Top 10 LIES About Survival: What Is MOST Important to Stay Alive? Fire, Shelter, Water, Skills?

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hey what's up everyone Tim here from everyday tactical vids and in this video I'm going to share with you my opinion about ten of the most common lies that I hear people believing about wilderness survival now I want to be real clear here the goal of this video is not to rag on people or make fun of people that's not helpful the goal of this video is to get us all thinking about what are some of the lies we might believe about wilderness survival and how can we counter those lies with truth so that when we're out there in the woods we are prepared for things that might happen to us alright let's get started with number 10 one thing I hear said or at least implied sometimes is hey I like hiking I like backpacking I like hunting I guess I'll be good at wilderness survival well it's great if you like being in the woods but that does not directly correlate to being good at wilderness survival so just because you enjoy being out in the woods doing those outdoor activities that's great but that doesn't mean you're ready to go out and survive in the woods number 9 one thing I hear popping up often is people asking what's the best wilderness survival knife and sometimes connected to that is the idea if I have a knife well then I'm good to go for wilderness survival obviously a knife is a great tool to have but there are plenty people have gotten through really bad scenarios without a knife at all if you have one great but having a knife does not mean now you're ready to survive in the woods number eight number eight is all about survival tins as you can see I've got a very small survival kit here from se but whether it's this one or an Altoids tin that you've made yourself again people think well I've got a survival tin and therefore I'm going to be ready to go in the woods well not necessarily you got to know how to use the stuff in the tin in order to be able to affect survival number seven we're looking at line number seven right now and it goes something like this if I'm out in the woods and I find a pond a stream a lake or maybe a river I'm definitely gonna be able to catch fish not necessarily first of all if you don't have the gear at all it can be really hard and secondly people have been skunked when there's what appears to be a really nice body of water what you're looking at right here I thought would be awesome for sunfish maybe some smallmouth bass here in New Hampshire I got totally skunked so just because you found a body of water doesn't mean you're having fish for dinner number six number six is another lie about fishing and it generally goes like this I have a fishing kit therefore I'll be catching fish if there's no water around you're probably not catching any fish besides that I want to note that just because you have a kit and because there's fish in the water doesn't mean you're always going to catch fish I was fishing in Canada one time I was using lures for most of the day and then I decided hey I'm going to try some worms so I got out was walking around the woods for the better part of probably 45 minutes to an hour trying to dig up some worms I could not find a grub a worm or anything like that so just because you have a fishing kit doesn't mean you're having fish for dinner number 5 number 5 often looks like this I have a firesteel therefore I know I'm going to have a fire life and time in the wilderness is not always that easy if you're in a place that has had a ton of rain for days or maybe even weeks or if it's down going right in that moment sometimes getting a fire started is really really challenging I was camping on the Pacific coast one time right on the ocean and I had that fire starting material that basically looks like toothpaste that you put on a log and then you light it well I got that started but actually getting a fire started to warm up and to cook my food was nearly impossible so remember just because you have a fire steel doesn't mean you're guaranteed to have fire number four number four is often connected to the idea of predators what about Cougars what about bears what about things like alligators if I'm in a swamp the vast majority of times the things that kill people are not the big predators its exposure or its people are hurting themselves and then not being able to get anywhere so if you're worried about predators yeah it's something to be aware of but be way more aware of Sun or cold dehydration and things like that number three number three is actually a four-letter word it's the word just I'll just do this I'll just do that let me give you an analogy years ago when I was doing a lot of indoor rock climbing I'd be at a local gym and I'd be tired my arms would be tired my legs would be tired I'd be up on the wall and the person down on the ground who's belaying me would say something like alright now just reach up and grab that hold just is not something you just do when your arms are tired when you're fatigued and so let's translate that to water in a survival when you're in a tough stressful situation it's pretty rare that you're just going to do something you got to put in a lot of time and effort and have clarity of thought and the skill set to do it so don't count on the idea I'll just do something because it's generally not that easy number two number two often sounds like this I can probably go two or three without drinking water so I'm probably okay until then generally speaking that's not the case you're going to feel the impact of dehydration way before two to three days and probably closer to maybe even 10 to 12 hours and even before that if you're exerting your body now think about the fact that you're probably scared or nervous if you're lost in the woods maybe you're injured you're also probably exerting your body as you try to put a shelter together or try to make a fire so your body is losing water in that whole process you're going to feel the impact of not having water really quick so don't think you've got two or three days you're going to need water soon you know that phrase hydrate or die that's for real number one all right the number one lie in wilderness survival that I've seen over all the years is always connected to what's the most important thing some people say it's all about gear if you have the right gear that's high-quality you can survive yes gear is important and very helpful but if you don't have knowledge on how to use the gear the gear is not really so useful all right so then I guess it's knowledge well knowledge is important but knowing about things versus having skills to actually use different pieces of gear or skills to survive well skills are definitely more important than the knowledge okay then it must be skills well skills are important too I would definitely take a small number of really important skills over a ton of general knowledge but even more important than gear or knowledge or skills it's all about your heart your soul your spirit do you have that fight in you that says I'm going to survive no matter what because if you have all the gear all the knowledge and all the skills but you just give up then all that stuff isn't worth anything you have to have that heart that soul that spirit that says I'm going to fight and stay alive that's the most important thing in wilderness survival there you have it my top ten list now let's hear from you in the comments section down below what are other lives or misconceptions that you've heard people say about wilderness survival thanks for checking out the video more videos coming soon take care
Channel: EverydayTacticalVids
Views: 1,446,413
Rating: 4.430377 out of 5
Keywords: best, survival, knife, best survival knife, schrade schf42d, scar blades papa bear, tops kukuri, Ontario knife company rat 5, justifier knives, first edge 5050, 3 dog knife amuk, benchmade bushcrafter, mora, bushcraft, bushcrafter, pathfinder, boomslang, bear grylls, dave canterbury, cody lundin, dual survival, les stroud, survivorman, man vs wild, bushcrafting, survival lilly, cold steel SRK, ultimate survival tips, gerber strongarm, Rat 7, top, 10, lies, truth
Id: F7oVDM_qp5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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