Top 10 places people disappear in the United States.

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what is going on everyone have you ever just wanted to get away people do it all the time sadly sometimes they didn't plan it that way people have mental breakdowns people encounter foul play they get lost at sea and some people think little green men snatch them up and do experiments on their backside did you know that there are places in the United States where more than a few people have just disappeared without a trace like poof they're gone never to be seen again people at theories on what happened but no solid proof I mean occasionally it's safe to assume that if a person fell overboard while boating on a New Jersey Lake or something but there's no proof until they find that person or body whatever the case may be and that's what today's list is all about places where people have disappeared never to be found again more than once in a location so hey lock your front door grab a cup of tea and watch my top ten places people keep disappearing from in the United States number ten herb hammer Iowa now this one's really weird Kirk hammer was a town in Iowa and I'm not even sure I'm pronouncing it right but we'll press on anyway there was supposedly a town that once existed known as Kirk hammer though no one speaks of it today it had apparently been an average Midwestern community up until about in 1928 when all the residents suddenly vanished like they don't know where they went the population of Iowa is sort of sparse today so you can imagine what it was like back in 1928 there were several reports from passing travelers of this empty town which eventually led to an instant being published in some local newspapers but the stock market crashed in 1929 and soon this was just the back page story and became a side note in a really tragic time in the United States when the Dust Bowl hit Herkimer was left in a disheveled state and quickly forgotten there are no traces of the town to this day some really aren't sure where it was obviously we didn't have satellites and youtubes back then so we'll never know what happened for sure you know if that was reported today tomorrow the town would be crawling with youtubers including myself trying to figure out what went on number nine the bennington triangle located in the southwestern part of Vermont this landlocked triangular area is notorious for string of unexplained disappearances that occurred here from 1945 to 1955 seven - possibly ten people vanished in this area ranging from an eight-year-old boy to a 74 year old mountain guide female and even a man disappeared while on the bus like he was on the bus one minute gone the next there's also other reports that people that were heading that direction were never heard from again there's no real evidence of that there's one story in 1949 where three hunters went missing from the area but like I said little evidence of those claims to this day there's no definite explanation for the vanishings I mean nobody was ever found nobody knows what happened nobody saw them get abducted they didn't find a body at the bottom of a ravine nothing a lot of people believe that they may have been victims of a serial killer but again no proof see that or maybe Bigfoot's abducting people I've never heard of him abducting people but maybe he's just that good number eight the Great Smoky Mountains between the states of Tennessee in North Carolina you have the Appalachian mountain area inside that you have the Great Smoky Mountains National Park if you've never been here or seen the Great Smoky Mountains I would suggest it you'll thank me later unless of course you end up going missing then I imagine your family's gonna build a voodoo doll about me and force him to watch the Kardashians cuz that's torture since the Smoky Mountains are part of the National Park System it's natural that they get a lot of tourists and many of those tourists go to the towns that are all around the area get a lot of foot traffic for their businesses the downside is a bunch of people have gone missing over the years the earliest one recorded was in 1969 when a six year old boy went missing despite the largest manhunt in the history of the Smoky Mountains National Park searchers came up empty in June of 1969 while looking for six year old Dennis Martin Dennis's father and some other adults at southwest of Anthony Creek Trailhead watching Dennis his nine year old brother Douglas and a couple other boys playing near the top of the trailhead Douglas the 9 year old brother would later tell Park officials that he and the other children hatched a plan played joke on the grown-ups they would sneak around and Surprise them Douglas and the two other boys went one way and six-year-old Dennis went the other not a good plan already it was the last time he was ever seen again the adults had seen the boy split up but when Douglas and the other two reappeared there was no dentist they'd never found a trace and then the latest one happened in 1981 when an elderly woman went into the woods and was never seen again number seven superstition mountains out in the desert of Arizona near Phoenix it's the Superstition Mountains locals call superstitions when the Spanish originally rolled through here they called them sierra de la espuma which I believe I'm pronouncing right anyway been a