TOP 10 Most Advanced Infantry Fighting Vehicles - TOP 10 Best IFV in The World

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top 10 infantry fighting vehicles which is the best infantry fighting vehicle ifv in the world which is the greatest modern ifv and why this top 10 analysis is based on the combined score of protection firepower mobility and passenger capacity all of the armored vehicles mentioned here are well protected and incredibly deadly analysis is based on specifications and available data this list includes only operational vehicles that are currently in production after exhaustive research i was surprised with the results currently top 10 best infantry fighting vehicles in the world are these [Music] [Music] number 10. hunter singapore the hunter is a new singaporean ifv it is an indigenous singaporean design which uses a number of western components it was officially adopted in 2019 this ifv is fitted with a remotely controlled turret armed with a 30 millimeters mk point 44 bushmaster to cannon it can be also fitted with two anti-tank missile launchers so far little information is available regarding hunter's armor protection however judging by its weight this vehicle is a well-protected ifvs it was designed with blast protection in mind the hunter is operated by a crew of three and can carry eight fully equipped dismounts [Music] number nine zbd08 china the zbd08 is a chinese revised and improved version of the soviet russian bmp3 first production version the zbd04 entered service with chinese army in 2004 and improved zbd-08 followed a couple of years later this new infantry fighting vehicles are produced in large numbers for the chinese army even though the zbd08 externally resembles the bmp3 the vehicle has been redesigned considerably it has a revised layout with engine at the front and troop compartment at the rear chinese designers managed to eliminate a number of drawbacks of the russian bmp3 such as cramped troop compartment and cramped exit though at a cost of reduced amphibious capabilities also the zbd08 is a much newer vehicle which uses modern electronics and more modern technologies such as improved sites and fire control system so even though the zbd08 and bmp3 carry similar armament and both vehicles have similar level of protection chinese ifv is clearly superior the zbd08 has a welded steel armor hull add-on modular armor can be fitted for a higher level of protection it is claimed that front arc withstands 30 millimeters armor-piercing rounds sides withstand 14.5 millimeters rounds side skirts were added for improved protection also vehicle may be fitted with indigenous active laser protection system this ifv retains complete turret of the bmp3 which is now licensed built in china it has similar firepower and in these terms outperforms most current ifes its 100 millimeters gun is completed with an autoloader has an effective range of four kilometers this gun can fire both ordinary projectiles and launch anti-tank guided missiles it is compatible with chinese anti-tank guided missiles and poses serious threat to main battle tanks the coaxial 30 millimeters cannon has an effective range of 1.5 to 2 kilometers there is also a coaxial 7.62 millimeters machine gun also the zbd08 has improved sights and fire control system vehicle is fully amphibious however on water it is not as good as the original bmp-3 [Music] number eight kerger nets 25 russia the kergernet's 25 is a next generation russian ifv it was developed as a successor to the bmp3 the whole project was kept in high secrecy first batch of pre-production vehicles was delivered in 2015 by 2022 this armored vehicle was still tested by the manufacturer and is not yet ready for mass production full-scale production of this armored vehicle could begin within the next few years the kerganettes 25 is a clean sheath design it shares little common with the bmp3 this armored vehicle has an engine at the front and troop compartment at the rear drawbacks of the bmp3 such as a cramped crew compartment and cramped exit were eliminated armor of the kerganettes is made of special aluminum alloy there are also add-on reactive explosive armor modules vehicle is also fitted with countermeasure system that reduce a chance of being hit by enemy anti-tank guided missiles some sources report that this vehicle can be fitted with newly developed draws two active protection system though this system is still untested overall the kergunet's 25 is better protected than the older bmp3 however it has been reported its protection is inferior to that of the m3a3 bradley this ifv is fitted with remotely controlled turret armed with a 30 millimeters cannon and coaxial 7.62 millimeters machine gun also there are four external launchers with cornetti m anti-tank guided missiles vehicle is fully amphibious [Music] number seven ascot austria spain the ascot ifv developed by stare and santa barbara systems now part of general dynamics is currently operated by the spanish army and austrian army the first ascot prototype was rolled out in 1992 and since then 356 vehicles have been delivered to the spanish army and 112 to the austrian army the spanish version is known as pizarro while the austrian version is known as zoolon the ascot ifv features a monaco call fitted with armor steel