Top 10 Most Emotional Dance Scenes in Movies

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[Music] welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the movie dance scenes that gave us all the feels some of these scenes reveal major plot points so here is a spoiler [Music] alert if you like what you're hearing be sure to check out the full song at the link below what you did to me some love didn't care that we weren meant to be you were mine I was your take number 10 bye-bye life all that jazz near the end of Bob fy's semi-autobiographical musical drama the dying choreographer director Joe Gideon experiences a hallucination byby sweet caress hello emptiness I feel like I could die by your goodbye he joins musical star Ben verine and two dancers to perform his dark explosive and surprisingly touching swan song it's as much a sendup of show business as it is a celebration of [Applause] it as Vine and the dancers sing and strut across the stage Gideon says a tongue and cheek farewell to everyone he knows even if they can't stand him what starts out as a parody soon becomes surprisingly touching as Gideon says goodbye to his adoring fans colleagues exes and the daughter he's leaving behind mind his talent is the only way he can actually relate to anyone in his life my life oh yeah goodbye number nine You Were Meant For Me Singing in the Rain no one could exude charm and Grace like Jean Kelly and they met you just for me with his puppy dog eyes and graceful footwork he made being a romantic lead looks so easy after searching all over town for Debbie reynolds's character an actress who's captured his heart he knows he's got to pull out the big guns if he wants to win her [Music] [Applause] [Music] over the two finally meet again on a sound stage where he leads her in a dance in front of a beautiful sunset backdrop and an industrial fan it's a beautiful marriage of music movement and pure movie [Music] Magic Number Eight the lendler The Sound of Music Maria and Captain Von trap have never been on the same page when it comes to his children do allow me will mhm when they dance the lendler together they move as if they share a mind in the all to brief scene the two dance across the Terrace in front of the captain's children and the envious [Music] baroness despite the movie's reputation is squeaky clean and familyfriendly there's a lot of subtext to chew on here watching the dance go from something friendly and innocent to something more intimate is kind of thrilling especially when you see just how troubled Maria is by their obvious connection I don't remember anymore your face is all red is it I don't suppose I'm used to dancing number seven under pressure after sun on the last night of their Turkish holiday together Sophie and her depressed father share a Carefree dance to the song Under Pressure okay I'm dancing without you I told you I love to dance their dance is a rare moment of joy for the father and becomes the emotional Crocs of the entire movie throughout the story were shown Snippets of the girl as an adult searching for her father on a crowded Dance Floor while a strobe light obscures our view let me out High we come to realize at this moment that it's really her recalling their last times together All That Remains of their relationship exists in video recordings and a few fading memories is our is ourselves number six Nina's final performance Black Swan after almost 2 hours of nail-biting tension and body horror ballet dancer Nina makes her big debut in chaikovsky Swan [Music] [Music] Lake driven to the brink by her insecurities even the smallest misstep spells disaster for her fragile psyche it doesn't help that she's become totally unable to tell fantasy from [Music] reality director Darren aronowski and actress Natalie Portman make us feel every Pang of anxiety as the character unravels before our eyes in the devastating finale as that pulsing score hits its final notes and nah takes her big leap it's hard not to feel terrified for her number five I've Had the Time of My Life Dirty Dancing once the upstanding Doctor's Daughter baby met the workingclass dance instructor from the wrong side of the tracks it would have been more surprising if they didn't fall in [Music] love and I ow it to you their final dance together to the soon to be classic song is a Triumph of their trust in each other when baby jumps into that lift you got to have a little lump in your throat it's it's not just a difficult move to pull off it's a visual metaphor for baby asserting her independence in a world that doesn't take her [Applause] [Music] seriously characters make peace with each other all wrongs are made right and the entire cast comes together in a euphoric group dance in a finale of gooey 80s [Music] charm [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I it up to you number four pole dance away we go a couple expecting their first child goes on a cross country road trip to find the perfect home to start their new family along the way they reconnect with old friends like Tom and Munch who have been trying to have biological children for years say a word for Jimmy Brown ain't got at all as Munch performs a dazed in lethargic pole dance at a club her husband explains how she's miscarried five times offering the hesitant parents a much needed perspective shift jux opposed against Munch's performance this Revelation packs an unexpected emotional [Music] wallup you know she ain't got at all like most of the movies heartbreaks it comes virtually out of nowhere and in an unexpected [Music] package number three dance at the gym Westside Story it's a throw down on the dance floor as the Jets and sharks meet at the gym but in the midst of the high kicks and twirling starcross lovers Tony and Maria see each other for the first time all the world and conflict around the fade into a blurred and echoing [Music] unreality the dance turns to a gentle ballet as we watch them fall instantly in [Music] love even though we know what's coming or maybe because we we know what's coming it's particularly sad to see them make their first connection we know it can't [Music] last number two dancing for his father Billy Elliot the son of a workingclass coal miner 11-year-old Billy Elliot finds an unexpected passion and talent for ballet from his shaky first lessons to dancing across town when his emotions get the better of him Billy has learned that sometimes it's the only way he can truly Express [Applause] [Music] [Applause] himself when his father finds out he's still dancing despite being forbidden Billy knows he can't possibly explain in words so he launches into a triumphant dance in open Defiance of his [Music] father he flies Twirls and pirouettes across the gym free as a bird it's a desperate dizzying and euphoric performance that leaves his stoic father [Music] speechless before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions prom dance Carri for the first time a high school Outcast feels accepted by her peers it doesn't last I like [Music] it dancing in the stars La La Land Sebastian and Mia defy gravity at the Griffith Observatory Alex's audition Flash Dance after a near disastrous stumble the hopeful dancer Nails her big [Music] audition final dance strictly Ballroom the crowd gives Scott and Fran a beat to dance to when their performance is sabotaged dancing at the harbor another round a hard drinking teacher shares a joyous Seaside dance with some former students a a night [Music] ATI before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the ballet of the red shoes The Red Shoes starring in a ballet based on the red shoes art begins to imitate life for ballerina Victoria page the stunning 17-minute ballet sequence works on two levels mirroring her off-stage dilemma while also being the direct cause of that dilemma she is faced with an impossible [Music] situation [Music] she's being forced to choose between her career and the love of her life in the end she chooses neither the audience is left to wonder if the real curse of the red shoes came to life or if Victoria simply couldn't live without both of her great [Music] loves do you agree with our picks let us know in the comments and hey if you're a fan of the song playing right now be sure to check out the music video for it right [Music] here
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 168,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movies, Musical, best dance scenes, best movie dance scenes, best movies, billy elliot, carrie, dance scenes in movies, dirty dancing, emotional dance scenes in movies, flashdance, list, mojo, most emotional dance scenes in movies, movie dance scenes, singin in the rain, singing in the rain, the sound of music, top 10, watch mojo, watchMojo, west side story, west side story gym dance, ms mojo
Id: CeQkaWiG4Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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