Top 10 Lucky People To Be Alive

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today we're going to meet some people who are astoundingly lucky to have survived harrowing ordeal these at the top 10 lucky people to be alive with that brief intro done let's begin shall we number 10 bill Morgan bill Morgan was the victim of a horrendous trucking accident that nearly cost him his life however even though he survived his physical injuries the ordeal immediately triggered a heart attack Morgan was then rushed to the hospital for treatment but once there he was administered a medication to which he was viciously allergic and his heart it stopped until Morgan would go for 14 minutes without his heart beating this is when the difficult decision was made to remove him from life support but when they did he started breathing on his own and went on to make a full recovery in just 12 days seriously though those events are just like dominoes for that guy number 9 edwin e robinson in 1980 edwin i robinson was struck by lightning and survived now just that fetal lung did possibly earn him a spot on this list but what's even more incredible is that robinson was both hearing impaired and blind however miraculously following the lightning strike doctors documented that both senses had returned fully number 8 Tsutomu Yamaguchi when the United States dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima the course of history was forever change and perhaps no one knows the impact better than Tsutomu Yamaguchi Yamaguchi was not only in Hiroshima when the bomb dropped but he was fortunate to survive an rushed home to his family in Nagasaki and then only to see the second bomb fall there just three days later and once again survived and again Domino's number seven Nichiren nakeeran was a key figure during the Third Age of Buddhism but he might also be one of the luckiest men in history after taking a stand against the government nakeeran was sentenced to be executed by a sword however it is said that as the executioner hoisted the sword in the air he was struck by lightning fearing divine intervention his execution was stayed and he was instead exiled a Sadao island perhaps the cheerin was spared by an ancient deity or perhaps he's just really friggin lucky number six Frane Selak Frane Selak is either one of the luckiest or the unluckiest entries on today's list and that's saying something given our past few ones it all started when he took a train ride in 1962 tragically the train derailed and flew into the near-freezing river miraculously enough he survived with just a broken arm in hypothermia the following year he was on a flight when the door of the plane flew off yanking 20 passengers from the plane the only survivor of which was select who landed in a large haystack three years later in 1966 he was on a long-distance bus trip when the vehicle veered off the road and into a river and yeah I think you can take a guess you know who survived here he swam to safety with just a few scratches in 1970 his car caught fire and he escaped only moments before the fuel tank exploded three years later a malfunction caused a different vehicle to shoot flames out of the interior vents singeing nearly all the hair off of his head nearly two decades later he was struck by a bus and in 1996 his car flew over a guardrail and plummeted 300 feet into a canyon cilok however was ejected from the vehicle and clung to a nearby tree sparing him the fall so just a quick recap of these many many many many events that's a train crash a plane crash a bus crash a car explosion a face full of flames and he barely avoided falling 300 feet in a car oh but you know just in case that wasn't enough to prove his unbelievable look CELAC also won the lottery in 2003 I bet you anything the next thing we're gonna hear is he lost it then found it again number-5 vesna vulovic Fez neva lubic was a Serbian flight attendant who was on board a flight departing from Copenhagen Airport on January 26 1972 unbeknownst to the crew the flight was to be the target of a ruthless terrorist attack sometime after 4:00 a.m. an immensely powerful briefcase bomb tore through the plane in half 18 lives were sadly lost that day however against all possible odds vulovic would survive upon closer investigation it was determined that her survival boiled down to an amazing series of coincidences when the plane initially detonated vulovic was pinned by a food cart so she wasn't ejected from the aircraft when it depressurized furthermore when the portion of the fuselage that she was in reached the ground it landed in a heavy patch of trees which effectively cushioned the landing despite this her injuries were severe and she cried out in pain this drew the attention of a nearby world war ii veteran who had happened to be a medic his unique skillset allowed him to keep her stable until rescue crews arrived this incredibly lucky flight attendant went on to be a political activist and live a long life all thanks to an incredible series of events number 4 Jan ball swrod as a Swedish soldier bowsprit fought against the German invasion in Norway but was expelled from the country under accusations of espionage undeterred him and two other commandos joined forces with eight members of a boat crew their goal was to destroy a German control tower unfortunately their plan was foiled when they were attacked by a German vessel the attack Latvala another survivors swimming in the ice-cold Arctic waters but he was the only one to reach land without being captured for the next month Jan vol surd lived behind enemy lines trying desperately to make his way back to neutral territory throughout his ordeal balsa Road was forced to amputate nine of his own toes with a pocketknife to prevent the spread of frostbite Balls red eventually joined forces with a handful of fellow Norwegians who escorted him into Finland where he was then cared for by native fellow Scandinavian who pulled him with a reindeer drawn sled and neutral Sweden this incredible story sounds almost too astonishing to be true he was eventually appointed an honorary member of the Order of the British Empire by Britain as well as received the st. olaf's medal with oak branch because he is truly lucky to have survived a Jan Bowles fred comes in at number four on today's list number three julian kopeck the daughter of a biologist and an ornithologist who often spent months in the Peruvian rainforest a julienne kopeck was already well-versed in some basic survival techniques by the age of 17 but