plates offering standing 4569 level four fifths ballistic mine and nbc protection for the 11-man crew the level of protection can be further enhanced with optional passive or reactive add-on armor kits the vehicle is armed with a dual feed rwm thirty to two malawian quatches thirty millimeters automatic cannon ng three 7.62 millimeters coaxial machine gun and a 76 millimeters smoke grenade launcher the mtu 8v power pack and running gear ensure a maximum speed of 70 kilometers per hour and range of 500 kilometers [Music] number six m2 bradley usa the original m2 bradley infantry fighting vehicle entered service with the us army in 1981 since its introduction it was constantly upgraded currently u.s army operates improved m2a3 version of this vehicle even though the bradley is an old design it is has higher level of protection than most other ifvs the upgraded m2a3 version is fitted with explosive reactive armor of new generation it has some degree of protection against rpg rounds front arc of the latest models withstands 30 millimeters armor-piercing rounds all-round protection is likely to be against 14.5 millimeters armor-piercing rounds it is planned that in the near future some of the us bradley ifvs will be fitted with active protection systems this will significantly improve survivability against anti-tank guided missiles and anti-tank rocket launchers vehicle is armed with a two-man turret fitted with a 25 millimeters dual fed bushmaster chain gun it fires armor piercing and high explosive fragmentation rounds there is also a coaxial 7.62 millimeters machine gun the m2 bradley is also equipped with the twin tube tow to anti-tank guided missile launcher providing this vehicle a considerable anti-armor capability the m2 is amphibious with the use of swim barrier swimming capabilities can be improved by the erection of inflatable buoyancy tanks on water the bradley is propelled by spinning its tracks [Music] [Music] number five tulper turkey tulper is a new tract infantry fighting vehicle developed by turkish company otokar the vehicle made its public debut during the 11th international defense industry fair in may 2013. the tulpa is intended to complement turkey's new generation altai nbt on the battlefield the ifv is capable of transporting 11 troops to the front line of war zones it integrates a misrack 30 medium caliber remote control turret armed with 30 millimeters dual feed automatic cannon and a 7.62 millimeters coaxial machine gun the turret can also be mounted with el unto's long-range anti-tank guided missiles the vehicle offers all-round protection against 14.5 millimeters caliber rounds and more armor can be added for protection against higher caliber rounds the vehicle is designed to survive a blast of 10 kilograms of tnt under the hull and its main parts are protected from 25 millimeters armor piercing rounds the maximum speed and range of the vehicle are 70 kilometers per hour and 600 kilometers respectively [Music] number four cv90 sweden development of the cv-90 commenced in the mid-1980s the baseline cv 9040 entered service with sweden in 1993. the cd90 recommended itself as a successful design since its introduction the basic design was constantly improved and updated the cd 90 was built in various version this the armored vehicle was exported to denmark finland netherlands norway and switzerland new versions of the cv90 continue to emerge the cv 90 has a welded steel armor hull applique armor can be added it is claimed that the front arc of the cd 90 withstands 30 millimeters armor-piercing rounds used by the older russian ifbs in airborne combat vehicles all-round protection is against 14.5 millimeters armor-piercing rounds latest versions of the cd-90 with stand blasts equivalent to 10 kilograms of tnt applique ceramic armor can be added for all-round protection against 30 millimeters armor-piercing rounds and improved protection against improvised explosive devices a slat armor can be fitted for protection against tandem charge rpg rounds the original swedish cd 9040 is armed with a powerful bofors 40 millimeters cannon which is basically a modified anti-aircraft cannon it can easily defeat pretty much all hostile armored personnel carriers an ifv and also poses threat to older tanks such as the t-55 and t-62 first batch of vehicles for the swedish army had no gun stabilization system and thus cold not fire accurately on the move also these had only limited night fighting capability also there is coaxial 7.62 millimeters machine gun export models of this infantry fighting vehicle are armed with fully stabilized 30 or 35 millimeters cannons these guns are less powerful but more versatile also newer cb 90 series ifbs have more modern fire control systems this ifb was specially designed to minimize radar and infrared signatures it also uses heat absorbing filters to provide protection against thermal imaging image intensifiers and infrared cameras vehicle also has quiet movement in order to improve stealth with preparation this vehicle is amphibious [Music] number three k-21 south korea the k-21 is a south korean infantry fighting vehicle its production commenced in 2008. approximately 900 vehicles were planned to be built it is claimed that the k-21 is twice cheaper to produce comparing with american m2 bradley the