long time since I took a Spanish class but it means the mountain range of foam I don't know what was going on with these Spaniards when they rolled through here they were missing like bubble baths or whatever and just had bubbles on their mind they called him the mountain range of foam these mountains are not only known for their legends among the Apache people who believe that this is the entrance to the underworld somewhere around these mountains but who knows it's also known for numerous disappearances that have occurred over the years a lot of these people went missing and were found years later dead obviously and the strange thing about a lot of them they were missing their heads it's like some tradition around here find someone in the desert digging around and yet chop off their head I don't know a lot of people go here over the you know decades and centuries looking for the Lost Dutchman's gold they had another one in 1958 the identity of the person who disappeared is unknown but in April of 1958 a deserted campsite was discovered over the northern outskirts of the mountain range and the scene was pretty grim things like cooking tools gun cleaning supplies Geiger counter and some personal letters were left behind but most disturbingly there was a blood-soaked blanket someone left their letters behind but tore all the addresses out of the letters and the name of the person so they don't know where the person went and they just know there was a bloody blanket behind left all their stuff behind and someone took all the names off the letters that's just weird number six Pyramid Lake near Reno Nevada sits Pyramid Lake named after the pyramid shaped rock formations sticking out of water Pyramid Lake yet the lake is on the Paiute Indian Reservation is one of the tribes main fishing grounds the lake is home to a couple different species of trout those good eaten there but this beautiful Lake got some attention of the media and the Internet when two men went missing there in 2017 leading to some speculations about what could have happened to them it's been two years since Ron hegwood and Quinton Johnson went missing there's a lot of theories out there this even includes the idea that they were dragged underwater by spirits known as water babies yeah water babies they're these things that they make a crying noise and when you look over to see if there's a baby in the water they pull you in never to be seen again and it's also part of the Paiute legend this is the thing about the lake it is deep and it stays cold this causes bodies that fall into the lake not to decompose if they don't decompose they stay preserved and submerged for a very long time in the 1980s a body of a woman floated to the top of the lake they pulled her out obviously they did not Topsy and came to the conclusion she died in the 1800s that's freaky number five the Nevada triangle consisting of a large section of desert and the Sierra Nevada mountains this triangular area in Nevada in California has made headlines in the last decade or so due to a disappearance that occurred on September 3rd 2007 the victim was aviator adventurer and friend to billionaires Steve Fossett he flew into the Nevada triangle a small plane it was never seen or heard from again on May 1st 2008 they did find the plane but no Steve then on October 29th 2008 search teams recovered two large human bones that they suspected might belong to Fossett these bones we're about a half a mile east of the crash site and it also had a tennis shoe with animal bites on it so things weren't looking good for Steve at this point and on November 3rd the California coroner said that the DNA profiling of the two bones confirmed that it matched Fawcett's DNA but Derek County Sheriff John Anderson said Fossett would have died on impact in such a crash and that it's not unusual for an animal to Rag remains away like this so yeah I hope he died on impact that'd be kind of brutal you sittin there tryin to cover maybe you got a broken leg trying to drink rainwater somethin like that next thing you know something's dragging your way that's not good but he's not the only one a lot of other people disappeared in this area a lot of people think it's close proximity era 51 has something to do with it some even think it's ghosts that attack planes the Nevada triangle has become an aircraft graveyard in the last 60 years hundreds of pilots who have ventured in the last 60 years hundreds of pilots who've ventured into this area never return at least not alive number four one of the most popular national parks in the world is Yosemite in California it is known for its beauty and its wide array of wildlife which includes bears that has been a problem since forever bears have always been a problem in most national parks back when I first visited Yosemite they had these outhouses that you would sit in that only came up to like your shoulders sort of like a convertible car this way you could see if anything was coming towards you while you were doing your business the good news about those things that if you did see a bear rushing towards you out of the woods while you're on the toilet you were already prepared what was about to happen to your bowels no need for Metamucil the bear kind of worked that out for you Yosemite is known for the many disappearances it is seen over the years 45 of which have never been