cotor buva was part of the Venetian Republic starting in 1420 and they had control of it for about 400 years they fortified the city with medieval walls to protect against the Ottomans and other enemies today bua stands is one of the most popular destinations to visit in Montenegro what's also great about this city is that it's close to so many places right off the coast of budva is a fety Nicola Island it's nicknamed The Hawaii of Montenegro and it's the biggest island in all the country it can be reached by a short boat ride or you can even take a kayak out there making a great day trip another famous nearby location is cetti Stefan located about 10 minutes from budva cetti Stefan is a Seaside town that has home to this fascinating Island the island began as a small community and during the 15th century it was fortified to protect itself against Turks and other Pirates originally there was 12 families that lived on the island and it grew to a village with over 400 people in the 1950s the Yugoslav government converted the island to a luxury hotel and many famous people visit the resort today it's owned by the Amanti Stefan Resorts now while I was here I really enjoyed walking along the beaches and enjoying the sunset it's truly a magical place in Montenegro another nearby spot on the coast is the St nelia church it's located just about 15 minutes from cetti Stefan and just this little church built on a tiny Island you can reach the island by taking a boat or kayak out there and you can just explore this Scenic little church I mean the churches of Europe always amazed me now after we're going to visit Lake skadar locally about an hour and a half from Kotor lake skadar is the biggest lake in the Balkans and it's shared by both Montenegro and Albania my favorite feature of skadar is the sheno yavich river that empties into the Northwestern part of the lake it creates the most bizarre landscape with green vegetation contrasted with these con shaped mountains I mean it's one of the most unique Landscapes it doesn't feel like you're in Europe now you can get a wonderful view of the river and the lake from the Pavlova Str Viewpoint I mean it's such an incredible spot now afterwards we're going to visit the capital of Montenegro pad gorita located just 30 minutes from lak skadar pad gorita is the biggest city in Montenegro during the Middle Ages pad gorita was positioned between the crossroads of several trade routes and it grew to become an important city today Pita is a beautiful place since Montenegro declared independence in 2006 Pita is one of the newest capital cities in the real now if you want to explore some of montenegro's mountains you can head up to dormor it's located about 2 and 1/2 hour drive from Pita and it offers some of montenegro's best nature one of my favorite places there is bobotov cuk it's the highest place in the dormor mountains in all of Montenegro with a height of 2523 M and it can be summited by taking a 10 km track that takes anywhere from 4 to 5 hours to do when you reach the top you'll be rewarded with stunning 360 views that extend into neighboring Bosnia and hovenia another impressive spot in the area is Shino yero or Black Lake it's situated right at the base of the dmor mountains and there's some great hiking trails around it I mean if you love Alpine Landscapes and mountains you got to give deror a visit afterwards we're going to head to paa Lake now located about an hour from duror paa Lake is this massive Reservoir with arms extending into the nearby Canyons the color of lake is such a striking blue color with the contrast of the Green Mountains there's a bridge that crosses the lake making for a Scenic Drive afterwards we're going to visit the jur jav Vita Tower Bridge completed in 1940 the jicha tower bridge is made up of five arches that span across the tower River at the time of its completion it was the biggest concrete bridge in Europe during World War II it served as a strategic point because it was one of the few ways to reach Northern Montenegro so the Italian offenses overtook it in 1942 but the opposing Yugoslav party destroyed one of the Arches making the bridge unpassable it was later rebuilt after the war in 1946 and today I think it's one of montenegro's most beautiful bridges it also looks pretty enchanting during the fall when the fog fills the valley with the autumn colors it's such a magical place afterwards we're going to visit the mountains of procer located right on the Albanian border the mountains of procer are absolutely incredible incredible they remind me of a miniature version of the dolomites one of my favorite places is Valen it's located basically on the border between Monro in Albania and to reach it you can get there by making about an hour hike from the gubah village below you'll just get an astounding view as you look at the mountains that are across Valley I it's just this beautiful cathedral of a rock the mountains of Montenegro are truly on another level for our final location we're going to head back to the Bay of Kotor to visit parast located about 20 minutes from Paras is this small but pitches Town it originally started as a fishing Village back in the Middle Ages and it grew to prosper during the 15th century thanks to the venetians one of the most notable features of Paras is the two Islands located just off the coast one of them is called Our Lady of the rocks and it's a artificial Island that's been made over the course of centuries as local fishermen put a rock there after each successful Journey now you can take a boat tour to reach the Adam for brass the other island is called St George and it has a beautiful Monastery dating back to the 12th century while I was here I really enjoyed walking on the boardwalk in parast my favorite feature of the city was the Church of St Nicholas it has this beautiful tower that creates for the most amazing scene with the backdrop of the baz mountains I mean if you wait around for Sunset Ras get lit up by orange glow this place is so pictures it reminds me of a real life numor well that is it for my Montenegro top 10 let me know where your favorite place is in Montenegro in the comments below there's still so much to see in this country so I got to return soon you can find me on Instagram and Tik Tok at shirley. films it's Ryan and we will see you [Music] later
Channel: Ryan Shirley
Views: 248,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Montenegro, Montenegro Travel guide, where to visit in montenegro, top places to visit in montenegro, Montenegro travel, Kotor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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