Top 10 New Pokémon Evolutions for Pokémon Sun and Moon

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hey everyone in today's countdown video will be counting the seconds until Pokemon Sun and Moon one two three four but you know what this was a bad idea let's just talk about which Pokemon we want to evolve instead well it does seem as though gain freakish trying to replace new normal evolutions for past generation Pokemon with mega evolutions instead seeing sylveon in X&Y gives me hope that they might start continuing cool evolution lines I've always loved seeing Pokemon that looked like they should have a little more to their design receive a completely new evolution and so I thought we'd look at the ones that could possibly receive a new form in the next games these are just some of the Pokemon that I hope to see evolve in sun and moon so they can really come into their own powerful selves instead of just temporarily with a mega evolution so I welcome you all to my top 10 Pokemon that kind of look like they should evolve so I'm arranging them into a list so you can be like wow they should evolve or wow maybe they shouldn't but I still like this video cuz he's addressing me right now that's not gonna fit in the title is it number 10 heliolisk well I think heliolisk should be higher up on this list the fact that he evolved by Sunstone makes it somewhat unlikely he will receive another evolution however porygon was the first pokémon to evolve by trade twice so maybe they'll make it so heliolisk is the first pokémon to evolve one more time after he already evolved by stone every time I look at heliolisk I just think so what's he gonna evolve he just has that middle evolution Pokemon look like Charmeleon or Charmeleon or even Charmeleon he looks like Charmeleon all right that's one trying to get it heliolisk is in the dragon egg group which means he could evolve into the first electric dragon that actually looks and feels like an electric dragon sorry Magan froze and Zekrom you don't look electric and seriously hair does not make you a dragon type regardless I think we could do away with the random normal typing on heliolisk as it doesn't really provide much design or typing wise and upgrade it into a powerful and actually well-designed electric dragon or ground because he's in the ground too you know what that's okay too maybe he can evolve by studying in a dragon school and can appear in the next how to train your dragon or for going with the ground typing he can appear in holes with shia laboof number five that's not five that's nine that is a nine number nine hypno Hypno's one of those pokemon from generation one that was a pretty decent and nicely designed pokemon but didn't have that extra stage to push him into stardom I mean all right look I know hypno has lured some kids into the forest but well they get back eventually I hope and maybe it's just a phase maybe he needs to evolve into a pokemon that doesn't do that ever stop it I think it'd be really cool to have hypno evolve into a dark psychic magician as he does have that eerie feel to him hypno is one of the Pokemon I was really hoping and actually expecting to get an evolution in the fourth generation when they had them out like free samples out of Costco there are a lot of things you could do with this simple design like give it a hat and a cape but I just really love to see another overshadowed Pokemon get a little more love number eight have a look alright the main reason I want this guy to evolve is just because I want Avila to be complete he looks like a puzzle someone left unfinished on their coffee table for three years and I just can't help but want to see that picture of dogs or flowerpots finished I don't know what they put on puzzles nowadays that's just that's what I'm guessing when the new X&Y Pokemon were leaked and I saw a vlog I thought the page not load properly or are we forgetting the top half of this Pokemon it just it just triggers my OCD there needs to be more this can't be a final evolution Pokemon I mean it does have some crazy defense and nice attack but it's essentially the ice version of steelix and accomplishes the same thing he does which is nothing they can't just sit there and act too mobile like a piece of metal or an iceberg sorry those things actually don't have anything to do with these Pokemon anyways I think it would be cool for Avalon to turn into an ice sculpture and maybe transfer some of that defense to speed an attack that would give a cool new way of saying hey if you want a rugged defensive Pokemon for your team don't evolve it but if you want a real powerhouse you can unearth the man within the ice at least that's what my art teacher told me I I never did finish the assignment though it kind of just melted number seven go goats go goat is another one of those Pokemon that I like just because it's a cool-looking animal and I really loved how they incorporated the grass typing in a simple but elegant way and what's more Pokemon than just love and how cool it is I would just like to see a little more as I think go-go looks like it has that potential to turn into an even cooler version of a goat frankly it would probably just evolve into a bigger goat with more grass around its neck but hey maybe they'll add wings or something to make it of flying goats what I do know is that if they do upgrade this goats you gotta call it go go go it's there's there's just no way around it Pokemon designer you need to do this for me number six donphan I've loved on fans since I saw Ashley's little cute phanpy grow into this tough and rugged elephant donphan had this cool personality that also somewhat contrasted its previous form I just love to see how they would continue to push its growth with another evolution and see what they could turn it into I mean the most