Top 10 Notes: Doctor Faustus

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this play gives the classic treatment to Foust's legendary deal with the devil I live in speculation of this art till mythos Stauffer this return again welcome to and in this installment of mojo notes we'll be exploring 10 things you should know about Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus number 10 about the author born in Canterbury England and baptized in 1564 Christopher Marlowe graduated from University with a Bachelor of Arts his first plays were performed in the late 1580s and were quite successful in Elizabethan theatre near the end of his life Marlowe got in trouble with the law and was killed during a fight in 1593 number nine influences and inspirations based on an older German legend dr. Faustus is a tragedy with a few moments of comedy written in blank verse and prose Marlowe's work is most likely the first time the tale was told in play form and it changes the protagonists fate though there are two known versions of the play scholars usually refer to text a from 1604 as the first and most definitive number-8 settings and era written in England during the early 1590s Doctor Faustus is set in Europe a decade earlier while the title character spends some time in locations like Italy and England the most important action occurs in Vinton burg Germany during Marlowe's time this city was known for its non-traditional ways of thinking which contrasted with the ideas of the English Renaissance what I never seen Wittenberg have a red book and what one decide on old Germany can witness yay all the world number seven plot the place only narration is provided by a group of people called the chorus which alternates between the past and present tenses it introduces us to the highly educated Doctor Faustus who becomes completely absorbed by his pursuit of magic his metaphysics of magicians of Mantic book secondly lines circles scenes letters and characters and these are those that fosters almost desires after calling up a devil named mephistopheles Faustus makes a bargain with Lucifer or the devil himself in exchange for his soul Faustus will have meth estoppel Asst as his servant for the next 24 years Faustus hath bequeathed his soul to Lucifer amethyst awfulness recieved this scroll a deed of gift of body and of soul but yet conditionally that thou perform or articles prescribed between us both though angels warned him against the pact Faustus already believes he's damned so he continues his quest for the world's knowledge but this leads to his downfall number 6 dr. Faustus when it comes to academic subjects Faustus is an extremely intelligent German scholar however he's slightly egotistical and thinks learning magic will help him become even more powerful these ambitions and his excessive pride lead him to make his fateful deal with the devil with the period it sure got Nephi star penis but when it comes to his own salvation Faustus isn't that smart he refuses to give up his worldly knowledge and ends up in hell the clock will strike the devil will come and Faustus must be damned number 5 Neff estoppel is what do you that live with Yousefi unhappy spirits that fell with Lucifer conspired against our God with Lucifer and are forever damned with Lucifer whether you call him a devil or a fallen angel Memphis top Alyssa's fate remains the same he's damned to hell and serves only Lucifer so when Faustus tries to make math estoppel as his servant the devil shows his loyalty and declines the request I am a servant to create Lucifer and may not follow thee without his leave no more than he commands must weep before but once Faustus signs away his soul meth estoppel is dedicates himself to showing the doctor the ways of the world and pleasing his every whim what says Lucifer thy Lord that I shall wait on Faustus whilst he lives so he will buy my service with his soul he's an evil creature with supernatural powers and he foreshadows what's to come for Faustus after he dies to repay number for other characters angels the good angel and the bad angel are supernatural beings that try to help Faustus make decisions remember Costas sweet pleasure conquers deep despair since the good angels loyalty is to God he wants the doctor to repent for his sins Oh Faustus later damnit book aside and gays not on it Lester tempt I soul and he gods heavy wrath upon my head the bad angel does what he can to keep Faustus on the road to evil and he ultimately succeeds despair in God and Trust in belzebub number three values and themes one of the plays major themes is the fight between good and evil as shown through faustus's own internal struggle and the good and bad angels in the play other key themes include the potential risks involved with the quest for knowledge and the nature of faith versus free will dr. Faustus also touches upon magic death and sin if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and there is no truth in us why then belike we must sin and so consequently die number 2 modern popularity dr. Faustus was performed on stage before being published in 1604 as the tragical history of the life and death of dr. Faustus several years after Marlowe's death thanks to its many universal themes Marlowe's play popularized the classic German legend among English audiences the character of Faust has since become associated with individuals who sacrifice their morals in exchange for wealth power or material gain ransack the ocean for orient pearl number one adaptations the legend of Faust has inspired a wide range of art from opera literature comic books and theatrical works to video games films and music the most well known screen adaptation of Marlowe's play is perhaps 1967 s recording of the stage version with Richard Burton but Faustian themes have also appeared in movies like Rosemary's Baby the devil's advocate Ghost Rider and more what's your favorite piece of Doctor Faustus trivia for more informative top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to busters I swear by hell and Lucifer to effect all promises between us me
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Keywords: doctor faustus, faust, christopher marlowe, legend, play, devil, evil, good, angel, germany, tragedy, fate, mephistophilis, lucifer, satan, magic, supernatural, deal with the devil, bargain, death, hell, top 10, mojo notes, book report, classic, literature
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2013
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