Top 10 iCarly Questions We Still Have After Its RUDE Cancellation

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yeah I don't need a partner I need Sam welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down plot points that I Carly left unresolved when Paramount plus apparently said Pucket this doesn't need closure by the way # spoilers mom number 10 where's Carly's father throughout the original series Colonel Steven Shay is constantly mentioned but he doesn't make an appearance until the finale you guys it's my dad that is clear yeah now unable to stay long the colonel offers to take Carly with him to Italy which she accepts in the Revival Cari talks about reconnecting with her father and their time overseas what does your dad do well he's in the Air Force but was somehow on a submarine this led us to wonder if Carly's father might be given a more active role but once again he's designated to being an offscreen presence although his name comes up here and there we're not given much insight into his military career or if he's getting closer to retirement if Carly and Freddy ended up postponing their nuptuals we'd like to think that he would have taken a leave to walk his daughter down the aisle fig you want to say some goodbyes before we go number nine do things work out with pearl and Troy Pearl becomes Freddy's girlfriend in the second season but it's clear that they're not compatible the relationship inevitably crumbles as Carly and Freddy come to terms with their feelings for each other don't feel too bad for Pearl however she sporadically dumps Freddy for troll whom Carly was ironically dating in an effort to get over Freddy Pearl's going to eat tonight while this was a satisfying enough exit it would have been interesting to see what became of this relationship and if Pearl ever came to truly reconcile with Keddy you're right I'm never going to know you as well as Carly does because you and Carly are clearly in love with each other had there been a fourth season I Carly also could have elaborated on the dynamic between Carly's manager Paul and millson's mother Gwen while the attraction wasn't Mutual maybe Gwen would have warmed up to Paul over time we'll never know I just need a minute to myself a little go with you number eight whatever happened to TBO tibo started as a minor character in the first series appearing at The Groovy Smoothie where he attempted to make food on a stick the next trendy menu item scared to take a walk on the pickle side of town he eventually took on a larger role even going to live with the Benson family for a period the Revival reveals that The Groovy Smoothie went out of bus business due to a rat infestation the location is converted into Shea what which becomes the new hangout spot for our characters the coins will be hidden in plain sight at sha what forever yet there is no mention of what happened to TBO after his previous place of business closed while not an official I Carly crew member you'd think the Revival would have at least mentioned tibo more info is given on what became of Sako who we still haven't seen my buddy Sako opened an arcade and it closed a week later cuz he realized he hates loud noises and children number seven what's next for Harper and Tinsley introduced in the Revival Harper beton Court fills the best friend role becoming Carly's roommate and partner in crime in the third season Harper enters a serious relationship with the wealthy Tinsley and old friendenemy turned lover did you only hire me because you wanted to kiss me this whole time I can't believe it took you this song to figure it out the relationship isn't without its hiccups but by the finale the two have solidified their commitment to one another we promise to be brutally honest and we Girls Don't Lie except about actually liking negronis nobody wants that Herbal Essence ass drink all signs indicated that Tinsley was not only going to be a Mainstay of Harper's life but the show as well we would have liked to have seen the relationship mature especially with Tinsley's bottomless bank account opening the door to plenty of new story ideas oh well maybe these two could get a spin-off with Tinsley showing Harper how the 1% live never ring a bell in my face again don't test a hoe Noe number six did Marissa and lbert make it to the alter obnoxious former dman lubert and Mrs Benson might be this franchise's most bizarre couple which is saying a lot blert my big slim my slim ball after briefly dating on the original show the two rekindle their disturbing romance in the Revival permission to kiss the witness permission freaking granch season 3 kicks off with the couple getting engaged building to their wedding in the finale with the big day not coming together as they envisioned Marissa and lubert ditch their wedding guests deciding to elope I got a text from Marissa they ran off to Vegas for the high noon elopement of their dreams the wedding is off presumably their Vegas wedding goes off without a hitch or would that be with a hitch in any case we never see them tie the knot assuming they did who who would have moved in with who how would Freddy adjust to having a stepfather most importantly could Mrs B ever love lubert more than Freddy my mom getting engaged to the adult man I bullied as a child number five Gibby who Gibby Gibson is another character whose prominence grew throughout the first series my mom thinks I'm awesome unlike TBO though Gibby was upgraded to a series regular by the fourth season while still often treated as a third wheel Gibby became an important part of the I Carly crew one more for the road get this made his absence from the Revival all the more Curious the gang doesn't even talk about his whereabouts we actually see more of his little brother guppy