obvious evolution will be to trade it with a metal coat and turn into an armored tanky donphan but there's enough ground steel types they did that with so many generation - Pokemon already you could really tack on any typing a dog fan and turn it into a cool Pokemon and it just makes me excited to think about all the possibilities that could turn this awesomely designed Pokemon into all so it'd be really cool to see dog fan back in the anime and Ash's side again number five star me I know star me is already a really strong Pokemon but I wanted to thank outside of the box here I know some people might be left with the impression of wow how is that even on a top ten but fear not I'm sure that my reasoning will turn that sad face in your comment upside down actually that doesn't do anything it doesn't make it a happy face or anything but but you know what I mean if you look at the star me evolution line there's a simple lack of team camaraderie here something Pokemon is stood for having friends by your side and being a team so we can't just let Star meas evolution line end like this that's why we need to have them evolve from Star you to star me into star we know all right number four qwilfish I've always kind of liked qwilfish because I I guess I'm a closet hipster huh but it always felt like qwilfish was supposed to be the offensive equivalent of Tentacruel but they kinda stopped sure before they pumped him up with power get it because it's the balloon Pokemon it's a fun typing and qwilfish even has some good moves to utilize its attack like poison jab in waterfall don't don't look at that we'll just let the devs fix it when he evolves design-wise I guess they could just inflate it a little more and make it an even angrier pufferfish or just turn it into a completely different species of fish or anything actually I mean if they change a remoraid into octillery then they can change qwilfish into a monkfish or a firetruck I guess number 3 masquerade I really love this pokemons design and it's unfortunate that it gets forgotten quite a bit I'd really like it to get an evolution so can both be more powerful and to add on to its already elegant look I also have no idea why they changed it from being a bug water to a bug flying I mean Beedrill has wings but it keeps its poison typing they should just on the same thing for this guy since water bug was actually a pretty cool and unique typing I mean its evolution might not be all too powerful unless they really beefed up its stats but quiver dance does help a lot I mainly want mass rain to evolve so it can be highlighted as the great bug Pokemon it is and give it something to stand out from all the other bug types it would be really funny if they swapped it from a bug water to a bug flying back to a bug water though number 2 accelgor I don't know about you but every time I look at accelgor I think what's gonna burst out of that cocoon it definitely looks like the Pokemon they just drop a mega evolution onto however I'd really love for it to be a permanent change to accelgor I always felt that it looked like a bug ghost type since it kind of looks like a mummy even though it is actually a ninja but I just love to see again other typing add it on like ghosts or maybe even dark as I think that would be very fitting it is also one of those Pokemon with the counterpart Enix Cavalier so I think it would be really cool to give a mega evolution to exceed a valley Rand a regular evolution to accelgor to give them that friendly rival feel number one octillery all I'm gonna say is giant crackin okay that's not actually all I'm gonna say I'm gonna say more obviously we don't need to evolve into another water poison lurker of the sea but octillery just looks like that silly kind of Pokemon that would evolve into this powerful terror out of nowhere like Magikarp or Bill Cosby I just imagine that octillery would evolve by getting its happiness all the way down and it going yo yeah all right I've had enough of this and then just evolved into a powerful kraken that takes down pirates and illegal fishermen I mean that sounds like a really mean way to evolve a Pokemon but they put the move frustration in there for a reason somebody as well do something creative along those lines or you can just give it a Waterstone fine or actually you could give it a fire stone and make it a fire Kraken so you can go yo man that fires Kraken and it would be funny unlike right now I just think it's about time out chili we got a little permanent some something to spice up the sea so we can fight against all this water pollution thanks Captain Planet you did it again hey everyone thanks for watching hope you enjoyed all these lovely Pokemon that should evolve please nintendo game freak pokemon i don't know what to call them anymore i just i'd i cycled through one of those three and then i'm like well fine i meana really i just want them to bring back new evolutions for past pokemon it was actually one of the things i look forward to the most in the next generation but anyways thanks for watching and please make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more until next time keep on catching
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Views: 1,940,070
Rating: 4.4796605 out of 5
Keywords: New Pokémon in sun and moon, Top 10 Pokémon, Pokémon Sun and Moon, Pokémon Top 10, Top 10 Pokémon That Should Evolve, Top 10 New Pokémon Evolutions, Pokémon, Top 10, Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, Thejwittz, Tamashiihiroka, Jethrotex, Top 10 new Pokémon Evolutions in Pokémn Sun and Moon, Pokémon Evolutions, New Pokémon Evolutions, Pokémon Evolutions in Pokémon sun and moon, Pokémon sun and moon new evolutions
Id: Z4CwpN9_hrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2016
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