Top 10 Movies with Bogus Science

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these are the films that make scientists sick to their stomachs the last chunk of ice that broke off was about the size of the state of Rhode Island welcome to and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top ten scientifically inaccurate movies for this list we're looking at films that take liberties with their science by including instances where they try to pass off science fiction as science fact where the science doesn't make any sense or where the science has changed to serve the plot you're implying that a group composed entirely of female animals will breathe to keep the list grounded we'll only be dealing with things that we can say with any certainty are not scientifically accurate or at least are not scientifically feasible I'll see you later 10th mutation x-men franchise genetic mutation the evolution of the human genome the whole x-men franchise is a serial offender in terms of how it plays fast and loose but how evolution works so sadly for those wishing to be Wolverine or Professor X it wouldn't happen as quickly as the films may suggest nor is there a gene that would produce such helpful mutations until we can put him up his DNA we can replicate it but we can generate it but that's not all these movies are riddled with even more questionable science we get time-travel mutant cures the physics of quicksilver's speed and Xavier Zrii embodiment all of which aren't fully explained or are literally used to randomly advance the plot you can walk you're gonna percept a one feel free to read up about all the scientific inaccuracies in more detail online but you'll be there a while now what we find an expert on genetic mutation number nine cloning dinosaurs Jurassic Park bingo Dino DNA even though this sci-fi adventure features a very cute informational film starring mr. DNA the science that it claims has been pivotal in bringing dinosaurs back to life is just plain wrong genetic power is the most awesome force the planets ever seen but you wield it like a kid that's found his dad's gun firstly DNA has an expiration date so even if it's trapped in amber it cannot be used after 65 million years for the purposes laid out in the film this fossilized tree sap which we call amber waited for millions of years with the mosquito inside secondly to complete the chain of DNA you can't just use a different species to fill in the gaps on the tour film said they used frog DNA to fill in the gene sequence gaps they mutated the dinosaur genetic code and blended it with that of frogs and finally many of the dinosaurs in the movie are either not from the Jurassic period or are just plainly a false portrayal of their real-life counterparts boy I hate being right all the time number 8 human rag dolls transformers no no no no dad surprisingly Michael Bay isn't one for scientific rigor in his movies as demonstrated by his favoring of ridiculous set pieces and action sequences that are often inconceivable to the human brain to allow his ludicrous films to play out they often has to bend the laws of physics and this sci-fi action flick really stretches its creative license case in point when a human being is falling at near terminal velocity a huge robot catching you will have exactly the same result as you smack it into the pavement complete disarray ssin of your bodily form even if you are Shia LaBeouf there's no way you're survived in that I got you boy number seven speed of climate change the day after tomorrow sixteen months I can't be that timescale is it in months hits in weeks end of the world films like this and 2012 use people's fears of effects of global warming to get away with showcasing elaborate natural disasters that are either exaggerated to an enormous degree or couldn't happen at all global warming is melting the polar ice caps and disrupting this flow eventually it will shut down when that occurs there goes our warm climate for a start as seen in the day after tomorrow it's dubious weather melting polar ice caps would mess with the Gulf Stream to cause a change in temperature and even if it did the speed at which it happens in the film is flatly impossible our climate is changing violently and it's going to happen over the next six to eight weeks furthermore if it tsunami did hit Manhattan and froze within hours why are the buildings not torn apart as the ice expands during the freezing process but what I do know is that if we do not act soon it is our children and our grandchildren who will have to pay the price number six PC - alien computer Independence Day I gave it a virus computer virus this smash-hit disaster film exploited American patriotism to the max and largely ignored the details behind its scientific plot points we then upload the virus we then set off some kind of explosion which will disable it in real life it's hard enough to create a virus that could affect both Macs and PCs let alone one that can bring down a whole alien mothership if we plant a virus into that mothership it's gonna then filter down into all the corresponding ships below even before that happens though how does Jeff Goldblum manage to read alien technology within just a few minutes and top rains have been working on it for around 50 years also how considerate of the aliens to fit their ships with compatible USB ports nearly think you can fly the thing you really think you can do all that you just say number five SuperSpeed Superman embedded in the crystals before you is the total accumulation of all literature and scientific