Top 10 Things That Look FREAKY Close Up

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it's all about perspective welcome to for the top ten ordinary things that look weird up close for this list we're taking a look at ordinary objects that start looking anything but ordinary when you get it close enough look at them through a microscope or a similar device you'll never look at some of these things in the same way again number 10 snow snow can be gorgeous even when viewed under normal circumstances turning the world into a pristine and magical looking landscape but get even a closer look and the white powder reveals itself to be a collection of stunning ice crystals that form into elaborate fractal shapes as they fall through the air these come in an essentially limitless number of configurations leading to the claim that no two snowflakes are exactly alike we're not gonna dispute that especially after seeing just how complex and intricate they are up close besides who has the time and energy to go around comparing snowflakes number 9 butterfly wings butterflies come in a whole range of shapes and colors definitely putting them towards the top of the list of interesting insects this all comes from their trademark wings which dwarf their bodies with their size and splendor they might seem almost like fabric or flower petals at first glance but these colorful wings are actually covered in tiny scales almost like those of a fish these scales alongside specialized hairs what give butterfly wings their vibrant color and did you know that the term Lepidoptera the animal order that includes butterflies and moths comes from Greek words meaning scale and wings well you do now number 8 alcohol at the end of a long day a nice drink can be a good way to unwind so long as it's in moderation but if you start seeing things like this you've either had way too many or you're enjoying your drink through a microscope this may look like something from the inside of a kaleidoscope or maybe some futurist artwork but it's actually various alcohol beverages viewed at a staggering 1,000 times magnification who would have guessed that inside your favorite nightcap with imagery straight out of a trippy 1960s art movie complete with vivid colors and mind-bending shapes far out man number seven and let's be honest these tiny critters are rarely a welcome sight after all who hasn't unexpectedly found them loitering in their kitchen or had a perfectly good picnic ruined by their sudden invasion but before you whip out a can of bug spray or start stumping take a closer look yeah they're still terrifying but up close they're at least an interesting kind of terrifying with their chitinous bodies sporting far more details than you'd expect microscopic has almost mechanical bodies and of course those giant compound eyes they're almost beautiful when you think about it in a nightmarish kind of way number six leaves they may look like simple green plant matter but surely by this point you've realized that nothing is ever as simple as it looks a much closer inspection of the leaves of ordinary plants reveals that they aren't too dissimilar from human skin with hair like growths called trichomes and even paws these serve much of these same functions that the hairs and paws we have do helping to regulate temperature and moisture levels within the plant itself without these plants wouldn't be able to produce sugar or draw energy from the Sun through photosynthesis and in addition to these important functions they look fascinating when observed through a microscope number five eyes it's kind of funny isn't it the same organ you used to see is perhaps one of the most beautiful things to look at your papers look positively mesmerizing up close especially the iris the part of your eye that gives it color and allows pupil to contract or dilates as needed when viewed extremely close up the iris can look almost like a strange alien landscape with peaks and valleys that give it a unique and beautiful texture and that's just the iris travel just a short distance to the eyelash and you'll find yourself in something almost like a dark forest rolling over the eyeball toward the tear duct number 4 aspirin the odds are pretty good that you've downed one of these at least a few times in your life first introduced in the late 1800s the chemical compound known as acetyl salicylic acid is one of the best proven treatments for ailments including fever aches and pains and more we're not gonna recommend looking at a screen when you've got a nasty headache but these microscopic images of the wonder drug almost make it worth it crystallized acetylsalicylic acid looks stunning with a multicolored look akin to stained glass windows or a kaleidoscope a dose of vitamin C has a similar rainbow infused look as well number three tongues as by now we've realized the human body can be pretty strange when viewed up close take the inside of your mouth for example for one thing you've got the veritable fungal forest that is dental plaque trustus you should be brushing more but even the stuff that should be in there is pretty freaky looking the surface of your tongue is coated with tiny organs called papillae and the various types of purple I perform different functions as well as containing the tastebuds and then of course there's the whole host of bacterial colonies some of which perform useful functions within your mouth every day say ah number two a household dust cleaning up is never fun especially when it comes to you endlessly sweeping layers of common dust off all of your furniture and possessions but maybe cleaning up would be a little bit more pleasant if you could see dust up close what appears to as an indistinct gray powder is actually a fascinating collage of different elements including skin cells hair plant pollen pet dander and a slew of other ingredients when viewed at extreme magnification this makes mundane dust appear more like mesmerizing glitter but then again there are also dust mites which look ready to jump on your face and take over your mind at any second yikes before we zoom in on our number one pick here are some honorable mentions [Music] [Music] no it's quite at the end yet almost there though just be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos all right back to business number one skin they say we should be comfortable in our own skin but that gets a little bit less easy when you look at it up close no matter how thorough your skincare routine the human epidermis can look pretty scary at the microscopic level with a craggy upper layer composed of flakes of dead skin cells over the still-living layer below and then there are things like sweat pores which look like terrifying pits or sinkholes from which a monster can emerge at any minutes it all comes together to make your skin look more like the surface of an alien planet and definitely not one you'd want to visit anytime soon do you agree with our pigs check out this other recent 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Views: 94,981
Rating: 4.7797866 out of 5
Keywords: perspective, fractal, patterns, weird everyday objects, weird things, funny things, microscope, microscopic, infrared, ultraviolet, funny objects, strange objects, freaky, molecule, atoms, atom, particle, iris, dust bunnies, skin, Sci Fi, Science, Education, Documentary, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, weird things to look at under a microscope, everyday things under a microscope
Id: _WAQ6t_kVek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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