solved and that dates back to the 1800s there's even stories about children who were spirited away from where they originally were in the park and end up in a completely different section miles and miles away these stories are blamed by supernatural beings that supposedly occupy the area one in particular was Stacy an heiress who was 14 years old when she disappeared in Yosemite she was part of a group of 10 people that were on a four-day guided horseback trip through the park on July 17th 1981 the group had reached some cabins that they were to stay overnight at as everyone was eating and showering she was last seen going over to some small lake not too far away to take pictures they say the last person that saw her saw her standing on a boulder about 50 yards away from camp they never found a trace of her number three Lake Superior one of the great lakes that sits along the border of the United States and Canada is Lake Superior and it's gained notoriety over the years for the number of ships that it's claimed the bottom of the lake is littered with wrecks that have been found and some sit hundreds of years later waiting to be found for this reason the place attracts scuba divers and research vessels with remote submersibles that go down looking for sunken ships probably the most infamous is the Edmund Fitzgerald that went down in 1975 this was the inspiration for the famous folk song by Gordon Lightfoot called the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald which told the story of the disaster there are over 70 big ships that have disappeared on Lake Superior about 15 of those have never been found that's not even counting the smaller ones that have gone missing there's an old saying that was also in the lyrics to the Gordon Lightfoot song but the saying is superior they say never gives up its dead number two Pecos New Mexico not to be confused with Pako Texas this is a small village in New Mexico and it's not too far from Santa Fe on the Pecos River hence the name Pecos while it is a popular place for the outdoorsy hunting fishing types it's also known for several disappearances that have occurred in the area back in 2009 a 61 year old man went missing on a hunting trip and was never seen again Mel Melvin Nadal aged 61 vanished outside of Pecos near Elk Mountain on Sunday September 6 2009 there's been no trace of Mel at all he and his friends went hunting at some point he decided to stay near camp and poof Mel was gone this and many other missing persons have led the locals to refer the area as the Pecos triangle with wrote supposedly haunted by supernatural beings and UFOs of course if it's New Mexico Arizona someone's got to throw some aliens in their UFOs what not all that good stuff have you ever noticed whenever they got a couple too many people go missing an area they throw triangle on it and number one the Alaskan triangle see there it is again triangle the border of the Alaskan triangle stretches from Barrow at the north coast to Anchorage and a Juneau across the southern coast and includes vast areas of largely uninhabited wilderness sprawling forests and a desolate Tundra are clearly not the safest places in the world for humans to you know put down roots hundreds of search-and-rescue missions conducted every year by the Alaskan state troopers rarely find a trace of bodies of people that went missing in the area the triangle came into the public's attention when the then US House Majority Leader Hale Boggs airplane vanished somewhere between Anchorage and Juneau on October 16th 1972 the disappearance triggered one of the country's largest search-and-rescue operations ever involving 40 military aircraft 50 civilian planes and 39 days of searching an area of about 32,000 square miles the search found nothing no wreckage no debris no human remains nothing on November 24th 1972 the search was suspended after 39 days disappearances without a trace are not unusual in this region since 1988 more than 16,000 people have vanished in the Alaskan Triangle this contributes to an annual filing of roughly four missing person reports for every thousand people in Alaska more than twice the national average all right so that's my top 10 places people keep disappearing from in the United States hope you guys enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it that was a lot to take in that was really weird one to do I'm kind of alarmed at what's going on in the Alaskan Triangle anyway don't forget all the links below give the video big thumbs up tell me what you thought maybe I missed one I'd love to hear about it if you haven't subscribed please do so and click that little bell so you'll be notified whenever I have an upload everybody have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 1,452,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royalty Free Images Stock, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, worst cities to live in, missing persons, alien abduction, alaska, arizona, vermont, great smoky mountains, yosemite, missing people, vanished, unsolved, unsolved mystery, unsolved missing persons cases, mysterious, crime, explore with us, true crime, search and rescue, cold case, worst city in america, mystery, creepy, investigate, unexplained, paranormal
Id: nNShqCIKSqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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