fact from dozens of other worlds although it was a critical and box-office success the superhero flakes ending pretty much undid all that happened in the film as Superman flew round the planet at a quick enough speed to reverse time on earth in order to move fast enough to travel back in time though an object would require an unfathomable amount of energy to reach a pace above the speed of light even though Supes has a pretty unique set of skills he wouldn't be capable of traveling at speeds that would facilitate reversing the passing of time how'd you get here so fast I ran more over building on the Transformers ragdoll issue the speed at which he catches Lois would have cut her into shreds yeesh easy miss I've got you number for Earth's evolution after earth now I'm giving you an order to turn around M night Shyamalan is at it again in this widely hated sci-fi adventure film where father and son crash land on the human races former home planet I've heard stories of earth a paradise until we destroyed it how a planet is so well vegetated considering everything freezes over at night is just baffling most of the planet freezes over completely at night but there are hotspots plus it really doesn't make any sense that everything on the planet has evolved to kill humans since we were surely the dominant species when we left this is a class one quarantine planet everything on this planet has evolved to kill humans and any animals on the planet would now have never seen a human no little thought was put into this hot nest on the movie what was I supposed to Joe what did you want me to joke how stupid did the aliens have to be that they thought it would be a good idea to make the genetically engineered creatures that they used as weapons against the humans blind the aliens released to us monsters bred to kill humans technically blond number three we are chick weird science okay we can't really have expected much in the first place from a film whose title immediately implies that its science will be a little odd but even so this teen comedies premise is still damn unrealistic as much as we'd all love to create our perfect woman using an 80s computer let alone a modern-day one a doll and a hack into a government system for extra power any combination of these things would not bestow life upon a Barbie doll let alone give her a seemingly endless set of powers that's not very realistic what it is likewise impossible to turn your brother into a talking pile of poo but either way this was still fun in a Frankenstein style kind of flick would you please turn me back to normal please I haven't done anything to you number two everything Armageddon so it's the part where we're supposed to just hold on real tight and mr. BAE put far more effort into creating naughty love scenes for Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler than he did to make this disaster film scientifically feasible and it's painfully obvious Armageddon's list of offenses includes the fact that there is little chance we discover a texas-sized asteroid that was on a collision course with earth as late in the game as the characters in the movie do it's what we call a global killer the end of mankind doesn't matter where it hits nothing would survive not even bacteria on top of this it tried to convince us that said asteroid would be damaged and maybe even split in half by just drilling 800 feet into it and that a little pea of a comment would not be able to knock an asteroid into our orbit percent the number of the film's in probabilities and impossibilities is so high that nASA has screegit while training new recruits to see if they can spot all 168 heinous mistakes you can all just sit here on earth wait for this big rock to crash into it kill everything and everybody we know the United States government just asked us to save the world anybody want to say no before we unveil our top pick that infuriates Stephen Hawking here are a few honorable mentions let's imagine for a few moments what our life would be like if we could access let's say 20% of our brain's capacity number one impossible journey the core is somebody of a can of air freshener yet another sci-fi flick uses excessively poor science to manufacture a disaster that would just not happen microwaves can only cause disturbances in our radios and phones not a worldwide event that threatens the survival of all life on the planet when that shield collapses microwave radiation will literally cook our planet in addition to this one gigantic neglected fact the group that tunnels their way to the center of the earth to use a bomb to set everything right wouldn't be able to have radio contact for as long as they do nor would they be able to walk outside of their ship due to the thousand degree temperature and insane levels of pressure we have to go outside what believe me I hate to admit it but I think he's right and so poor old science takes a beating again in the core do you agree with our list was as well just come on dad what films do you think are the biggest insult to science now swing away for more scientifically rigorous top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to oh all right
Views: 1,419,159
Rating: 4.5429401 out of 5
Keywords: movies, films, science, inaccurate, scientifically inaccurate, after earth, jurassic park, x-men, the day after tomorrow, the core, superman, armageddon, transformers, independence day, weird science, top 10, WatchMojo
Id: M7U6nW6d9dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2015
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