the k-21 offers similar level of protection packs heavier punch and is amphibious composition of the k-21 armor is still kept in secret it is assumed that this ifv has multi-layer armor with glass fiber ceramic and aluminum alloy it is known that front arc provides protection against 30 millimeters armor-piercing rounds all round protection is against 14.5 millimeters armor-piercing rounds the k-21 can be also fitted with active protection system similar to that used on the south korean k2 black panther main battle tank the k-21 is armed with a 40 millimeters cannon and 7.62 millimeters machine gun a powerful gun can easily defeat all hostile armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles vehicle also carries two indigenously developed atgw launchers but exact details and number of missiles carried are unknown vehicle is fitted with advanced fire control system and has good fire accuracy such control systems are usually found on the latest main battle tanks the k21 is lighter comparing with most modern ifbs it was made of composite materials that are lighter than steel in order to save weight wherever possible this ifv uses a number of advanced high-tech systems including battle management system internal navigation vehicular information systems and identification system which recognizes friendly and hostile vehicles the k21 has a hydropneumatic suspension and advanced running gear this ifv is fully amphibious due to built-in automatic flotation bags these floatation bags are activated before entering the water only some modern ifbs are fully amphibious with minimum preparation and the south korean k21 is among them number two lynx germany the lynx heavy ifv was developed as a private venture by the same company as the puma but was mainly aimed at export customers initial links kf-31 ifv was introduced in 2016 and larger links kf-41 followed in 2018 during the same year a single lynx kf-41 was observed in qatar during a military parade however its status is uncertain the kf-41 might be the heaviest and in most protected ifv in the world it uses proven and readily available components wherever possible in order to reduce production and maintenance costs as a result it is more affordable than the puma the lynx has a modular design and can be configured for various roles it has a common drive module with an interchangeable mission module it can be configured as a command post vehicle armored reconnaissance vehicle repair and recovery vehicle and armored ambulance the mission module of the links can be removed and replaced in field conditions within eight hours maximum weight of the initial lynx kf-31 was a whooping 38 tons at the time it was already one of the heaviest and most protected ifvs outperforming the german army's puma the new lynx kf-41 is even heavier it weighs around 44 tons and has a growth potential to 50 tons so the rain metal lynx is one of the heaviest and most protected ifvs in terms of protection the lynx kf-41 might be even superior to the german army's puma it protection level approaches that of older main battle tanks it seems that the most protected variant of the lynx withstands 120 and 125 millimeters tank projectiles over the front arc [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] number one puma germany the puma is a recent german design first production vehicles were delivered to the german army in 2010 the puma is currently the most protected production ifv in the world it has modular add-on armor there is an option of three various protection levels to suit operational needs with maximum level of protection the puma is even heavier than a t-72 main battle tank it can be even considered as a heavy ifv it seems that the most protected variant withstands 120 and 125 millimeters tank projectiles over the front arc vehicle also withstands mine blasts equivalent to 10 kilograms of tnt furthermore the puma is fitted with advanced threat warning system which improves survivability there are some other ifvs that are even heavier and possibly more protected than the puma including a german lynx kf-41 and russian armada heavy ifv however both of these vehicles are still being developed and so far received no production orders while the puma is an operational vehicle which is being built in significant numbers this german ifv is armed with turret mounted 30 millimeters cannon and coaxial 5.56 millimeters light machine gun vehicle is powered by diesel engine developing a whooping 1073 horsepower some of the latest main battle tanks are fitted with less powerful engines than this german ifv [Music] [Music] thank you for watching
Channel: Army Encyclopedia
Views: 98,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ascod, Cv90, Hunter, K-21 ifv, Kurganets-25, Lynx, M2 bradley, Puma ifv, Top 10, Tulpar ifv, Zbd 04, amazing top 10, armoured fighting vehicle, ascod 2, ascod ifv, best ifv, best infantry fighting vehicle, cv90 infantry fighting vehicle, ifv, infantry fighting vehicle, infantry fighting vehicles, lynx kf41, most amazing top 10, puma infantry fighting vehicle, singapore, south korea, top 10 infantry fighting vehicles, top 10 military vehicles, tulpar, turkish otokar tulpar ifv
Id: gxCpFhlaRIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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