who returns to testify against Carly in an episode hi guppy happy birthday even then guppy doesn't delve into what Gibby's been up to although the others appear to miss him we can only assume that gibby fell into a Time Vortex and wound up in the 80s with the Goldbergs now we'll never get that CR crossover this isn't my first rodeo number four so Spencer is a dad now Spencer is sometimes mistaken for Carly's dad but he's really her older brother anyway would you let me borrow your video camera I would awesome though I can't why not I made it into a squirrel turns out that Spencer does have some dad energy in him which he Unleashed at a cryo Bank these are my spers in poets see I've been donating my seed sorry my sperm apologies my DNA I'll accept gross in one of the Revival's last episodes It's revealed that Spencer's generous donations resulted in 11 children in reality this would be a heavy even life-changing Revelation since this is I Carly though it's a wacky diversion at most now I know you think you're just here to meet your spings and your spa but as you know know by now I am a fine artist and as my progyny you are my Muses or should I say my spes of his offspring Spencer becomes especially attached to Potter describing her as his favorite again messed up if this was real life but delightfully quirky here Spencer also hits it off with Potter's mother although we'll never learn if this would have blossomed into a relationship or if Spencer would have taken on a more active parental role would you want to grab a drink sometime it's not like we haven't already consummated the relationship I think that could be fun for me it already was number three where in the world is Sam pocket okay it was always unlikely that this would get an in-depth answer what time's your mom coming to pick you up she's not I told her you invited me to spend the night I didn't invite you to spend the night well you should cuz I'm not leaving between retiring from acting and her history with Nickelodeon Janette mccard made it clear that she didn't want to be involved in a Revival given everything that mcer revealed in her Memoir I'm glad my mom died we completely understand still we held on to hope that mccartie might make a cameo as Sam somewhere down the line just push a button if you ever need a laugh cheer random dance even if it was just a zoom call between Cari and her old BFF we would have been happy the most we learn is that Sam briefly reconnected with Cari before joining a biker gang called the obliterators she's okay it's Sam I hope they're okay we're sure that wherever Sam is now she's giving someone a good taste of her Butter Sock what is that a sock full of butter for what for swinging I could brain an elephant with this thing number two do Carly and Freddy get married it took two shows nine seasons and 16 years but Keddy finally became an official couple is this really happening I hope so it's it took us long enough as satisfying as their courtship is the finale leaves a few balls up in the air it's hinted at in an episode where Spencer thinks Carly's pregnant but whatever might have happened is left to our imagination the same goes for their wedding night assuming that they went through with the ceremony I didn't expect to fall for you but you were right there all along with Marissa and lubert abandoning their wedding it's proposed that Carly and Freddy put the venue to good use I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you before the couple can exchange vows though we're presented with another question that was obviously being saved for another season you know what we're talking about oh my God oh my God before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one how does Spencer summon fire perfect timing I think my loaf of bread is just about done I'm just going to give it a few more minutes on second thought some questions are better left unanswered here's the real number one number one mom even more illusive than Mr Shay Carly's mom wasn't so much as mentioned throughout the original Show's run when about her in the Revival's debut episode Carly immediately Dodges the question what's your mom like uh I let's go back to my dad it isn't until the finale that Cari opens up about her mother confirming that she abandoned her as a child you are not Mom you would never do to anyone what Mom did to us just as Carly's ready to move on with her life her mother arrives at the ceremony we still don't see 's mom and it's unclear why she suddenly showed up after all these years you got a mom but hey it's not like Paramount plus would pull the plug after leaving fans on such a huge Cliffhanger right one last question Netflix any interest in stepping in to finance a fourth season or TV movie so do you think we might see another I Carly Revival by the year 2032 give us hope in the comments what's wrong with you Neville why is your lifelong dream to get rid of I Carly it's not my lifelong dream is to open my own habashy do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from M Mojo and be sure 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Channel: MsMojo
Views: 28,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, cancelation, carly, carly and freddie, freddie, gibby, icarly, icarly canceled, icarly mom, icarly questions, icarly questions we still have after its rude cancelation, icarly season 3, icarly season 4, icarly unanswered questions, icarly wedding, list, mojo, msmojo, nickelodeon, paramount+, questions, rude, sam puckett, save icarly, spencer, t-bo, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, watchmojo icarly, how i met your father cancelled, msmojo icarly
Id: 0nIi3BhIkl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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