Top 10 Mistakes Slot Machine Players Make with Mike "Wizard of Odds" Shackleford - part two

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hi my name is Mike Shackleford otherwise known as the wizard of odds and this is part two of my top 10 mistakes that slot machine players make number six not paying attention to promotions as I said in number five casinos love slot machine players and to get them to return they're always offering them promotions for example certain days they might multiply your points by two times three times up to ten times sometimes they have tournaments sometimes they give away gifts if you reach a certain number of points all kinds of things so if you must play slot machines check your mail because I guarantee you the casino is going to be sending you stuff if you use your player card and play when it benefits you the most whether it be a multiplier day a gift day some kind of a slot machine tournament the rule of thumb is that you don't want to be playing if you're not getting rewarded for it somehow always make them lure you to come back and entice you with something extra to come in and play number seven playing a progressive machine when the jackpot is low a lot of slot machines are progressive that means that they have some kind of a jackpot that keeps accumulating as players play and then when it gets hit it resets to a lower number so if you're the type of player who likes to play progressives you should know the range of that progressive meter when is it low when is it high and only play it when it's high the higher it is the better your odds this is especially true of games that have what are called mystery progressives that are guaranteed to hit by a certain point and there they even they tell you right on the machine when it's guaranteed to hit by on those you only want to play if it's close to the point where it must be hit by if it's the kind of progressive that can keep going up forever then you should too know from experience how high it tends to be at an average and only play it when it's a double that amount so again if you're going to play progressive games understand when the machines are riper or I shouldn't use the word right but when the odds are better because the jackpot is bigger that doesn't necessarily mean it's more likely to hit but at least you'll win more money if it does hit number eight is over tipping on jackpots if you get a jackpot of $1,200 or more it's going to necessitate what's called a w-2g form or a tax form and they're going to give you a hand pay there's nothing you can do about that it's the law that sometimes a hand pay is necessitated so how much should you tip in these situations and I just know that no matter what I say people are going to disagree with me on it in the comments but my rule of thumb is that a good amount to tip is 0.5% to 2% you should tip on the higher percentage like 2% if it's small jackpot like $1,200 or a little bit more and if it's a really big one like 10 or $20,000 then you can go down to 0.5% I'm sure that some people tip more some people tip less but you're already giving the casino very valuable action for playing that game so you don't need to give them even more money by tipping you're already doing them the favor it's going to you're going to look cheap if you don't tip anything so nevertheless some people do that just don't over to keep it in moderation number 9 leaving a machine in a high state what I mean by that is certain slot machines often referred to players as banking machines and in the industry they might call them a variable state machine is a type of game where the player as he plays he shall we say accumulates points or credits or something into a meter and when the meter gets to a certain point the player is guaranteed a certain prize or to play out a bonus so the way it might appear to the player is earning slices of a pie or stamps in a coupon book or coins in a piggy bank whatever the case may be once the player has put in enough of whatever into the meter he'll be rewarded somehow so the mistake players make is contributing coins or slices into the meter and then leaving it when it's almost ready to be hit so if you play a game that has this kind of a rule keep playing it until you hit the feature and then walk away when it's low and a good advantage play by the way is to do the opposite is to roam around the casino floor knowing which are the banking machines and when there shall we say ripe to be hit because the meter is so high and then only playing in those situations so again if you're going to play a machine like that make sure that you keep playing it until you hit the feature and then walk away when the meter is low number 10 and this one is simple leaving credits or money in the machine it happens all the time Las Vegas is full of trolls that wander around casinos looking for abandoned machines with credits in them don't be the one that does that whenever you walk away from the machine make sure you hit that cash out button and especially if you just hit a jackpot it can be easy to forget after the cashier pays you your jackpot to walk away from the machine thinking oh this is a good time to hit and run make sure you cash out first the miss your credits that are still left in the machine I'll admit I made that mistake so again never leave money in the machine so that concludes my top 10 list of mistakes that slot machine players make again I'm Mike Shackleford for much more information about slot machines or any casino game please visit my website wizard of odds comm and if you started with this video please see part 1 that goes over the top 5 mistakes don't forget that you can see more of our educational gaming videos on our youtube channel just go to slash american casino guide
Channel: americancasinoguide
Views: 432,036
Rating: 4.6149068 out of 5
Keywords: steve bourie, casino gambling, casinos, how to gamble, slots, slot machines, slot machine, how to win at slot machines, how to win at slots, slot machine win, how to win slot machines, how to win on slot machines, slot, slot machine secrets, slot machines how to win, how to win slot machine, winning at slot machines, how to win slots, Shackleford, Wizard of Odds, Mike Shackleford, slot machine mistakes
Id: GNlCLpEI2mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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