she never imagined how important they would wind up being one day on Christmas Eve 1971 and Julianne and her mother were on a plane bound for pang wana much to her father's disappointment they had booked the flight with líneas aéreas nacionales si otherwise known as Lanza an airline with a notoriously bad safety record during the flight their plane was struck by lightning and blew two pieces in midair Julian's so strapped in her chair fell two miles into the jungle below the explosion and resulting fall that the young girl slightly battered with a broken collarbone a gash on her right arm and her right eye swollen shut despite her injury she had survived the fall but at the age of just 17 a survival was almost entirely in her hands though injured she found a small number of packaged sweets from the plane and began to make her way downstream a technique for finding civilization that she had been taught as a child for 10 days she moved along the stream but soon she had run out of food and her wounds had become infected and filled with maggots on the tenth day she came across a boat in a small shelter she took shelter there overnight and the following morning was discovered by local fishermen who brought her to a nearby village since then her harrowing story has been the focus of multiple films including the 1998 Werner Herzog film a wings of hope now it's time for the day's best pick my top pick for today is a truly close call that is no worthy number two in this picture this up-and-coming social-media influencer Jenny McKenna was parasailing with some friends off the coast of Australia when she decided to capture some footage for a breakout video but in this screenshot from the footage we see that she is being closely followed by a highly predatory shark only moments after this a downdraft pushed my kindle into the water dazed and confused she started to try and get her bearings but just as she did she was hit by a phenomenal force that she would later describe as being like a freight train a massive great light had grabbed her by the midsection and began dragging her further down the Kendall was losing blood quickly and she began to lose hope McKenna was an experienced swimmer and managed to control her breathing as best as possible realizing that she was mortally wounded she took a last-ditch effort at swimming to the surface meanwhile on the boat her friends were aware of what had happened and feared the worst a short deterrent device known as a shark shield emits electronic waves that repel sharks and luckily from a Kindle there was one in the boat and just as the shard was about to latch onto her for a second time three of her friends arrived carrying the shark shield the attacking shark quickly retreated and McKenna was rushed back to shore not a moment too soon either as she still had time to seek medical attention the attending surgeon said that had the shark's teeth penetrated a quarter-inch higher than they did that her lungs would have been compromised and this story might not have had a happy ending unfortunately while McKinnell did post the video it has since been deleted and she has limited her presence on social media since the incident I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that take 45 seconds if you subscribe within the next five seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it it really worked number one Joe Simpson and simon yates joe simpson and simon yates were both experienced Mountaineers and avid thrill-seekers so it was no surprise when the pair decide to team up and take on Cielo Grande in Peru in 1985 the West face of Cielo Grande had never been scaled and that made the challenge even more enticing for them with equipment and the know how to use of the men set often an adventure that would change both of their lives forever the climb was long and grueling but the men reached the summit had proclaimed their victory over the ascent the only thing that remained was for them to make their way back down unfortunately shortly after they began a major storm blew in one that neither Simpson nor Yates could have possibly predicted the climb up had already taken longer than either of them had banked on and their supplies are badly depleted they knew the trip back down would have to be fast and efficient unfortunately during the storm and attempted descent Simpson fell and severely injured his right knee and tibia this ment of the remainder of the descent would be even more challenging when the pair came to a 300 meter drop and they decided to lower the injured Simpson on ropes once he was down he would have to unhook himself and wait for Yates to come along behind him the massive storm meant that they couldn't see what was happening in Simpson was accidentally lowered over a higher section of the cliff with Simpson unable to reach the ground he eights unable to pull him back up both men unable to see the ground or hear each other the situation was dire after clutching the Rope for over an hour Yates knew they would both die if he didn't do something quickly so we did the only thing he could and he cut Simpson free Simpson then plummeted 150 feet into a deep crevasse the aides realized the situation when he himself descended finding no trace of Simpson he then returned to base camp assuming the worst miraculously Yates spent the next three days crawling and hopping over five miles somehow against all odds he reached the base camp just as a team arrived to evacuate Simpson their unbelievable tale has been recounted in a book a movie and a live blood which story of impossible survival was your favorite are you or someone you know lucky to be alive let me know in the comment section down below with all that said and done that's our video for today and I'll see you all next time later everybody [Music]
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Views: 507,752
Rating: 4.890305 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, lucky people, compilation, caught on camera, luckiest, lucky, luckiest people, people, lucky people compilation, incredible, insane, people are lucky, amazing, in the world, caught on tape, luckiest people compilation, caught, luckiest people in the world, top, luck, near death, epic, top 5, near death experiences, go pro, top 10, list, scary, viral, lucky people videos, luckiest people ever, fail, fails, camera, youtube, epic fail, save, epic win, risk, extreme, gone wrong
Id: PTwjPI4W3Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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